2018-01 - January 2018

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PARISH NEWSLETTER The Parishes of Skelton with Shipton and Newton-on-Ouse

The Revd Malcolm Wainwright, The Rectory, Church Lane, Skelton, York, YO30 1XT Tel: 01904 471351 malcolm@mhwainwright.eclipse.co.uk
The Revd Trevor Gant, 6 Lumley Road, York, YO30 6DB Tel: 01904 527423 (office hours) 01904 654784 (evenings) trevtherevgant@btinternet.com

CHURCH WARDENS: January 2018

Skelton Shipton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Kathy Peacock 01904 471980 Margaret Trowbridge 01347 848605
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674 Carole Todd 01904 470996 David Theakstone 01904 470550

S o, another New Year comes, after the hustle and
bustle of Christmas, this quiet time in January can seem
very flat! It is a perfect time for reflection, though, as
Sunday 7th January The Baptism of Christ we look forward, as individuals, as communities and as
Skelton 09.30am Holy Communion a nation.
Shipton 10.00am Family Service The season of Epiphany shows us how Jesus Christ was
(No Communion) revealed to the world. He is visited by wise men from
Newton 6.30pm Evensong with choir the East who represent the nations of the world. The
Father gives his blessing on Jesus at his baptism in the
River Jordan and God’s Spirit comes on him. The last of
Sunday 14th January Epiphany 2 the prophets, John The Baptist points the way to Jesus.
Skelton 09.30am Family Songs of Praise Later on, Jesus then turns 180 gallons of water into
(No-Communion) wine at the wedding feast in Cana, a sign of his power,
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion and care, for even the less important things.
This miracle is one I quote at weddings to illustrate
Linton 11.00am Family Communion with God’s care for us in all situations. Jewish weddings were
Village Hall Sunday School very grand affairs, going on for days, so running out of
wine early on was a great let-down, almost a social
Sunday 21st January Epiphany 3 disgrace! Jesus had not yet begun his ministry of healing
Newton 08.00am Said Communion and public teaching and blessing, but prompted by his
mother, he saves the situation, by a generous act of
Skelton 09.30am Holy Communion blessing.
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion He always acts like that with us, he cares about all our
Skelton 4.00pm Benefice Healing Service problems and concerns as well as delighting in our joys.
(No Communion) All these events point to Jesus as being God’s son, the
special one, a unique and extraordinary figure of power
and love combined. Yet much more than that, this
Sunday 28th January Epiphany 4
miracle reveals God as one who will intervene in our
Skelton 09.30am All Age Service lives and community, in order to bring about blessing,
(No Communion) and wellbeing, in many ways.
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion In the face of disturbing and depressing news every day,
Newton 11.00am Holy Communion let us look to God’s new kind of love and life in Christ,
one that will never die. Let us look to make a difference
in our community. Let’s find out what good things are
Sunday 4th February Presentation of Christ, happening and support those.
Candlemas I believe our New Year’s Resolution should be to make
Skelton 09.30am Holy Communion a difference for others in 2018, and God will help us to
Shipton 10.00am Family Service do that, to go beyond our normal expectations, asking
him to support and strengthen us.
(No Communion) May God bless you richly in 2018 and Happy New
Newton 6.30pm Evensong with Choir Year!
Reverend Malcolm and Reverend Trevor


FROM THE REGISTERS: If you are thinking about Baptism or Marriage in any of
Funeral the three parish churches, please contact the Reverend
Derrick Oglesby, December 12th, Skelton Malcolm Wainwright. Contact details can be found at
the top of this page.

Online version at www.parishnews.webeden.co.uk

Facebook—St Giles Church.Skelton,York For the Attention of Shipton Residents from the Parish Council: The
Methodist Chapel recently closed its doors as a venue for hire for events in
Skelton Parish Council The next meeting will be in the Village Hall at the village. The likelihood is that the York Methodist Circuit will sell the
7.30pm, on Thursday January 25th. Please see website www.skelton- property for change of use. There is potential for the Chapel to remain as it
york.gov.uk or Parish Notice Boards for details. is within the village if it is registered as an asset of community value. This
Skelton WI Monthly meeting Village Hall, 7.30pm January 11th “Raise the would give the Parish Council the opportunity to buy the Chapel and to run
Curtain” Suzanne Ayres. Visitors always welcome. Call 470605 for further it as a community venue. The Parish Council see limited value in this as
information. there is already the Community Centre available as a venue in the village
Toilet Funds for Newton and Skelton. If you would like to help with either to hire. If, however, the Parish Council receives sufficient indication from
of these funds, please contact Rev Malcolm or the wardens residents that there would be value in the Chapel remaining as a venue it
New Choir seeks Singers! St Giles Church is forming a new choir to sing will op e n t his u p to fu rth e r c ons ul ta ti on. Email
for Sunday morning services. If you would like to be part of this initiative, shiptonparishcouncil@outlook.com
please contact Rev Malcolm (471351). Shipton Space Cinema presents Sunshine on Leith on Friday January
St Giles’ Church has a special Memory Book in church. A beautiful, 26th. Doors open at 7pm to start at 7.30. Musical Drama (12) runs for
purpose-made, ring binder which has been donated to the church. If you 100min. Tea/Coffee /sweets and soft drinks. Donations of £5 per adult and
would like a page inserted to remember a loved one we will be pleased to £2 per child are suggested. For our full programme and other detail
insert it for you. Please contact Jill Humphreys 470555 or Carolyn Evans contact John Farbrother john@johnfarbrother.co.uk 07906 890 465 or
470125 01904 470187.
Start the New Year with Coffee, Chat and Books. Wednesday, January Jumble Sale, Shipton By Beningbrough Community Centre,10am-3pm,
3rd in Skelton Village Hall, 10.00am - 11.30am. Find something to read for Saturday January 13th to raise funds for Shipton by Beningbrough
the dark winter evenings. All welcome. If you need a lift, just let us know Playground. There will be a cafe with drinks and cakes. If you can help on
(471351). Why not give us a try? the day or have any items you want to donate that you no longer want (no
Skelton Gardening Club, Thursday January 18th, 7.30pm, Village Hall, electricals) please ring Dawn on 470749 or Peter on 471903
New Years Party with entertainment by Mickey Ramsbottom. New Shipton Community Café welcomes customers old and new to Shipton
members always welcome.. Small charge of £3 for guests. Community Centre every Tuesday, 2pm until 4.30pm. Tea, coffee,
Skelton Village Trust Speaker Evening Tuesday February 1st at 7.30pm in homemade cakes and scones. Children's activities. We look forward to
the Village Hall. "The Trials and Tribulations of an Elizabethan Lady - the
seeing you
story of one of the earliest migrants to the New World" Speaker Lynne
Shipton Chill Zone Youth Club, For young people from the surrounding
Ditchburn. Tickets £5 to include a buffet supper and glass of wine/soft drink will
villages in school years 6 to 9. Runs fortnightly on a Thursday 19:00-20:30.
be available from committee members and the village shop from mid-January.
January 11th, 18th and 25th, Shipton Community Centre. £1.50 entry,
Skelton Walking Group. Why not join in with the Skelton Walking group and
includes drink & a snack. Lots of great activities: table tennis, table football,
walk off those holiday excesses. Meet at The Green on January 6th at 9.30am
pool, fun games and a tuck shop available For more information contact
for a 6-mile easy walk around Towton Moor taking in Hazelwood Castle and
shiptonspaceyouthclub@gmail.com or on Facebook page Shipton Chill Zone
finishing with a pub lunch, all welcome. For further details phone 01904
Forest of Galtres Primary School. We offer the full 30 hours extended
470037. The February walk is on Saturday February 3rd. Meet on The Green
entitlement for 3-year olds in our Early Years area. This can include breakfast
at 9.30am for a 6 mile walk from Slingsby. For further details phone 470241.
& after school club in our wraparound care. Our Early Years team has lots of
Friends of St Giles’ require new volunteers to be coordinators of this charity.
experience in schools & independent settings, including a fully qualified EYFS
Do you think you could help with the running of “Friends” which provides
teacher working alongside two highly skilled ATAs, one with Early Years
support from Skelton village and the wider community for our wonderful 13th
Professional Status. For more information please contact the school office. We
century church? There may be several ways you could be able to help. For
also have Shipton Preschool & Toddlers on site to offer lots of choice for
further information please contact Kate Grandfield at
families with children aged 2 and above.
Primary school places for September 2018. If your child was born between
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every two weeks.
1.9.13 & 31.8.14 they will start full time school in 2018-19. You will need to
As well as borrowing books & audio books, you can update your library card or
apply for a school place through North Yorkshire County Council or City of York
York Card, return books from any other York library, & request books to be
Council depending on your home address. The deadline for applications is
brought to Skelton for you to borrow. The library stops in Fairfields Drive from
Monday January 5th, 2018. Visits to our friendly, busy & inclusive school are
2.00pm to 2.45pm & Brecksfield from 2.50pm to 4.00pm. Mondays January
always welcome; we enjoy meeting families individually to make sure we can
15th and 29th. For more information tel. 01904 552655, email
answer all the questions you may have at this important time. If you would like
mobile.library@exploreyork.org.uk or go to www.exploreyork.org.uk
to see us, please contact the school office team on 01904 470272
Skelton Primary School. We warmly invite parents and carers with children
who turn 4 between 1st September 2017 and 31 August 2018 to visit our
lovely, village school and we will welcome applications for new starters into
Reception in September 2018 - the City of York Council deadline for NEWTON, LINTON &
applications is January 15th, 2018. We also have places available across all BENINGBROUGH NEWS
other year groups and can offer small class sizes, wonderful teaching and
fantastic resources and support for all children. We now also offer Nursery Newton-on-Ouse WI 7.15pm, Newton Parish Hall. January 4th “New Year get
provision for 3-4-year pre-school children. We can accept 3-year-old children,
together”, good company, nibbles and crafting. February 1st, “Tex-Mex”
the term after their 3rd birthday and they will join our high quality, well- Cookery Demonstration—Fr Kentigern. Not quite calendar girls but we offer
resourced EYFS provision. For further details or to arrange a visit to school, fun & friendship to women of all ages & interests. Check out our Facebook
please call 01904 555170 - there is also lots of useful information on our school page newtononousewi for the latest news. Come along to the meeting or
website, so please do take a look! www.skeltonprimaryschool.org
contact Kath 01347 833411or Helen 01347 833055 for more details
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club. The lucky winners of the December
draw were : Gillian Coyle number 23 (£35); Marie-Claire Pickard number 37
YOUR NEWSLETTER Notices for the newsletter should be (£17.50) and Karen Morris number 55 (£17.50) If you would like to join the 100
received by the 15th of January for the February issue. All Club which raises money for the upkeep of the Hall as well as providing three
notices should be sent to Ian Holbrook, 20, Grange Close, prizes each month please contact Wendy on 844036
Skelton, York YO30 1YR or via email to Toilet Funds for Newton and Skelton. If you would like to help with
sslnews20@gmail.com by this date. either of these funds, please contact Rev Malcolm or the wardens
***Please be careful to submit accurate information (especially Pocket Pantos traditional family pantomime 'Cinderella' at Newton on
dates and phone Nos.)*** Ouse Village Hall, January 7th, 2018, starting at 1:30pm. Tickets £7:50
The editor cannot be held responsible for the content of any each, please contact 07812711395
notice submitted.
Note email for adverts: sslnadverts@gmail.com

NEWTON & LINTON NEWS continued… Adverts:
Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers
Treasurer required for All Saints Church from January 2018. You do not
need to be a member of the church, but if you’re familiar with Windows 10,
computer literate & good with numbers, we’d love to hear from you. A handover
period of 1—2 months is offered by the retiring Treasurer. Please consider W.J. SHIELDS & SONS
giving a little of your time to help the church with this vital role. Also members
to form a fundraising sub-committee. We’ve recently re-roofed the church, but MOTOR ENGINEERS
still have an urgent requirement to raise funds to keep the church open for Servicing and MOT Preparation
future years. Please contact Revd Malcolm Work carried out on Cars — 4x4 — Light Commercial
Choir at Newton Church. Going well but more members needed! Please
phone Stephanie Howe on 01347 848598 for more information. TYRES . BATTERIES . EXHAUSTS
Bead Days will be held on January 27th, February 24th, and March 24th at At very competitive prices
Village Farm Cottage, Newton on Ouse. Time 10.00am to 4.00pm. Please Bosch Diagnostics & full Hella Air Conditioning
bring a packed lunch. Tea, Coffee and biscuits provided. £3.00 per day. All
welcome. Contact Pat on 01347 848054
Service & Repairs
Sunday School for Newton and Linton Second Sunday of each month at MAIN STREET, SHIPTON 01904 470263
Linton Village Hall, 10.15am to 12 noon. Please phone Kerry Dalton on 07835
626215 for further details. Next sessions, Sunday 14th January and Sunday
11th February
Linton on Ouse History Group, next meeting January 12th at the earlier time R BEAN & CO
2pm in the village hall Linton, “Talking Memories”, come and share memories Domestic Appliance Engineers
sparked off by photos and artefacts, over a cuppa! Advanced notice February Unit 1
9th, again at 2pm, “Old Linton”, the beginning of the village we now know. All Wigginton Grange
enquiries to Maureen Tel 01347848268. For latest information see York YO32 2RD
Craft & Chat Linton on Ouse Village Hall, every second & fourth Tuesday
1.00pm - 3.30pm. Whatever your craft, sewer, knitter etc., come along & join Tel: 07976 152 591
us! Pay by term or per session £18.00 per term or £3.00 per visit! (includes Hoover & Hotpoint Specialist
refreshments). We look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it! You Sales Repairs & Spares
will be very welcome! Call Maureen Stringer 01347 848268
The Linton-on-Ouse Whist Drive every Monday, Village Hall from 7.30pm. If
you are an experienced card player or simply want to learn, then why not come
along and join this friendly group. The cost of £3 includes refreshments
Would you like a helping hand to keep your
Newton & Linton Families are invited to monthly family services every garden beautiful?
2nd Sunday at 11am in Linton Village Hall also every 3rd Sunday at 4
30pm in Linton Village Hall. These will be informal services with  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
refreshments & will draw on material & activities for children & adults
Drainage Issues – Beech Tree Court. Linton Parish Council has been Call Alex on:
told that there are ongoing problems in the Beech Tree Court area with tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
regards to poor water drainage affecting residents when there is heavy mob: 07530569026 garden maintenance
rainfall. While the Parish Council have been in contact with Yorkshire
Water to request they act to rectify the situation, we would also like any
resident experiencing adverse effects, such as backing up of drains within Wood Farm Bed and Breakfast
the house, to also contact them directly to outline the scale of the issue
Linton on Ouse Coffee Morning. Saturday , January 27th, 10.30am,
Shipton By Beningbrough, York
Village Hall. Pop along for a coffee & catch up with the neighbours for a 4 Star Rating with Silver Award
chat. Children very welcome. We usually have some home baking for sale. Spacious farmhouse ensuite accommodation
Linton on Ouse Parish Council The next meeting will be on January 9th, with a superb level of comfort
in the Village Hall, starting at 7.15pm.
Tel: 01904 470333
GENERAL NOTICES FOR ALL VILLAGES www.woodfarmbedandbreakfast.co.uk

Discussion Group. Next meeting Monday January 8th, 6.30pm in

Shipton. Theme: ‘New Year Resolutions’. Phone Rev Malcolm for further The Hambleton Handyman
details and directions
Benefice Service of Prayers for Healing & Wholeness a short service every John Burroughs
3rd Sunday of Prayers for Healing & Wholeness, January 21st, 4.00pm, at No job too small so go ahead and call!!
Skelton Church.
Shipton Chill Zone Youth Club, For young people from the surrounding
villages in school years 6 to 9. Runs fortnightly on a Thursday 19:00-20:30. Linton On Ouse Mobile: 07764 226511
January 11th, 18th and 25th, Shipton Community Centre. £1.50 entry, York Tel: 01347 848806
includes drink & a snack. Lots of great activities: table tennis, table football,
pool, fun games and a tuck shop available For more information contact E-Mail: enquiries@thehambletonhandyman.co.uk
shiptonspaceyouthclub@gmail.com or on Facebook page Shipton Chill Zone
Easingwold Community Library offers a free service for people of all ages
who, because of ill health or disability, find it difficult to get to the library or carry
books. The service is also available to carers. To find out more please contact
Easingwold Library on 01609 534584 DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS
Built-in and Freestanding
Ovens – Cookers – Microwave ovens
Contacts: Dishwashers – Washing machines
The Parish Newsletter:- sslnews20@gmail.com
Tumble Dryers - Fridge freezers
All leading brands - 40 years experience
Email for adverts: sslnadverts@gmail.com Tel 07764 160654

Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers


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ADVERTISEMENTS Please contact sslnadverts@gmail.com to enquire about advertising opportunities


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