Script Presentasi B.Ing

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Citut: Head of Marketing

Amelia: Asst. Director

Ayu: Director
Opening: Citut
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning everyone, on this occasion, we will present our group practice, with the topic of Marketing.

Let me introduce our role and a brief explanation of our scenario.

First, me citut as a Head of marketing, and then Ayu as Director, Amelia as Asst. Director.

And our scenario is about, a company that works in sawmills and furniture.
We will hold a meeting to discuss the marketing prospects.
And of course, it is will include "Email, Graphics Data, And Call".
So, without any further delay, we will start.
Prolog -
At the furniture company, Ayu as the director wants to hold a meeting with the head of marketing to discuss
sales and marketing.
So she calls Amelia as his assistant to invite Mr.Citut as head of marketing by email.
Praktik Telephone
Phone ringtone…
Amelia: Good morning Mrs. ayu, what can I help you with?
Ayu: good morning amelia, please invite Mr. citut to attend the meeting at 10 A.M today.
Amelia: Noted. Where it will be held?
Ayu : At second floor, 4th (Fourth) meeting hall.
Ameylia : Noted. I will inform Mr. citut right away.
Ayu : Thank you.
Hung up.....
*Praktek email *
_Scene 1_
Ameylia ngirim email ke citut dengan informasi :
Note : isi sesuai dengan informasi diatas

_Scene 2_
Citut menerima email dan membalas pesan bahwa akan hadir dengan keterlambatan 15 menit.
After sending an email and receiving a reply, amyelia immediately inform Mrs. Ayu, the director.
Praktik Telephone
Ameylia calling …
Ayu : Good morning ayu.
Ameylia : Good morning mrs. Ayu, I would like to inform you about the meeting.
Ayu : Yes.
Ameylia : I just got the reply from Mr .Citut, and he say that he can attend the meeting, but he will late about 15
Ayu : Sounds great, then I will come at 10.10 A.M. Thank you.
Ameylia : Noted mam.
At 10.10 A.M., Mrs. Ayu and Mrs. Ameylia already arrive in the meeting room.
Mr. Citut is arrive at 10.15 A.M.
Dialog ( Belum Final )
Citut : Excuse me.
Ayu : Hello, please come.
Citut : Good morning mrs. ayu, im sorry I’m late because I just have a meeting with our client.
Ayu : Not a problem, we just come as well, Im the one who should sorry to invite you so suddenly.
Citut : My pleasure.
Ayu : Please have a seat. This is amyelia, my assistant.
Ameylia : Pleased to meet you Mr. Citut.
Citut : Pleased to meet you too Mrs. Ameylia.
Ayu : First of all, thank you for coming to this meeting Mr. Citut, I invite you to attend this meeting to discuss
our sales and marketing strategy. Alright, let's start this meeting, next I want to hear the sales and marketing
report from the marketing division.
Citut : My pleasure, let me show you the graphics first.
-Citut membuka grafik-
Citut : First of all, let me explain this graphics.
- Citut menjelaskan grafik -
Citut : In conclusion, Since registering on Google Business, our company has seen an increase in sales and
customers. increased interaction and recognition. This is only in one platform we registered.
Ayu : Alright thank you for your explanation, now i have a good understanding about our marketing, do you
have another platform that we use?
Citut : Yes, there is some. Our company profile includes LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Website, Whatsapp
Business, and Google Business. In this social media,we can increase the attractiveness and purchasing decisions
of customers, with complete information and description such as Customer service, how to make an order, and
other. It is increasing the customer trust that our company is competent to fulfill customer demands.
Ayu : Great, I have some advice for the Marketing department.
Citut : We always welcome an advice.
Ayu : Why don’t we register in marketplaces such as Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia ?
Citut : We already consider it, but the problem is that we lack staff and employees. Therefore we are unable to
Operate those marketplaces. And we consider the capacity of the company.
Ayu : Is that only the problem ?
Citut : Yes Mrs. Ita.
Ayu : How much staff do you need ?
Citut : 5 would be enought.
Ayu : Alright, Mrs. Ameylia, please take a note. After this meeting let the HRD know that we open the job
vacancy for marketing staff.
Ameylia : Noted mam. I will let the Head of HRD know.
Ayu : Great. and about our capacity. Don’t worry about it, i will manage it so we can fulfill the demand.
Citut : Sounds great Mrs. Ayu, I’m looking forward to it.
Ayu : Alright Mr. Citut, thank you for your time, I hope after this meeting i got a good news from the marketing
Citut : Not a problem Mrs. Ayu, i will not let you down.
Ayu : Great, Mrs. Ameylia, please send the meeting minutes to me and Mr. Citut by email after this
Ameylia : Yes mam.
Ayu : Alright, maybe thats all. Thanks for your time, you can take your leave.
Citut : Then excuse me.

Praktik Email
Note : ameylia mengirimkan notulensi rapat by email ke ayu dan citut.
Praktik Telepon
Note : Ameylia praktik telepon ke HRD dan memberitahukan untuk membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk staff
praktik telepon tunggal.

And that is our present, thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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