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Cooperating Teacher: Please complete the following after your observation of the intern's
strategy instruction lesson.

1. Briefly explain the rationale for selecting the strategy the intern taught the students.

Driver's Ed Multiple Choice questions - We have one life skills student whose mother
would like to know if he will be able to actually obtain a driver's license some day. Mr. Smith
started working with the student one on one reading and discussing the driver's ed manual.
Because the exam that the student will have to take will be multiple choice format, Mr. Smith
utilized a similar multiple choice strategy in order to get the student acquainted with how the
actual test might look.

2. What were the strengths of the intern's explicit strategy lesson?

The student responds well to having choices when asked concrete questions. Mr. Smith
did a good job of explaining each question and what the different responses meant. It is
important for the student to be able to look at multiple choice options and look for keywords that
might help him find the correct answer.

3. Please give a few suggestions to assist the intern with explicit strategy instruction?
For a student such as the one in this lesson, perhaps it would be beneficial to practice
how to take a multiple choice test utilizing a variety of subjects. This would help the student
learn to think about each answer and utilize the process of elimination. Then go back to the
Driver's Ed material and see if he can transfer those test taking skills.

4. Other comments?
As I stated in the log for the "Scenario's" strategy, The hardest part about this lesson is
the realization that a discussion will have to take place with the student and parent about the
fact that perhaps a driver's license is not in this student's near future because his decision
making skills may not be mature enough et

Date: - , , i £ - ~ ; _ _ - 1 - - . . o . . , . = ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cooperating Teacher: Please complete the following after your observation of the intern's
strategy instruction lesson.

1. Briefly explain the rationale for selecting the strategy the intern taught the students.

Driver's Ed Scenarios - We have one life skills student whose mother would like to
know if he will be able to actually obtain a driver's license some day. Mr. Smith worked
individually with him reading through the Driver's Ed manual and asking both specific, and open
ended questions to help gauge where we thought the student was in understanding rules of the
road. This student is a visual learner, so Mr. Smith created a powerpoint presentation that
included various scenarios that would involve road safety.

2. What were the strengths of the intern's explicit strategy lesson?

The use of the powerpoint with driving scenarios was useful because it gave the student
something concrete to look at while engaging in safety conversations with Mr. Smith. Talking
about various scenarios that someone might encounter while driving and listening to what the
student thought as far as the best way to react in specific situations was beneficial in
conversations with the parent when discussing the possibility of a driver's license.

3. Please give a few suggestions to assist the intern with explicit strategy instruction?
Perhaps one day you could provide the scenario to the student- and then the next day,
reverse the roles and see if the student can come up with his/her own driving situations to
discuss how to best respond behind the wheel.

4. Other comments?
The hardest part about this lesson is the realization that a discussion will have to take
place with the student and parent about the fact that perhaps a driver's license is not in this
student's near future because his decision making skills may not be mature enough yet.

Date: /2 - 7-;J.:J <.

Cooperating Teacher: Please complete the following after your observation of the intern's
strategy instruction lesson.

1. Briefly explain the rationale for selecting the strategy the intern taught the students.

Board Game - We use a variety of strategies to promote and increase social skills and
interactions within the life skills setting. Using the "Roller Coaster of Life" board game was a
nice way to get the students actively engaged in discussion of hypothetical but real life

2. What were the strengths of the intern's explicit strategy lesson?

Using a board game made it so that the students did not feel as though they were being
put on the spot when asked to respond to various scenarios. Mr. Smith did a good job of talking
the students through some of the prompts giving real life examples. Students through the use
of a "game" are more likely to expand on their responses in order to "win" the game.

3. Please give a few suggestions to assist the intern with explicit strategy instruction?
Perhaps offering a "prize" of some sort for the student who "wins" the game and is most
engaged in the discussions would be an additional incentive for the students to really think
about their responses.

4. Other comments?
Students were sincerely interested in the scenario that Mr. Smith shared with them at the
beginning of the lesson - it is important to use examples such as this in order to help, especially
high school aged students who need to see how what they are doing in school relates to real

Date: tJ:-7-d-d:
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Cooperating Teacher: Please complete the following after your observation of the intern's
strategy instruction lesson.

1. Briefly explain the rationale for selecting the strategy the intern taught the students.

List making - Especially in life skills classes, students need to have ways to help
organize their thoughts and they need clear steps to follow. Making lists & checking items one
at a time is a great and practical strategy for these students.

2. What were the strengths of the intern's explicit strategy lesson?

Students participated in the discussion and gave some good ideas on items that they
needed to accomplish. The brainstorming they did at the beginning of the lesson combined with
the ideas provided by both myself and Mr. Smith was a good way to get them to realize that the
strategy was one that they would/could use throughout their Jives. By making and prioritizing
their lists, they were able to visualize their tasks and cross things off as they are complete to
help make it more concrete.

3. Please give a few suggestions to assist the intern with explicit strategy instruction?
Depending on the level of students, I would recommend including numbers on the
worksheet for students to complete - that way they can see a clear expectation for completion of
the assignment.

4. Other comments?
We had technical difficulties and were not able to write on the Smart TV - but improvised
using the whiteboard - having something like that as a backup is important for the visual aide in

helping with student organization and understanding.

Date: /2 -

Cooperating Teacher: Please complete the following after your observation of the intern's
strategy instruction lesson.

1. Briefly explain the rationale for selecting the strategy the intern taught the students.

Co teaching - Team teaching is very important in special education. Many inclusive

classrooms rely on teachers & assistants working together to best meet the needs of all
students on various academic levels. Inclusion classes with a regular and special education
teacher can be very successful when co-teaching is done properly.

2. What were the strengths of the intem's explicit strategy lesson?

Using the co-teaching strategy for this lesson was a good idea because this particular
lesson was on time management- and having 2 teachers (different ages and backgrounds)
sharing their experiences and personal time management strategies helped to not only give
good real life experience examples to the kids - but it also helped open up the brainstorming
ideas for the students. They were able to be actively involved in the discussion of wasting vs.
saving time.

3. Please give a few suggestions to assist the intern with explicit strategy instruction?
I thought the co-teaching aspect of the lesson went well. I would say to just continue
open lines of communication with any teacher you are working with. Bounce ideas off of each
other - before, during, and after lessons - and especially in special education settings, always
remain flexible.

4. Other comments?
Time management was good for this lesson - continue to think of other lessons where
the co-teaching model would be beneficial in facilitating good discussions.

Date: /J--7-

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