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PARISH NEWSLETTER The Parishes of Skelton with Shipton and Newton-on-Ouse

The Revd Malcolm Wainwright, The Rectory, Church Lane, Skelton, York, YO30 1XT Tel: 01904 471351
The Revd Trevor Gant, 6 Lumley Road, York, YO30 6DB Tel: 01904 527423 (office hours) 01904 654784 (evenings)

CHURCH WARDENS: October 2017

Skelton Shipton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Kathy Peacock 01904 471980 Margaret Trowbridge 01347 848605
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674 Carole Todd 01904 470996 David Theakstone 01904 470550

Sunday 1st October

Trinity 16
I have a very good friend who at this time of year
says “It’s getting backendish” and I’m sure you will have
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion heard at least one person say to you “The nights are
Shipton 10.00am Harvest Festival Family Service drawing in”.
(no Communion) Whereas at the beginning of the month we will be
Newton 6.30pm Choral Evensong for Harvest having our Harvest festivals (see the worship calendar
Thanksgiving, with choir
for details) at the end of the month, on the 29th, the
Followed by cheese, and apple pie – please bring produce
which we can make donations for, in aid of our chosen charity clocks will ‘fall’ back by one hour, officially signalling
Friday 6th October the end of British summer time.
Skelton 6.30pm Harvest Festival And, the 31st October sees Halloween which is thought
Followed by Harvest Supper with entertainment in Skelton to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of
Village Hall Samhain (pronounced Sow-in), a Gaelic festival marking
the end of the harvest season and the beginning of
Sunday 8th October Trinity 17 winter or the "darker half" of the year. A time when the
Skelton 9.30am Family Communion plentiful supply of harvest gives way to the scarcity of
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion
winter, the shorter light of day becomes the longer
Newton 11.00am Family Communion with Sunday
School in Newton Village Hall. Please note in Newton, just for darkness of night and life and death itself come into
this month focus.
In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated
Sunday 15th October Trinity 18 November 1st as a time to honour all saints and
Newton 8 00am Said Communion martyrs; as All Saints’ Day, which incorporated some of
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion known as All Hallows’ Eve, abbreviated to Halloween,
Newton 5.00pm Short non-communion service when all the people who had departed are honoured.
with Prayers for healing & wholeness
This year our churches will remember the departed on
Sunday 22nd October Trinity 19 Sunday 5th November.
Skelton 9.30am All Age Service Although darkness and night are associated with bad
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion things – ghosts and ghouls, witches and warlocks and so
Newton 11.00am Holy Communion on, we as Christians believe and trust that Christ is the
light that overcomes all darkness as there is no place
Sunday 29th October Trinity 20 inaccessible to God. Psalm 139 sums this up:
Newton 10.00am Benefice Family Communion If I say, ‘Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the
light around me become night’, even the darkness is not
Sunday 5th November All Saints
dark to you; the night is as bright as the day, for
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion with the
lighting of a candle to remember those who have died darkness is as light to you.
Shipton 10.00am Family Service (No Communion) However, the shorter days and longer nights can be a
with remembrance of those who have died testing time for those who live on their own or who are
Newton 6.30pm Evensong with choir, with the lonely, as they see fewer people out and about or are
lighting of a candle to remember those who have died afraid to leave home or answer the door on an
evening. I hope we can keep an eye out for our
FROM THE REGISTERS: neighbours as it gets backendish and nights draw in.
Baptisms With every blessing,
Ethan Thomas James, September 3rd, Skelton
Reverend Trevor
Wilf Arlo Pawson, September 10th, Skelton
Wayne Mark Lomax and Natalie Helen Huggins, August 25th,
If you are thinking about Baptism or Marriage in any of
Peter John Scrivener Hall and Lene Annelise Dunlop, the three parish churches, please contact the Reverend
September 16th, Skelton Malcolm Wainwright. Contact details can be found at
Funerals the top of this page.
Margaret Eleanor Askey, August 24th, Newton
Michael Anthony Close, August 31st, Skelton Online version at
Facebook—St Giles Church.Skelton,York

Skelton Parish Council Village Hall at 7.30pm, Thursday October 26th. See If you would like to contribute to the running of Holy Evangelists'
website or Parish Notice Boards for details Church, whether you attend regularly or not, we now have Bank
Standing Order forms available to enable you to do so. Simply pick up
Skelton Parish Council is seeking an enthusiastic person to take on the role
a form from church or from Rev. Trevor. Thank you for the continued
of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the Council. The post is part
time, averaging 12 hours a week. Further information is available on the
support of your parish church.
website: To find out more about the position e-mail or
phone the current Clerk, Stephen Sangster ( 07849 Shipton Preschool. We are delighted to announce we have located to
250043) or the Chairman of the Council Joe Watt (01904 470426) the Forest of Galtres Primary School. Preschool opening hours are
Monday – Friday 09:15 – 15:15. Toddlers Group opening hours are
Skelton WI Monthly meeting Village Hall, 7.30pm October 12th “All Things Tuesday 09:30 – 11:30. Mums and Dads come along for a chat and a
Chocolate” with Sarah Rydill. Opportunity to taste and buy delicious hand made coffee and let the kids play. Space available for both 2 and 3-year-old
chocolates. Visitors always welcome. Call 470605 for further information. – contact or call 07546571089
Friends of St Giles’ require new volunteers to be coordinators of this charity.
Do you think you could help with the running of “Friends” which provides
support from Skelton village and the wider community for our wonderful 13th
Shipton Space has moved! The village community cafe, cinema and
century church? There may be several ways you could be able to help. For youth club, is now taking place at Shipton Community Centre. All your
further information please contact Kate Grandfield at old friends & hopefully some new! Please lookout for individual notices
St Giles’ Church now has a special Memory Book in church. This is a Shipton Community Cafe looks forward to welcoming customers old
beautiful, purpose-made, ring binder which has been donated to the church. If and new to Shipton Community Centre every Tuesday, 2pm until
you would like a page inserted to remember a loved one we will be pleased to 4.30pm. Tea, coffee, homemade cakes and scones. Children's
insert it for you. For more information please contact Jill Humphreys 470555 or
activities. We look forward to seeing you
Carolyn Evans 470125
Coffee, chat and books There will be no meeting in October. The next
meeting will be in Skelton Village Hall on November 1st, 10 - 11.30. All Shipton Chill Zone Youth Club New Dates & Venues, For young
welcome—grandparents to young mums! people from the surrounding villages in school years 6 to 9. Runs
Key Rota for church. We are looking for volunteers to join the weekly key rota fortnightly on a Thursday 19:00-20:30. October 5th and 19th, Shipton
for St Giles’ church. The church needs to be unlocked before 10:00 (08:30 on Community Centre. £1.50 entry, includes drink & a snack. Lots of great
Sundays) and locked after 16:00 each day. If you would like to help (about activities: table tennis, table football, pool, fun games and a tuck shop
every 6 weeks) please contact Ian on 470674 available For more information contact
Churchyard Maintenance. Please join us for an hour or two, starting at 09:30, or find our Facebook page
on Saturday October 14th in the churchyard of St Giles’ to help tidy it up before
winter. Please contact Ian on 470674 for further information Shipton Chill Zone
Skelton Gardening Club, Thursday October 19th 7.30pm, Village Hall.
Camassia (Summer Bulbs) - Stella Exley. New members always welcome. Ellayana Roberts, aged eight, raised £107 for Cancer Research UK by
Small charge of £3 for guests baking buns and selling them at the gate of her grandma, Angela, in
Skelton Walking Group. Saturday October 7th. Meet 9:30am at the Village East Lane, Shipton, on August 26th. Many thanks for all who
Green for a moderate 6.5mile walk in the scenic and historical area of generously contributed, and to her friend, Anjeli, for her enthusiastic
Rosedale. N.B. bring a packed lunch. Tel 01904 470454 for details help in selling
Children's Society home collecting boxes. You have collected £217 since Shipton Space Cinema Notice. For details of the next film please e-
Christmas. Thank you very much. The Children's Society supports vulnerable
children, helping to keep them safe and off the streets. If you would like to
mail or phone 01904 470187
support the charity by collecting at home please contact Margaret on 470241
Harvest Service and Supper Friday October 6th. Service 6.30pm in Church,
followed by a 2 course meal and entertainment in the Village Hall. Tickets £10, NEWTON, LINTON &
children 12yrs and under £5, available from Jill 470555, Carolyn L 470528 and BENINGBROUGH NEWS
Ian 470674
Blacksmith’s Arms, Skelton. Traditional Sunday Lunch served 12-3pm Newton-on-Ouse WI 7.15pm, Newton Parish Hall. October 5th AGM and
every Sunday. Quiz Night every Thursday evening from 8.00pm. £1 per so much more! November 2nd “Christmas Wreaths”. Not quite calendar
person and a prize for the winning team. Also Knit, Stitch and Natter every girls but we offer fun and friendship to women of all ages and interests.
Wednesday from 1.00pm. Come along for all things “crafty”. Tea and coffee Check out our Facebook page newtononousewi for the latest news.
available. For further information, contact Danny or Debbie Holmes on 01904 Come along to the meeting or contact Kath 01347 833411or Helen 01347
471902 or
833055 for more details
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every two weeks.
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club. The lucky winners of the
As well as borrowing books & audio books, you can update your library card or
York Card, return books from any other York library, & request books to be September draw were Julie Bainbridge (£35), Morag Holdsworth (£17.50)
brought to Skelton for you to borrow. The library stops in Fairfields Drive from and Neal Clarke (£17.50). Congratulations to all! If you would like to join
2.00pm to 2.45pm & Brecksfield from 2.50pm to 4.00pm. Mondays October 9th the 100 Club which raises money for the upkeep of the Hall as well as
and 23rd. For more information tel. 01904 552655, email providing three prizes each month please contact Wendy on 844036 or go to Stained Glass and Symbolism, September 25th to October 8th. Please
come along to the final exhibition at the church as part of the Roof Repair
Project. Learn about the people and stories depicted in the windows and
YOUR NEWSLETTER Notices for the newsletter should be the meaning behind the words and images used. We'll explain the
received by the 15th of October for the November issue. All symbolism of other features of the church and highlight some of the
notices should be sent to Ian Holbrook, 20, Grange Close, hidden carvings. The time capsule entries (and winners!) will also be on
Skelton, York YO30 1YR or via email to display. From 2pm on Sunday, October 8th there will be a talk by by this date. renowned York stained glass artist Mr K Hilton as well as a guided tour
***Please be careful to submit accurate information (especially Afternoon Tea & Concert in church on Saturday October 22nd between
dates and phone Nos.)***
The editor cannot be held responsible for the content of any
4 00pm and 7 00pm in aid of church funds for a disabled toilet. A variety of
notice submitted. music and entertainers, including Mike of ‘Mud Glorious Mud’ fame.
Note email for adverts: Everyone welcome

NEWTON & LINTON NEWS continued… Adverts:
Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers
Nearly New Sale. November 10th 10.00am - 12.30pm, Galtres Centre,
Easingwold. To raise money for the Restoration Fund for All Saints
Church, Newton on Ouse. We are collecting lady’s clothes, hand bags,
shoes, scarves and jewellery, etc, also, men’s and children’s clothes. Any
contributions to this sale can be collected. Contact Pat Huck 01347
848064 Items for the sale can be collected on
October 9th at Newton and October 10th at Linton between 2.00pm and Servicing and MOT Preparation
6.00pm. Please place items in a plastic bag on your doorstep with the flyer Work carried out on Cars — 4x4 — Light Commercial
attached on the outside. The flyer will be delivered with your October TYRES . BATTERIES . EXHAUSTS
Parish Newsletter. Thank You. At very competitive prices
Coffee Morning held on September 9th raised a total of £208 for All
Saints Church, Newton. Thank you to all who supported and helped on the
Bosch Diagnostics & full Hella Air Conditioning
day with this event Service & Repairs
Gift Day will be on Saturday October 28th from 10.30am to noon. It will be MAIN STREET, SHIPTON 01904 470263
held at The Old Vicarage, Cherry Tree Ave., by courtesy of Mr Gordon
Atkinson. This year there will be a Christmas Craft stall in addition to the
Bring & Buy, Raffle and Home Baking. Revd. Malcolm will be there to
receive donations to church funds. Everyone welcome! R BEAN & CO
Remembrance. On Saturday November 11th, there will be a short service Domestic Appliance Engineers
of Remembrance at The Cairn at Linton Village Hall at 11.00am. Please Unit 1
gather at 10 45am. The will be refreshments in the Village Hall afterwards Wigginton Grange
Newton and Linton Sunday School meets every second Sunday of each York YO32 2RD
month, 10.15am -12.00 noon now in Linton Village Hall as part of our
11am service. We are looking to run a Sunday School trip to the Minster in Tel: 07976 152 591
October. Please call Kerry Dalton on 07835 626215 for information about Hoover & Hotpoint Specialist
the Sunday School. PS on Sunday October 8th we will not be able to use Sales Repairs & Spares
Linton Village Hall, so we will meet at Newton Village Hall & go into
Newton church from there
General Knowledge Quiz Night at Linton On Ouse Village Hall on
Saturday October 28th. Organized by Linton and District Gardening Club. Would you like a helping hand to keep your
See local Notice Boards for more details. garden beautiful?
Craft & Chat Linton on Ouse Village Hall, every second & fourth Tuesday
1.00pm - 3.30pm. Whatever your craft, sewer, knitter etc., come along &  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
join us! Pay by term or per session £18.00 per term or £3.00 per visit!
(includes refreshments). We look forward to seeing you whenever you can
Call Alex on:
make it! You will be very welcome! Call Maureen Stringer 01347 848268
The Linton-on-Ouse Whist Drive every Monday, Village Hall from tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
7.30pm. If you are an experienced card player or simply want to learn, then mob: 07530569026 garden maintenance
why not come along and join this friendly group. The cost of £3 includes
Newton & Linton Families are invited to monthly family services every
Wood Farm Bed and Breakfast
2nd Sunday at 11am in Linton Village Hall also every 3rd Sunday at 4 Shipton By Beningbrough, York
30pm in Linton Village Hall. These will be informal services with
4 Star Rating with Silver Award
refreshments & will draw on material & activities for children & adults
Spacious farmhouse ensuite accommodation
Linton on Ouse Coffee Morning. Saturday, October 28th, 10.30am, with a superb level of comfort
Village Hall. Pop along for a coffee & catch up with the neighbours for a
chat. Children very welcome. We usually have some home baking for sale.
Tel: 01904 470333

New Service of Prayers for Healing & Wholeness from October we will
The Hambleton Handyman
be having a short service every 3rd Sunday of the month of Prayers for John Burroughs
Healing & Wholeness. It will be a Benefice Service, held at 5.00pm, initially No job too small so go ahead and call!!
at Newton Church
Shipton Chill Zone Youth Club New Dates & Venues, For young people
from the surrounding villages in school years 6 to 9. Runs fortnightly on a Linton On Ouse Mobile: 07764 226511
Thursday 19:00-20:30. October 5th and 19th, Shipton Community Centre. York Tel: 01347 848806
£1.50 entry, includes drink & a snack. Lots of great activities: table tennis,
table football, pool, fun games and a tuck shop available For more E-Mail:
information contact or find our
Facebook page Shipton Chill Zone
Wanted 2-3 acres of grazing land. Good price offered to rent or purchase. Aspire
Please contact 01904 635359 DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS
Built-in and Freestanding
Ovens – Cookers – Microwave ovens
Contacts: Dishwashers – Washing machines
The Parish Newsletter:- Tumble Dryers - Fridge freezers
Email for adverts: All leading brands - 40 years experience
Tel 01347 848170

Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers


Anne Wyn-Jones
07885 729 759 - -

Home Organisation - Property Staging - Relocation Services

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ADVERTISEMENTS Please contact to enquire about advertising opportunities


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