M1 Draft-1

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I oppose same-sex marriage because I grew up in a Christian country and religious family.

I do believe
that marriage is for a man and woman who make a lifetime commitment to God. But I'm not against two
people of the same gender being in a relationship. For me, opposing same-sex marriage is not
discriminating against or treating people unequally because we all know that marriage is one of Jesus'
sacraments. This is a difficult problem in the decision-making process because people have different
perspectives on these issues.


Sacrificing the lives of one

innocent person to save the
lives of a significant
number is not the best
possible ethical outcome
because we learn from a
young age that violence
towards others is typically
punished, our moral
intuitions tell us it’s wrong
to take actions that
physically harm others,
the situation in the video is
generally less acceptable
Sacrificing the lives of one
innocent person to save the
lives of a significant
number is not the best
possible ethical outcome
because we learn from a
young age that violence
towards others is typically
punished, our moral
intuitions tell us it’s wrong
to take actions that
physically harm others,
the situation in the video is
generally less acceptable
1. The situation in the video is not acceptable because people who violence others are punished, and
our moral perspectives tell us it's wrong to take actions that physically harm others also, an ethical
outcome cannot be achieved by sacrificing the life of one innocent person to save the lives of a large
number of people.

2. In the video, the lever is the "means" (or tool), it must be pulled and sacrificed by someone to save
people on the trail where the train is supposed to run.

3. I chose the phrase "the end justifies the means" because in the video, whether they pull the lever or
not, there are consequences after. Whatever you choose reflects there will always be a consequence,
and that consequence will provide you with reasons to pull the lever or not. There is a positive result
that can erase the wrongdoing committed to achieving the goal.



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