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The first era was the Traditional Oral Society, where speech and
sound were the main forms of communication. This era had the least
amount of communicative technology, relying on face-to-face
interactions, and can be described as the most simple and equal time
period. Following the Oral Society, came the Transitional Scribal
Phase, in which reading and writing were developed. A small
percentage of people were able to read and write and therefore, they
controlled the knowledge the rest of society gained. 


Printing technology as we know has been evolved from 220 A.D originated in China as a
form of woodblock printing, we have come a long way since then. Things took a turn for
the better during the renaissance period for the printer and later modeled the scientific
revolution to the way it is today. Knowledge sharing could not have been possible if it
were not for the versatility of printing and the ease it provided in spreading information
to nook and corners of the earth.

Posters are products of printing press today.

Annual reports are products of printing press today.

Brochure are products of printing press today

Wedding albums are products of printing press today. Take picture of this from
google pranav

Flyers are products of printing press today.

Catalogs are products of printing press today


The printing revolution is a term used to describe the massive change in society
that occurred with the invention of the printing press. It brought about a rapid
change in literature and lowered the cost of books so that more people could own
them. The invention of the printing press made mass production possible and
introduced Europe to moveable type; this allowed for texts to be printed much
faster than ever before and marked a turning point in literacy rates as more people
could now learn how to read. Furthermore, it helped advance science by making
available many scientific works which lead to an increase in literacy among
scientists who were able to share their ideas with other scientists around Europe

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