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Activity 1

1. A. To Persuade
2. B. To Inform
3. B. To Inform
4. C. To Entertain
5. A. To Persuade
6. C. To Entertain
7. A. To Persuade
8. A. To Persuade
9. C. To Entertain
10. C. To Entertain

Activity 2

1. The author tries to deliver the message that it is easy to criticize what others are
doing wrong. If you truly want to change the world, you must be a model for others to
follow. Choose to set a good example for others and improve the world.
2. The author chose this kind of message to inform and persuade everyone who desires
to transform the world but is unaware that change begins with oneself.

Activity 3

Material A

Purpose/s: To Inform

Your reason/s: The author is trying to inform what the instructions are on how to make
YEMA BARS. The author's purpose is to inform as the text tries to instruct or show how to
make something.

Material B

Purpose/s: To Inform
Your reason/s: News is based on facts; consequently, the author is trying to inform regarding
Isko Moreno's goodwill among Typhoon Odette victims. The news is information-based that
can help you learn more about a particular subject.

Material C

Purpose/s: To Persuade

Your reason/s: The author is trying to persuade. They create an advertisement for their
resort to convince people to visit. They share the positive things they had to
persuade everyone.

Material D

Purpose/s: To Persuade

Your reason/s: The author's purpose is to persuade; he/she wants

everyone to believe her point of view and aims to convince everyone to understand her point
of view.

Material E

Purpose/s: To Inform

Your reason/s: The author's purpose is to inform as the text tries to instruct or show how to
make something.

Performance Task 1
Christmas is the time of the year where we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. It
is a Christian holiday and celebrated every 25th of December. Many of us loves Christmas
since it is full of joy, giving and receiving gifts and spending time with our loved ones.

One of the things that my sister and I are excited about when Christmas is coming is
putting socks at the back of our front door. Do you know why? This sounds weird, but we put
socks at the back of our front door to wait for Santa Clause (our mother and father) to give us
money, and by December 25, we will get it and count how much Santa gave. The part of this
that I like the most is the fairness of my parents. They always treated us equally in
everything, even how young and old we are, so no wonder we always had the same amount of
money inside our socks. Besides, I always go to our church to have a "Christmas fellowship"
together with my young people churchmates and our Pastor. We do many things during our
fellowship, like singing, playing games, exchanging gifts, sharing life experiences with God,
or what we call "testimony," and most of all, celebrating the birth of Christ Jesus, our Lord
and Personal Savior. Through this, God will be glorified, and we can build a closer
relationship with Him. Moreover, we have already begun decorating our house as of
December 1. Although it could be tedious for others, my family and I absolutely enjoyed it.
For me, I can feel Christmas if our house has decorations. When it's already 12 AM on
December 25, my sister and I play the "torotot" and begin lighting up the sparklers while
looking at the fireworks in the sky. All of it was great, with one exception since we all know
that all dogs are afraid of fireworks, especially our dogs. We always sit or stand beside our
dogs and comfort them to lessen their nervousness.

Christmas serves as a reminder of the value of sharing and giving with friends and
family. We know that through Christmas, the birth of Jesus signifies the beginning of great
things in the world. Typically, it is an opportunity to think about nature and the reason for
our existence. Despite being a Christian holiday, Christmas is one of those
festivals celebrated by Christians worldwide. The essence of this celebration unites
the people together so much.

Performance Task 2

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