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A Design Project Proposal

Presented to the
Department of Civil Engineering
Batangas State University
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Sanitary Engineering


Cañaberal, Jemalyn
Corpuz, Nhelven A.
Delos Reyes, CJ C.

December 2022

This design project proposal, titled PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL

Jemalyn Cañaberal, Nhelven A. Corpuz, and CJ C. Delos Reyes in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Sanitary
Engineering, has been approved.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ______





Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Sanitary Engineering.


Date Chairperson, CE, Department

TITLE PAGE.................................................................................... i
APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................. iii
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................ v
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................... vi


Introduction...................................................................................... 1
Objectives of the Study …............................................................... 6
Expected Output ……...................................................................... 8
Research Framework (Process Flow) ………………………………. 9


Environmental Plan and Environmental Audit ………….................. 11
Waste Management System …………………………………………. 12
Generation ........................................................................... 12
On-Site Handling and Storage ………………………………. 13
Collection ………………………………………………………. 13
Transfer and Transport ………………………………………. 13
Processing and Resources Recovery ………………………. 14
Disposal ………………………………………………………… 14
Water Supply System …………………………………………………. 14
Source ………………………………………………………….. 15
Storage …………………………….…………………………… 15
Treatment …………………………….………………………… 15
Distribution ……………………………..………………………. 16
Water Quality ………………………..…………………………. 16
Wastewater …………………………………..………………………… 17
Generation …………………………..…………………………. 17
Storage ………………………………...……………………….. 17
Treatment …………………...………………………………….. 18
Disposal …………………………...……………………………. 19
Synthesis ……………………………………………………….. 19

Research Design............................................................................... 21
Data Gathering Procedure................................................................. 21
Data Analysis ……………………....................................................... 22
Work Plan ………………………………………………………………... 23

REFERENCES ................................................................................. 26

APPENDICES................................................................................... 30
Appendix A: Design Project Documents...................................... 30
o Topic Abstract............................................................. 31
o Adviser endorsement and acceptance........................ 32
o Scanned consultation notebook.................................. 34
Appendix B: Communication Letters........................................... 40
Appendix C: Pictures and evidence of initial
assessment/interview/consultation.............................................. 43
Appendix D: Raw Data................................................................... 46

Table Title Page
1 Work Plan of Proposed Environmental
Management Plan for BatStateU TNEU – Balayan
Campus……………………………………………………………. 24
2 Topic Proposal Abstract
Summary of Comments and Action Taken……………………. 39
3 Raw Data of Waste Analysis And Characterization
Study (WACS) in Balayan Campus……………………………. 46

Figure Title Page
1 Vicinity Map of BatStateU TNEU – Balayan Campus…………… 1
2 Site Development Plan of BatStateU TNEU –
Balayan Campus…………………………………………………… 2
3 BatStateU TNEU – Balayan Campus Existing Storage
Area of Hazardous Waste…………………………………………. 3
4 BatStateU TNEU – Balayan Campus Deep Well……………….. 4
5 BatStateU TNEU – Balayan Campus Septic Tank…………….. 5
6 Research Framework of Environmental
Management Plan……………………………………………………. 9
7 Letter of Request for Adviser……………………………………… 32
8 ISO Form Acceptance Letter……………………………………… 33
9 Scanned Consultation Notebook of Group 3……………………. 34
10 Communication Letter in BatStateU TNEU –
Balayan Campus…………………………………………………… 41
11 Letter of Approval for WACS in BatStateU TNEU –
Balayan Campus…………………………………………………… 42
12 Inspection of Location in BatStateU TNEU –
Balayan Campus…………………………………………………… 43
13 Interviewing the Head, Administration Services
of BatStateU TNEU – Balayan Campus…………………………. 44
14 Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS)
In Balayan Campus………………………………………………… 44

Chapter I

Batangas State University The National Engineering University (BatStateU

TNEU) - Balayan Campus is one of the oldest extension campuses of Batangas

State University located in Brgy. Caloocan, Balayan, Batangas. BatStateU TNEU

- Balayan was established in 2002 offering the programs of technology and

technical-vocational education. The figures below show the location map and site

development plan of the Balayan campus.

Figure 1
Vicinity Map of BatStateU TNEU - Balayan Campus

Figure 1 shows the location of the BatStateU TNEU - Balayan Campus,

particularly in Brgy. Caloocan, Balayan, Batangas and has a total area of 5000 sq.

m. The aforementioned University campus resides near the Complex and New

Municipal Hall of Balayan, and can be seen along the road of Balibago Balayan

Highway. Figure 2 illustrates the site development plan of the BatStateU TNEU -

Balayan Campus.

Figure 2
Site Development Plan of BatStateU TNEU - Balayan Campus

The site development plan of the Balayan campus is shown which

comprises five (5) buildings such as Sen. Ralph G. Recto Type (RGR) Building,

Congw. Eileen Ermita Building (EEB) and Student Services Center (SSC),

including one powerhouse area, the university canteen and one parking lot.

According to the Human Resources Management Office - Alangilan (2022), the

total population of the Batangas State University - Balayan Campus is 783, with

521 male students and 218 female students, 19 faculty, 14 guest lecturers, and 11

non-teaching personnel.

The Balayan campus has been continuously implementing classes within

the university. In contrast, improper waste, water supply, and wastewater

management have been the concerns in the campus. As stated by the Head of

Admin Services, Dr. Michelle Del Rosales, the amount of waste generated has

increased due to the number of staff, faculties, and students regularly attending

the university. The absence of a solid waste management facility inside the

campus resulted in improper storage handling of wastes, specifically solid and

hazardous wastes. The figure below shows the existing storage area of hazardous

wastes in the campus.

Figure 3
BatStateU TNEU - Balayan Campus Existing Storage Area of Hazardous
Photo Taken: September 30,2022, at Batangas State University,

Figure 3 shows the current storage area of hazardous wastes. Thus, the

figure depicts the practice being held on the campus in terms of storage and

handling of the mentioned type of waste. Balayan campus utilizes one of the

rooms in the RGR Building due to the lack of facilities in the institution.

In relation to the water supply system, BatStateU TNEU - Balayan campus

has one (1) deep well that serves as a source for the campus. It is utilized for

handwashing stations, water closets, urinals, lavatories, and drinking stations. The

current water supply system lacks the treatment process, and the water storage

facility from the source is directly pumped to the university facility. According to the

General Services Office (GSO) personnel, no maintenance activity is conducted

for the water supply system. Yet, the campus conducted water quality sampling

and analysis to check its quality to determine its suitable usage. The figure below

shows the current status of the pump house and deep well.

Figure 4
BatStateU TNEU - Balayan Campus Deep Well
Photo Taken: September 30,2022, at Batangas State University,

Figure 4 presents the deep well that serves as the main water supply and

the pump house that helps to provide water in the campus, which are located at

the back of the SSC building.

Moreover, the problem when it comes to campus-generated wastewater is

the capacity of the septic tank. According to the Head of Admin Services, there is

no concern regarding their septic tanks. However, for future instances, managing

wastewater when it reaches the capacity of the wastewater storage will be a

concern. She also added that the septic tank has not undergone siphoning ever

since the university was established, specifically in the year, 2002 to 2005. The

figure below shows the septic tanks located inside the campus.

Figure 5
BatStateU TNEU - Balayan Campus Septic Tanks
Photo Taken: September 30,2022, at Batangas State University,

Figure 5 shows the septic tanks of the Balayan campus, located in front of

the RGR building. The campus has a total of four (4) septic tanks used to store all

generated wastewater, which are located in each building on the campus.

In relation to the above mentioned concerns on solid waste management,

water supply management, and wastewater management, this study aims to

provide an Environmental Management Plan (EMP), which will also be used to

monitor and ensure compliance with environmental privileges and implementation.

This EMP will be necessary to avoid university exposure to damages, litigation,

and complaints about environmental mismanagement. This EMP will also be part

of the action taken by the university to support achieving the Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs), specifically, Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6),

Climate Action (SDG 13), and Life on Land (SDG 15).

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to propose an Environmental

Management Plan for Batangas State University the National Engineering

University - Balayan Campus. The project design aims to:

1. Determine the campus profile according to the following data:

1.1. Population;

1.2. Facilities;

1.3. Land Area, and

1.4. Operational Hours


2. Conduct an Environmental Audit of the campus for the following areas of


2.1. Waste Management System, specifically:

2.1.1. Evaluation of current solid wastes management in terms of: Generation; On- Site Handling and Storage; Collection; Transfer and Transport; Processing and Resource Recovery, and Disposal.

2.1.2. Evaluation of current hazardous wastes management in terms of: Generation; On- Site Handling and Storage; Collection; Transfer and Transport; Processing and Resource Recovery, and Disposal.

2.2. Water Supply:

2.2.1. Source;

2.2.2. Storage;

2.2.3. Treatment;

2.2.4. Distribution, and

2.2.5. Water Quality;

8 Total Coliforms; Thermotolerant Coliform/E. Coli, and Heterotrophic Plate Count.

2.3. Wastewater:

2.3.1. Generation;

2.3.2. Storage;

2.3.3. Treatment, and

2.3.4. Disposal.

3. Propose an Environmental Management Plan which includes:

3.1. Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigating Measures;

3.2. Health and Safety Requirement; and

3.3. Challenges and Considerations.

Expected Output

This study will result in the development of EMP for the Balayan campus.

The management plan will include mitigation methods, implementation of the

mitigation strategies, and monitoring plans to ensure compliance with

environmental protection. It will also provide the water safety plan, wastewater

management plan, and solid waste management plan. The study will outline the

Balayan campus's existing situation in terms of solid waste, hazardous waste,

water supply, and wastewater.

In addition, this study will help to manage waste properly to mitigate the

threats to public health and environmental concerns.


Research Framework

The research framework is for implementing the steps taken throughout the

research. It is normally used as a guide for researchers, and it is more focused on

the scope of the studies.


- Conduct an Environmental
- Campus Profile
Audit of the campus for the
- Environmental
o Population; Management Plan
following areas of concern:
o Facilities;
o Waste Management o Environmental
o Land Area, and Impact Assessment
and Mitigating
o Operational Hours
o Water Supply Measures;
o Wastewater o Health and Safety
- Waste Analysis and Requirement; and
- Inspection of area in Balayan
o Challenges and
Characterization Study
Campus Considerations.
(WACS) Data
- Interview with the University


Figure 6
Research Framework of Environmental Management Plan

The IPO model by Tyler is adopted with the input variable as the first phase,

which pertains to the status of the campus profile and WACS data.

The second phase is the process, which includes the assessment of the

output that may be conducted due to the environmental audit of the campus for the

following areas of concern: waste management systems, water supplies, and

wastewater, as well as interviews and inspections.

The last phase is the output of the study, the "Environmental Management

Plan," which includes: an environmental impact assessment and mitigation

measures, health and safety requirements, and challenges and considerations as

shown in Figure 6.
Chapter II

The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackle the different concepts,

understandings, and ideas, generalizations or conclusions, and different

developments related to the study of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

from the past up to the present, which serve as the researchers' guide in

developing the project. Those that were also included in this chapter help in

familiarizing one with relevant and similar information to the present study.

Additionally, a few significant key phrases were identified, including wastewater,

water supply systems, waste management systems, and environmental

management audits.

Environmental Plan and Environmental Audit

The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is a device that will serve as

guidance to measure and achieve compliance with environmental protection and

that describes the prevention and control measures to prevent, minimize, and

neutralize any significant environmental impacts that may occur throughout the

different phases of the project (Magnox North Ltd., 2011). Also, the environment

management plan is the tool to ensure a safe and clean environment. As stated by

Kelly (2022), an environmental audit is a mechanism by which the environmental

impact of a company’s activities can be determined. The ultimate aim of the

exercise is to assist management in controlling these impacts and subsequently

safeguarding the environment. To ensure that the project is adequately

implemented under the plan, it is regularly updated to keep track of its progress

from commissioning to mobilization to construction to operation to


Waste Management System (WMS)

A waste management system (WMS) is the strategy organizations use to

dispose of, reduce, reuse, and prevent waste and is an essential component of

environmental protection. The construction and upkeep of a clean environment

depend on waste management (Ojovan et al., 2014). It aims to provide hygienic,

efficient, and reasonably priced solid waste storage, collection, transportation,

treatment, and disposal services to avoid contaminating the air, land, or water

supply (Xiong et al., 2022). The waste hierarchy is the basic premise and vital

principle in promoting integrated methods to prevent waste generation.


Waste is a natural by-product of human existence. Nearly all human

activities result in a tangible side effect. The production, distribution, and

consumption of goods, as well as the creation of waste in developing nations like

the Philippines, have worsened the environment and accelerated climate change

(Castillo et al., 2020). An efficient waste management system is thus required to

solve this issue (Zakaria et al., 2021). The persistent insistence that effective solid

waste management begins at the household level, where people should know how

to conserve resources, is at the heart of outlining the roles of the stakeholders.

Additionally, people should be motivated to reduce the amount of trash produced


across the board by being more aware of resource conservation. (World Bank et

al., 2001).

On-Site Handling and Storage

The term "onsite handling" describes the procedures involved in handling

solid waste up until the point at which they are put in the storage containers used

to hold them before collection (Cheru, 2010). Handling may also be necessary to

transport loaded containers to the collection point and empty containers back to

the location where they were stored in between collections, depending on the type

of collection service (Ahmed et al., 2018).


The material recovery facility (MRF) will receive non-recyclable materials

and special solid wastes, and hazardous wastes or chemicals will be disposed of

by established procedures in collaboration with the relevant government agencies.

Reusable, recyclable, and non-biodegradable waste from material recovery

facilities must be collected by the local government. Scheduled for each barangay

is the collection of segregated solid waste (Saley, 2012).

Transfer and Transport

The collection vehicles and deliveries of solid waste must have the

appropriate compartments and cover all bases for the efficient storage of sorted

trash while carrying, and it will be essential to employ separate collection

schedules, trucks, or haulers (Gazette et al., 2001). All personnel who work at such

facilities must have the proper training associated with the handling of waste, which

is frequently dangerous if not handled properly (Rose, 2009). Licenses are

necessary for facilities that handle waste transfer and treatment.

Processing and Resource Recovery

Resource recovery, on the other hand, refers to the collection, extraction,

or recovery of recyclable components from the waste stream for recycling, energy

generation, or the development of a product fit for a usable purpose (Gazette et

al., 2001). Resource recovery, in contrast, does not involve incineration.


According to Pepper (2009), the practice of disposing of waste is a direct

cause of a lot of environmental harm. Environmental litigation frequently entails

locating waste disposal sites, identifying the precise waste materials that have

been disposed of overtime and where they were disposed of, establishing

ownership, and determining whether or not disposal methods were appropriate.

Water Supply System (WSS)

Water supply systems (WSS) are networks with pressure pipes as their

edges and nodes, pipe connections, water sources, or end consumers, depending

on the case. Their job is to deliver potable water to end customers at sufficient

pressure. A WSS can be divided into levels that are organized hierarchically

(Franchin and Cavalieri, 2013).



Surface water and groundwater are both important sources for the water

supply system (WSS). Surface water is any freshwater discharged into lakes,

streams, wetlands, or other bodies of water. However, groundwater frequently

seeps through the Earth's surface (Nathanson, 2020). The value of an aquifer as

a groundwater source depends on how accessible the physical layers are.


In developing countries, such as the Philippines, to increase the

microbiological purity of drinking water, many water collection and storage

techniques have been created and tested (Sobsey, 2002; Gundry et al., 2004;

Moyo et al., 2004). Communities without access to piped-in potable water supplies

frequently store collected water from rivers, springs, community standpipes, and

boreholes (Basel et al., 2018). Above-ground storage tanks, hydropneumatic

storage tanks, standpipes, and elevated storage tanks are the four types of water-

collection storage.


According to Geldreich et al. (2020), the Microbial Quality of Water Supply

in Distribution Systems describes the process and problems associated with the

deterioration of water quality as it flows through pipes, storage reservoirs, and

standpipes on its route to the customer. The water may need pre-treatment,

particularly if it is highly contaminated with microbiological pathogens and needs


to be disinfected before conventional treatment. As a general rule, coagulation-

sedimentation, pre-chlorination, filtering, and post-chlorination are necessary

when the coliform count is greater than 100 CFU/100 mL1. The standard

treatments of filtration, coagulation-sedimentation, and post-chlorination are

sufficient when the coliform level is greater than 20 CFU/100 mL1. Also, it is stated

that there are no other water quality issues, nor post-chlorination, and that may be

sufficient treatment for pathogen control in some high-purity surface and ground

waters with very low raw water coliform counts (10 CFU/100 mL1) (Gray, 2017).


The distribution system is typically thought to include pumps, valves, pipes,

storage tanks, reservoirs, fittings, meters, and other hydraulic accessories that are

connected to treatment plants or well supplies to customers' taps with enough

pressure to ensure well distribution (NASEM, 2006).

Water Quality

Water quality measures different physical, biological, chemical, and

microbiological characteristics (Myers, 2016). In accordance with Administrative

Order No. 2017-0001 (2017), total coliform must have MTFT: 1.1 MPN/100 mL,

EST: absent or 1 MPN/100 mL, and MFT: 1 total coliform colony per 100 mL in

any water treatment works or plants and bulk water to ensure that the water supply

complies with the Microbiological Quality of Drinking Water. E. coli or other

thermotolerant coliforms in all water haulers and bulk water, there must be MTFT:

1.1 MPN/100 mL, EST: absence of 1 MPN/100 mL, and MFT: 1 thermotolerant

coliform colonies/100 mL. Additionally, the heterotrophic plate count (HPC) in all

buildings, consumer taps, and in cases of large supplies where sufficient samples

are studied is around 500 CFU/mL.


The amount and quality of wastewater are influenced by a number of

variables. The architecture of the sewer system has a considerable impact on the

makeup of the wastewater. In developing countries like the Philippines, separate

and combined systems are frequently employed when storm water is conveyed

through pipelines, canals, or trenches (Chen, 2020). Additionally, organic

compounds, inorganic minerals, an excessive amount of nutrients, bacteria, and

water-polluting microorganisms are present in the effluent.


The complex wastewater matrix contains quantities of solids, dissolved and

particulate debris, bacteria, heavy metals, nutrients, and micro-pollutants (Warwick

et al., 2013). Sewage and non-sewage are the two different types of wastewater;

sewage refers to wastewater that has been contaminated with human waste, such

as feces or urine.


Simple onsite sewage facilities (OSSFs), such as septic tank systems, only

offer minimal treatment and should be connected to the public sewerage system

(Finkl et al., 2016). The complex matrix of wastewater contains quantities of solids,

dissolved and particulate debris, bacteria, heavy metals, nutrients, and micro-

pollutants (Warwick et al., 2013). Sewage and non-sewage are the two different

types of wastewater; sewage refers to wastewater that has been contaminated

with human waste, such as feces or urine.

A septic tank is a hidden, watertight container designed and built to store

and partially treat untreated residential wastewater. They are designed to treat

domestic wastewater and partially digest the settled sludge and are placed where

there is a steady water supply. In 2-4 days, they eliminate around 50% of the

organic materials and suspend the solid content. It takes 0.5–1 year for sludge to

digest; during this time, the sludge is mineralized and loses volume. Tanks are a

common type of sanitation system; however, because of their weak purifying

capabilities and leaks that mainly harm groundwater, they are frequently to blame

for environmental contamination (Ranade et al., 2014).


Purifying sewage involves removing contaminants from wastewater

(Nathanson and Curley, 2010). In advance, pretreatment wastewater treatment's

primary job is to remove the significant, gritty sludge, which involves pretreating

raw sewage materials from untreated sewage. Primary Therapy. Wastewater

passes through a screen as it enters a facility for treatment. This eliminates floating

debris like rags and sticks that can choke pipelines and harm machinery.

Secondary Therapy. According to the EPA (2020), the secondary step of treatment

uses the bacteria in the sewage to remove around 85% of the organic debris.


Sewage can be disposed of in various ways. However, the two most

common ones are removal through waterborne sewer systems (sewerage) and

disposal through an on-site sanitation system like pit latrines or septic tanks

(James et al., 2009). Wastewater must be treated before disposal to be properly

disposed of, whether by surface, subsurface, or dilution methods. The best or

intended use of receiving waters, whether for water supply, recreation, or any other

necessary purpose, must be protected from contamination to the extent that it

could interfere with that use.


In completing an Environmental Management Plan (EMP), an

environmental audit is used as a method for determining how a project's operations

affect the environment in order to help management manage these effects and

subsequently ensure the environment's protection (Kelly, 2022).

Ojovan (2014) and Xiong (2022) state that the maintenance and creation of

a clean environment depend on waste management, which offers hygienic,

effective, and reasonably priced solid waste storage, collection, transportation,

treatment, and disposal services to prevent contaminating the air, land, or water

supply. The waste hierarchy is the basic aspect and key principle in promoting

integrated methods to prevent waste generation.


In addition, Geldreich et al. (2020) and Myers (2016) emphasized that in

order to measure various physical, biological, chemical, and microbiological traits,

the Microbial Quality of Water Supply outlines the process and issues related to

the deterioration of water quality as it flows through pipes, storage reservoirs, and

standpipes on its way to the consumer.

Moreover, to ensure that wastewater is appropriately disposed of, whether

by surface, subsurface, or dilution means, and to prevent contamination to the

extent that could interfere with that use, wastewater must be treated before

disposal (James et al., 2009).

According to existing studies, EMP is a method used to manage

environmental protection that provides maintenance and helps create a clean

environment dependent on waste management, hazardous waste that is brought

into being before it is disposed of in a facility, water quality consumption generated

inside the campus, and wastewater treatment before its disposal in a septic tank.
Chapter III

Research Design

The study will incorporate both descriptive and experimental methods to

propose an environmental management plan for the BatStateU TNEU - Balayan


A descriptive research design will be utilized to gather information on the

current status of environmental management, particularly in solid waste, water

supply, and wastewater on the campus.

The study will use an experimental method to analyze the water quality in

terms of the water supply Total Coliforms;Thermotolerant Coliform/E. Coli, and

Heterotrophic Plate Count. It will also be used to determine the potability of the

water supply on the campus.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study will apply three approaches to gather data, namely, the

quantitative analysis, the qualitative analysis and risk assessment management.

Quantitative analysis will be used to gather solid waste data by conducting

a Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS). WACS aims to

characterize wastes according to their types, such as biodegradable, recyclable,

residual, and special wastes. Also, WACS determines the quantity of waste

generated on the BatStateU TNEU Balayan campus. The data will be collected on

three consecutive days. The approach will also be used to determine the quantity

of each parameter in assessing the water quality.

The water supply and wastewater data will be collected using qualitative

analysis. An interview will be conducted at the BatStateU TNEU Balayan campus

to determine their current environmental management regarding water supply and

wastewater. A consultation and walkthrough inspection with General Service

Office (GSO) personnel will also be conducted to collect information about campus

profiles. Risk Assessment will be utilized for further investigation to determine the

hazard occurrence and evaluate the severity of consequences if the hazard


Data Analysis

In this study, three (3) classes of data are used, which include the data that

categorizes and analyzes waste management systems, water supply distribution,

and wastewater generation. Specific topics to address this data include on-site

handling and storage, disposal, distribution, treatment, and quality. This data was

analyzed using quantitative and qualitative analysis.

The data gathered from WACS will be analyzed and interpreted using

statistical treatment of the data. The data will be analyzed, to ease the presentation

and interpretation of the results. The following are the statistical treatments that

will be used in the study:

Percentage. This will be employed to define the percent of solid waste

generated per day.


Weighted Mean. This will be utilized to determine the information about the

daily generated solid waste on the campus. It is another descriptive statistic

that is synonymous with average.

Risk Assessment Matrix. This will distinguish the significant and less

significant risks that may occur to the water supply in the institution.

Moreover, an experimental analysis will be used to determine if the value of

each parameter meets the standard for water consumption.

Work Plan

A gantt chart is a type of visual aid used in the project "Proposed

Environmental Plan for Batangas State University, The National Engineering

University - Balayan Campus" to schedule, manage, and keep track of particular

tasks and resources.


Table 1
Work Plan of Proposed Environmental Management Plan for BatStateU TNEU - Balayan Campus
Proposed Environmental Management Plan for Batangas State University
Project Title:
The National Engineering University - Balayan Campus
Total Duration Planned Start: August 20, 2022 Planned End: November 24, 2022

Objectives Activities Expected Output August September October November

1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W
To formulate
Problem statement,
Objectives, and Research and Read
Proposed x x
Conceptual Studies
framework for
thesis proposal
To revise the paper
Gathered Data Approval x x
To write and
Read more studies
conduct a Review
and compose Chapter 2 x x x x
of Related
concise RRL
To compose Write SMART Finalized
objectives and objectives for the Objectives and x
expected output project Expected Output
To write concise Brainstorm and
Related Literature write Related Chapter 1 x
To create the Prepare and
research process compose the x
Process Flow
flow process flow
To construct the
Construct the
methodology and
methodology and Chapter 3 x
chose research
To finalize the first Prepare the
Finalized Chapter
draft of the thesis preliminary pages x x
paper and revisions


This table shows the step-by-step process of collecting data in a study

entitled “Proposed Environmental Management Plan for Batangas State University

The National Engineering University - Balayan Campus.” It also presents the

activities conducted to gather data used in this study. It consists of a task list with

progress bars for each activity. The various lengths that stand in for the project

timetable, which may include task durations, start and end dates, and job

sequences, are shown in the table below.



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Design Project Documents

Topic Abstract

The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is a device that will serve as

guidance to measure and achieve compliance with environmental protection and

describes the prevention and control measures to prevent, minimize, and

neutralize any significant environmental impacts that may occur throughout the

different phases of the project. Waste management systems, water supply

systems, and wastewater are all covered in this study, which supports the findings

of the study. A descriptive study approach will be used about the existing state of

environmental management on the campus, especially regarding solid waste,

water supply, and wastewater. The water supply's pH level, turbidity, total

dissolved solids, and fecal coliform levels will all be examined as part of the study

using an experimental methodology. It will also assess the campus's water

supply's portability. The study's ultimate goal is to support management in limiting

these effects and protecting the environment. Additionally, by appropriately

managing garbage, this study will lessen risks to public health and environmental


Keywords: EMP, Solid Waste, Water Supply, Wastewater


Figure 7
Letter of Request for Adviser

Figure 8
ISO Form Acceptance Letter

Figure 9
Scanned Consultation Notebook of Group 3

Appendix B
Communication Letters

Figure 10
Communication Letter in BatStateU TNEU – Balayan Campus

Figure 11
Letter of Approval for WACS in BatStateU TNEU – Balayan Campus

Appendix C
Pictures and Evidence of Initial Assessment/Interview/Consultation

Figure 12
Inspection of Location in BatStateU TNEU – Balayan Campus

Figure 13
Interviewing the Head, Administartion Services of BatStateU
TNEU – Balayan Campus

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS)




Figure 14
. Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS) in Balayan

Appendix D

Table 3
Raw Data Of Waste Analysis And Characterization Study (WACS) in
Balayan Campus

Biodegradable Residual Recyclable Special Solid
Waste Waste Waste Waste Waste
1.6 kg 4.6 kg 0.6 kg 0.3 kg 8.3 kg
October 19,
2.9 kg 3.9 kg 0.8 kg 0.2 kg 8.7 kg
October 20,
1.8 kg 4.2 kg 1.2 kg 0.4 kg 8.2 kg
October 21,
TOTAL 6.3 kg 12.7 kg 2.6 kg 0.9 kg 25.2 kg
Total waste generated in kg: 25.2 kg
Biodegradable waste in kg: 6.3 kg
Recyclable waste in kg: 2.6 kg
Residual waste in kg: 12.7 kg
Food waste – sometimes fed to cats
and dogs/mixed with solid waste.
Recyclables – daily collected by
Method of Disposal:
Residuals – daily collected by
Yard waste – stored at the back of
Congw. Eileen Ermita Building

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