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Name: Christian Jade B.

Nograles Section: Polaris 1A Date: 09/21/22

Portfolio/ePortfolio Task #4 – Symbol for Self and Essay

1. DRAW a symbol or symbols of what may represent yourself. (Note: Do not use a
picture from other sources like the net) Just below your drawing, explain your
choice of the symbol/s that may represent you. Use a separate sheet of short
white bond paper and don’t forget to write the portfolio task number, your
name, section and date of completion. Take a picture and upload it to your e-
portfolio. Do your work independently to enjoy a perfect score of 20 points(10
drawing, 10-paragraph).
Name: Christian Jade B. Nograles Section: Polaris 1A Date: 09/21/22

As you can see in my illustration, I chose to draw a dog. Why? Because a dog embodies
the qualities of courage, kindness, patience, and, most importantly, a devoted friend, all of
which I possess. When it comes to defending and fighting, as well as keeping watch over and
protecting their owners' homes and property, dogs are exceptionally brave and fearless.
Meanwhile, when facing challenges and difficulties in life, like dogs, I inevitably rise and refuse
to let fear paralyze me by being brave and resilient, and as a result, I always overcome these
things. Aside from that, I aspire to be fearless when it comes to seizing opportunities and taking
risks in life, particularly when the rewards are significant. Dogs also possess kindness when it
comes to interacting with their owner. This usually happens when a dog wants the attention of
its owner by making sounds and doing puppy faces, which I also possess because when it
comes to interacting with others I show my kindness by offering my assistance to others, enjoy
listening to other people's problems and concerns, as well as giving them advice on how to
overcome them and relief them as comfortably as possible. As well as, being amiable,
respectful, and soothing to be around. There is no need to act and behave hastily, harshly, or
violently. Furthremore, I possess patience and gentleness, when it comes to dealing with some
situations involving us to wait without getting upset. For an instance, I am waiting for my friend
to arrive at our meeting place and somehow he is late by almost ten minutes. Finally, dogs are
"Man's devoted buddies”, which I also possess, especially when it comes to supporting my best
friends, being trustworthy with the secrets shared, and being reliable in times of difficulties

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