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Date: September 26, 2022

Day: 1
Time In: 19:00 HH -13:00 HH
Time Out: 23:30 HH – 17 :00 HH

The Observation Report in Detail:

We reported for duty at 8:00 a.m. on the first day, and assistant warden Jail Inspector Honesto Binarao
conducted orientation for our UCV OJT students. Sir provided us with some basic information in preparation for
our arrival at the BJMP's TCDJ MALE Dorm. When we entered the TCDJ Male Dorm, they conducted a flag
ceremony. After the flag ceremony, we were divided into four groups, and my group was assigned to the main
door of the TCDJ male dorm, while the others were assigned to the tower area, the visiting area, and the office
of administration. Our job at the main door is to inspect the foods brought by the guests for their PDL relatives
who were inside the TCDJ MALE DORM. equipment or food to ensure that no one can enter contraband
equipment, or anything prohibited inside to ensure the safety of each one of them.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: September 27, 2022
Day: 2
Time In: 9:00 HH -13:00 HH
Time Out: 23:30 HH – 17 :00 HH

The Observation report in detail:

At 19:00 HH on the second day of our on-the-job training, JSINSP Marlou M Aquino led the
formation, and we UCV OJT and FL Vargas students were assigned to our previous position. On the
second day of our duty, we have more work than on the first because many visitors bring food for their
PDL relatives inside, and our job at the main door is to inspect the food that visitors bring inside TCDJ
MALE DORM. We double-inspect to keep everyone's safety.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: September 28, 2022

Day: 3
Time In: 08:00 HH -13:00 HH
Time Out: 11:30 HH – 17 :00 HH

The Observation report in detail:

On the 3rd day of our duty, I timed in at 08:00 hh in the morning, and JINSP Honesto T. Binarao
conducted the formation was called immediately so that we could inspect our proper uniform. They gave
us some advice, saying that we should be extra careful every time we enter the TCDJ male dorm and be
always alert. JSINSP Marlou M. Aquino and JINSP Honesto T. Binarao requested that we help clean the
outside of TCDJ to prevent the spread of dengue. and also, for preparing for a possible visit by J/DIR
Allan S. Iral.

Our cleaning at the BJMP was successful with the help of the UCV OJT student and the OJT FL
VARGAS student; we were helped and united for the cleaning. All of us UCV OJT students were
scheduled to return to the TCDJ MALE DORM at 11:30 a.m. Based on our observation inside the TCDJ
MALE DORM, our group noticed that there was also a bible study going on and that there was also an
alternative learning system, or "ALS," which is for PDL who want to continue their education. After we
finished observing, my group and I were assigned to the tower area, and the others went to the admin
office, visiting area, and main door. While we were on duty, JSINSP Honesto M. Binarao called us to an
intermission in a program of araw ng pasasalamat, which took place inside the TCDJ MALE DORM.
After the program ended, we timed out at 5 p.m., and finally the third day of our OJT duty ended.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: September 29, 2022

Day: 4

Time In: 19:00 HH -13:00 HH

Time Out: 23:30 HH – 17 :00 HH

The Observation report in detail:

On the fourth day of our duty, at the 08:00 hr. start of the morning formation, we boys who are
UCV oJT students were assigned to the main door, and FL Vargas students were assigned inside the
TCDJ male dorm. while we were assigned to the main door. When JINSP Honesto T Binarao asked us
to help clean up outside TCDJ, we didn't think twice about helping to clean up; we immediately cleaned
up outside TCDJ's main door, our partner helped us speed up the cleaning, which didn't take long, and
the FL VARGAS student helped immediately to speed up the cleaning work. To prepare for the possible
arrival of J/DIR. Allan S. Iral, with the cooperation of the ojt UCV students and the ojt FL Vargas
students, we also quickly finished the cleaning and repairs. At 1 p.m., we timed in again and conducted
formation again with OJT FL VARGAS led by JCINSP. Mark Anthony S. Saquing, JSINSP. Honesto T.
Binarao, and JSINSP. Marlou M. Aquino. They conducted "Operation Greyhounds" in all the cells.
Mark Anthony S. Saquing also told us to be double careful in our every move because the PDLs inside
are not random, and it wasn't long before they let us in and we would begin our search for contraband
using sharp structures and sharp metals. When we thoroughly searched each cell, we found many
contraband items that were banned inside the TCDJ male dorm, just like an improvised knife made from
the handle of a spoon, nails, and other sharp and pointed objects that can hurt people. It was conducted
by JSINSP. Marlou M. Aquino, JINSP. Honesto T. Binarao, and JCINSP. Mark Anthony S. Saquing.
This is good for us because it is only an indication that they do not neglect the chance that the PDLs
have their weapons inside, and the jail officers also make sure that each one of them is a safe PDL.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: September 30, 2022

Day: 5
Time In: 19:00 HH -13:00 HH
Time Out: 23:30 HH – 17 :00 HH

The Observation report in detail:

Our time in began on the 5th day of our duty at 19:00 h, and SJO3 Terao S. Tolentino
immediately conducted an immediate formation so that we could be informed of the possible attendance
of J/DIR ALLAN S. IRAL here at TCDJ. After informing Sir Binarao, we were divided again into four
groups, the other group was assigned to the tower area, admin office, main door, and while we were
assigned to the visiting area, while we were on duty, heIn the five days of our duty, we got used to our
work. At 16:00 hh, the jail officers also conducted a count of the PDLs inside, and after they finished
counting the PDLs, then they would let the PDLs enter their cells. It's 17:00 h in the afternoon, and our
logbook has already timed out, signaling the end of our duty for the day.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: october 3, 2022
Day: 6
Time In: 19:00 HH -13:00 HH
Time Out: 23:30 HH – 17 :00 HH

The Observation report in detail:

SJO2 Joaquin P. Langcay immediately called the formation to reassign us inside as we were divided into
four on the sixth day of our duty at 20:00h in the morning, and our group was assigned to post in the tower area
to guard the movement of PDLs from the bottom. Our team leader, Janry Beltran, called an urgent meeting to
inform us of the upcoming National Correction Consciousness Week, or the so-called "NACOCO WEEK," because
we OJT students will also take part in the upcoming event. After the gathering, we will return to our post station
until 17:00 hr. 

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: october 4, 2022

Day: 7
Time In: 19:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

7th day of our duty, SJO1 Raniel Batta conducted a formation and immediately let us enter the
TCDJ male dorm. Five OJT students were left at the main door to guard while the others were left at the
admin office, and we will be reassigned to the tower post. Our other colleagues, UCV OJT and FL
VARGAS, did a general cleaning outside the TCDJ male dorm to keep the TCDJ environment clean.
22:00: I was called by Rainer Paul Duran of JO1 Harold Mabunga to accompany the guards here at the
jail commissary, or COOP.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: october 5, 2022
Day: 8
Time In: 19:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

8th day of our duty 19:00 hh, SJO2 Raniel Batta immediately conducted the formation, we UCV OJT and
FL vargas students, we were assigned to our previous position,  we have more work now because many visitors
bring food for their PDL relatives inside, and our job at the main door is to inspect the food that visitors bring
inside TCDJ MALE DORM We double-inspect to maintain everyone's safety.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October 6, 2022
Day: 9
Time In: 19:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 9th day of our duty, we timed in at 19:00 h, and JO3 Kirby King Catabona conducted formation
immediately because many guests would come to give food to the PDLs. Just like before, when the UCV OJT
students were divided into four, our work is still the same as before. We are still here at the main door to
inspect the food that is brought inside TCDJ, and this is what we did all night until the end of our time for the
whole day of our duty.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October 6, 2022
Day: 9
Time In: 19:00 HH -13:00 HH
Time Out: 23:30 HH – 17 :00 HH

The Observation report in detail:

We clocked in at 19:00 on the 10th day of our duty and SJO3 Erao S. Tolentino immediately
conducted the formation and we were immediately divided into four groups, we were assigned to the
visiting area, but it didn't take long in TCDJ-MD because me and Rainer Paul Duran immediately left
the visiting area to practice singing and playing music instruments with BJMP Bands for repairing
teachers day. We traveled with the BJMP BAND to the venue of the teachers' day event at the CNHS
mamba gym at 15:00 HH; our performance was successful today, and we are delighted to be able to play
with the BJMP BAND.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: october 10, 2022
Day: 11
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 11th day of our duty, we timed in at 8:00 a.m., SJO1 Raniel L Batta at once formed, and
we were reassigned to our previous place in the visiting area. My partner called us Mark Angelo Calata
and other UCV OJT students of JO1 Gomez to go grayhounding in dorm 5 like we did the previous day
with the aim of confiscating contrabands with blades and others.

Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: october 11, 2022

Day: 12
Time: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:  

On the 12th day of our duty, we timed in at 08:00 h., and SJO1 Raniel Batta conducted formation
immediately because many guests would come to give food to the PDLs. Just like before, when the
UCV OJT students were divided into four, our work is still the same as before. We are still here at the
main door to inspect the food that is brought inside TCDJ, and this is what we did all night until the end
of our time for the whole day of our duty.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: october 12, 2022

Day: 13
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

13th day of our duty, 8:00 h, SJO-3 Erao S. Tolentino, conduct formation immediately. As
before, we UCV OJT students were divided into four groups, and the girls were assigned to the admin
office, while our other classmates were assigned to the tower post and visiting area, while we were
assigned to the tower post and tower as before. We are monitoring all the actions of the PDLs from here
at the bottom of the tower, and we will be here overnight at the tower post and tower back until our duty
is finished today.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October 13, 2022
Day: 14
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:  

Day 14 of duty, SJO3 Erao S. Tolentino conducted a formation immediately to continue our duty again.
We are assigned to the main door to inspect food that will be brought inside the TCDJ Male Dome. Our
purpose assigned to the main door is to inspect counter weapons such as blades and any piece of sharp
metal that can hurt each other.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October 14, 2022
Day: 15
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:  

Day 15 of our service, 8:00 a.m. SJO2As before, Joaquin P. Langcay conducted an immediate
formation, and we were immediately divided into four groups: the women were assigned to the admin
office, the men to the main door and visiting area, and we were assigned to the tower post and tower
back to monitor the actions of the PDLs above the tower post during the day, and we timed out at 17:00
h in the afternoon.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: october 17, 2022
Day: 16
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

We timed in at 8:00 a.m. on Day 16 of our duty, immediately after SJO1 Raniel Batta conducted a
formation for us to be assigned to our place, and we were divided into four groups that we would be assigned to
the tower post while the basketball 3v3 was going on "National Correctional Consciousness Week," or the so-
called "NACOCO Week." We still maintain our duty here at the top of the tower post to keep an eye on the kilos
of P
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: october 18, 2022

Day: 17
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

Day 17 of our duty, at 8:00 a.m., we timed in again, and SJO3 Erao S. Tolentino immediately
conducted the formation. We were immediately admitted inside the TCDJ-MALE DORM to participate
in the UCV OJT in the occasional game and sack race while it was happening. the game here inside the
TCDJ Male Dome, we will continue to watch here at the tower post and tower back. Our goal assigned
to the tower is to watch the kilos of PDLs and be alert at all times.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: october 19, 2022
Day: 18
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

18th day of our duty, we already timed in at 8:00 a.m. in the morning, and immediately SJO3 Erao S.
Tolentino conducted the formation. As before, we were divided into four groups so that others were assigned to
the admin office, tower post, and tower back, while we were posted at the main door as before with OJT FL
VARGAS. Our job was to inspect the food to be entered inside the TCDJ MALE DORM to prevent the entry of
contra gangs using the TCDJ to maintain the safety of each other.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October 20, 2022

Day: 19
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail: On the 19th day of our duty, we timed in at 8:00 a.m., SJO2 Joaquin
P. Langcay conducted a formation, and we were also immediately admitted to the room of TCDJ-MD to be
assigned to his post. We were divided into four groups again; the women will stay in the admin office while the
other men will be assigned to the main door, tower post, and tower back while we are posted in the visiting area
all day until our duty is over today.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October 21, 2022
Day: 20
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 20th day of our duty, we already timed in at 8:00 a.m., and SJO3 Joaquin P. Langcay immediately
conducted formation with OJT FL VARGAS student. Our fellow in UCV OJT and FL Vargas has been assigned
within TCDJ, especially at the tower post and tower back. Our job at the main door is to inspect the food and
check the items brought by visitors for their PDL's relatives, sharp and sharp objects such as.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October 24, 2022

Day: 21
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

21th day of our dutywe already time in 08:00 hh in the morning SJO3 Eraño Tolentino conduct
Information immediately and he informed us to attend a flag ceremony for today as a daily routine we
divide at 4 groups as usually the UCV OJT girls are assign to the admins office, and the others are
assign in main door. Tower post and tower back and our group assign in visiting area, outr job is to
guide the visitor area, our job is to guide the visitor inside of the TCDJ-MALE DORM. 10:28hh JO2
Albert peter bosas conduct a lecture about firearm dis-assemble and assemble and safeness about
firearms, after lecture about firearm we go back to our position to continue our duty until 17:00hh.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October 25, 2022

Day: 22
Time In : 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

We count, count, and ensure that the officers of thin structures, thin marshals, and thin battalions have
returned to their posts on the 22nd, the 22nd day of "the job training," (JT), at approximately 8 a.m. osts. We
reconvene in the afternoon at 1 p.m., count, and return to our post. At 3pm   sir Aragon ordered us to change
our uniform to jogging clothes because we had gone for a jog. After the jogging, we returned to the BJMP,
where Sir Aragon ordered us to rest. At exactly 4:30, we formed again, and after that, we were dismissed.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October 26, 2022

Day: 23
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 23rd day of our OJT, we already timed in at 8:00 a.m. and were divided into four groups to be
assigned to their posts, with the tower being assigned to us. where few of the PDL are doing "bonsai" beds. We
are securing their progress on their assigned work. We're waiting for the personnel order in the tower post. on
what we are going to do. and the instructions of the assigned officers.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: october 27, 2022

Day: 24
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 24th day, we first formed and listened to the officer, SIR SJO2 JOAQUIN LANGCAY, officer of the
day with us, then we all assigned what is our post, and today our post is in the visiting area, and we are guarding
the visiting area to see what we will bring or give food for the PDLs while also guarding what the PDLs do. In the
afternoon, we did the same as in the morning and published the same post. I observed what the PDLS were
doing inside the jail around 1:30 p.m. 

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October 28, 2022

Day: 25
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 25th day of our on-the-Job training, it was a great day for us interns because we met an
important visitor, the fraternal Eagles Club. When we arrived at BJMP, we formed, and after that, SJO1
Raniel L. Batta instructed us to go to our designated post duty.

When the guests arrived, they let us watch some of their programs until the end of time before
lunch. After lunch, we formed again and returned to our own places. Then we assisted in distributing the
gifts of the Eagles Club to the PDLs, together with SJO1 Raniel L. Batta. The PDLs were very happy
when they received their gifts. Then we just waited for some time before we formed and went home.
This day was very interesting because we enjoyed it and learned something.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: October ,31, 2022

Day: 26
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:


Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November, 1 2022

Day: 27
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:


Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 2, 2022

Day: 28
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

28th day of our duty, we already timed in at 8:00 a.m. in the morning, and immediately SJO1 Raniel Batta
conducted the formation. As before, we were divided into four groups so that others were assigned to the
admin office, tower post, and tower back, while we were posted at the main door as before with OJT FL
VARGAS. Our job was to inspect the food to be entered inside the TCDJ MALE DORM to prevent the entry of
contra gangs using the TCDJ to keep the safety of each other.

Noted and verified by:

Head w Office or his Representative
Date: November 3,2022

Day: 29
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 29th day of our on-the-job training (OJT), at exactly 08:00 HH, our marcher instructed us
to form and count and wait for the instructions of SJO1 Rafael Batta. After the marcher report, SJO1
Rafael Batta should tell our team leader, Herimar Canapi, to go back to our posting area from the
visiting area. At exactly 8:00 HH, we help the PDL receive their food sent by their family. At exactly
11:30 HH, we form again and dismiss.

In the afternoon at exactly 13:00 HH, we form again, and after we form, we go back to our
posting area to help the PDL again and wait for the instructions given by the BJMP personnel. Our
marcher summoned us to form and dismissed us at exactly 17:00 HH.

Noted and verified by:

Head w Office or his Representative
Date: November 4, 2022
Day: 30
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

Day 30 of our duty, we already timed in at 08:00h in the morning, SJO1 Raniel Batta immediately
conducted formation, our team leader Henimar Canapi assigned the other group in the visiting area, admins
office, main door, and our group was assigned in the tower post as before, and we are monitoring all PDL actions
from here at the bottom of the tower until 17:00hh.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 7, 2022

Day: 31
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh
The Observation report in detail:
31st of our duty We started our traditional flag-raising ceremony early in the morning. We are assigned
to the visiting area, and we secured the PDLs doing their own activities, especially cooking gel food and helping
other PDL trustees. While we wait for the jail warden's instructions, we are moved into the tower post area and
are monitoring all of the PDFs' actions from the bottom of the buildings.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 8, 2022

Day: 32
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh
The Observation report in detail:

We arrived at BJMP at exactly 08:00 h on the 32nd day of our on-the-job training.We formed,
and SJO1 Joaquin Langcay assigned us trainees to the receiving area as our post duty for the day. We
observed, and we are tasked with searching for and inspecting the things or items that are given to PDLs
before we give them to them, until lunch break.

We reconvened at 13:00 h after lunch and formed again. Then, we all participated in Zumba with
the personnel of the male and female dormitories until the end of time. We did formation again before
being dismissed.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 9, 2022

Day: 33
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh
The Observation report in detail:
They immediately conduct a formation on the 33rd day of our duty on the job training (ojt) at exactly
08:00 h; after that, SJO1 Raniel Batta Instruct our team leader to assign my group to the main door. After a few
minutes, we have a visitor who sent food and money for their PDL relatives inside the TCDJ-MALE DORM, which
we double inspect to maintain everyone's safety.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 10, 2022
Day: 34
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

Today is our 24th day of On the Job Training (OJT), and we will have our formation at exactly 08:30 h
before going into our designated area. And after that, one of the members of our group, Michael Jhon Umayam,
was instructed by JO2 Albert Peter Bosas to go with them to escort the Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) to their
hearing in court. While we were in the Tuguegarao City District Jail Male Dormitory (TCDJ-MD), we were
instructed by SJO1 Rainier Batta to have an Oplan Greyhound in Dorm 6, and we got some contrabands inside
like money, a spoon, and something that was not prohibited inside the jail. After the Oplan Greyhound, we are
back in our designated post, which is in the gate post, and what we do the whole day is search for or inspect
food brought by the family or friends of the Persons Deprived of Liberty to check if there is no contraband in
that food or anything that they give.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 11, 2022
Day: 35
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

day of our duty, we timed in at 8:00 a.m., SJO1 Raniel L. Batta conducted a formation, and we were also
immediately admitted to the room of TCDJ-MD to be assigned to his post. We were divided into four groups
again; the women will stay in the admin office while the other men will be assigned to the main door, tower
post, and tower back while we are posted in the visiting area all day until our duty is over today.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 14, 2022

Day: 36
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 36th day in the morning we first formed and listened to the instructions of the officer SIR Raniel L
Batta officer of the day with us then we all assigned what is our post and this day our post in the visiting area
and we are guarding the visiting area to see what we will bring or give food for the pdl and at the same time
guard also in what the PDLs do. in the afternoon we did the same as in the morning and the same post .in the
1:30 pm in the afternoon observed what the pdls were doing inside the jail, JCINSP Mark Anthony S. Saquing
conducted a operation grey hounds in all the cells,  also told us to be double careful in our every move because
the PDLs inside are random, and it wasn't long before they let us in and we will begin our search for contra
bandon using sharp structures and sharp metals, when we thoroughly searched each cell we found many contra
bandon that were banned inside the TCDJ male dorm just like improvise knife made from the handle of a spoon,
nails and other sharp and sharp objects that can hurt people .

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 15, 2022

Day: 37
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 37th day of our On the Job Training (OJT) at Tuguegarao City District Jail - Male
Dormitory (TCDJ-MD), in our formation, the marcher announced that we were going to conduct an
operation greyhound in some dormitories to search for contrabands, and after that, we went to our
designated areas we were assigned at the tower back, and what we gonna do there was to watch or
observe what the PersMeanwhile, a PDL asked for a favor to go on the roof and hang their laundry, and
JO1 Mariano instructed my groupmates, my roommate Mark Laurence Lumaban and his buddy Jericho
Talla, to accompany or watch the PDL while they hung their laundry.Later, at 11:30 a.m., it will be time
for our formation and lunch break.

At exactly 12 hr 40 min, we are back in TCDJ MD and have our formation; after that, we go
back to our designated areas to continue our duty.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 16, 2022

Day: 38
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

38th day of our duty, we already timed in at 08:00h in the morning, conducted formation immediately,
and our team leader, Henimar Canapi, assigned the other group to the visiting area, admins office, main door,
and our group was assigned to the tower post as before. We are monitoring all the actions of the PDLs from
here at the bottom of the tower, and we will be monitoring the actions of PDLs until 17:00h.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 17, 2022

Day: 39
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

We timed in at 08:00 h SJO3 Erao Tolentino on the 39th day of our duty on the job training, and our
team leader Henimar Canapi immediately conducted formation. We were divided into four groups so that other
groups were assigned to the admin office, tower post, and tower back, while we were posted at the main door.
Our job was to inspect the food being entered inside the TCDJ-MD to prevent the entry of contraband using the
TCDJ-MD and to maintain the safety of each other inside the TCDJ-MD.

Noted and verified by:

Head w Office or his Representative


Date: November 18,2022

Day: 40
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 40th day of our on-the-job training (OJT), we form, count, and wait for the instructions given by
the desk officer. After our formation, our team leader instructed us to back into our posting area. We help the
BJMP personnel in their tasks, like checking the food sent by the family of the PDL or person deprived of liberty.
At exactly 11:30, we form again and are dismissed. In the afternoon, we form again, count, and wait again for
the further instructions given by Desk Officer SJO3 Erao Tolentino. After SJO3 Erao Tolentino gave the
instructions to our team leader, our team leader instructed us to go back to our posting area and help the BJMP
personnel with their task. At exactly 04:30, we form again and dismiss.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 21, 2022

Day: 41
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 41st day of our oJT, we are assigned to a visiting area by our team leader, Herimar Canapi, in the
morning. Late in the afternoon, we are ordered by the assigned OD of the Tuguegarao City District Jail, male
dorm, to conduct greyhounds. For preparation of the upcoming face-to-face visit of the family of the PDL

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 22, 2022

Day: 42
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

The 42nd day of our duty, we timed in at 8:00 a.m. Our team leader, Heninar Canapi, conducted a
formation, and we were also immediately admitted to the room of TCDJ-MD to be assigned to his post. We were
divided into four groups again; the women will stay in the admin office while the other men will be assigned to
the main door, tower post, and tower back while we are posted in the visiting area all day until our duty is over

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 23, 2022

Day: 43
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 43rd day of our on-the-job training (OJT), at exactly 8:00 am, we form and wait for the further
instructions given by SJO1 Raniel Batta as the officer of the day. After the formation, our team leader assigned us
to post at the tower to help the officer assigned there observe the persons deprived of liberty. In the afternoon,
at exactly 1:00 pm, we form again, and after we form, we return to our post area at the tower to continue our
task, which is to observe the Persons Deprived of Liberty. We reconvened at 5:00 p.m. and parted ways. 

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 24, 2022

Day: 44
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 44th day of On-the-Job Training (OJT), we enter the Tuguegarao City District Jail Male
Dormitory (TCDJ MD) at exactly 08:00 hh, and our post is in the tower back. The jail officer who is on
duty that day is JO1 Banan. Meanwhile, he instructed us to observe the Persons Deprived of Liberty
(PDL) while making a parol, and then there is a PDL asking for a favor to go in the rooftop to hang their
laundry, which JO1 Banan accepts, but he says we must accompany them to watch or observe them
while hanging their clothes.

In the afternoon, we exactly enter the Tuguegarao City District Jail Male Dormitory (TCDJ MD)
at exactly 13:00 hh, and we go back again to our designated areas to continue our duty until we have our
zumba at exactly 16:00 hh, and after the zumba, we have our formation for us to be dismissed.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 25,2022

Day: 45
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 45th day of our on-the-job training (OJT), we form and wait for the further instructions given by
the desk officer. After our formation, our team leader assigned us to post at the main door and help the BJMP
personnel do their tasks and secure the PDL. We form again in the afternoon at exactly 13:00 h, and after we
form, we return to our posting area at the main door. We formed again at exactly 16:00 h because Chief
Inspector Honesto Binarao told us to join the walking unity for the next day, and we dismissed at exactly 17:20 h
after Chief Inspector Honesto Binarao gave us the instructions. 
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 28,2022

Day: 46
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

Today is the 46th day of our On the Job Training (OJT). We go into the Tuguegarao City District
Jail Male Dormitory (TCDJ MD) at exactly 07:30 h and have our formation at 07:40 h. After that, the
class marcher reports our total strength and waits for further instruction from the Officer of the Day.
When the class marshal received the instruction, he informed us of it, then he assigned us to the visiting
area and distributed us in our designated areas.In our visiting area, we are observing the Persons
Deprived of Liberty (PDL) making a lantern.

And in the afternoon, we observe and secure the safety of the persons deprived of liberty and
their family members who visit them.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 29,2022

Day: 47
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On Day 47 of our OJT, we form, count, and wait for further instructions from the desk officer of the day.
After we form the desk officer and give the instructions to our marcher, the team leader assigns us to our
posting area to help the BJMP personnel in their task and observes the PDL, or person deprived of liberty. At
exactly 09:00 HH, the desk officer of the day ordered us to do a greyhound or inspection inside the jail to
confiscate contraband. After the greyhound, we went back into our posting area. And exactly at 11:30 HH, we
form for the dismissal. In the afternoon at 13:00 HH, we go back to the jail and form again and wait for the
instructions. After the instructions are given, we return to our posting area to help the BJMP personnel with
their task and observe the PDL, or person deprived of liberty. At exactly 17:00 HH, we form again and dismiss.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: November 30,2022

Day: 48
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 48th day of our OJT We formed in the morning, led by OJT team leader Herimar Canapi, and
divided into four groups; he assigned us to the tower post to secure PDL in doing lanterns for the lantern
contest. In the afternoon, after our formation, we headed back to our assigned post in the tower.
Noted and verified by:
Head of Office or his Representative
Date: December 1, 2022

Day : 49
Time In : 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 49th day of our duty, at 08:00 h, our team leader, Henimar Canapi, conducted an immediate
formation so that we could be assigned to our posting immediately because on this day we expect many guests
to attend today, such as before we were divided again into four groups, our group and assigned to the main
door, our job again at the main door is to inspect food to prevent the smuggling of contraband goods. When
they return to TCDJ MD, they will resume their posting to continue our work here at the main door. 

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: December 2, 2022

Day: 50
Time In : 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 50th day of our on-the-job training (OJT), at exactly 8:00 am, we form and wait for the further
instructions given by SJO2 Joaquin Langcay as the officer of the day. After the formation, our team leader
assigned us to post at the receiving area/main door to help the officers there observe the surroundings. In the
afternoon at exactly 1:00 pm, we form again, and after we form, we return to our post area at the Receiving
Area/Main Door to continue our task at exactly the time Sir Bosas instructs us to form for further instruction. Sir
Bosas also instructs us to bring extra shirts and shorts for us to use tomorrow as per the instructions of Sir Mark
Saquing. We reconvened at 5:00 p.m. and parted ways. 

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date:December 5, 2022

Day: 51
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

51th day of our duty, 08:00hh in the morning SJO1 RANIEL BATTA immediately formed us to
let us enter TCDJ so that we can attend the traditional flag ceremony every Monday after the flag
ceremony our team leader henimar canapi assigned us to our posting area, and as before, we were
divided into four groups, our group was assigned to the visiting area, while the others were assigned to
the tower post and back, and the main door to guard outside all afternoon until our duty at this day

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: December 6, 2022

Day : 52
Time In : 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

52 days of our duty at TCDJ, 07:40 HHOur team leader, Henimar Canapi, conducted a formation so that
he could quickly assign us to our posting area because today many visitors will come to visit their PDL relatives in
TCDJ-MD. On this day, we were assigned to the main door to inspect the food brought by the guests to be
brought inside the TCDJ. Our job is to check the food carefully to prevent smuggling by contraband items such as
knives, blades, sharp metals, and other prohibited items within the TCDJ.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: December 7, 2022
Day: 53
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

On the 53rd day of our on-the-job training (OJT), at exactly 08:00 HH, we formed and waited for the
instructions given by the desk officer of the day. After the instructions were given, our team leader assigned us
to the main door or gate to inspect the foods for the PDL, or person deprived of liberty, sent by their family to
prevent contraband and assist all the visitors as they entered the jail. At exactly 11:30 HH, we form again for the
dismissal. At 13:00 in the afternoon, we return to the BJMP and form up to await instructions from the Desk
Officer. After the instructions are given, we return to our posting area at the main door or gate to complete the
task given to us and help the BJMP personnel do their job. At exactly 13:30, we assist all the visitors who visit
their family inside the jail. After the visiting hours, we form again and join the zumba. After Zumba, we

reconvene and dismiss. 

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: December 8, 2022

Day: 54
Time In: 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

54 days of our duty 08:00 hh we formed so that we could quickly be given instructions by our
team lead, we were assigned to the visiting area to watch over and assist the PDLs and their guests, the
guests who will enter inside the TCDJ, we will leave their valid ID and their vaccination card to ensure
the identification of each guest and also to ensure that the guests who enter are fully vaccinated, and also
for the safety of the PDLs and the personnel and also us ojt Students.

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative
Date: December 9, 2022

Day: 55
Time In : 8:00 hh -13:00 hh
Time Out: 23:30 hh – 17 :00 hh

The Observation report in detail:

Day 55 of our on-the-job training, or OJT, began in the morning at 8:00 HH, when we formed and waited
for the instructions given by BJMP personnel. After our formation and the instructions given by the BJMP
personnel, our team leader assigned us to the visiting area to observe and assist the PDL, or person deprived of
liberty, in what they are doing, and we also helped the BJMP personnel with their task. At 11:30 HH, our team
leader instructs us to make for the dismissal to eat our lunch. In the afternoon, at exactly 13:00 HH, we return to
BJMP and form again. After our formation, we return to our posting area at the visiting area to assist all the
visitors who visit their family inside the jail. After visiting hours, we reconvened and disbanded. 

Noted and verified by:

Head of Office or his Representative

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