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PARISH NEWSLETTER The Parishes of Skelton with Shipton and Newton-on-Ouse

The Revd Malcolm Wainwright, The Rectory, Church Lane, Skelton, York, YO30 1XT Tel: 01904 471351


Skelton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Margaret Trowbridge 01347 848605
Kathy Peacock 01904 471980 David Theakstone 01904 470550
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674

Sunday 5th June


Trinity 2
L ooking out of my study window is now a
real delight. A huge variety of leaf colours and
textures in the trees, bright sunlight reflecting off
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion them, in sparkling fashion. The world has turned
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion and summer is arriving. Let’s rejoice in the
Newton 6.30pm Evensong with the choir wonder of creation and resolve to preserve this
for our world.
Sunday 12th June Trinity 3
The beginning of Summer is a good time to
Skelton 9.30am Family Communion
Shipton 11.00am All Age Service review our spiritual lives, to renew our
Newton 11.00am Family Communion, with perspectives on the world around us. As the
Sunday School season begins let us bear in mind that God
wishes to make all things new- to move
Sunday 19th June Trinity 4 everything towards his great purpose of drawing
us into living in his love and knowing that his
Newton 8.00am Holy Communion love will be with us forever, and we are able to
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion do this by following his word and his Spirit.
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion
Linton 6.30pm Family Service This gracious kindness is for all- the depth of
Village Hall God’s love was shown most fully on the cross,
in the willingness of God to allow his son to
Sunday 26th June Trinity 5 suffer and die to share our pain and darkness,
but then rising victorious to bring us hope that
Skelton 9.30am All Age service we too can share in that eternal life and love.
Shipton 11.00am All Age service Let us ask for God’s blessing on all our
Newton 11.00am Holy Communion communities this Summer!
Sunday 3rd July Trinity 6 We say goodbye to Rev Anna, but knowing she
will be able to return later on to inspire us and
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion
also to our Archbishop and thank him for a
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion
wonderful visit!
Newton 6.30pm Evensong with choir

Advance Notice I look forward to seeing you during the long

Sunday 24th July warm days!
Overton 3.00pm Blessing of Pets service
Churchyard Rev Malcolm


Marriage If you are thinking about Baptism or Marriage in any of
Kimberley Jayne Bonham & Kyle Timothy Simpson, the three parish churches, please contact the Reverend
April 23rd, Skelton
Malcolm Wainwright. Contact details can be found at
Peter Hexter, May 8th, Skelton
the top of this page.

Facebook—St Giles Church.Skelton,York
Skelton Village Trust Commemorative Award. Celebrating HM The Queen's
90th Birthday 2016. An annual award of up to £150 to support the further
Skelton Parish Council no meeting in June due to Referendum on June 23rd. education/training of a young person from Skelton. To qualify, your course should
Skelton WI Monthly meeting, June 9th, Village Hall, 7.30pm. Trouble at t’mill relate to the Trust's interests - heritage, environment, conservation. Applications
(windmills) - Sandra Garside Neville. Competition — A biscuit. Visitors always giving brief details of your course should be made by July 31st, in writing to: The
welcome. Call 470605 for further information Village Trust Committee, c/o Garden House, The Ryde, The Village, Skelton,
Coffee Chat and Books, Wednesday June 1st, 10-11.30am. All welcome YO30 1XY. Grants are at the discretion of the Committee who will notify
every first Wednesday of the month in Skelton Village Hall. Come with a friend. successful candidates by the end of August. For further details see
Vicarage reading group is looking for people to join our friendly monthly
reading group at members’ homes (2nd Monday evening of each month). We
read mostly fiction although are open to suggestions. Call Janis 01904 471367 SHIPTON WITH OVERTON NEWS
NB the church service on the 3rd Sunday of the month will start at 9.30am.
Anna’s retirement has meant we cannot staff two services at similar times. Shipton Parish Council Meeting, Community Centre Committee Room,
Skelton Gardening Club. Next meeting Thursday September 15th Wednesday June 15th, 7.30pm.
Skelton Walking Group Saturday June 4th. Meet at the Village Green 9.30am Tea and chat in the Chapel, Thursday June 16th from 2 – 4pm. All invited and do
for a 6 mile circular walk from Kepwick. A moderate climb up through the contact Yvonne (471936) if you need a lift
masses of wild rhododendrons to reach the Cleveland Way with wonderful Shipton Community Cafe - every Tuesday at Shipton Space, The Methodist
views of North Yorkshire Picnic required. All welcome. Contact 01904 470962 Chapel, 2pm until 4.30pm. Refreshments, homemade cakes, fresh produce, tuck
Skelton Tree Survey - The Skelton Village Trust 2015 Tree Survey is now shop, gifts and cards. All ages welcome
available online. This follows previous surveys Shipton Playground Committee have hired St Crux in York on Saturday July 9th
carried out in 1968 and 1976 to raise funds towards a nest swing as well as keeping up with Annual maintenance
Tuesday Singers Concert. Friday July 1st 7.30pm at Shipton Community costs. We need items to sell on stalls, we have space to store items so any bric-a-
Centre. A popular Annual Event of easy listening songs sung in perfect four- brac, clothes, shoes, books/CDs/DVDs, plants (nearer July) or anything you do not
part harmony. Tickets £7.50 (includes wine & refreshments) from Jill want (no electrical items) would be appreciated. We will collect. We need cakes to
Humphreys 01904 4709555 or Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 In aid of Skelton sell so if you can bake it would be appreciated. We also need plenty of helpers on
the day. If you can help in anyway, please ring Peter Chapman 471903 or Dawn
Church Funds
Malloy 470749
An Invitation to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday with Afternoon Tea.
Shipton Pre-school. Our highly qualified Pre-school team offer fun activities to
Skelton Village Hall on Sunday June 12th from 2 to 4pm. If you are 90 years develop the confidence, imagination & independence of children aged 2-5 years. If
old or over, you are welcome to have your tea for free. Transport can be you would like a free taster session or more information please contact Caroline on
arranged if you are unable to get to the village Hall. Tickets £6 from Carolyn E 07546571089 or see our website (free government
470125, Jill 470555, Carolyn L 470528. Do you have any memorabilia of the funding for over 3's & some over 2's available).
Queen’s life? Photos, pictures, scrapbook or bits and pieces could all be used Toddlers. This is a lively group for children aged 0-5 meeting each Tuesday from
to display in the hall on the day. Please contact Carolyn or Jill 9.30 to 11.30 in the Community Centre & run by our Pre-school staff. This informal
Blacksmith’s Arms, Skelton. Quiz Night every Thursday evening from group is designed to help toddlers with their social skills whilst parents/carers can
8.00pm. £1 per person and a prize for the winning team. Also Knit, Stitch and enjoy a coffee, chat & play. Drop in for a FREE taster session & ask about our
Natter every Thursday from 1.00pm. Come along for all things “crafty”. Tea loyalty scheme. Babies under 9 months free!
and coffee available. For further information, contact Danny or Debbie Holmes Shipton Pre-School & Toddlers Pub Quiz. Thursday June 16th from 7pm. £10
on 01904 471902 or per ticket includes supper, entry into the quiz & a raffle ticket. All welcome. Tickets
Police Surgery for Skelton Ward Wednesday June 29th, from 6pm in the on sale at the Dawnay Arms, Shipton. All money raised goes towards new
Mobile Police Office (VW Transporter) which will be parked outside the Village equipment for the Pre-School
Hall. Residents are invited to come along and talk to your local Safer Shipton Summer Craft Fayre, Saturday July 9th, 10:30 - 14:00, Shipton
Community Centre. Hire a table to sell/promote your crafts/services or donate
Neighbourhood Team about any issues.
goods to be sold from the central jumble table. Visit or
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every two weeks.
email for more info
As well as borrowing books & audio books, you can update your library card or 33rd annual vintage Hornby model railway show Community Centre, Shipton,
York Card, return books from any other York library, & request books to be Saturday June 18th, 10am - 4pm. There will be 3 working layouts, plus a large
brought to Skelton for you to borrow. The library stops in Fairfields Drive from display of various Meccano models & others. Many trade stands, selling all manner
2.00pm to 2.45pm & Brecksfield from 2.50pm to 4.00pm. Mondays June 6th of old model railway items. The local church ladies will provide tea/coffee & light
and 20th For more information tel. 01904 552655, email refreshments throughout the day at very reasonable prices, so please come & or go to support them. Admission to the show is £3, but ladies & accompanied children are
Skelton Community Primary School is pleased to announce that from free. For further details contact Dave Norville on 01904 470270
September 2016 a New Breakfast Club (07:30-08:45) and After School Club Middleton School Foundation. Applications are invited for grants offered from the
(15:30-18:00) will be available at school Monday to Friday during term time, above Charity. Grants are available to persons under the age of 25 & who live, or
provided in collaboration with Yorkchildcare. To make enquiries and book whose parents live, in the Parishes of Shipton or Overton. Grants are available for
please see or call 01904 409764. costs associated with academic or vocational training. Grants are at the discretion
We also have spare places in Reception for September 2016 and we would like of Trustees & applications will not be considered for expenditure that has been
to welcome new families to the school, which was OFTSED rated GOOD IN incurred more than six months prior to the date of application. Applications must
ALL AREAS in the last inspection (February 2015). The school has modern always include full details of the costs incurred, proof of expenditure, name,
address, date of birth & an email address for any queries. Parents or guardians
spacious facilities, fantastic grounds and wonderful teachers – to enquire about
may apply on behalf of persons aged 17 years or under. Applications or queries to
school places, please call 01904 555170 or for further information see
Mrs J. Jordan, The Bungalow, Amblers Lane, Shipton, York, YO30 1AN by Wednesday June 1st. Applications received after this date will be considered at
Skelton Squirrels is also based at Skelton School and is a Preschool (ages 2 the next quarterly meeting of Trustees
-4) running Monday to Friday during term time. Early Years Funded places are
available – please contact Lesley on 07895 975078 for more information.
YOUR NEWSLETTER Notices for the newsletter should be BENINGBROUGH NEWS
received by the 15th of June for the July/August issue. All
notices should be sent to your village co-ordinator or to Ian Newton-on-Ouse WI June 2nd, 7.15pm Newton Parish Hall. “The Brontes” - Pat
Holbrook, 20, Grange Close, Skelton, York YO30 1YR or via Osbourne. Not quite calendar girls but we offer fun and friendship to women of all
email to by this date. ages and interests. Come along to the meeting or contact Kath 01347 833411or
***Please be careful to submit accurate information (especially Helen 01347 833055 for more details
dates and phone Nos.)*** Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club draw took place on May 1st and the lucky
The editor cannot be held responsible for the content of any winners were Julia Hughes (£30), Gillian Coyle (£15) and Sue Allison (£15).
notice submitted. Congratulations! If you would like to join the 100 Club please phone Wendy Key on
Note email for adverts: 844036

NEWTON & LINTON NEWS continued… Adverts:
Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers
Sunday School Sunday June 12th in Newton Village Hall, 10.15am. Every
2nd Sunday, places available. Helpers are needed for Sunday School –
Contact Caroline on 07967 133396.
The Musical Concert held in the Church was enjoyed by a full audience and
raised £484 for Church funds. A big "thank you" to Stephanie Howe for
organizing the event
Musical Coffee Morning Saturday June 11th at 10.30am, All Saints Church Servicing and MOT Preparation
with the usual stall & raffle. Please come along & enjoy the music Work carried out on Cars — 4x4 — Light Commercial
All Saints Church, Newton, now has a Facebook page, where you’ll find TYRES . BATTERIES . EXHAUSTS
details of exciting upcoming events as well as photos of weddings, baptisms,
etc. Please feel free to post a message there. You can find us on Facebook at At very competitive prices
allsaintsnewton - looking forward to meeting you there! Bosch Diagnostics & full Hella Air Conditioning
Roof Repair Project receives £9900 grant from Yorkshire Historic Churches Service & Repairs
Trust. This is a huge grant from the YHCT and we are delighted that they have
chosen to support our project. We are now trying to finalise plans with the MAIN STREET, SHIPTON 01904 470263
various heritage bodies but the good news is the repairs are in reach!
Newton Art Group would welcome new members of all abilities and area wide,
to join our friendly group which meets on Mondays at the village hall.
Programme of varied workshops and activities. Support available for beginners.
For further details please contact Judith 01347 848553 Domestic Appliance Engineers
Tractor Run: Join us on the Newton Tractor Run June 26th.Hog Roast Lunch Unit 1
etc. Details from D Theakstone 01904 470550. Wigginton Grange
Birthday Bash: Thank you to everyone who helped to raise £1170 - to be York YO32 2RD
shared between Church Funds & Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A brilliant evening
was had by everyone
The Annual Safari Supper, Saturday August 6th. Tickets from Margaret -
Tel: 07976 152 591
848605 or Julia - 848239. If anyone would like to "host" a main course of up to Hoover & Hotpoint Specialist
8 people we would be very grateful - please contact either of the above Sales Repairs & Spares
Newton-on-Ouse Allotments Association Open Day will be held this year on
Sunday July 10th, 2-4pm, at the allotments site on Back Lane. Produce, plants
& cut flowers for sale,. Refreshments will be available. Everyone welcome Would you like a helping hand to keep your
The final total for the Nearly New Sale held on 5/11/15 raised a total of
£903.10 for the Church Roof Restoration Fund. Another sale will be held and I garden beautiful?
will collect items in November dates will be confirmed later.
Beadwork Catch-up Day will be held on June 25th at Pat's. £2.00, tea, coffee  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
and biscuits provided. Bring a packed lunch. All welcome. Pat 01347 848064
Linton & District Gardening Club, June 24th, “Garden Safari” - Everyone Call Alex on:
welcome. Guests £3
Newton & Linton Families are invited to monthly family services at All Saints, tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
Newton, every 2nd Sunday at 11am also in Linton Village Hall every 3rd mob: 07530569026 garden maintenance
Sunday at 4 30pm. These will be informal services with refreshments & will
draw on material & activities for children & adults.
Linton on Ouse Coffee Morning. Saturday June 25th, 10.30am, Village Hall. Wood Farm Bed and Breakfast
Pop along for a coffee and catch up with the neighbours for a chat. Children Shipton By Beningbrough, York
are very welcome. We usually have some home baking for sale.
Linton Parish Council, Linton Village Hall, 7.00pm Tuesday June 14th 4 Star Rating with Silver Award
Spacious farmhouse ensuite accommodation
with a superb level of comfort
Archdeaconry of York Prayer—Generous God, you look upon us with love
and mercy. Build up your people in this Archdeaconry of York, we pray, and
make your churches places of generosity and welcome, that we might nurture The Hambleton Handyman
disciples of your Son. May we seek to work as partners in mission, desiring the John Burroughs
guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit, as we live out your Gospel in our No job too small so go ahead and call!!
parishes. This we ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Beningbrough Hall, Gallery and Gardens. Memory Bank Weekend
Saturday 11th - Sunday 12th June, 10.30am - 2pm Come and share your
Linton On Ouse Mobile: 07764 226511
memories of the Beningbrough estate throughout the years on this Memory
Bank weekend. Maybe one of your ancestors worked in the laundry, or lived in
York Tel: 01347 848806
the village during WWII when the RAF were stationed at Linton-on-Ouse.
Whatever the connection, we’d love for you to share it with us, whether it’s E-Mail:
through photos, letters, diaries or stories
Coffee Chat and Books, Wednesday June 1st, 10-11.30am. All welcome
every first Wednesday of the month in Skelton Village Hall. Come with a friend. Aspire
Tea and chat in the Chapel, Thursday June 16th from 2 – 4pm. All invited and DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS
do contact Yvonne (471936) if you need a lift Built-in and Freestanding
Ovens – Cookers – Microwave ovens
Dishwashers – Washing machines
Contacts: Tumble Dryers - Fridge freezers
The Parish Newsletter:- All leading brands - 40 years experience
Email for adverts: Tel 01347 848170

Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers

HOME FARM BENINGBROUGH We are committed to providing a quality, trusted and consistent
home care service. We only recruit CareGivers who are passionate
FARM SHOP & CAFÉ about making a difference and we match each CareGiver to each client
BERTHA’S BARN — GIFTS, INTERIORS & CURIOS so the same person will call each time.
For information on our services or if you would like to work as a
Open every day except Monday CareGiver call 01904 690884 or email
9.30am to 5.30pm
Serving breakfast, light lunches & afternoon teas
Find us on the exit road from Beningbrough Hall
Tel 01904 470562
The Owl Barn Holiday Cottage
Nr Newton, Shipton & Tollerton, YO30 1AY

Available year round, flexible durations

Ideal for visiting family/friends or between house moves

Luxury 2 bed/bath—Sleeps 4—Quiet rural location

Open beams—Log Burner—Private terrace with Hot Tub

Margaret: 07801 707107

S T Stead BVSc MRCVs
2 Plantation Drive, off B’bridge Road,
ACOMB, York YO26 6AG
24 Hours 7 Days a Week Emergency Service 782033
Alternative Emergency 07836 618 148
New Skelton Surgery Facilities
Telephone Acomb Surgery for appointments

CUNDALL COMPUTERS Justhats Patricia H Designs

YOUR LOCAL COMPUTER SPECIALIST Hats made to order, trimmed and styled
Repairs—Upgrades—Virus Removal—Computer set-up to suit individual needs.
Laptop Screen Replacement—Power Socket Replacement Hats hired for all occasions.
Tablet Repairs—Laptop Batteries & Chargers Supplied Specials made for Ladies Day, Weddings etc.
Computers built to your requirements—Laptops also sold Patricia Huck Qualified Milliner
Tel: 01904 634386—Mobile: 07955006289 Newton-on-Ouse 01347 848064
Email: Mob 07715400148, email:

Mark Sherry Electrical

Domestic and Commercial

All aspects of electrical work undertaken—No job too small  Society Packages Available
Rewiring—Lighting—Fault Finding—Additional Switches &  Sunday Lunches available, contact Graham & Val on
Sockets—Security Lighting—Fuse Box Repairs & Upgrades 01904 750287
Periodic Inspection/Condition Reports & Testing
Installing Appliances—Breakdowns
 Tuition available from our Professional, James Wake
 Ladies Coaching Thursday mornings
Friendly reliable & efficient service - over 20 years experience  Membership available with no Joining Fee
Tel 07710528200 01904 470791
For more details go to our website

SJA Joinery
Home Improvement Services SWEENEY DOG PET SERVICES
All aspects of joinery undertaken to the highest Too busy at Work? On Holiday?
standard. Specialist in sash window and wooden Need help to walk your Dog or Feed your Cat?
conservatory repairs. Professional tiling and
Phone 01904 890666
decorating service. Also pre-market “house
doctoring” and rented property maintenance. Call Professional Pet Services for All your Pets
Dog Walking - Pet Feeding
Sean on:- Pet Taxi - Grooming
Tel. 07960 191 703 / 01347 848004 Fully Insured, Police Checked

ADVERTISEMENTS Please contact to enquire about advertising opportunities


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