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The image below is for question number 1.

(Gambar di bawah ini untuk pertanyaan nomor 1.)

1. What is the best statement for the image above?

(Apa pernyataan terbaik untuk gambar di atas?)
A. The chef is serving food.
(A. Koki menyajikan makanan.)
B. The man is cooking food.
(B. Pria itu sedang memasak makanan)
C. The waiter is serving the guest.
(C. Pelayan melayani tamu.)
D. The doctor is examining the patient.
(D. Dokter sedang memeriksa pasien.)

The image below is for question number 2.

(Gambar di bawah ini untuk pertanyaan nomor 2)

2. What is the best statement for the image above?

(2. Apa pernyataan terbaik untuk gambar di atas?)
A. She has very short hair.
(A. Dia memiliki rambut yang sangat pendek.)
B. The woman is wearing a hat.
(B. Wanita itu memakai topi.)
C. The woman looks very upset.
(C. Wanita itu terlihat sangat kesal.)
D. She is wearing a beautiful gown.
(D. Dia mengenakan gaun yang indah.)

The image below is for question number 3.

3. What is the best statement for the image above?

A. There is a boat on the sea.
B. There are houses by the lake.
C. There are temples by the lake.
D. There is a mountain on the water.

4. Jeremy : I have a problem with math.

Joshua : ______________________ . I’m positive you will manage to do
your math easily.
A. Why don’t you take exercise?
B. I think you should work hard.
C. I suggest that you take a course.
D. How about doing the math test?

5. Andre : How about going to the acoustic concert this weekend?

Tamara : ______________________. I have a final test next week.
A. I’d rather go with you.
B. I like watching films better.
C. I always prefer a comedy film.
D. I’d better stay at home to study.

6. Rio : We will have a touring next Sunday. __________________.

Rena : I’d love to. Where do we go?
Rio : To Sawarna Beach.
Rena : It must be interesting!
A. Want to join us?
B. I don’t like that beach.
C. Do you know where is it?
D. We’d rather stay at home.

7. Sania : What do you think about this laptop?

Ella : ___________________________ .
A. The laptop is in the office.
B. The meeting is using your laptop.
C. I don’t know how to use this laptop.
D. I think it’s a high quality and sophisticated.

8. Lucy : Are you busy on weekends?

Mira : Of course not. I usually get up late. Instead of taking a shower early,
I watch a Korean drama series. I can spend hours watching. In the
afternoon, I order some food for dinner.
Lucy : Sounds interesting!
What does Mira do after getting up on weekends?
A. She orders some food.
B. She usually gets up late.
C. She takes a shower early.
D. She watches Korean drama.

9. Nando : Did you come to Lia’s party last night?

Riza : No, I didn’t. I came to my uncle’s house last night.
Why didn’t Riza come to Lia’s party last night?
A. He was sick last night.
B. Riza came to Lia’s party last night.
C. He came to his uncle’s house last night.
D. Nando didn’t come to Lia’s party last night.

10. Marry : Our class will go hiking this weekend.

Juliano : That sounds great. It will be an exciting weekend.
Mary : Would you like to join us?
Juliano : I’d love to. Where’s the destination?
Marry : Padang Mountain in Cianjur, West Java.
Juliano : How do we get there?
Mary : We go buy bus first. Then we start hiking on foot from the bus

What is the topic of the dialogue above?

A. An offer to join a hiking weekend.
B. An invitation to come to a program.
C. A request to join a classroom activity.
D. An information about a hiking program.

11. Candidate : Good morning, Sir.

HRD : Morning. So, you’ve applied for the marketing position, right?
Candidate : Yes, I have Sir.
HRD : Please tell me about yourself.
Candidate : Alright Sir. My name is Dylan Permana. I am from Denpasar
and currently I live on Teuku Umar Street. I am 26 years old
HRD : What experience do you have?
Candidate : I had worked for 2 years as a sales and marketing in a
furniture company, Sir.

What can we conclude for the dialogue above?

A. Dylan doesn’t have work experience.
B. Dylan had worked in a coal company.
C. Dylan is having an opportunity for a job interview.
D. Dylan has applied for the Manager Marketing position.

The text below is for questions number 12 and 13.

Aimed at the entire XII grade State Vocational High School 1. As a preparation of the
National Examination, the additional lessons will be held after school on Monday-Friday
started from 6 January 2020. All students are required to attend additional classes without
exception in order to succeed in facing the UN.

12. What is the aim of the announcement above?

A. To succeed a program of National Examination.
B. To tell when the National Examination will be held.
C. To inform about an additional lessons to face the UN.
D. To describe the circumstance before National Examination.

13. To whom the announcement is addressed?

A. To the eleventh grade State Vocational High School 1.
B. To the entire students of State Vocational High School 1.
C. To all students of XII grade State Vocational High School 1.
D. To all teachers and students of State Vocational High School 1.
The text below is for questions number 14 and 15.

Bali Ulun Danu Beratan Temple is a temple dedicated to the goddess of the lake is Ida
Batari Dewi Ulun Danu on the edge of a huge crater. The dominant shrines are Meru’s (pagodas)
dedicated to the lake goddess and the gods of Mount Batur and Mount Gunung Agung, the
largest volcano in Bali. The temple was built in the 17th century in worship of the main Hindu
trinity, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, as well as the lake goddess, Dewi Danu.
The sight and cool atmosphere of the Bali uplands have made the lake and this temple a
favorite sightseeing and recreational spot as well as a frequently photographed site. Ulun Danu
Beratan Temple, literally ‘the source temple of Lake Beratan’, is easily the island’s most iconic
sanctuary sharing the scenic qualities with the seaside temples of Uluwatu Temple and Tanah
Lot Temple. The smooth reflective surface of the lake surrounding most of the temple’s base
creates a unique floating impression, while the mountain range of the Bedugul region encircling
the lake provides the temple with a scenic backdrop.

14. What does the first paragraph tell about?

A. The history of the temples in Indonesia.
B. The beauty of the scenery in Bali Island.
C. The history of Bali Ulun Danu Beratan temple.
D. The cool atmosphere of Bali Ulun Danu Beratan temple.

15. Why do the people make Bali Ulun Danu Beratan Temple as favorite sightseeing and
recreational spot?
A. Because of its reliefs.
B. Because of its Goddess.
C. Because of the uniqueness of the lake.
D. Because of the sight and cool atmosphere of the Bali uplands.

16. Jack : We’re going to the Italian restaurant. Would you care to join us?
Noe : ______________________________________________ . Maybe
another time.
What is the best response to complete the dialogue?
A. Of course, I’d love to.
B. If you don’t mind, I’ll pick you up.
C. Would you like to drink a cup of coffe?
D. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have another commitment this evening.

17. Sam : Nothing’s better than climbing the mountain, right?

Tasya : __________________________________ . I find it so challenging.
I prefer going to the beach.
A. I Think the same way.
B. I have a different opinion.
C. I completely agree with you.
D. I couldn’t agree with you more.

18. Bill : Daddy, where is my bicycle? Have you seen it? 

Dad : __________________________________ .
Bill : When will it get fixed? 
Dad : It will be done tomorrow.

A. It repaired by the mechanic.

B. It is repairing by the mechanic.
C. It has repaired by the mechanic.
D. It is being repaired by the mechanic.

19. Rossie : What are your plans after graduating from vocational high school?
Sania : I have applied for a scholarship. I am going to continue to Leeds
University. How about you?
Rossie : I really want to continue to university, but my parents want me to
work first. They cannot support me financially.
Sania : I hope you get the best in your future.

What will Rossie possibly do after graduating from vocational high school?
A. She will apply for a job.
B. She will go to Leeds University.
C. She will continue to university.
D. She will apply for a scholarship.

20. Nayla : I attended an educational seminar yesterday.

Sakti : Really? _______________________________ .
Nayla : Oh, sure. I got a lot of knowledge and experience there.

A. Do you enjoy the seminar?

B. Did you enjoy the seminar?
C. What did you get in the seminar?
D. What were you doing in the seminar?
21. Vanessa : I’m going to deliver my speech and I feel very nervous.
Lionel : ________________________. I’m sure it will help you feel relaxed
and more confident.

A. You should take enough rest.

B. How about going to the mall?
C. I suggest that you speak English.
D. Why don’t you take a deep breath?

22. Zaky : My parents are disappointed in my final examination score. I realize

that I didn’t study hard for the test.
Annie : If you ______________________ hard for the test, you would have got
a better score.
Zaky : I know. I wish I could turn back time.

A. Study
B. Had studied
C. Are studying
D. Were studying

23. Man : I want to lose weight. What should I do?

Woman : _____________________________ .
A. If I were you, I’d eat a lot.
B. I suggest you to study better.
C. You’d better do more exercises.
D. Don’t worry about it. Let’s have fun!

24. Aliya : I ordered a pair of shoes last week. They should have arrived by now.
Nadia : Maybe there’s a problem with the shipment. Why don’t you check with the
Aliya : Yeah, you are right.

What will Aliya probably do?

A. Check the store.
B. Cancel the order.
C. Call the company.
D. Get the shoes herself.
25. Aliya : I ordered a pair of shoes last week. They should have arrived by now.
Nadia : Maybe there’s a problem with the shipment. Why don’t you check with the
Aliya : Yeah, you are right.
“I ordered a pair of shoes last week.”
The underlined word has the closest meaning to…
A. Paid
B. Sent
C. Canceled
D. Reserved

26. Man : I have a runny nose. Can you recommend me some medicine?
Woman : I’ll give you a nasal spray. If your cold continues more than three days, you should
go to a doctor.
Man : Okay. How many times should I use it?

Where would the dialogue probably happen?

A. At a clinic
B. At a drug store.
C. At a dental clinic.
D. At a grocery store.

27. Vina : How do you spend your leisure time?

Jimmy : I help my mother clean the house and prepare dinner. After that, I usually listen to
my favorite songs in my room.

What are they talking about?

A. Vina’s daily activities
B. Jimmy’s activities in holiday.
C. Vina’s activities in his leisure time.
D. Jimmy’s activities in his leisure time.

28. Marie : Why are you sitting outside?

Sisca : I have to wait here while the room ____________________ .
Marie : I see. They should finish it soon because the shop must be open in 15 minutes.
A. Cleans
B. Cleaned
C. Is cleaning
D. Is being cleaned

29. Ryan : Please bring me the document that I have to sign

Tina : I’m sorry, Sir ____________________________ .
Ryan : Alright, I’ll wait for it.
A. It will be done.
B. It has been revised.
C. It was already typed.
D. It’s still being printed.

The text below is for questions number 30-32.

There are now more new cases of the coronavirus reported each day outside China than
inside the hardest-hit country, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday.
"Yesterday, the number of new cases reported outside China exceeded the number of new cases
in China for the first time," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told diplomats in Geneva,
according to a written version of his speech.
The UN health agency put the number of new cases in China at 411 on Tuesday and
those registered outside the country stood at 427.
Governments worldwide are scrambling to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus after a
surge of infections in Italy, Iran and South Korea.
Tedros said the "sudden increase of cases" in those countries was "deeply concerning",
adding that a WHO team would travel to Iran this weekend to evaluate the situation.
While new case numbers and deaths are dwindling at the disease epicentre in China, the country
remains by far the hardest hit.
Tedros said that as of Wednesday morning, 78,190 cases of COVID-19 had been
registered in China, including 2,718 deaths. That compares with 2,790 cases and 44 deaths
reported across 37 other countries.But WHO has said the epidemic in China peaked and on
February 2 and has been declining since.
Bruce Aylward, who headed a WHO-backed expert mission to China, hailed the drastic
quarantine and containment measures taken by Beijing, saying the country had "changed the
course" of the outbreak.But he told reporters in Geneva that other nations were "simply not
ready". In Wednesday's speech, Tedros acknowledged that the hike in cases outside China had
prompted a push for a pandemic to be declared.
"We should not be too eager to declare a pandemic," he said, stressing that such a
declaration could "signal that we can no longer contain the virus, which is not true."We are in a
fight that can be won if we do the right things."But he insisted that WHO would not hesitate to
declare a pandemic "if it is an accurate description of the situation. "I am not downplaying the
seriousness of the situation, or the potential for this to become a pandemic, because it has that
potential," he said."All countries, whether they have cases or not, must prepare for a potential

30. What is the topic of the text above?

A. The other diseases impacted by Coronavirus.
B. The study of Coronavirus conducted in China.
C. The Coronavirus cases emerging faster outside China.
D. The characteristics of the disease caused by the Coronavirus.

31. What must the countries do to face the potential pandemic?

A. They must prepare for a potential pandemic.
B. They should check the health of their citizen.
C. The government does not need to care about that.
D. Every country must have the best doctor and hospital.

32. "I am not downplaying the seriousness of the situation…”

The underlined word refers to…
A. Speak
B. Speech
C. Maximize
D. Understate

The text below is for questions number 33-35.

Installing Microsoft Office on a laptop is no different than installing the software on a
desktop or netbook. Some low-end or older laptops may have smaller hard drives which
limits how much data can be written to disk. In this case, you can set up a customized install
to load only the important applications or features to the laptop, reducing the amount of
space Microsoft Office takes up on the hard drive.
1. First, insert the Microsoft Office media disc into the DVD drive. Click "Start" followed
by "Computer." Double-click the disc drive if Windows fails to launch setup automatically.
2. Next, enter your product key when prompted and click "Continue." Read the license terms
and then check "I Accept the Terms of This Agreement." Click "Continue."
3. Next, Click "Customize." Select the first program or tool from the list and then choose
"Run From My Computer," "Run All From My Computer," "Installed on First Use" or "Not
Available" from the options.
Repeat the previous step for each application or feature. Click "Install Now" to install
Microsoft Office to the laptop.
33. What is the aim of the text above?
A. To describe about Microsoft Office.
B. To tell about history of Microsoft Office.
C. To explain how to install Microsoft Office.
D. To inform about a new product of Microsoft Office.

34. What must we do after insert the Microsoft Office media disc into the DVD drive?
A. Enter the product key.
B. Read the license terms.
C. Click “Start” followed by “Computer”.
D. Click "Customize” and select the first program.

35. “In this case, you can set up a customized install to load only the important applications….”
(3rd sentence).
The underlined word has the closest meaning to…
A. Run
B. Open
C. Insert
D. Install

The text below is for questions number 36-38.

Batavia old town or known as Kota Tua in West Jakarta is one of the popular tourist
destinations both for local and foreign tourists. Its main attraction is Fatahillah Square, an
open space area surrounded by colonial and historical buildings. There, visitors can do some
museum hopping and stroll around the outdoor area. One of the museums you can visit is
Magic Art 3D Museum which is considered still new because it was opened to the public on
7 December 2018. It is precisely located on Kerta Niaga 1 Building, Kota Tua, Jakarta. In
this museum, visitors can take thousand photos as there a lot of instragramable photo spots
available with unique 3 dimensional paintings.
This two- storey museum has various rooms with hand painted 3D Illustration art,
organized by Mr. Gyung Won Park from Korea, as the managing director of Magic Art 3D
Museum.  Before you enter the zone, you have to take off your footwear or shoes to prevent
from damaging the paintings on the floor. There are about 100 paintings, painted by 9 to 10
painters only within 3 months. There are 6 painters from Korea and 3 painters from
Indonesia. Each painting is divided according to their respective themes or zones. There are
Painting Zone, Animal Zone, Ocean Zone, Daily Zone, Dinosaurs Zone, and Adventure
In Painting Zone, the illustration refers more to popular masterpiece of art. In Animal
Zone, of course all of the paintings are animal related. In Ocean Zone, you can experience
an adventure under water in a fun way. Heading to the second floor, you’ll first be offered to
enter the Mirror Room and Laser Room. And after that you will enter the Daily Zone, which
shows daily life painting. To the next zone, that is Dinosaurs Zone, which there are also
Horror Room and Magician Room. And for the last zone, there’s Adventure Zone, which is
the most favorite zone of all, because of the incredible paintings there.  For your
information, on each painting, there is a footprint where it suggests you to take the photos
and if you’re confused how to pose, there are some examples of poses available on the floor
and on the wall.
36. The purpose of the text is to …
A . entertain readers
B . persuade readers
C . describe the museum
D . promote the museum

37. Where you can get the experience of underwater adventure in the museum?

A. Daily zone
B . Ocean zone
C. Animal zone
D Adventure zone

38. “… on each painting, there is a footprint where it suggests you to take the photos.”
(last sentence)

What does the underlined word mean?

A . A measurement of the foot size
B . The amount of space on a surface
C . The covered shape on the ground
D . A mark left on a surface by a foot shape.

The text below is for questions number 39-40.

   I won’t forget my first experience facing the policeman. It was such an embarrassing yet
a funny day. When I walked home after school, my friend offered me a ride. At first, I refused
her offer because she didn’t have any helmet for me to wear. But she insisted and told me that
there would be no police. Besides, she asked me to accompany her to buy a second-hand book.
Finally, I agreed to accompany her and go home together.
    On the way to the bookstore, she rode carefully and chose the alternative way. Even it
took longer time and distance, finally we could arrive at the bookstore. Then, my friend bought a
classic book with lower price, while I was looking at the bookshelf filled with the novels.
    After that, we went to the parking area. We rode the motorcycle and passed the same way
we went to the bookstore. We thought that the way was safe from the police. But unfortunately,
when we just turned left at the intersection, we saw a policeman standing near the tree. The
policeman stopped us and asked for the riding license and all the equipment in riding motorcycle.
Then the police asked me, “Where is your helmet?” I was afraid to answer, and I just said it with
shaking voice, “Sorry, sir. It’s just my mistake.” Surprisingly, my friend was also realizing her
fault, “No, sir. I have asked her to accompany me. Let me get the traffic ticket.”
    Guess what happened next! The policeman who have strict face showed us his wide smile.
He said, “You are all funny. I won’t give you the punishment letter, but please do something.”
My friend starred at me. We thought we had to give the police some money, but we only had a
few. Then, the police said, “Don’t you dare to think that I'll ask some money from you. Okay, I’ll
make it clear. You are students, right? Then tell me what lesson you've learned today at school.”
Feeling surprised and worried at the same time, I tried to recall my mind about the lesson at
school. “Oh, I just learned how to write a diary in English. Maybe I’m going to write about
today’s incident – I don’t wear the helmet.” The police couldn’t stand not to laugh. “Okay, I'll
release you. But remember to wear the helmet when you ride the motorcycle, even if there's a
police or not. Please stay safe!” We felt relieved and thanked him. Later, he told us that my
friend and me reminded him to his daughter who stayed in other city to study.
    After that moment, I promise to always wear the helmet when going by motorcycle and
refuse for a ride if there is no helmet. I won’t let that funny moment happened twice!

39. What is the role of the writer?

A . The witness
B  The passanger
C . The shopkeeper
D . The police officer

40. What makes the policeman laugh?

A. He saw the girls trembling while answering his question.
B. The writer did not wear helmet while riding motorcycle.
C. He remembered his daughter who stayed in other city to study.
D . The writer told him about what she had learned at school today.


Read the text below and answer the questions number 1-3!

Students of XII grade are welcome to attend a morning seminar on :
You can learn a lot from Mr. Budi Umar, a well-known education consultant.
Date   : July, 27th, 2018
Time   : 07.30
Venue  : School main hall
Don’t miss this free event. Seats are limited.
To reserve your seat, please call Kemal : 0812 69795677 0r 085234576

1. What does the text tell about?

2. Where is the seminar will be hold?

3. What must the students do if they will attend the seminar?

Read the text below and answer the questions number 4 and 5!

B.J. Habibie, in full Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, (born June 25, 1936, Parepare,
Indonesia—died September 11, 2019, Jakarta), Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician who
was president of Indonesia (1998–99) and a leader in the country’s technological and economic
development in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Brilliant in science and mathematics from childhood, Habibie received his postsecondary
education at the Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, and furthered his
studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–Westphalia in Aachen, West Germany.
After graduating in 1960, he remained in West Germany as an aeronautics researcher and
production supervisor.
Suharto took power as Indonesia’s second president in 1966, and in 1974 he asked
Habibie—whom he had known for 25 years—to return to the country to help build advanced
industries. Suharto assured him that he could do whatever was needed to accomplish that goal.
Initially assigned to the state oil company, Pertamina, Habibie became a government adviser and
chief of a new aerospace company in 1976. Two years later he became research minister and
head of the Agency for Technology Evaluation and Application. In these roles he oversaw a
number of ventures involving the production and transportation of heavy machinery, steel,
electronics and telecommunications equipment, and arms and ammunition.
4. What is the purpose of the text above?

5. What did BJ Habibie do after he graduated from Institute of Technology of

North Rhine–Westphalia?

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