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J AM ACAD DERMATOL Research Letters 251


independently doing investigator global assessment Prevalence and predictors of pruritus

scores of all patients, and Dr Jineesh Valakkada, from in pemphigus compared with bullous
Department of Radiology, All India Institute of Medical pemphigoid: A cross-sectional study
Sciences, New Delhi, for radiologic assessment of all
pretreatment and post-treatment x-ray images. To the Editor: Pemphigus is an autoimmune blis-
tering disease with substantial pain, which affects
Sujay Khandpur, MD,a Prateek Sondhi, MD,a quality of life.1-3 Previous reports and anecdotal
Neha Taneja, MD,a Preeti Sharma, MSc,a Day- clinical observations suggest that patients
asagar Das, MSc,b Alpana Sharma, PhD,b and with pemphigus with cutaneous involvement
Vishnubatla Sreenivas, MDc frequently experience pruritus. We sought to eluci-
date the prevalence and predictors of itch in
From the Departments of Dermatology and Vene- pemphigus compared with bullous pemphigoid
reology,a Biochemistry,b and Biostatistics,c All (BP), for which pruritus has been well documented.
India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Na- After institutional review board approval, a retro-
gar, New Delhi, India. spective analysis was performed of visits by adults
Funding sources: None. with pemphigus and BP with documented itch
scores seen at Emory Clinic from June 2012 through
Conflicts of interest: This was an investigator- May 2019 (BP) and July 2017 through May 2019
initiated trial. The drug adalimumab biosimilar ( pemphigus). The Bullous Pemphigoid Disease
(Exemptia) was provided by Zydus Biovation Area Index (BPDAI)4 Pruritus component character-
(division of Cadila Health Care) free of cost to all izes itch on a visual analog scale of 0 to 10 over the
patients. Zydus Biovation had no interference in past day, week, and month; the intensity score is the
the design, conduct, and analysis of the study. sum of these subcomponents. The Pemphigus
IRB approval status: Reviewed and approved by All Disease Area Index (PDAI)5 lacks an itch score, so
India Institute of Medical Sciences Ethics Com- the BPDAI Pruritus component was administered to
mittee, New Delhi (approval reference number patients with pemphigus and BP. Categorical and
IEC-83/08.01.2016, RP-11/2016). numeric variables were analyzed in relation to a 24-
hour, standard pruritus VAS and total BPDAI Pruritus
Correspondence and reprint requests to: Sujay scores by using analysis of variance and Pearson
Khandpur, MD, Department of Dermatology and correlation coefficient (PCC), with significance at P
Venereology, All India Institute of Medical less than 0.05. All patients could read English and
Sciences, New Delhi, India self-completed the surveys.
E-mail: Overall, data from 58 patients with pemphigus (91
encounters) and 77 patients with bullous pemphi-
goid (504 encounters) were included. Tables I and II
REFERENCES show participant demographic data and descriptive
1. Jani RH, Gupta R, Bhatia G, et al. A prospective, randomized,
double-blind, multicentre, parallel-group, active controlled
statistics. The average BPDAI 24-hour for patients
study to compare efficacy and safety of biosimilar adalimu- with pemphigus was 3.25 6 3.03 (out of 10), and the
mab (Exemptia; ZRC-3197) and adalimumab (Humira) in average BPDAI Pruritus total score was 11.05 6 8.69
patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Int J Rheum Dis. 2016; (out of 30). Patients with pemphigus with cutaneous-
19(11):1157-1168. only involvement had greater BPDAI 24-hour and
2. Midha V, Mahajan R, Mehta V, et al. Efficacy and safety of the
adalimumab biosimilar Exemptia as induction therapy in
total itch scores. Pemphigus foliaceus had greater
moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis. Intest Res. 2018;16(1):83-89. itch than pemphigus vulgaris ( pemphigus foliaceus:
3. Papp K, Bachelez H, Costanzo A, et al. Clinical similarity of BPDAI 24-hour, 4.45 6 2.74; P ¼ .027; BPDAI
biosimilar ABP 501 to adalimumab in the treatment of patients Pruritus total, 15.20 6 7.00; P ¼ .007), and
with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: a randomized, cutaneous-only involvement had greater itch than
double-blind, multicenter, phase III study. J Am Acad Dermatol.
mucosal and/or mucocutaneous (cutaneous only:
4. Campanati A, Orciani M, Lazzarini R, et al. TNF- inhibitors BPDAI 24-hour, 4.16 6 2.85; P ¼ .028; BPDAI
reduce the pathological Th1-Th17/Th2 imbalance in cuta- Pruritus total, 14.20 6 7.49; P ¼ .006) (Tables I and
neous mesenchymal stem cells of psoriasis patients. Exp II). PDAI score was significantly correlated with both
Dermatol. 2017;26:319-324. itch scores (24-hour: PCC, 0.331; P ¼ .011; total: PCC,
5. Reddy M, Torres G, McCormick T, et al. Positive treatment
effects of ustekinumab in psoriasis: analysis of lesional and
0.336; P ¼ .010) (Table II). Serum anti-Dsg1 autoan-
systemic parameters. J Dermatol. 2010;37:413-425. tibody levels trended toward significance in relation
to BPDAI Pruritus total score (PCC, 0.305; P ¼ .059) (Table II). Total immunoglobulin E and eosinophil
252 Research Letters J AM ACAD DERMATOL
JULY 2020

Table I. Descriptive statistics and univariate association of categorical variables with BPDAI Pruritus scores for
patients with pemphigus
BPDAI 24-hour BPDAI pruritus total
(out of 10) (out of 30)*
Category Covariate Subvariate n (%) Mean (SD) P value Mean (SD) P value
Disease Diagnosis Pemphigus vulgaris 38 (65.5) 2.62 (3.01) .027 8.87 (8.77) .007
characteristics Pemphigus foliaceus 20 (34.5) 4.45 (2.74) 15.20 (7.00)
Disease site Mucocutaneous 28 (48.3) 2.95 (3.10) .028 9.93 (8.97) .006
Cutaneous 25 (43.1) 4.16 (2.85) 14.20 (7.49)
Mucosal 5 (8.6) 0.40 (0.89) 1.60 (3.58)
Disease severityy PDAI total score 0.0-8.9 37 (63.8) 2.61 (2.73) .083 9.35 (8.25) .066
(out of 250) 9.0-24.9 18 (31.0) 4.22 (3.37) 13.11 (9.20)
$25.0 3 (5.2) 5.33 (2.89) 19.67 (2.31)
Demographics Race African American 26 (44.8) 3.79 (2.97) .565 13.35 (8.29) .239
Asian including Indian 9 (15.5) 2.44 (3.47) 8.11 (10.01)
Other 7 (12.1) 3.57 (3.05) 12.00 (9.50)
White 20 (34.5) 2.69 (2.96) 8.56 (7.84)
Sex Male 20 (34.5) 3.80 (2.86) .320 13.30 (7.66) .155
Female 38 (65.5) 2.96 (3.11) 9.87 (9.06)
Laboratory Dsg1, U/mlz \20 19 (48.7) 3.42 (3.13) .838 11.95 (8.75) .709
markers $20 20 (51.3) 3.63 (3.06) 13.00 (8.72)
Dsg3, U/mlz \20 19 (48.7) 3.05 (3.10) .353 11.58 (8.41) .529
$20 20 (51.3) 3.98 (3.03) 13.35 (8.98)
IgE, IU/mlx 0-179 6 (10.3) 3.83 (3.71) .469 12.50 (8.80) .365
$180 2 (3.4) 6.00 (1.41) 19.00 (2.83)
Absolute eosinophils, \0.36 25 (43.1) 4.12 (3.07) .827 13.36 (9.13) .333
103/mlk $0.36 4 (6.8) 4.50 (4.12) 18.00 (4.55)
Treatment and Previous rituximab No 17 (29.3) 4.00 (3.10) .228 12.59 (9.53) .391
disease status treatment Yes 41 (70.7) 2.94 (2.98) 10.41 (8.36)
Current prednisone No 36 (62.1) 3.13 (2.89) .691 11.42 (8.16) .686
treatment Yes 22 (37.9) 3.45 (3.31) 10.45 (9.66)
Current adjuvant No 37 (63.8) 3.18 (2.90) .807 11.35 (8.56) .731
therapy{ Yes 21 (36.2) 3.38 (3.31) 10.52 (9.10)
In remission# No 33 (56.9) 3.61 (3.29) .308 12.06 (9.42) .314
Yes 25 (43.1) 2.78 (2.64) 9.72 (7.60)

ANOVA, Analysis of variance; BPDAI, Bullous Pemphigoid Disease Area Index; Dsg, desmoglein; IgE, immunoglobulin E; PDAI, Pemphigoid
Disease Area Index; SD, standard deviation. Values found to be significant (P less than .05) in bold.
*BPDAI Pruritus total has a maximum score of 30 and is the sum of BPDAI 24-hour itch (0-10), past week itch (0-10), and past month itch (0-
10) scores.
This table describes demographic data and descriptive statistics of only patients with pemphigus. Patients with bullous pemphigoid
experienced a similar mild to moderate severity, with a mean total BPDAI of 9.97 6 15.45. Data were included from 482 encounters.
Of the 58 patients with pemphigus, data for Dsg1 and Dsg3 levels from 19 patients were not available at the time of itch score collection.
IgE levels were available for 8 patients.
Absolute eosinophil levels were available for 29 patients.
Includes mycophenolate, methotrexate, dapsone, azathioprine, doxycycline, and minocycline.
Includes those in complete remission off and/or on minimal therapy and partial remission off and/or on minimal therapy, as defined by the
International Pemphigus Committee consensus statement (Murrell et al. Consensus statement on definitions of disease, end points, and
therapeutic response for pemphigus. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008:58(6):1043-1046).

levels did not correlate to either itch score. The as severely as those with BP. Cutaneous involve-
percentage of all patient encounters with docu- ment, diagnosis of pemphigus foliaceus, and dis-
mented itch and average BPDAI Pruritus total score ease severity predicted pruritus. Lack of significance
did not differ between pemphigus and BP (Itchy in treatment variables suggests that disease activity
Encounters: parametric P ¼ .935; average BPDAI does not fully explain pruritus, although these
Pruritus total score: P ¼ .926) (Table III). results are limited by small sample size and high
Our results indicate that patients with pemphigus proportion of patients with mild to moderate dis-
with cutaneous involvement itch as frequently and ease. Further limitations include performance at a
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Research Letters 253

Table II. Descriptive statistics and univariate association of numeric variables with BPDAI pruritus scores for
patients with pemphigus
BPDAI 24-hour (out of 10) BPDAI Pruritus total (out of 30)*
Variable Mean (SD) n PCC Pearson P value PCC Pearson P value
Age, y 54.17 (15.49) 58 0.005 .968 0.045 .739
PDAI total (out of 250) 9.46 (8.68) 58 0.331 .011 0.336 .010
Dsg1, U/mly 49.62 (62.35) 39 0.154 .348 0.305 .059
Dsg3, U/mly 46.92 (61.61) 39 -0.036 .829 0.031 .853
IgE, IU/mlz 277.94 (434.54) 8 0.369 .368 0.415 .306
Absolute eosinophils, 103/mlx 0.20 (0.14) 29 0.272 .153 0.341 .070

BPDAI, Bullous Pemphigoid Disease Area Index; Dsg, desmoglein; IgE, immunoglobulin E; PCC, Pearson correlation coefficient; PDAI,
Pemphigoid Disease Area Index. Values found to be significant (P less than .05) in bold.
*BPDAI Pruritus total has a maximum score of 30 and is the sum of BPDAI 24-hour itch (0-10), past week itch score (0-10), and past month
itch score (0-10).
Of the 58 patients with pemphigus, data for Dsg1 and Dsg3 levels from 19 patients were not available at that time of itch score collection.
IgE levels were available for 8 patients.
Absolute eosinophil levels were available for 29 patients.

Table III. Comparing bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus: Prevalence of itchy patient encounters and itch
intensity scores
Covariate Statistics Bullous pemphigoid (N = 504) Pemphigus (N = 91) Parametric P value*
Itchy encountersy n (%) 408 (80.95) 74 (81.31) .935
BPDAI Pruritus totalz Mean 11.06 10.97 .926
Median 10 9
Minimum 0 0
Maximum 31 30
SD 9.29 8.53

BPDAI, Bullous Pemphigoid Disease Area Index; SD, standard deviation.

*Calculated by analysis of variance for numeric covariates and chi-square test for categorical covariates.
Defined as any patient encounter where BPDAI Pruritus total score [ 0 out of the total patient encounters 3 100%.
BPDAI Pruritus total has a maximum score of 30 and is the sum of BPDAI 24-hour itch (0-10), past week itch (0-10), and past month itch (0-
10) scores.

single academic center and failure to control for Conflicts of interest: None disclosed.
comorbid pruritic conditions. Future research with
Abstract accepted for ePoster presentation at the
a larger patient population and prospective design
American Academy of Dermatology Annual
is needed to confirm these trends and to elucidate
2020 Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, March 20-
the role of T helper type 2emediated pathways in
24, 2020.
comparing itch in pemphigus and BP. Our study
suggests the need for development of a patient- IRB approval status: Approved by the Emory Univer-
reported itch score for pemphigus patients or sity Institutional Review Board (IRB00054860).
validation of the BPDAI Pruritus component in
Reprint requests: Ron J. Feldman, MD, PhD, Emory
other blistering diseases.
University, Department of Dermatology, 1525
Clifton Rd NE, 1st Floor, Atlanta, GA 30322
Robin Rolader, BS,a Lauren N. Daugherty, MD,b
Yuan Liu, PhD, MS,c and Ron J. Feldman, MD, E-mail:
From the Emory University School of Medicinea;
Emory University Department of Dermatologyb; REFERENCES
1. Zeidler C, Pereira MP, Huet F, Misery L, Steinbrink K, St€ander S.
and Department of Biostatistics and Bioinfor-
Pruritus in autoimmune and inflammatory dermatoses. Front
matics, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory Immunol. 2019;10:1303.
University, Atlanta, Georgia.c 2. Schr€
oder L, Hertl M, Chatzigeorgakidis E, Phan NQ, St€ander S.
Chronic pruritus in autoimmune dermatoses: results of a
Funding sources: None. comparative survey. Hautarzt. 2012;63(7):558-566.
254 Research Letters J AM ACAD DERMATOL
JULY 2020

3. Woldegiorgis S, Swerlick RA. Pemphigus in the southeastern Surgical excision specimens showed 301 of
United States. South Med J. 2001;94(7):694-698. 426 cases (70.6%) with no residual DN and 123
4. Wijayanti A, Zhao CY, Boettiger D, et al. The reliability, validity
and responsiveness of two disease scores (BPDAI and ABSIS)
(28.9%) with residual DN excised. Only 2 cases
for bullous pemphigoid: which one to use? Acta Derm (histologically transected on initial biopsy)
Venereol. 2017;97(1):24-31. showed residual SDN involving the surgical
5. Rahbar Z, Daneshpazhooh M, Mirshams-Shahshahani M, et al. re-excision margin and required a second surgery
Pemphigus disease activity measurements: pemphigus dis- for negative margins. Of 271 cases histologically
ease area index, autoimmune bullous skin disorder intensity
score, and pemphigus vulgaris activity score. JAMA Dermatol.
excised on initial biopsy, only 3 (1.1%) showed
2014;150(3):266-272. residual DN in the re-excision specimen, whereas
122 of 155 (78.7%) cases histologically transected on biopsy showed residual DN in the excision
specimen, with 33 (21.2%) negative for residual
tumor. No excision specimens resulted in
Adequacy of conservative 2- to 3-mm upstaging of SDN to MIS or invasive melanoma,
surgical margins for complete and no subsequent local nevus recurrence or
excision of biopsy-proven severely development of melanoma at the excision site
dysplastic nevi: Retrospective case was observed with a mean dermatologic follow-
series at a tertiary academic up of 28 months.
institution Our study of histologic SDN showed no cases of
The management of biopsy-proven severely dysplastic upstaging to melanoma after re-excision with
nevi (SDN) remains controversial because of a lack of conservative 2- to 3-mm surgical margins, or local
long-term outcomes data and controversy regarding nevus recurrence or progression to melanoma at a
the malignant potential of SDN.1-3 We performed a mean follow-up of only 28 months, which is a study
retrospective case series to investigate outcomes of limitation. However, conservative excision appeared
conservative-margin (2-3 mm) surgical excision to provide comprehensive histopathologic margin
for biopsied SDN with either negative/excised or analysis to exclude melanoma while allowing for
positive/transected histologic margins on initial biopsy greater tissue preservation. Because only 1.1% of
to determine the presence of residual dysplastic nevi, re-excised SDN that were histologically excised on
upgrading to melanoma on the excision specimen, and initial biopsy showed residual DN, additional
local nevus recurrence or subsequent development of surgical resection may not be necessary when
primary melanoma at the surgical site. complete biopsy is performed at the outset,1,3,4
The study was approved by the Stanford although prospective outcome studies with larger
University institutional review board. Cases were sample sizes are needed to corroborate this
consecutively identified from January 1, 2000, observation, particularly given the high degree of
through July 31, 2017, and followed through histopathologic interobserver variability in DN
January 1, 2018; SDN were excluded if there was diagnosis and management.5 Longer follow-up
ambiguity in histopathologic diagnosis, including is also necessary to determine whether any
diagnosis of possible or evolving melanoma in situ histologically undetected SDN eventuates in local
(MIS). Histopathologic evaluation was performed by melanoma recurrence.
the academic dermatopathologists for all cases,
with uniform criteria used for histopathologic Teo Soleymani, MD,a Susan M. Swetter, MD,b
classification of dysplastic nevi over the study period. S. Tyler Hollmig, MD,a and Sumaira Z. Aasi, MDa
A total of 426 biopsy-proven SDN were identified
Department of Dermatology, Stanford University
in 381 patients (mean age, 49.7 years; median age,
Medical Center, Redwood City, Californiaa; and
50 years; range, 27-85 years) who underwent
Department of Dermatology, Pigmented Lesion
conservative re-excision with 2- to 3-mm surgical
and Melanoma Program, Stanford University
margins, regardless of whether the severely
Medical Center and Cancer Institute, Stanford,
dysplastic nevus was histologically excised or
transected on biopsy (Table I); 271 cases (63.6%)
had negative margins on initial biopsy, and 155 Dr Hollmig is currently affiliated with the Depart-
(36.3%) had positive margins. There was a tendency ment of Internal Medicine (Dermatology),
for 2-mm surgical margins for SDN completely University of Texas Dell Medical Center, Austin.
excised on initial biopsy versus those histologically
Funding sources: None.
transected; 3-mm margins were more commonly
used in patients with history of prior melanoma. Conflicts of interest: None disclosed.

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