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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Chapter 04
The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

True/False Questions

1. The word culture comes from the Latin cultura, which is related to cult or worship.
Answer: True
Feedback: The word culture comes from the Latin cultura, which is related to cult or
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Nature of Culture

2. When depicting cultural diversity through visually separating its components by using
concentric circles, the middle ring contains the norms and values of society.
Answer: True
Feedback: When depicting cultural diversity through visually separating its components, for
example by using concentric circles, the middle ring contains the norms and values of
society. These can be both formal and informal, and they are designed to help people
understand how they should behave.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Diversity

3. In the context of the characteristics of culture, transgenerational means that culture has
structure and is integrated; a change in one part will bring changes in another.
Answer: False
Feedback: In the context of the characteristics of culture, transgenerational means that culture
is cumulative, passed down from one generation to the next.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Nature of Culture

4. In the context of cultural diversity, a supplemental way of understanding cultural

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

differences is to compare culture as a normal distribution and then to examine it in terms of

Answer: True
Feedback: In the context of cultural diversity, a supplemental way of understanding cultural
differences is to compare culture as a normal distribution and then to examine it in terms of
stereotyping. The stereotypes are often exaggerated and used by members of one culture in
describing the other, thus helping reinforce the differences between the two while reducing
the likelihood of achieving cooperation and communication.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Diversity

5. According to the priorities of cultural values of the United States, Japan, and Arab
countries, independence is the top cultural priority in Japan.
Answer: False
Feedback: According to the priorities of cultural values of the United States, Japan, and Arab
countries, belonging is the top cultural priority in Japan.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Diversity

6. In the context of the values in transition, the stateside Japanese managers, Japanese
managers working for Japanese firms in the United States, believed that unconditional tenure
in one organization was of major importance.
Answer: False
Feedback: In the context of the values in transition, the stateside Japanese managers,
Japanese managers working for Japanese firms in the United States, did not believe that
unconditional tenure in one organization was of major importance. However, lifetime
employment is widely accepted in Japanese culture.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Values in Culture

7. In the context of the important values in the Japanese culture, paternalism is often

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

measured by a manager's involvement in both personal and off-the-job problems of

Answer: True
Feedback: In the context of the important values in the Japanese culture, paternalism is often
measured by a manager's involvement in both personal and off-the-job problems of
subordinates. Stateside Japanese managers disagreed, and this resistance was positively
associated with the number of years they had been in the United States.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Values in Culture

8. In the context of the values in transition, China is moving away from a collectivist culture.
Answer: True
Feedback: In the context of the values in transition, China is moving away from a collectivist
culture. It appears as though even China is not sure what cultural values it will adhere to.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Values in Culture

9. In China, Confucianism, which was overshadowed, is slowly gaining popularity once

again, emphasizing respect for authority, concern for others, balance, harmony, and overall
Answer: True
Feedback: In China, Confucianism, which was overshadowed, is slowly gaining popularity
once again, emphasizing respect for authority, concern for others, balance, harmony, and
overall order. While this may provide sanctuary for some, it poses problems within the
government because it will have to prove its worthiness to remain in power.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Values in Culture

10. In the context of values in transition, collectivism is on the rise in Japan.

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Answer: False
Feedback: In the context of values in transition, there is increasing evidence that
individualism in Japan is on the rise, indicating that Japanese values are changing—and not
just among managers outside the country. The country's long economic slump has convinced
many Japanese that they cannot rely on the large corporations or the government to ensure
their future.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Values in Culture

11. In the context of Hofstede's original four dimensions, power distance is "the extent to
which less powerful members of institutions and organizations accept that power is
distributed unequally."
Answer: True
Feedback: In the context of Hofstede's original four dimensions, power distance is "the extent
to which less powerful members of institutions and organizations accept that power is
distributed unequally."
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

12. In the context of Hofstede's original four dimensions, countries with low-uncertainty-
avoidance cultures have a great deal of structuring of organizational activities, more written
rules, less risk taking by managers, lower labor turnover, and less ambitious employees.
Answer: False
Feedback: In the context of Hofstede's original four dimensions, countries with high-
uncertainty-avoidance cultures have a great deal of structuring of organizational activities,
more written rules, less risk taking by managers, lower labor turnover, and less ambitious
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

13. In the context of Hofstede's original four dimensions, organizations in high-power-

distance countries will tend to be centralized and have tall organization structures.
Answer: True

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Feedback: In the context of Hofstede's original four dimensions, organizations in high-power-

distance countries will tend to be centralized and have tall organization structures. These
organizations will have a large proportion of supervisory personnel, and the people at the
lower levels of the structure often will have low job qualifications.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

14. In the context of Hofstede's original four dimensions, cultures with a high masculinity
index tend to favor earnings, advancement, and challenge.
Answer: True
Feedback: In the context of Hofstede's original four dimensions, countries with a high
masculinity index place great importance on earnings, recognition, advancement, and
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

15. Hofstede found that wealthy countries have higher collectivism scores and poorer
countries higher individualism scores.
Answer: False
Feedback: Hofstede found that wealthy countries have higher individualism scores and
poorer countries higher collectivism scores. The United States, Canada, Australia, France,
and the United Kingdom, among others, have high individualism and high GNP. Conversely,
China, Mexico, and a number of South American countries have low individualism (high
collectivism) and low GNP.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

16. Universalism is the belief that ideas and practices can be applied everywhere without
Answer: True
Feedback: Universalism is the belief that ideas and practices can be applied everywhere
without modification.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

17. A neutral culture is one in which emotions are held in check.

Answer: True
Feedback: A neutral culture is one in which emotions are held in check. Both Japan and the
United Kingdom are high-neutral cultures. People in these countries try not to show their
feelings; they act stoically and maintain their composure.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

18. In the context of Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars's relationship orientations, cultures
with high universalism focus more on relationships and trust than on formal rules.
Answer: False
Feedback: In the context of Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars's relationship orientations,
in cultures with high universalism, the focus is more on formal rules than on relationships.
Business contracts are adhered to very closely and, people believe that "a deal is a deal."
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

19. An achievement culture is a culture in which status is attributed based on who or what a
person is.
Answer: False
Feedback: An achievement culture is one in which people are accorded status based on how
well they perform their functions.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

20. In the context of Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars's relationship orientations, people
in high-communitarianism societies stress personal and individual matters.
Answer: False
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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Feedback: In the context of Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars's relationship orientations,

people in high-communitarianism societies stress group-related issues. Instead, people in
high-individualism societies stress personal and individual matters.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

Multiple Choice Questions

21. _____ can be defined as acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and
generate social behavior.
A. Edification
B. Culture
C. Symbol
D. Cognition
Answer: B
Feedback: Culture can be defined as acquired knowledge that people use to interpret
experience and generate social behavior.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Nature of Culture

22. According to most scholars of culture, culture is:

A. based on the human capacity to symbolize.
B. based on the genetically driven adaptive process of animals.
C. specific to single individuals.
D. inherited or biologically based.
Answer: A
Feedback: According to most scholars of culture, culture is based on the human capacity to
symbolize or use one thing to represent another. This means that culture is symbolic.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: The Nature of Culture

23. When depicting cultural diversity through visually separating its components by using
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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

concentric circles, the inner circle:

A. contains the norms, beliefs, dimensions, and values of society.
B. contains the implicit, basic assumptions that govern behavior.
C. consists of language and art.
D. consists of food and buildings.
Answer: B
Feedback: When depicting cultural diversity through visually separating its components, for
example by using concentric circles, the inner circle contains the implicit, basic assumptions
that govern behavior. By understanding these assumptions, members of a culture are able to
organize themselves in a way that helps them increase the effectiveness of their problem-
solving processes and interact well with each other.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Diversity

24. Culturally, a German can be expected to have a _____ handshake.

A. gentle
B. light and quick
C. brusque and firm
D. long and involved
Answer: C
Feedback: People in Germany tend to have a brusque and firm handshake.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Diversity

25. According to the priorities of cultural values of the United States, Japan, and Arab
countries, the most important cultural value in the United States is _____.
A. family security
B. belonging
C. freedom
D. cooperation
Answer: C
Feedback: According to the priorities of cultural values of the United States, Japan, and Arab
countries, the most important cultural value in the United States is freedom.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

ways of differentiating cultures.

Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Diversity

26. When examining the effects of the U.S. environment on the cultural values of Japanese
managers working for Japanese firms in the United States, researchers found that these
A. did not believe that job security was important.
B. supported the concept of formal authority.
C. did not support the organizational values of group orientation and cooperation.
D. perceived obedience and conformity to be very important.
Answer: B
Feedback: When examining the effects of the U.S. environment on the cultural values of
Japanese managers working for Japanese firms in the United States, researchers found that
these managers supported the concept of formal authority. However, they did not perceive
obedience and conformity to be very important and rejected the idea that one should not
question a superior.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Values in Culture

27. _____ are basic convictions that people have regarding what is right and wrong, good and
bad, and important or unimportant.
A. Tenets
B. Edicts
C. Norms
D. Values
Answer: D
Feedback: Values are basic convictions that people have regarding what is right and wrong,
good and bad, and important and unimportant.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Values in Culture

28. According to a cross-cultural study of differences in work values, _____ managers placed
a high value on deference to superiors, company commitment, and the cautious use of
aggressiveness and control.

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

A. U.S.
B. German
C. French
D. Japanese
Answer: D
Feedback: According to a cross-cultural study of differences in work values, Japanese
managers placed a high value on deference to superiors, company commitment, and the
cautious use of aggressiveness and control.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Values in Culture

29. According to a cross-cultural study of differences in work values, _____ managers placed
a high value on the tactful acquisition of influence and on regard for others.
A. Chinese
B. German
C. French
D. U.S.
Answer: D
Feedback: According to a cross-cultural study of differences in work values, U.S. managers
placed a high value on the tactful acquisition of influence and on regard for others.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Values in Culture

30. Which of the following is a characteristic of the Japanese culture?

A. Nonconformance to hierarchic position
B. Balance between a group and a personal orientation
C. Group orientation
D. Merit-based reward
Answer: C
Feedback: Group orientation, cooperation, conformity, and compromise are important
organizational values in Japan. The stateside managers supported these values but also
believed it was important to be an individual, thus maintaining a balance between a group and
a personal orientation.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Understand

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prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Values in Culture

31. Which of the following statements is true about stateside Japanese managers?
A. They believed that unconditional tenure in one organization is of major importance.
B. They believed that job security was important.
C. They accepted the idea that one should not question a superior.
D. They perceived obedience and conformity to be very important.
Answer: B
Feedback: Researchers found that stateside Japanese managers believed that job security was
important. However, they did not believe that unconditional tenure in one organization was of
major importance.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Values in Culture

32. Paternalism, measured by a manager's involvement in both personal and off-the-job

problems of subordinates is very important in _____.
A. the United States
B. Australia
C. Japan
D. France
Answer: C
Feedback: Paternalism, often measured by a manager's involvement in both personal and off-
the-job problems of subordinates, is very important in Japan.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Values in Culture

33. Confucianism, associated with China, does not emphasize:

A. respect for authority
B. balance
C. harmony
D. profit
Answer: D

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Feedback: Confucianism was worshipped for over 2,000 years, but the powerful messages
through Confucius's teachings were overshadowed in a world where profit became a priority.
Now, Confucianism is slowly gaining popularity once again, emphasizing respect for
authority, concern for others, balance, harmony, and overall order.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-02 DESCRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the
international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and
managerial values.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Values in Culture

34. Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, recommends that when people from specific
cultures do business in diffuse cultures, they should _____.
A. try to get to the point and be efficient
B. learn to structure meetings with the judicious use of agendas
C. not acknowledge achievements or skills that are irrelevant to the issues being discussed
D. not get impatient when people are being indirect or circuitous
Answer: D
Feedback: Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, recommends that when those from specific
cultures do business in diffuse cultures, they should not get impatient when people are being
indirect or circuitous. They should respect a person’s title, age, and background connections.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

35. An achievement culture is one in which people are accorded status based on their _____.
A. age
B. gender
C. performance
D. social connections
Answer: C
Feedback: An achievement culture is one in which people are accorded status based on their
performance. It gives high status to high achievers, such as the company’s number-one
salesperson or the medical researcher who has found a cure for a rare form of bone cancer.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

36. In the context of how people deal with the concept of time, which of the following
statements is true about the sequential approach identified by Dutch researcher, Fons
A. People show a strong preference for following plans but are likely to deviate.
B. Appointments are approximate and may be changed at a moment's notice.
C. Schedules are subordinate to relationships.
D. People tend to do only one activity at a time.
Answer: D
Feedback: Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, has identified two different approaches:
sequential and synchronous. In cultures where sequential approaches are prevalent, people
tend to do only one activity at a time, keep appointments strictly, and show a strong
preference for following plans as they are laid out and not deviating from them.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

37. Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, recommends that when individuals from
achievement cultures do business in ascription cultures, they should:
A. make sure that their group has sufficient data to convince the other group that they are
B. make sure that their group has knowledgeable people who can impress the other side.
C. respect the status and influence of their counterparts in the other group.
D. respect the knowledge and information of their counterparts on the other team.
Answer: C
Feedback: Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, recommends that when individuals from
achievement cultures do business in ascription cultures, they should make sure that their
group has older, senior, and formal position holders who can impress the other side. Also,
they should respect the status and influence of their counterparts in the other group.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

38. A diffuse culture is one in which individuals:

A. guard their public space carefully.
B. greet each other with a great deal of enthusiasm.
C. are direct and extroverted.
D. have a large public space and a small private space.
Answer: A
Feedback: A diffuse culture is one in which public space and private space are similar in size.

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Individuals guard their public space carefully because entry into public space affords entry
into private space as well.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

39. Identify a true statement about the different approaches identified by Dutch researcher,
Fons Trompenaars to describe the ways in which people deal with the concept of time.
A. People in Mexico often build slack into their schedules to allow for interruptions.
B. People in Mexico give utmost importance to the particular path or sequence used to reach
an end.
C. People in the United States adjust their approach because of factors that are beyond their
D. People in the United States operate under more of a synchronous-time orientation.
Answer: A
Feedback: People in Mexico often build slack into their schedules to allow for interruptions.
They operate under more of a synchronous-time orientation and thus tend to be much more
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

40. In the context of integrating the dimensions of culture, which of the following are very
useful in depicting what countries appear similar in values and to what extent they differ from
other country groupings?
A. Use of pie charts
B. Use of concentric circles
C. Normal distribution
D. Cluster distribution
Answer: D
Feedback: In the context of integrating the dimensions of culture, cluster distribution can
provide useful summaries for international managers. Upon first examination, the data may
appear confusing; however, they are very useful in depicting what countries appear similar in
values and to what extent they differ from other country clusters.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Topic: Cultural Dimensions

41. Which of the following statements is true about restrained societies?

A. People give importance to freedom of speech.
B. People are more likely to remember positive emotions.
C. People experience a perception of helplessness.
D. People are less likely to give importance to law and order.
Answer: C
Feedback: In restrained societies, people experience a perception of helplessness. Restrained
cultures regulate and control behavior based on social norms.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

42. Low-uncertainty-avoidance societies have organization settings with:

A. lower labor turnover.
B. less risk taking by managers.
C. more ambitious employees.
D. more written rules.
Answer: C
Feedback: Low-uncertainty-avoidance societies have organization settings with more
ambitious employees. These organizations encourage personnel to use their own initiative
and assume responsibility for their actions.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

43. According to Hofstede's time orientation dimension, which of the following statements is
true about long-term-oriented societies?
A. Traditions are sacrosanct.
B. Family life is guided by shared tasks.
C. Service to others is an important goal.
D. Students attribute success and failure to luck.
Answer: B
Feedback: According to Hofstede's time orientation dimension, family life is guided by
shared tasks in long-term-oriented societies. These societies tend to focus on the future; they
have the ability to adapt their traditions when conditions change, have a tendency to save and
invest for the future, and focus on achieving long-term results.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

44. _____ is the term used by Hofstede to describe "a situation in which the dominant values
in society are caring for others and the quality of life."
A. Collectivism
B. Individualism
C. Femininity
D. Masculinity
Answer: C
Feedback: Femininity is the term used by Hofstede to describe "a situation in which the
dominant values in society are caring for others and the quality of life." Masculinity is
defined by Hofstede as "a situation in which the dominant values in society are success,
money, and things."
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

45. According to Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, it is important to play hardball, test
the resilience of the opponent, win some objectives, and always lose from time to time when
dealing with those from cultures that believe:
A. in dominating the environment.
B. in letting things take their natural course.
C. in caring for others.
D. in compromising.
Answer: A
Feedback: Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, recommends that when dealing with those
from cultures that believe in dominating the environment, it is important to play hardball, test
the resilience of the opponent, win some objectives, and always lose from time to time.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

46. Which of the following dimensions measures the freedom to satisfy one’s natural needs
and desires within a society?
A. Achievement versus ascription
B. Specific versus diffuse
C. Indulgence versus restraint

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

D. Universalism versus particularism

Answer: C
Feedback: Indulgence versus restraint was a cultural dimension that was identified by
Hofstede in 2010. Based on research related to relative happiness around the world, this
dimension, which is Hofstede’s most recent one, measures the freedom to satisfy one’s
natural needs and desires within a society. Indulgent societies encourage instant gratification
of natural human needs, while restrained cultures regulate and control behavior based on
social norms.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

47. According to Dutch researcher Geert Hofstede, there are four original dimensions of
culture. These are:
A. power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, and masculinity.
B. tolerance, group orientation, aggressiveness, and forwardness.
C. group orientation, uncertainty avoidance, aggressiveness, and masculinity.
D. tolerance, power distance, individualism, and aggressiveness.
Answer: A
Feedback: The original four dimensions that Hofstede examined were (1) power distance, (2)
uncertainty avoidance, (3) individualism, and (4) masculinity.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

48. According to Hofstede, countries with a high _____ encourage individuals to be

independent decision makers and to define achievement in terms of recognition and wealth.
A. power distance
B. masculinity index
C. uncertainty avoidance
D. individualism score
Answer: B
Feedback: Countries with a high masculinity index, such as the Germanic countries, place
great importance on earnings, recognition, advancement, and challenge. Individuals are
encouraged to be independent decision makers, and achievement is defined in terms of
recognition and wealth.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.

Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

49. Countries in which people blindly obey the orders of their superiors have a high _____.
A. uncertainty avoidance
B. masculinity index
C. power distance
D. individualism index
Answer: C
Feedback: Countries in which people blindly obey the orders of their superiors have high
power distance.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

50. _____ is the extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations and have
created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these.
A. Power distance
B. Uncertainty avoidance
C. Individualism versus collectivism
D. Masculinity versus femininity
Answer: B
Feedback: Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous
situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

51. Cultures with low _____ have people who are more willing to accept that risks are
associated with the unknown and that life must go on in spite of this.
A. individualism
B. power distance
C. uncertainty avoidance
D. masculinity index
Answer: C
Feedback: Cultures with low uncertainty avoidance have people who are more willing to
accept that risks are associated with the unknown and that life must go on in spite of this.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

52. Hofstede's _____ dimension focused on the tendency of people to look after themselves
and their immediate family rather than the tendency to belong to groups to look after each
other in exchange for loyalty
A. individualism versus collectivism
B. masculinity versus femininity
C. uncertainty avoidance
D. power distance
Answer: A
Feedback: Individualism is the tendency of people to look after themselves and their
immediate family only. Hofstede measured this cultural difference on a bipolar continuum
with individualism at one end and collectivism at the other. Collectivism is the tendency of
people to belong to groups or collectives and to look after each other in exchange for loyalty.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

53. Hofstede's _____ dimension looked at the relationship between gender and work roles.
A. power distance
B. uncertainty avoidance
C. masculinity versus femininity
D. individualism versus collectivism
Answer: C
Feedback: Masculinity is defined by Hofstede as "a situation in which the dominant values in
society are success, money, and things." Hofstede measured this dimension on a continuum
ranging from masculinity to femininity. Contrary to some stereotypes and connotations,
femininity is the term used by Hofstede to describe "a situation in which the dominant values
in society are caring for others and the quality of life."
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

54. Cultures with a low masculinity place great importance on conservation of the
environment and tend to favor _____.
A. third world countries

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

B. less developed countries

C. underdeveloped countries
D. small-scale enterprises
Answer: D
Feedback: Countries with a low masculinity index tend to place great importance on
cooperation, a friendly atmosphere, and employment security. The workplace tends to be
characterized by low stress, and managers give their employees more credit for being
responsible and allow them more freedom. Culturally, this group prefers small-scale
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

55. Countries that have high individualism and relatively low power distance:
A. prefer others to do things for themselves.
B. are upset when others have more power than they do.
C. are not upset when others have more power than they do.
D. are collectivist in their approach.
Answer: A
Feedback: Countries that have very high individualism and relatively low power distance
tend to prefer to do things for themselves and are not upset when others have more power
than they do.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

56. Nations that are collectivist in their approach tend to be characterized by:
A. large power distance and low individualism.
B. low power distance and high individualism.
C. small power distance and weak uncertainty avoidance.
D. large power distance and weak uncertainty avoidance.
Answer: A
Feedback: Many of the underdeveloped or newly industrialized countries, such as Colombia,
Hong Kong, Portugal, and Singapore, are characterized by large power distance and low
individualism. These nations tend to be collectivist in their approach.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium

Topic: Cultural Dimensions

57. Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars's discussion of the dimension of _____ explores
whether people believe in controlling outcomes (inner-directed) or letting things take their
own course (outer-directed).
A. time
B. the environment
C. masculinity
D. ascription
Answer: B
Feedback: Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, also examined the ways in which people
deal with their environment. Specific attention should be given to whether they believe in
controlling outcomes (inner-directed) or letting things take their own course (outer-directed).
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

58. _____ is the belief that circumstances dictate how ideas and practices should be applied.
A. Universalism
B. Individualism
C. Communitarianism
D. Particularism
Answer: D
Feedback: Particularism is the belief that circumstances dictate how ideas and practices
should be applied.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

59. In his early research, Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, found that in countries such as
the United States, Australia, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom, there was high
A. particularism
B. communitarianism
C. universalism
D. individualism
Answer: C
Feedback: Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, found that in countries such as the United
States, Australia, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, there was high universalism.

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

60. According to Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, _____ refers to people regarding
themselves as individuals, while _____ refers to people regarding themselves as part of a
A. individualism; communitarianism
B. individualism; universalism
C. universalism; particularism
D. communitarianism; universalism
Answer: A
Feedback: For Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, individualism refers to people regarding
themselves as individuals, while communitarianism refers to people regarding themselves as
part of a group.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

61. A(n) _____ culture is one in which emotions are held in check.
A. emotional
B. buoyant
C. neutral
D. specific
Answer: C
Feedback: A neutral culture is one in which emotions are held in check.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

62. A(n) _____ culture is one in which both public and private space are similar in size and
individuals guard their public space carefully because entry into public space affords entry
into private space as well.
A. diffuse
B. neutral
C. emotional

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

D. specific
Answer: A
Feedback: A diffuse culture is one in which public space and private space are similar in size
and individuals guard their public space carefully because entry into public space affords
entry into private space as well.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

63. Austria, the United Kingdom, the United States and Switzerland all are _____ cultures.
A. diffuse
B. specific
C. emotional
D. neutral
Answer: B
Feedback: Austria, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Switzerland all are specific
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

64. A(n) _____ culture is one in which people are accorded status based on how well they
perform their functions.
A. achievement
B. ascription
C. diffuse
D. specific
Answer: A
Feedback: An achievement culture is one in which people are accorded status based on how
well they perform their functions.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

65. A(n) _____ culture accords status based on age, gender, or social connections.
A. diffuse
B. ascription
C. specific
D. achievement
Answer: B
Feedback: An ascription culture is one in which status is attributed based on who or what a
person is. Ascription cultures accord status based on age, gender, or social connections.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

66. Which of the following statements is true about cultures with high communitarianism?
A. Negotiations are typically made on the spot by a representative.
B. People jointly assume responsibility.
C. Entrepreneurial spirit is most likely high.
D. People give more importance to personal and individual matters.
Answer: B
Feedback: In cultures with high communitarianism, decisions typically are referred to
committees, people ideally achieve things in groups, and they jointly assume responsibility.
Also, people in high-communitarianism societies value group-related issues.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

67. Which of the following fundamental questions is not included in the specific objectives of
the GLOBE project?
A. Are there leader behaviors, attributes, and organizational practices that are accepted and
effective in only some cultures?
B. What is the effect of violating cultural norms that are relevant to leadership and
organizational practices?
C. What is the relative standing of each of the cultures studied on each of the nine core
dimensions of culture?
D. How do attributes of societal and organizational cultures affect the behaviors of lower-
level workers in an organization?
Answer: D
Feedback: Specific objectives include answering certain fundamental questions. One of these
questions is: How do attributes of societal and organizational cultures affect the kinds of

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

leader behaviors and organizational practices that are accepted and effective?
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-04 DISCUSS the value of country cluster analysis and relational
orientations in developing effective international management practices.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Integrating Culture and Management: The GLOBE Project

68. The three completed GLOBE phases explore the various elements of the dynamic
relationship between _____ and _____.
A. time; the environment
B. the culture; organizational behavior
C. physical; psychological well-being
D. political; economic systems
Answer: B
Feedback: The three completed GLOBE phases explore the various elements of the dynamic
relationship between the culture and organizational behavior.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-04 DISCUSS the value of country cluster analysis and relational
orientations in developing effective international management practices.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Integrating Culture and Management: The GLOBE Project

69. Societal collectivism refers to the degree to which:

A. individuals express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their organizations or families.
B. individuals in organizations or societies encourage and reward individuals for being fair.
C. organizational and societal institutional practices encourage and reward collective
distribution of resources and collective action.
D. individuals in organizations or societies are confrontational.
Answer: C
Feedback: Societal collectivism refers to the degree to which organizational and societal
institutional practices encourage and reward collective distribution of resources and collective
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-04 DISCUSS the value of country cluster analysis and relational
orientations in developing effective international management practices.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Integrating Culture and Management: The GLOBE Project

70. According to the GLOBE Cultural Variable Results, which of the following countries
were the most assertive?
A. Spain and the United States
B. Egypt and the United States
C. Spain and Ireland

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

D. Ireland and Sweden

Answer: A
Feedback: According to the GLOBE Cultural Variable Results, the highest ranked countries
for assertiveness are Spain and the United States.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-04 DISCUSS the value of country cluster analysis and relational
orientations in developing effective international management practices.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Integrating Culture and Management: The GLOBE Project

Essay Questions

71. Define culture and list its characteristics as agreed by most scholars.
Answer: Culture can be defined as acquired knowledge that people use to interpret,
experience, and generate social behavior. This knowledge forms values, creates attitudes, and
influences behavior. Most scholars of culture would agree on the following characteristics of
culture: (1) Learned―culture is not inherited or biologically based; it is acquired by learning
and experience; (2) Shared―people as members of a group, organization, or society share
culture; it is not specific to single individuals; (3) Transgenerational―culture is cumulative,
passed down from one generation to the next; (4) Symbolic―culture is based on the human
capacity to symbolize or use one thing to represent another; (5) Patterned―culture has
structure and is integrated; a change in one part will bring changes in another; and (6)
Adaptive―culture is based on the human capacity to change or adapt, as opposed to the more
genetically driven adaptive process of animals.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: The Nature of Culture

72. In the context of the cultural impact on international management, list some specific
examples where the culture of a society can directly affect management approaches.
Answer: The cultural impact on international management is reflected by basic beliefs and
behaviors in overall terms. Listed below are some specific examples where the culture of a
society can directly affect management approaches: (1) Centralized vs. decentralized decision
making. In some societies, top managers make all important organizational decisions. In
others, these decisions are diffused throughout the enterprise, and middle- and lower-level
managers actively participate in, and make, key decisions; (2) Safety vs. risk. In some
societies, organizational decision makers are risk-averse and have great difficulty with
conditions of uncertainty. In others, risk taking is encouraged and decision making under
uncertainty is common; (3) Individual vs. group rewards. In some countries, personnel who
do outstanding work are given individual rewards in the form of bonuses and commissions.

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

In others, cultural norms require group rewards, and individual rewards are frowned on; (4)
Informal vs. formal procedures. In some societies, much is accomplished through informal
means. In others, formal procedures are set forth and followed rigidly; (5) High vs. low
organizational loyalty. In some societies, people identify very strongly with their organization
or employer. In others, people identify with their occupational group, such as engineer or
mechanic; (6) Cooperation vs. competition. Some societies encourage cooperation between
their people. Others encourage competition between their people; (7) Short-term vs. long-
term horizons. Some cultures focus most heavily on short-term horizons, such as short-range
goals of profit and efficiency. Others are more interested in long-range goals, such as market
share and technological development; and (8) Stability vs. innovation. The culture of some
countries encourages stability and resistance to change. The culture of others puts high value
on innovation and change.
These cultural differences influence the way that international management should be
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: 04-01 DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative
ways of differentiating cultures.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Diversity

73. Briefly describe the original four dimensions that were examined by Dutch researcher
Geert Hofstede.
Answer: The original four dimensions that Hofstede examined were (1) power distance, (2)
uncertainty avoidance, (3) individualism, and (4) masculinity. Power distance is "the extent to
which less powerful members of institutions and organizations accept that power is
distributed unequally." Countries in which people blindly obey the orders of their superiors
have high power distance.
Uncertainty avoidance is "the extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations
and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these." Countries populated with
people who do not like uncertainty tend to have a high need for security and a strong belief in
experts and their knowledge. Cultures with low uncertainty avoidance have people who are
more willing to accept that risks are associated with the unknown and that life must go on in
spite of this.
Individualism is the tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate family
only. Collectivism is the tendency of people to belong to groups or collectives and to look
after each other in exchange for loyalty.
Masculinity is defined by Hofstede as "a situation in which the dominant values in society are
success, money, and things." Hofstede measured this dimension on a continuum ranging from
masculinity to femininity. Contrary to some stereotypes and connotations, femininity is the
term used by Hofstede to describe "a situation in which the dominant values in society are
caring for others and the quality of life."
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium

Topic: Cultural Dimensions

74. Describe the differences between an achievement culture and an ascription culture.
According to Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, how does an understanding of these
differences help an international manager be effective in dealing with clients outside his or
her own culture?
Answer: An achievement culture is one in which people are accorded status based on how
well they perform their functions. An ascription culture is one in which status is attributed
based on who or what a person is. Achievement cultures give high status to high achievers,
such as the company's number one salesperson. Ascription cultures accord status based on
age, gender, or social connections. For example, in an ascription culture, a person who has
been with the company for 40 years may be listened to carefully because of the respect that
others have for the individual's age and longevity with the firm.
Dutch researcher, Fons Trompenaars, recommends that when individuals from achievement
cultures do business in ascription cultures, they should make sure that their group has older,
senior, and former position holders who can impress the other side, and they should respect
the status and influence of their counterparts in the other group. Conversely, he recommends
that when individuals from ascription cultures do business in achievement cultures, they
should make sure that their group has sufficient data, technical advisers, and knowledgeable
people to convince the other that they are proficient. They should also respect the knowledge
and information of the counterparts on the other team.
AACSB: Analytic
AACSB: Diversity
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-03 IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work
settings, and discuss their effects on behavior in an international environment.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Cultural Dimensions

75. Discuss the cultural dimensions as identified during phase one of the GLOBE project.
Answer: The GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness)
research program reflects an additional approach to measuring cultural differences.
Conceived in 1991, the GLOBE project is an ongoing research project, currently consisting
of three major interrelated phases. GLOBE extends and integrates the previous analyses of
cultural attributes and variables published by Hofstede and Dutch researcher, Fons
Trompenaars. The three completed GLOBE phases explore the various elements of the
dynamic relationship between the culture and organizational behavior. Phase one of the
GLOBE project identified the nine cultural dimensions: (1) Uncertainty avoidance―the
extent to which members of an organization or society strive to avoid uncertainty by reliance
on social norms, rituals, and bureaucratic practices to alleviate the unpredictability of future
events; (2) Power distance―the degree to which members of an organization or society
expect and agree that power should be unequally shared; (3) Collectivism I: Societal
collectivism―the degree to which organizational and societal institutional practices
encourage and reward collective distribution of resources and collective action; (4)
Collectivism II: In-group collectivism―the degree to which individuals express pride,

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Chapter 04 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

loyalty, and cohesiveness in their organizations or families; (5) Gender egalitarianism―the

extent to which an organization or a society minimizes gender role differences and gender
discrimination; (6) Assertiveness―the degree to which individuals in organizations or
societies are assertive, confrontational, and aggressive in social relationships; (7) Future
orientation―defined as the degree to which individuals in organizations or societies engage
in future-oriented behaviors such as planning, investing in the future, and delaying
gratification; (8) Performance orientation―the extent to which an organization or society
encourages and rewards group members for performance improvement and excellence; and
(9) Humane orientation―the degree to which individuals in organizations or societies
encourage and reward individuals for being fair, altruistic, friendly, generous, caring, and
kind to others.
AACSB: Analytic
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: 04-04 DISCUSS the value of country cluster analysis and relational
orientations in developing effective international management practices.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Integrating Culture and Management: The GLOBE Project

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prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

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