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The Ventures Technology

a. Company 's mission and vision

DialecTo’s mission:

 Language learning is a communication tool. When they interact with others, they learn the
fastest. Human interaction can develop our language proficiency. People, become unmotivated
if they are talking to native speakers.At DialecTo, our main goal is to teach locals and tourists
worldwide how to understand the various dialects spoken in the Philippines. We thinks that
through connecting people , DialecTo can revolutionize language learning. Although we still have
a ways to go and we are making progress. To do this, we have continued to add languages and
dialects to this service while ensuring that the translation quality of the supported languages

DialecTo' s vision:

 give everyone the chance to learn languages in order to gain the skills and information
 emphasize the significant importance of having a second language for everyone
 Educate our people to guarantee that we all have the opportunity to become global citizens.

b. Problem and Solution


 Language barrier (especially if tourist)


 an application that will help you understand other dialects and be able to communicate in native
 the user can translate Filipino or English language into different dialects that are being used in a
particular area and vice versa
 the app will show the dialect used in that area based on the current location of him/her then,
the user can now translate their language
 the user can also learn the background information of that place through our application

c. Features and benefits of business idea

 Free
 Record/Scan/Type to Translate. There are three options in translating: through recording an
audio, scanning a particular document or file which utilizes dialect, and directly typing.
 Learn and speak. There are few lessons that are unlocked in the free plan. In these unlocked
lessons you can learn basic expressions or sentences that you can use in everyday life (e.g.
translation of good morning in an area’s dialect).
 Explore. In the explore part of the app, the map of the Philippines will be seen and clicking a
location will show the dialects or languages used in that area. There are also trivias or facts
related to that location which will help the users in knowing more about the culture, landmarks,
and the likes.

PREMIUM (Additional Feature)

 Easy Access. Offline works on premium but gives you the ease of access. The app on offline
mode has its data downloaded and it will still track your location and help you in identifying the
dialect/s used in that area. All lessons for different dialects are already available.
 No ads. There will be no disturbing ads.

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