Ded General Notes

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Ded General notes

• Aashto policy on geometric 2011 6th edition

• Highways safety standard

• Dpwh guidelines and criteria dgcs 2015 volume 4

• Design pavement

• Survey specifications

• Ref bm detail

• Date survey

• Equipment used Do 40, series 2012 Dgcs 5% pave shoulder, do 6% Plan Lay-by turnout/climbling lane Directional
arrow including Town /city Ordinary water level drainage - profile and xsection Separate sheet on cross section -
culvert Directional arrow of culvert Item of works in cross section Digital terrain model *corrected dtm *uploaded
based on raw data Borehole plan Geohazard report from geologist - narrative report (3nearest faultline) Geologic
map Geotag photos w/ brief discreption Calibration certificate Narrative of value in pavement


Hydraulic analysis

Foundation considering scouring analysis

Gen notes - specif Building Geological aspect / geohazard

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