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1. What kind of relationship does the letter describe?
The letter described is about a family between a mother and daughter
relationship. Although they are both somehow on rough terms, they still have this
connection and love for each other.
2. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character.
There are two characters mentioned in the letter: Shane and the mother.
3. What roles does each character play in the relationship? The mother plays the role
of a parent who must look out for her child. A mom who makes sure she
maintains her responsibilities as a parent. The daughter plays the role of a
student who is figuring out her purpose in life. A student who is going through
something such as dealing with insecurities.
4. Are you satisfied with this type of relationship? Explain your answer.
Every parent comes with responsibilities. Because she chose to birth a child in
this world, it is expected that she must nurture and raise the child with principles.
As I was reading the letter, I am somehow not satisfied with the relationship they
have. I hope they are more open to what they are feeling and understand each
other’s situation.
5. Do you agree that this type of relationship can be improved? Explain your answer.
I believe their relationship can be improved by being open to each other. This
type of relationship lacks communication. To improve their relationship, they
should not be shy to what they are feeling about this certain situation.
6. In what ways can the characters show they are responsible to maintain a
good relationship?
In maintaining a good relationship, I believe both should be more aware of each
other. They must ensure that they both get respect and love. Ensuring that they
are worth to be loved. Additionally, compromising is a way to maintain a good

As I read the first line, I remember many memories in my room. Every corner in my
room witnessed how I cried a river, contemplating what life supposed to mean. Is it
supposed to be this hard? I lay down and stare at the blank ceiling, feeling drained.
Although life is complicated, I somehow still get up, fight, and live the day.

The first sentence is like a punch on my face. No one understand myself but me only. I
don’t agree with the claim that I love my friends more on social media than in real life.
As much as I can, I stay away from social media, and I can say that I love real life
interactions more with my friends. Yes, my friends don’t understand because I chose to
not open my problems. And that I am aware that no one understand me but only myself.
I laughed reading this because this is what usually my room on daily basis. This is like
me and my mom, her scolding me because my room is a mess. My alibi is that I am still
busy studying although I know I can fold my clothes in less than an hour. But I can say
that I somehow changed, my room is spotless lately.

I am not obsessed with boys, but I can say that I am somehow terrified with the thought
of a man having control over me. Maybe that is why I fear commitments. My friends and
I always have this contest of whoever gets to spot a handsome man more wins. I can
say that we like and enjoy handsome men, but we know the limitations. I am terrified of
the thought of completely loving someone while I lose myself.

Senior high challenged my mental capacity. I just want to graduate senior high and
move to a new city where no one knows me. I have so many insecurities that I think I
am the ugliest person in the world.

I understand what the mother said by the statement “There will never be and can never
be another you” This is a message that we are unique. We have our own things we
excel at, and we need to improve on. It is fine to feel anger and sadness because these
feelings don’t separate us from this world.

I agree I depend on my mother in some things but when it comes to handling my
emotions and insecurities, I only have myself. My mother believes we should not be
depressed because they provided everything. Somehow true but I also have no idea
why I am feeling this way. I am ashamed of opening my true feelings because I feel
invalided when I attempt to do so.

I agree with what the mother said about a clean space makes it easier to be creative
and productive. I cannot focus knowing my room is a mess so when I study, I always
make sure that my room is organized. I procrastinate sometimes, and I hate that about
myself. Success is a long journey, do things now and not later.

Growing up, my parents want me to realize how important education is. They made me
realize the hierarchy at such young age. The discrimination when you are poor and the
power when you are rich. Maybe that is why I pressure myself. I want to prove that I am
capable of succeeding. My parents also remind me that no one can help you but family.
That friendship doesn’t last long. I am hoping that is true.
Indeed, beauty is a privilege but there are much more things to that. I highly believe I
get impressed more when a person values character than beauty. How attractive it is
when a person is naturally elegant, thinks morally, and more traits that even beauty
can’t take far. I realized; my mother never complimented me in person how beautiful I
am. I don’t care much though as long as she won’t insult my character.

My parents went through a lot so I cannot help but to feel guilty also for being rebellious.
Not in a rebellious way where I take drugs but in a rebellious way where I sometimes
hope they are not my parents. That was cruel to think. But I am learning to enjoy and be
grateful to them.

Being a mother is such a great responsibility. I don’t have any plans to marry, more so
raise children. But If I do, I hope to have patience to understand them. I hope to create a
relationship with them wherein talking about feelings like depression is not forbidden.
Where seeking help in terms of mental health is not ashamed.

Although the words she said is comforting, I think they must both be kinder to each
other. Shane and her mother should compromise and be more open to each other. I will
take the advice; I will be kinder to my mother, and I hope she does too.

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