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Tuckman’s Theory

a). Definition

Tuckman’s theory of group development is a model that describes the path that is followed by

most teams on their way to efficiency and high performance. According to Tuckman and

Jensen (2010), “groups develop by going through the stages of forming, storming, norming,

performing and adjourning”.

b). Explanation

Forming: At this level the individualistic relations are characterised by dependency. The

subordinate depends on the acts and behaviour of the leader, rely on the leader for guidance

and directions to follow.

Storming: The level is attributed by the opposition and wrangles accruing in the personal

relationship within the group.

Norming: At this level immense cohesion occurs among the interpersonal relations, and

acknowledgment among the members is clear.

Performing: This level is not attainable to all groups and in order to be successful at this

stage, all the members must focus on true independence and deeper relating.

Adjourning: Eventually, many teams get to this level as the task at hand is completed.

Members of the team who have established close working relationships may find it difficult

especially if they are not sure of the next step.

2. Leadership Theory: Authoritarian leadership

a). Definition

Authoritarian leadership, also known autocratic leadership refers to a leadership style that is

characterised by the leader assuming overall control over decisions without regard of

contribution from followers (Bonebright, 2010). The leader makes decisions based on his or

her intuitions, which are hinged on personal thinking and opinions. Notably, the leader is the
absolute verdict maker (Kiazad et al., 2010).

b). Explanation

Autocratic leadership is characterised by neglecting input from followers whereby the leader

is the only one with the mandate to decide on issues. Furthermore, methods and process are

dictated by the leader and followers are rarely entrusted with task management (Bonebright,


3. Tuckman combination with leadership

In the first stage, autocratic theme the leaders and the members are oriented to their tasks as

of the others and if to proceed they must relinquish the safe zone and engage in wrangles;

leader opposition (Bhatti et al., 2012).

In the storming stage, democratic situations, the members and the leaders must engage in the

evaluation and evidencing situations. As this mentality necessitate for leaders and member’s

inquiry before, during and after making a decision (Kiazad et al., 2010).

In the norming stage, the sharing of information is what traits the group. In a laissez-faire

setting, group members make the decision, thus the flow of information among members is

vivid and the level of creativity is higher (Miller, 2003).

In the performing stage, the overall output of the stage is solving the problem and work

(Bhatti et al., 2012). In an authoritarian situation, the leader works through the members, so

the leader aims at solving the problematic situations (Kiazad et al., 2010).

In the last stage, entirely involved termination of the orders. Democratically, all the members

play a role, therefore the group solely controls all the situations (Miller, 2003; Bhatti et al.,


Bonebright, D.A., 2010. 40 years of storming: a historical review of Tuckman's model of

small group development. Human Resource Development International, 13(1), pp.111-120.

Bhatti, N., Maitlo, G.M., Shaikh, N., Hashmi, M.A. and Shaikh, F.M., 2012. The impact of

autocratic and democratic leadership style on job satisfaction. International Business

Research, 5(2), p.192.

Kiazad, K., Restubog, S.L.D., Zagenczyk, T.J., Kiewitz, C. and Tang, R.L., 2010. In pursuit

of power: The role of authoritarian leadership in the relationship between supervisors’

Machiavellianism and subordinates’ perceptions of abusive supervisory behavior. Journal of

Research in Personality, 44(4), pp.512-519.

Miller, D.L., 2003. The stages of group development: A retrospective study of dynamic team

processes. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de

l'Administration, 20(2), pp.121-134.

Tuckman, B.W. and Jensen, M.A.C., 2010. Stages of small-group development

Revisited1. Group Facilitation, (10), p.43.

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