Leadership Performance Importance of Measuring Leadership Performance

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Leadership performance

Importance of measuring leadership performance

Leadership is important in the management of an organisation, hence the need for all

organisations to measure how well leaders perform at their leadership duties using various

leadership performance tools. Measuring leadership performance assists in improving the

leader’s communication skills. However, simplicity of the leader’s language is vital. Leaders

take time to prepare their communications, for the standards of leader’s performance dictate so

(Wong and Laschinger, 2013). When allocating power and responsibilities, leaders are expected

to have a great intuition about other people. They should have the ability to see hidden abilities

in people and detect cases where the ability is exceed by the ambition. The performance

measurement tools, outline the steps to rectify leadership mistakes. On the other hand, the

validation about hiring and promotion decisions are vital, as leaders who dismiss allot of people

loss a lot of credibility and trust (Karlaftis, 2004).

In addition, measuring leadership performance outlines the level of integrity and commitment.

Outstanding leaders have exceptional individual integrity and commitment to the organisation’s

mission. Apart from time dedication, leaders make their work to inspire the subordinate. They

derive profound individual connotation and fulfillment from leading subordinates to attain the

mission. These personal connotations are translated into higher levels of productivity and

execution, eventually which becomes the corner stone that drive the organisation through

performance measurement.

The differences between leadership effectiveness and efficiency

Leadership effectiveness, involves having a clear and compelling vision for the institution, and

comprehensible and organised plan to deliver on the vision. Existence of effective leadership

implies the company is doing the right thing with regards to the market, consumer profile and

optimisation of production to these consumers (Heilman and Kennedy-Phillips, 2011).

Internally, there is a dedicated team delivering the required behaviour and disciplines to the

merged forces that drive the firm forward, whereas, efficiency of any leadership is banked on

how the leader utilises the economic, human, and physical as well as information resources.

Zheng et al. (2010) pointed out that an efficient leader, may be doing the right activity but not the

right job, since the right job requires significantly less time or resources for the execution. A job

can be done very quickly within time or resources. However an effective leader, does not require

much planning and time since with the right strategy regardless of the input, they perform

exceptionally. Effectiveness of a leader means that the work they do is done correctly and was

attained not with no respect to whether the work is done cheaply or on time (Heilman and

Kennedy-Phillips, 2011). However, an efficient leader is one that accomplishes the work

inexpensively and on time yet may not be as systematic as compared to an effective leader.

Leadership effectiveness and efficiency of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, has integrated both the efficiency and effectiveness in his management of the

Facebook Company. For instance, he focuses on the settling of disputes among the company’s

stakeholders (Bottletree, 2007). In addition, he applies higher levels of efficiency and

effectiveness in the application of law. As a result, the leader has attained a great mobility and

dynamism that the firm has tremendously grown an acquired other firms in the industry (Katrina,

2012). Mark Zuckerberg integrates leadership efficiency and effectiveness in the structure of the

firm. For example, he has applied the behavioural theory to manage the firm’s human and
information resources to make sure they are well maintained and utilized (Bottletree, 2007).

Mark has assured the structure he has implemented a structure where the decision is fast and

accurately, that is an autocratic structure (Bottletree, 2007).

As a leader, Zuckerberg ensures that all the decision are extremely thought out and affectively

implemented. Effectiveness and efficiency of Mark Zuckerberg is reflected in the decision tree

he has implemented at Facebook whereby the effectiveness of the firm is banked on its

management (Fu-Kwun, 2006). Zuckerberg realised that extra input attained from other

managerial support was of significance to the efficiency of the firm. As to increase the

effectiveness and efficiency, Zuckerberg increasingly chose to integrate managerial support in

the organisational performance on a large scale (Katrina, 2012).

Mark Zuckerberg contribution to the organization’s performance

Mark Zuckerberg has significantly contributed to the development of the firm in various aspects.

His leadership skill has improved the spreading of the company, especially, in the human

resource management (Katrina, 2012). The utilisation of this resource has increased the

company’s income as well as decreased employee turnover. For instance, Whitney (2011) refers

to Zuckerberg as a democratic leader, who focuses on sensitive issues with the aid of formed

groups, where members are encouraged to share individual ideas and suggestion, thus the

company’s output has largely grown. Therefore, for any organisation to thrive, the leader must

integrate the effective and efficiency since the firm’s performance is driven by the leader’s


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