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An analysis of the company's strategic position

Overview of the company: Tarmac company; sourced from knight, (2017)

In the construction industry the company has assumed the first position; it has hosted a high

number of employees adding up to 6900. The company was validated to have twenty-seven

billion euro turnover. Tarmac is a leading company in the distribution of construction

resources in UK. The company is the leading producer of aggregates, asphalt, concrete,

ready-mix, cement and ant other material needed in the construction site. The company’s

product utilisation rate is high for the distribution mapping of the company ranges from the

homes, schools, offices hospital, bridges reads and flood defence.

Tarmac company, provides the needed resources that are utilised in the building of the states

infrastructure density, and a feature of central concern is the sustainability and the attainment

of the Future cities. Moreover, this entails conservation of the energy, sustaining the green

energy, and deploying the circular economy.

Cities are integral and multifaceted systems and centres for innovative and incessant growth.

The sixty-four biggest cities in United Kingdom make more than nine percent of the

landmass, but accounts for the highest percent of the population adding up to fifty four

percent. The cities have been generating sixty percent of the GDP and has employed a high

percent of the population and it hosts fifty-eight percent of the jobs.

Mainly the company indulges the productivity of the resources in the following domains of


Urban Development and Infrastructure

Environment and Natural Resources

Society and Community

Housing/ Affordable Housing

All these have been tailored by the firm and the communal conservation, with a wide range of

investors so that the perceptions and the beliefs will be a key leverage attainment.

A) The internal environment of the company

SWOT acquired from (Montuori and Donnelly, 2017)

This analytical tool is used to outline the favourable condition of the company and favourable

conditions for investments that the firm can maximise on:

S- the company banks on the strengths. The analysis has enabled the company to build on the

strengths, like the brand identity, this has reinforced the survive of the company in the

industry; therefore, the company has embarked on strengthening the critical successful areas

of the business. This enables the company to maintain the leverage, hence maintaining the

competitive advantage. In additional, the identification of the strengths of the company

assures it the realisation of a sustainable growth; then this impacts the decision made in

company, for the company makes the decision based on reinforcing the strong points.

W- reducing the weaknesses. these are the poor traits emanating within the firm. They have

made the company not to entirely execute the objectives. These are the impediments that are

tarnishing the company’s reputation like the contracting issues pending in courts.

O- grabbing Opportunity, the analysis has enabled the identification of the company’s

venture of investments, like the ability of conceptualisation of the new consumers trends has

enabled the company to improve the quality of services especially delivery service, regardless

of the distant to be covered.

T-mitigation the threats, the firm has the capability to speculate on the external and internal

factor that are risking the existence of the firm. for instance, the firm has a rigid and well

equip law department that enlighten the firm on various policies.

The external environment of the company

Based on the PESTLE analysis the company validates the changes in the external

environment (Holmberg, 2014).

The Political and policies constrains. These are all the factored that revolve around taxation

and regulation of the business. Governmental policies pertaining the construction industry

affects the company. Mainly the external forces that affect the firm are: Government Policies;

Tax and Revenue collection laws; Government stability and Entry Mode Regulations.

Economic factors- these are all forces that influence then stability of the economy. The

strategies of the firm are based on the following economicall factors: the rate of inflation; the

rates imposed on interests; Consumers Disposable Income; the rate of unemployment and the

rates on the foreign exchange market.

S-Social factors. The social factors influence the rate of buying; as the consumer purchase is

based on the attitudes and believes. Before the inception of a project the firm ensures the

conceptualisation of: The cultural effects; gender sensitivity; the lifestyle of the society;

structures of the domestic inhabitants; level of education and Distribution of Wealth.

T-Technology. The growth of technology is rampant in all dimensions, the integrate of

technology in the firm enables the firm to maximise on the following to the benefit of the

firm: utilised new inventions in operations; maximise on the rate of technology obsolescence;

the rates at which technology is being advanced and the patterns the innovations and

technological stages.
L-Legal. These are the legislative conditions externally imposed on the company. The firm

ensures the awareness of: Heath and Safety Regulations; Patient Infringements; Competitive

Regulations and regulatory law on the production processes.

E-Environmental factors. The geographical condition of the location affects the productivity

of the firm; therefore, the firm has to capitalise on the study of: Geographical Location

factors; evaluating the location’s stability climatically and weather conditions; laws on the

disposition of the waste, Energy Consumption Regulations and the environmental attitude

perception of the people.

company's strategic position (sourced from: Ustun and Khan, (2015)

Tarmac’s is led by a managerial committee; the management is well equipped with the

experience in the construction industry. The level of commitment to the firm is high as the

member of executive have displayed the passion, and excellence in task handling. The

communication in the firm is often initiated by the top management to lower management in

the firm. The strategies that are applied by the firm differ as the company can utilised a

centralised or decentralised communication models. This enable easy conveying of messages.

The culture of the firm has enabled the survival of the company on various situations, which

are faced by the firm. The culture is based on the advancements in the enticing the consumers

interest and the firm has been complying with the law. Additionally, code of ethics of the

firm necessitate for honesty and the firm is service oriented rather than money oriented. This

has enabled the firm toe execute fair deals all through.

The firm maintain the highest market share in the industry. In UK the company has been able

to sustain a high number of population. The company is ranked amongst the top five in the

region in the supply of Aggregate.

Evaluation of the strengths and limitations of the tools and techniques applied
The SWOT analysis enables the firm to: conceptualise the business better; addressing of the

weaknesses; threat detection; opportunities capitalisation; maximise on the strength and

attaining and developing the business goals (Gardner and Paulin, 2018). However, the tool has

a number of limitations: lacks issues prioritising; does not give solutions to the issues; gives

unprioritized solutions and may offer a lot of irritant information to solution.

The PESTLE analysis enables: easy and applicable frameworks for analysis; enables

multidisciplinary knowledge to be applied; aid in the reduction of the implications of the

threats; enhance and aid in strategizing the firm; helps in realisation and exploitation of the

new opportunities and enable estimate he behaviour of the new entries. Though the tool has

limitations: necessitate for constant reviewing; numerous people are needed and subjective

analysis (Jones et al., 2017).

The firm has capitalised on the assessment of the clients’ desire. This has enabled the

company to amend all the flaws based on the clients’ point of view. The needs of the clients

are the core ingredients in the planning process, hence this enables the firm sustain the


key findings and the significant issues the company to address

communication process, the communication process is not decisive this makes company

prone to the inter-professional conflicts. Notably, the relay of the information has led to many

occurrences misinterpretation of information. My recommendation to the firm is to apply

hybrid integration of centralised and decentralised model, this will enable the firm to convey

the information in more effective and efficient manner, in the model will enlarge the

company’s information base to all even the workforce without any modification.

The leadership should consider the execution process and needs assessment process, though

the method is applied the company is reluctant to the application of the assessments. I would
advice the company to apply the assist model in all the stages of development. In that the

clients should be the main factor that will enable the firm development and launch of the

goods but as well the satisfaction level. This also will enable the firm to validate the

mutuality of the relationship with the consumer. Moreover, the firm should incept a domain

in charge to assessing the needs regularly. The firm has impediment in law compliance,

though the firm is stable I would advice the firm to regularly train the law department on

various laws as this will mitigate the breaking of laws, regardless of their currency.

Moreover, this will enable utilisation of advocacy by the firm in the lobbying of the policy

making; hence, purporting for laws that will favour the development of the firms.

Section 2: Recommendations to the organisation

Communication networks concept; centralised and decentralised

Vermeulen et al. (2017) states that centralised communication network is where the information

emanates from a focal point and the information is dispersed among the rest, this information

may involve a decision to be executed, whereas the decentralised divergent sources are used

in the execution of various tasks. Knight, (2017) stated that both of the networks have strengths

as well as weaknesses. This has limited the entirely application of a particular method,

however this does not give an allowance for the neglection of the applicability of the

networks like in Tarmac’s situation. Notably, based on the situation experienced the firm

should apply an integration of the two networks; therefore, the company will develop the

ability to counter any limitations that are exposed to the centralise network with the

decentralised network (Perry et al., 2015). For instance, in situations that need fast execution,

the application of the decentralised network enables the handling of the situation the situation

will be stabilised. For the formal and development satiation the firm should apply the
centralised as this will counter confusing situations. The applicability of the hybrid in the

firm is high for the firm has a defined structure already.

Problem solving concept

The handling of he problematic situation in the firm is poorly done. Hence affecting the entire

body of decision making, especially on the assessment of the needs and law compliance

domain. The concept states that solving any situation the first stage is to conceptualise on the

problematic sources. The leadership should apply the normative decision model, this will

enable the determination of the extent the assessments to be integrated in the decision-making

process. Secondly the most operative decision-making procedure is the one that is appropriate

for a given situation; therefore, the firm should maximise on the law frameworks in the

application of various solutions to avoid cases in the court (Rifkin, 2014). The diversity of the

law application and needs assessment will enable the leverage of the firm in sustaining the

growth and competitive advantage. The combination of the two dimensions assures the firm a

robust decision-making body that will overcome various drawbacks encountered by then


Section 3: Implementation

The designing and implementation of the communication model is possible by the firm

commencing on an investigation of the current communication networks. After the validation

the firm’s ground situation feasibility test should be carried out on the firm to validate the

financial stability, technical capabilities and integration rate of firm. If the results are positive

the networks should be integrated, of not the model is further modified (Liu et al., 2015).

Leadership turn over is one of the sensitive transition, this can affect the operation of the

entire firm; hence, the implementation is a sensitive activity. The first step to enhance the

implementation of the problem-solving model, the firm must validate the fitness of the firm
under the feasibility study: technical feasibility, the firm must validate the capability to

endure the hinged on the model. This study will validate the strength of the resources of the

firm, for instance evaluates the technical resources of the company; Economic feasibility, this

validates the variability , benefits and the cost of the model before the allocation of the finical

resource, this enables the firm to approve or deny the project; legal feasibility, as the entire

model is based on the legislature of the firm, thus affecting the constitution; therefore, at this

juncture the assessment is to validate the constrains and reinforcements in the law to the

model; Operational feasibility, this study evaluated the assimilation of the model to the firm

as well as the satisfaction of the model to the firm; and scheduling feasibility, this deals with

estimation of the results of the model. If the model proves to be accurate in all the studies the

model is integrated into the system of the company.

Leadership styles

The transformational leadership style, this will enable high level of reference of

communication of the leader by the subordinate before the execution of any task. The leaders

are accountable for the motivation of employees this will enable the increment in level of

effectiveness and productivity. Transformational model has enabled the integration of the

management as to enhance high productivity. The leaders are to focus on the bigger picture of

the origination, communicate with the centralised network and discusses the small picture

with the middle level managers; decentralised networks (Epstein et al., 2014).

The style is reinforced by the transformative theories; the theories stipulate that workers are

motivated by the task and that has to be executed. The structure of the organisation dictated

the rate of success; the higher the structed of the organisation the higher the chances of

success. then they state that individuals tend to give all they entail to the organisation if they

conceptualise the needs of the organisation to be vital than their self-desires. This alludes and
emphasises on the collaboration and cooperative execution of the long-term goals of the

organisation. Hence the luring of the employees of the company will enable the attainment of

the goals through them.

Communicating the vision to the key stakeholders

Vision of the firm necessitates for a formal communication. This can be executed using

various but the most suitable for Tarmac firm is the Meetings, this will enable the company to

articulate the vision, this will enable the utilisation of the effective communication skill as the

stockholders’ interests’ maters in the realisation of the vision. The meeting must be in setting

that allow dialogues and eliminate the monologue elements ( Tehrani et al., 2014). The speaker

must enhance the communication by applying the most appropriate non-verbal cues as to

counter the misinterpretation of the messages.

Leadership strategy and the impact on organisational

The leadership, strategy of the company necessitates of the expression of the vision of the

organisation, moreover, the manger should ensure the realisation of the vision by attaining

the required locational consumers and through inciting and mobilising the workers and

working through them to sustain the strategies (Wang et al., 2015). This is evident in the

management of the employees through the involvement in the decision-making process and

execution process more precise to avoid the conflicting situations. The result attained from

this is that the firm will realise an increase in the productid rate, then it will improve the

environmental conditions the employees are working in that the firm will encourage more

input from the employee in the improving of the production.

Actions that should be taken and the summary of the report

The direction of the company is validated by the current situation of the firm the

recommended directions will enable the firm to validate the leadership of Tarmac strategies
and try to estimate the direction the firm is about to turn. Apparently, the position of the firm

is sustained by the brand identity hence the implementation of the recommendation by

amending the policies will enlighten the firm to the right direction, the recommendations will

equip the firm to sustain the ethical and value the code of conducts that compel the

employees to improve the productivity, hence dictating the turn to be taken by the firm. the

correction of the traditional approaches with the modern approaches enable the firm to

sustain the direction it takes (Ai et al., 2015).

Section 4: Critical Reflection

Description: the entire session was to take an investigative workshop of selected company

and validate various factors with the aid of theoretical concepts. I remember the reason of the

selection of the company was that I had so much information about the company and I have

passion for the construction industry. Additionally, the industry is under so much chaotic

situations and solutions to the industry would be of much help.

Feelings: The learning experience was enjoyable and educative. I was anxious to understand

the firm practices and execution of the works. The sense of comfort strum in me when I

gathered all the inflation I needed.

Evaluation: The entire process enabled me to realise my various skills: during the process I

enhanced my referencing skills, for instance I had to utilise a lot of retrieved materials. More

so, the experience enabled the improvement on my skimming and scanning skills, I spent a

lot time in the collection of the resource that I spent less time in the compilation of the report

Analysis: I have realised the skimming and scanning are skills that are developed over time

and are helpful. Though there is the theory knowledge on referencing I lent that the practical

appellation of the skill differs from just knowing the skill

Conclusion: I realised as result poor time management I waste a lot of time in one domain of

the project instead of progress I retrogressed. Time keeping in of great importance for success

of any project. Then any project requires planning as to avoid the deletion of the parts and

reduce irrelevancy

Action plan: next project I will plan in advance; therefore, manage my time and ensure

collection of information based on the plan not a random gathering any information.

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