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Case 1. Rose Restaurant: What Now My Love?

Should Rose stop operating her restaurant?

- No, Rose should not stop operating her restaurant, her business is doing well a
lot of plans or ways to keep her restaurant. Hiring employees who’s willing to be
trained to supervise and manage her business, rose already had the potential to
be one of the successful, if only rose could deal with the pressure, time, energy
and money.

If you were rose, what additional information would you need before making a

- If I were Rose on my point of view, I would just have to analyze the situation. A
lot of possibilities for her business to continue that can lead to all benefits.

Cost Benefits

 Loss of opportunities  Improved business

 Produce no benefits  Great sales

 Unproductive working  Big incomes

 Lack of management  Organized management

 Absences of planning  Lots of opportunities

 Loss of income  New employee

 Unemployed workers  Enhanced skills

 Motivated

Case 2. Angel Ball Construction Supply:Pretend

What would be your advice to Angelita?

- Angelita, should continue her construction business supply, because of what if

they see each other again? She would to another business again. Back to start
over again. Keep her business past would not change. Accept and continue grow
her construction business supply. This is the most hard decision but a lot of
opportunities she could achieve.

Keep her business

Cost Benefits
 Relationship issues  Acceptance
 Prideful management  Great sales income
 Mood ruined  Continuation of business
 Denial  Closed relationship
 Volatile anger trigger  Successful management
 Revenge  Maintained opportunities
 Management issues

Shift to new business

Cost Benefits
 Back to start  Peacefully working
 Loss of business opportunities
 Expenses incurred  Comfortable business ideas
 Started up cost
 Few materials  Avoid her ex-boyfriend
 Untrained employee
 Loss of co workers

Case 3: Fina's Xerox: Right or Wrong?

If you were consulted by Fina, what would you advise her? Why?

- Fina, shouldn’t go for it, even it was a good profit for her business. There’s no
legal contract between school and fina only the dean to sell some copied books
for the students. Maybe it is good for the student because of the affordable price,
but it is still wrong between fina and the dean.

Cost Benefits

 Illegal transaction  Big sales and income

 No contract signing  May help for student

 Loss of opportunities  Affordable copied books

 Peace of mind  Save money

 Commission  Focus on copying books

 Illegal charges  Famous business in school

Case 4: Petra's Cosmetics: I'll walk alone.

Do you think Pedro's personality will not be a hindrance to his dream of being a
successful entrepreneur?

- Pedro's personality won't stand in the way of his goal or a hindrance of

running a cosmetics retail store. Because there was proof that he was good at
persuading others to purchase this product, Ms. Rosario, an old high school
classmate of Mr. Fernando's, purchased a cosmetic product worth P12,500,
demonstrating the exceptional skills of the individual. His father's
dissatisfaction with his gender is the largest obstacle to his dream. The
tradition itself is not incorrect in any way, yet some traditions can be
detrimental. It's critical to assess them. Pedro pursued his goals in life rather
than what others suggested he do for his future.

Case 5: Jupiter Drug: Do you want to know a secret?

What is your comment regarding MR. Lagayan's remarks?

- Mr, Lagayan should not engage in entrepreneurial career in the drug store
business. Since he doesn't want to hear idea from his participants, business
should have a give and take idea. Not everyone has the same encounter in
business, Delfin may encounter some customer and ask why did you buy
from the other drugstore, we had this kind of medicine. Maybe because of the
price or the way they treat their customer to serve a good service to them.

What do you suggest?

- I suggest that, My, Lagayan should let Delfin speak of his ideas, Because no
one raised a hand to share some thoughts. No one in supervisors nor
managers raised a hand except for delfin. Mr, Delfin is on the field of the
company he is facing customers every day. Mr, Lagayan supervise only for a
good sales and profit. Delfin know an idea that could everyone can have a
benefit, Because he was really eager to share an idea and he was actually
surprised about Mr, Lagayan remarks for him.




- Stress - Not affordable - Less harmful - Flavour ban

reliever than
- Asthma smoking - Exploding
- Eco-friendly mod
e-cigarettes - Public places - Medical
regulation - Minors
- Help to - Market
manage variations - Emerging - Over dosage
your markets
nicotine - Severe lung - Stomach
cravings injury - Free cotton discomfort
- Fast - Coughing - Taxation
adaptation wires
- Dry mouth - Lead
- No bad and throat teenagers to
- Easy to
smell carry smoking
- Sleepiness


The bargaining The bargaining Competitive The threat of The threat of
power of power of rivalry new entrants substitute
buyers suppliers products

broadening the HUB can improve HUB Build the HUB Increase clients a better
range of their its position against basis for consumer experience and
clientele. This can suppliers by distinctiveness, repurchase intent excellent value for
be accomplished reducing reliance should concentrate by focusing on their money in
through launching on a single or on the implicit customer order to persuade
new products, small number of demands and relationship them to buy.
focusing on new providers. It will expectations of its management. The
market niches, and become more customers. By psychological
implementing sensitive to price. fostering long- switching costs will
product lasting client increase.
diversification relationships, it
techniques. ought to increase
switching costs.
In this regard, Long-term In order to find To increase By promoting
marketing and contractual new consumer access to the loyalty, it can
promotion agreements with categories, the target market, it make switching
methods can be suppliers from organization needs can establish long- more
useful. The various locations also spend in term contractual
switching costs not only reduce research and partnerships with
can be increased their negotiating development distributors.
by integrating strength but also operations.
innovation and enable Sometimes
providing working together
exceptional with rivals can be
customer service, advantageous for
which will both parties.
ultimately lower
their bargaining
Strategies to Find other VILLAIN VAPE Finally, it can
strengthen its methods of HUB Can also be enhance quality,
competitive production if there used to introduce maximize value for
positioning in the is a sufficient innovative money, and
market. amount of demand products and establish a strong
for the product and services, gather basis for
the company have valuable customer differentiation to
the necessary data, and invest in deter customers
skills and research and from using a
knowledge. development competing
activities in order product.
to establish a
strong basis for

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