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This is the sandpit for me to deal with any rules questions that you might have about any

of the games in the Dwarf King’s Hold series.

Unlike most FAQs it has a comments section for you to ask questions, and as it is on this
site I will check it frequently. It is, in effect, a continual work in progress. Periodically
Mantic will do a pretty version of this FAQ for their main site, which will form a sort of
stable benchmark. These will be updated as necessary – probably not often once the
initial dust settles :)

If you have any questions on the game rules, or if you see a post on a forum somewhere
that does, then please direct them here so I can deal with them all in a single document.
That way questions get answered consistently and everyone gets the benefit :)

 Scenario 4: The Skeleton Hound in the top right quarter of the map should start
one square to the left of where it is marked.
 Scenario 5: Only the Dwarf models in the 6×6 room at the top of the map may use
Son of Stone.
I have some more questions to deal with, but they need diagrams (which I will do
shortly). In the meantime, please ask away if you have a query that hasn’t been covered.

Q: Can you attack and count for outnumbering across diagonals you would not be
able to move across?
A: Diagonals are not blocked for combat either way. It’s much easier to jab a spear or a
sword through a small gap than it is to squeeze a whole Dwarf or Orc through. Blocked
diagonals are an issue with movement, never for fighting, and have no bearing on
outnumbering or anything else.

Q: As turning does not cost movement, does a model get to turn to face an enemy
before they Break Off and the foe makes a Free Strike (ie, can you avoid the -1 dice for
being attacked by a model in its rear arc)?
A: Free Strikes still take into account the position of the models. Page 8, bottom right
paragraph, states that the Free Strike happens before the model is moved. As turning
counts as movement (even though it is free), this means that the model must take the
Free Strike with whatever penalties would normally apply, plus the additional -1D for
being a Free Strike. Yes, it’s harsh, but that’s what you get for running away!

Q: Can you move from one square that is adjacent to an enemy model to another
square that is also adjacent? In reading the rules, it looks like you can, since your
movement ends when you enter an adjacent square to an enemy model. It also appears
that it wouldn’t provoke a Free Strike, since that’s only provoked when you move away
from an opponent.
A: No. You may never (future Special Rules aside) move from one square that is
adjacent to an enemy to another that is also adjacent to the same or any other enemy
model. If you are adjacent to the enemy you have the option to Break Off, or turn on the
spot. Breaking off will trigger a Free Strike, but turning will not.

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