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THEORIES GF PERSONALITY (RLEIW, HORNEY, FROUH) 1 Mein suggested mst me intents mst moos! tor tne feiner 5 mecer a. 2.granaparent. © ao imaginary praymais 2. One person peychoanalyzed by Melanie Kiem was 3 Emm Erkson Enon Fromm. © Anns Freud, 3 Uitte Rene ne © her daughter Masts 3 bem bance, none af tne above. 4. Compares with Freuman meory, object retauons tnecey places more empnasis, f. Secees ine imponanee of ine tstner 3 emgnseizes tne is, ‘Tne person or part of 3 person tnt eatletias tne sim of an msmnct is called 3 meimpenus the uncenscious motivator 6. Like Freud, Kain believed iat peaple ara matwated by &. me need for seranualzation b__meneed tornomecsissia. 2 seperation arwety, 7. laine tue esate peyenciegies! pesimons are. 3 te least ana tne reat BL me mature and ine immature c tne supereac. 2 invajeewon and pr: In onder te control the good reset ang to fight oft ite persecuiors, Infants use 5 mei eupsrage 3 me cepressiv= posinon Kien Delleve mat teeing of ansiety spout losing = aves opject ang a sense of guit for aesinng to Seetrey snst object ers part ot on 8. moranete anxieny a. Woeatesc anxiety 10. Klein's psychic cetens= mechanisms 3 protect tre chile against pubis dlegrace E Setena me ego ams 2 janet tne i @. prevent unconscious fantasies trom rescning ‘consciousness. 11, infants Use this means of consouing goog ana bad aspects of thamesives, 3. the parsnala-schizaphranis position B tme Sepressive poeinon © projection 3 Subimation 12 Cemgsres ts Freus, losin pelleves ast ime superego 3. ts much more narsh ano crue a eS Sneha Te foe cote Pet nn Se vecompums ee, 14. sOgmn pallgves eist 3 gh faneseizes tnst ner temare pene feds m2 moiner win Dables auring tis E. presgoiescent ial fg This eaject reistone tmaceet spent musn ume, eocenang normal pales 26 tay bonged wetn inal motners during ine frst 3 years cf ite B) Melanie Kein © HeneKonut S Oks wemeerg 18. Maniare principsi cence vse win BL the psychological pain of tne cna. the chidts neurote-symblaue retationenp win tte mother the narciseletlc needs of fe child. 17 During the cepsrance-memaustion stage, ushler BL despakr of reunming wan tne motner. © develo normat autem, ._ blame inelr momer for weaning inem. te. Konut wae mest inesrsetes Ine 5 phyzicingles! naese et intante. Raa oe oe . SoquIsOR of Erguage and Its role In nigher mensat processes 42 Recoraing to Kohut, the reads to exhibit the grandiose esif ang the Ideslizes parent image are anes 3 matesnietc ness: BL sedi needs ©. setesisem neeas. 20. To Ramberg personsilty 3 pinncraer BL innarnea trans an 1ST concerned wan Pp Stay aeee macy sung pres ©. tna mala ang female Oacipus complex. the development of ine superego. "= key to understancing adult 22, Bawny's ineary assumes that peyensiegieally nesimy infants nave amotiensny ‘Setaenad momers. D. infants who are ioved too: much by inet motner ‘wt nave ee as pear & sietina seve 23. According to Bowly, protest Is the firct stage ot 2 me seaipal period De: the anal period, 24. Research by Alsn Sroute and hie alleagues found "31 eaeurely attaoned chudran tendo be | D. Gepengent on meir motner = socially lectstes @. introverted ana have mee Impuiee contrck 28 Homay balleved that most naurazes are the result 5 D. an unresolves Oxaipus complex ¢ unwise parenting @__undersevelopes 290 sirengin, Bf The Me of Marey nae several parallels to tat of for example, both ware the ‘JSUngEET ERIC GT an older tamer ang batn nag older siblings who were ravored by the parents. 3. Canaung b. Altea Aater Margaret manier 27 mamay’s ear professional wrlings were strongly innusnces ey 2. Adter, & ung. 3 Sullivan, 25. Hpenay sriticteas payenesnsiysie tor me Pes eeene rece ele on clinical reeeaic) © underempnasis on cunical research @ concept tine mres levels of mania! ire 22. Mamey eleves inat cultura! conaitions are lanoely fetporsibie fer me Sevsisamant st 3 baele trust D__ basic mistrust @__bacic peycnoces. +22. Agcorging ip Moenay, people are mutes by safety ang t a. anxiety 31 namey celievea mat 3 compettwe ana nostle society encsureges 2 aves i @_euperiomty and success. 32 Homey Deleved mat people ovenvatue lve as a means of saustying te need tor 2 esivzemem & 4 t i ¢_ supanomy. ‘33. Accoraing to Homey, most neurotss, 3. are no longer moavates 19 Mna tov © expanancs decreases: m nectity @ develop ennanced cel-estaem inrougn marr eearen for love. 34. Hemay dennes nasic amscaty 22 5 feztng of being 3._separated fom ina metnanng one. 4G. Incompetent in 2 werlg where otners appear te be competent (35, Homey pellevae inst masem society is tee 2. Uberal _ conservative. BL sangerous 36 According to Horney, neurotic behavior i a proectan against SEES econ) = Beale any public ctegrace 3 exaggerates quit 37. When of inece % NOT one of Homay's irae neurowe wenos? &. moving against people B._maving sway tram peopte ee! ing toward people ‘38. Chmgren wno feet ieolated from mers are katy to ‘Sevelop ine neurove rend of moving ewan omnere. E. against ciners 3. oward omer. 38. The compliant person Is most llkely $2 adopt the neurowe wena of B. moving win people © moving against people moving away tram peopte 4D. Each raumtlc trang has = normal healthy analogue Franaly peopie ave sucessstully eolved ine Wend orn coma ciners 3 against ciners B wimomners say tam omens 41, Mamay regarded ine leases setimage ang se hatred 35 3. interpersensi eenmiste. peyenceexust sonnets, © principal ingredients in the syngrome of gacay. AD Contrary to Freud, Homey meld mat me Cacipue sempieiele vunevereal 3 found only in males B. round only in Temates. 45 The ummste gaat of somayisn tecry i= 3. the aminatin of baie anxiety 1B. the eotution of basic cantices. ine recov =the sohition of day-to-cay prosleme 44 range feels silanated fren mer femininay an wishes tnat ene ware 3 man, Homey would <2y tat Brenda's oecires etem fom E. genie envy. = Sesipsl strings Sleek of close reistionenip wn mer metnar 45. mlonara Ryckman ana colleagues nave eaveiopad ins concest’ of pereanal evelopment compesiversss tnat focuses on = desire & towin at all cost somaripulste others & for safety and eeourny, “ Fromm believed tnat ine rise of capealism nae conmnouted to 3. fe gremin of personal eecom. ._Pugher levels oF community conacion, wien of these people was NOT sn imparant innuence on Fromen’s munking? ©. Kan Mare @. Johann J. Sacnoten 2 Karen romey One of Fromme basic assumpuons Is mat peopie Rave Dean tor away fom a union with natura. ard lgcking saequste anima! Inetiness Sey must rely on reason. Thie canaltion t= cated ne rational imperative S varecansence According t Fromm. ine four basic elements In love are knowlaeg2, eare, respect, and ©. atmcnon, B. intereet 1 couperauon. ‘Transcengence Is ine n2ed for humans to 3 Gage suitrestzation im 2 Baza 2 meer human nature ana imo ne asim of superumans test restless anc anxious with the realization that biay are censtaney geagrsprocaity mote, Roctesnace Ie me ness for humans ts 3 femam ted nm tar retalionsnip win inex parents. b. flee above thelr existence. ae 2 feet restless ana anxious wiih ine realizason tat ey are forever geographically mobile. Fromm vellaved at a fame of onentauon we necessary In order for people to 3. sehieve personal laensty achieve: paselve and accidental @._ Fleg abuve inelr animal nature ‘When auistential nazcs are not eatlefad, people wil 2 become motivates by human nese D. Become motivated by assenzal needs. ©. deve) ary lIpower. romm, the freaks of the unlverse are b_Sisnate o enskee In Fromnvs view, ety D. express Mest arwiety BoUgA moving away from eopie Sventuatly gutter 5 peycnatie break represent a email muni of al peapie bem a ana ‘Aunmortaranism may take these to foc °. love ana nate a. efectve ang inefieceve The spontaneous sctlvly of @ hesiiny incivicual represenis b. eseensal eezom, © ealetensal cnaos. @._wanscengence 5, PEM freedom are nought ang aeson fam and nope. @._ desre ana restraint. ‘58, Freus anal character is similar to Framers ssracter 2. manceung b expniisive —o recepave 6G. wmicn nanprequctWe characters Is 3 proguct of modem commerce? a Soacing © aupionstive — g recepove 61. Biopniia ie 2. the pevenie mness of me magem age. ae ‘ne prmcipal component of ine syndrome of aecey, ssn grote ozewe to noses one chusnses toys 62. Fromm ballaved iat peyshopsinalugy stams fram 3. unconscious Quit B._moges of asernilauon. Sige or rectesness 62. Penple wine euter trem mangnant narsseziem 3. tena to be sadistic in ihelr relations win omens. . Seabee Bee possess = strong maine Sra enaracterizes py neteapnulia sna the lees of ‘paitioensry 64. Aperson win moral nypachonariasis 3. Is oveny cancemes wien physical symptoms, Ete ovady. concerned’ lin peycnologlea! symptoms. ¢._ ELWre tam tne eynarame ot azesy 6 sneeeree ‘Bart of Framen's synarome of pecay? — eect ce. East Shunde arg Oon tauno rave oeveopes pegeolt menue Pramas cana 2 cag oa beset or Recut Wither niet te peop wne score figh on mename of ie mavesng cnaercl ka : 1 ve cooperation over competion E fave caly ot me cae porn OBS a. ao peopel we copes Serer eee ee atanie 68 in mis concept of numanny. emphasized ren Fromm slmbanes Delween waren and @. nenuman need io sonleve sel-acmalizaton

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