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5th IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing(PDGC-2018), 20-22 Dec, 2018, Solan, India


Bhawna Jindal Saudagar
Electronics and communication Electronics and communication
engineering engineering
Radur, Haryana Kurukshetra, Haryana

Ekta Reeta Devi

Electronics and communication Electronics and communication
engineering engineering
Kurukshetra, Haryana Kurukshetra, Haryana

Abstract—The purpose of paper is to detect heart • ST segment

arrhythmia which is generated due to irregular heart rhythm. • Arrhythmia Abnormalities.
The heart problem of a person can be noticed by examining the
ECG (Electrocardiogram) signal and withdrawing the various Above mentioned parameters are useful for detecting
features of the ECG signal like RR interval, width of QRS
various heart diseases like Sinus tachycardia, Sinus
complex, P wave, R wave and heart rate. Data for
electrocardiogram signal occupied from MIT-BIH arrhythmia bradycardia, First degree heart block, incomplete bundle
database. Graphical user interface (GUI) has been developed branch block and Ventricular tachycardia etc. A person said
for the detection of arrhythmia using Pan-Tompkins to be abnormal if there is any fluctuation in the morphology
algorithm. Modification has been done in the Pan-Tompkins of the EKG signal and these abnormalities can be identified
algorithm for the detection of abnormalities related to heart by by extracting features of the electrocardiogram signal. EKG
calculating various parameters. This toolbox is developed in signal taken out from MIT-BIH database of arrhythmia and
MATLAB software. Developed GUI is an efficient and effective
way to diagnose heart diseases
time domain analysis performed on it and results has been
demonstrated on the developed GUI. Graphical user
Keywords— ECG(Electrocardiogram), Arrhythmia, Pan- interface is developed in MATLAB software for research
Tompkin, GUI purpose not for clinical diagnosis purposes. It abate a user to
control entire system operation [3]. Electrocardiogram
signal processed using Pan-Tompkins algorithm which is
ECG is abbreviated as Electrocardiogram and also known as given by Jiapu pan and Willis J. Tompkins in 1985[4] which
EKG signal. Graphical illustration of electrical activity of is not obsolete for detection of cardiac arrhythmia. So
the heart termed as ECG. The process of measuring the modification has been done in Pan-Tompkins algorithm for
ECG signal by placing electrodes over the human body is arrhythmia diagnosis purpose and a toolbox created.
known as Electrocardiography and the machine used is Developed toolbox represents heart rate, QRS width, Root
Electrocardiograph. ECG signal is generated by the mean square of successive difference of R peaks and
depolarization and repolarization of atrial and ventricle of standard deviation by extracting RR interval from ECG
the heart [1]. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are one of morphology. Heart rate variability interpretation can be
main reason of death in whole world as stated by world executed on EKG recording.
health organization (WHO). CVD problem occurs due to
A. ECG Descriptions
variation in normal heart cycle [2]. From ECG signal
following information can be extracted: Heart Anatomy. Human heart consists of four chambers
i.e. left and right atria, right and left ventricle. A tiny mass
• RR interval of the functional tissue exist in the atria known as sinoatrial
• PR interval node (SA node), produce an electrical stimulus which
• The heart rate activates the atria and leads to its depolarization and
• QRS width repolarization. Electrical stimulus reaches the
• QT interval atrioventricular (AV node) node and activates the ventricles.
• R wave Due to depolarization and repolarization of atrium and
• P wave

978-1-5386-6026-3/18/$31©2018 IEEE 754

5th IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing(PDGC-2018), 20-22 Dec, 2018, Solan, India

ventricle, ECG signal generated. Positive cations i.e. Na⁺ R-Wave. It is a maximum amplitude wave in QRS
and Ca⁺⁺causes depolarization and repolarization [1]. complex. Crest of the R wave is the conventional point
of the cardiac cycle which leads heart period.
U-Wave. Generated due to electrical activity in papillary
R-R interval. Difference between two successive R peaks is
known as R-R interval. Its duration is 0.6 to 1.2sec [1]. Also
named as Inter-beat- interval, cardiac cycle spans which
entitled as heart period.
B. ECG Database
Testing of the arrhythmia detection algorithm has been done
from MIT-BIH database of arrhythmia. Database is taken
from ATM bank of physionet website which is acquired
Fig. 1. Human heart[5] from arrhythmia laboratory of Boston's Beth Israel hospital
(BIH). Database comprises the 48 signals. The signals
which we use are single lead signals. The duration of these
ECG Morphology. ECG signal comprises of six signals are 10sec which means 3600 samples. Signal
waves i.e. P-Wave, Q-Wave, R-Wave, S-Wave, T-Wave presented in digital format having 360Hz sampling
and U-Wave and their intervals. Most of the useful frequency, 10mv range and complete annotations of the
information regarding heart is available in the QRS signals are provided at the physionet website.
complexes which is point of interest. The frequency of Approximately 60% of the data were occupied from
EKG signal ranges between 0.10-150 Hertz and voltage inpatients. In this database, quality of signal fluctuates with
measured over the human body by electrode are of order scribbled data in atleast one lead [6].
of hundreds of microvolt to 1 millivolt [1]. General
waveform of ECG signal is shown in figure below:
C. Arrhythmias

Due to the irregular heart rhythm arrhythmia arises which

causes change in heart wave. It is also called as dysrhythmia
[6]. Pumping of blood in heart gets affected due to cardiac
arrhythmia, so it is necessary to detect and analysis various
arrhythmias by performing time domain analysis. Detection
of heart diseases can be done by reckoning the heartrate, RR
interval, R-wave, P-wave and QRS width. Heart rate is
computed by using formula:
Heart Rate = 60/(RR interval) bpm

Some arrhythmia which is computed and detected in this

paper includes Sinus Tachycardia, Bundle branch block,
Sinus Bradycardia, incomplete bundle branch block, Right
Fig. 2. ECG Waveform[1] bundle branch block, Ventricular Tachycardia. Sinus
Tachycardia arises when heart rate is more than 100 bpm
P-Wave. Generated due to depolarization of atria. The and Sinus bradycardia arises when heart rate is less than 60
duration of P-wave is less than 80ms[1].Right atrium is bpm (beats per minute) [11]. Ventricular tachycardia occurs
depolarized firstly then the left atrium is depolarized. when heart rate lies in the range 102 to 250 bpm and QRS
Due to depolarization, an electrical vector generated width greater than 0.12 sec. Bundle branch block occurs due
from atrium which is slightly downward and leftward. to variation in QRS width from its normal range.
PR Interval. Evaluated from beginning of P-wave to the Arrhythmias are computed by heart rate, R-peaks and QRS
starting of QRS complex and ranges from 120 to 200ms width where time domain parameters like SDSD, RMSSD
[1]. added for analysis purpose not for arrhythmia detection.
QRS Complex. It shows the depolarization of left and
right ventricles. Mass of ventricles exceeds the mass of
atria. In QRS complex R-wave has maximum amplitude.
The width of the QRS complex varies from 80 to 100ms II. PAN-TOMPKINS ALGORITHM
[5]. This algorithm was given by Jiapu pan and Willis J.
ST-Segment. It establish a connection between QRS Tompkins in 1985. QRS complex detected by digital study
complex and T wave. of amplitude, width and slope of EKG signal which include
T-Wave. Generated due to repolarization of ventricles. 3 stages:
Its duration is 160ms.
1. Digital filtering linearly.

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5th IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing(PDGC-2018), 20-22 Dec, 2018, Solan, India

2. Non-linear conversion. Fig. 3. Flowchart of proposed algorithm

3. Algorithm for decision making.
As depicted in above flowchart, EKG signal is obtained
Linear process constitutes bandpass filter, moving window from MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database. Electrocardiogram
integrator and derivative. Non-linear conversions perform signal suffered with different type of noise like baseline
by squaring the amplitude of signal. Adaptive thresholding wander, electrode contact noise, power line interference,
and discrimination of T-wave technique are the part of the instrument noise etc. To overcome the effect of noise,
decision rule algorithm. Detection sensitivity escalates due initially signal is passed through bandpass filter whose
to low thresholding after filtering. Dual threshold technique passband range is from 5 to 15 Hz. Low pass and high pass
used to find lost heart beats and condense the false negative filter in cascaded form can also be used in place of bandpass
beats. These thresholds applied on the output of filter and filter. EKG signal is bandpass filtered which eliminates the
moving window integrator [4]. unwanted frequency and gives anticipated range of
frequencies. Lower cut-off frequency must be preferred to
A. Modified Pan-tompkins Algorithm decrease the impact of P and T wave large amplitude and
Pan-Tompkins algorithm does not provide information need upper cut-off frequency to overpower motion artifacts
about arrhythmia of abnormal person, so that in this paper but not fine QRS complexes. Derivative algorithm is applied
some modification in Pan-Tompkins has been done for on ECG signal which offers slope information and amplifies
arrhythmia diagnosis. After the detection of QRS complex, the adverse noise components. Squaring function
R and P-wave, R-R interval and QRS width has been strengthens the slope of the curve acquired from derivative
observed. With the help of R-R intervals we can calculate and limits the false positive peaks due to T- waves. Energy,
heart rate and time domain analysis also performed. A width and amplitude of the QRS complex must be taken out
graphical user interface (GUI) developed for the modified from EKG signal to attain consistent performance which can
arrhythmia detection algorithm which gives a convenient be estimated from integrator. Detection of peaks completed
platform to user for analyzing the ECG signal with its after thresholding which can be automatically adjusted to
adapt changes in the morphology of EKG and heart rate.
extracted features and various abnormalities of patients. The
After the peak detection intervals like PR intervals, ST
block diagram of modified algorithm is illustrated as:
intervals, inter beat interval, QRS width can be computed.
On the basis of calculations various arrhythmias can be
detected. Adaptive thresholding is used in decision making
to decide either it is a QRS complex or not and after that P,
R, Q, S waves detected. Based on these waves R-R interval
has been calculated. On the basis of R-R interval, heart rate
determined. By checking the duration of waves, intervals,
heart rate several arrhythmia detected and time domain
analysis performed which gives results like SDSD (Standard
deviation of successive difference), RMSSD (Root mean
square of successive difference) etc. MATLAB
implementation of Pan-Tompkins algorithm taken from
author Hooman Sedghamiz, Copyright march 2014.



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5th IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing(PDGC-2018), 20-22 Dec, 2018, Solan, India


Fig. 3. Processing of ECG signal from MIT-BIH database: (a) Original

(c) ECG Signal (b) Bandpass filtered signal (c) After derivative filter (d)
Squared Signal (e) MVI Signal (black circles show R peaks, magenta
shows noise, green shows signal level, red shows threshold) (f) QRS of
Filtered Signal (g) QRS on MVI signal (h) Pulse train of QRS complex[4].

HRV (heart rate variability) is a useful tool for study of

EKG in both clinical and research purpose. HRV is outcome
of ANS (autonomic nervous system) directive of the
sinoatrial (SA) node [12]. HRV investigation can be
performed in two ways: the spectral domain and the time
(d) domain. Heart rate variability offers non-invasive method to
evaluate the neuronal effects on cardio-regulatory function.
As demarcated HRV are variations of inter-beat intervals.
Due to interface between parasympathetic and sympathetic
activities a non-linear feedback control system generated
which is caused by HRV fluctuations. Time domain features
result from simple arithmetical calculations. Mostly mean
and variance of RR interval analyzed in time domain.
Frequency (spectral) domain includes decomposition of
series of continuous inter-beat interval into its numerous
frequency constituents and enumerates them in terms of
power. Spectral points of power spectrum depict amplitude
of heart rate variations offered at different oscillation
frequency. Main clinical states where HRV has been found
valuable in danger of sudden cardiac death after acute
myocardial infarction. HRV usually established to provide
an initial cautionary sign of diabetic neuropathy [12]. The
RMSSD is associated to the high-frequency (HF) energy
ranges from 0.15 Hz to 0.4 Hz. Lower RMSSD values
interrelated with high risk of sudden mysterious death in
epilepsy. The SDRR measures how these intervals vary over
(f) time and is more precise when considered over 24 h because
this longer duration better signifies slower processes [18].


GUI stands for Graphical user interface. It is an interface
between human and computer which uses icons, windows
and menus which can be influenced by a click of mouse.
The various advantages of GUI includes simplicity,
consistency, Familiarity. With the help of GUI simulation of
(g) engineering models becomes easier. Instead of running the
whole program in command prompt, it is convenient to
change a single variable in toolbox [3].

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5th IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing(PDGC-2018), 20-22 Dec, 2018, Solan, India

Fig. 5. Developed GUI Fig. 6. Load and plot of ECG Signal

Figure 5 represents a graphical user interface which is

developed in MATLAB and following points explain about
this toolbox:
1. Download ECG signals from Physionet and load the
same in the GUI by clicking on OK button.
2. By clicking on show plot button we can saw the plot of
the QRS complex.
3. We can also observe P and R peaks of ECG signal in the
detect peak block. Fig. 7. Detected QRS complex
4. Parameter calculations are also performed like SDSD,
RMSSD, Avg RR interval, Heart rate and QRS width.
5. With the help of these parameters, type of arrhythmia
detected by clicking on diagnose button.
Design and implementation of GUI includes task defining,
drawing the GUI, then testing the design, code writing for
the same and finally testing code [3].


A graphical user interface for arrhythmia detection is

developed. Various ECG signals like 100, 101, 102, 107 etc
are tested on this toolbox with their waves like P, R wave ,
QRS complex and their durations are calculated. With the
help of time domain parameters like RMSSD, SDSD, Avg
RR interval (IBI) and QRS width one can easily diagnose Fig. 8. P wave of ECG (shown by circles)
cardiac problems. Output of various blocks of proposed
algorithm can also be viewed by clicking on the pop-up
push button which is named as show plot in this toolbox.
Peaks of P wave and R wave can be observed seperately by
radio buttons as shown in toolbox. Algorithm works healthy
for signal which is infected with noise. Results of the
proposed algorithm illustrated as:

Fig. 9. R wave of ECG (shown by circles)

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5th IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing(PDGC-2018), 20-22 Dec, 2018, Solan, India

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