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Assignment 2B: Contracts Act 1872 Mar

Total points 8/10

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1. A contract is said to have entered into when: * 1/1

When an offer is accepted

When an agreement is legally enforceable

When an agreement is drafted in writing in a stamp paper

When the parties to the agreement decide to call it a contract

2. Can an agreement without valid consideration be considered a 1/1

contract? *




3. What is an offer? * 1/1

A medium through which a person expresses the intention to enter into a

contractual relationship

A medium through which a person gives away free gifts with the merchandise being

A medium of advertising a product

A medium through which third parties are made aware of the products and services

4. One of the following is not a rule governing an acceptance: * 1/1

It should be made by the offeree should be communicated to the offeror

It should be made by the offeree

It may be in any form Oral or Written

It can be withdrawn even after it is conveyed to the offerer

It should be given while the offer is in force

5. Which of the following are rules governing consideration? * 0/1

A contract must be supported by consideration

Consideration must have some value

Consideration must be legal

Consideration can be waived at the choice of the parties to the contract and yet
remain legally enforceable

Consideration can be defined as benefit or detriment

Consideration can be past, present or future

Correct answer

A contract must be supported by consideration

Consideration must have some value

Consideration must be legal

Consideration can be defined as benefit or detriment

Consideration can be past, present or future

6. Which of the following are objects deemed to be unlawful? * 0/1

Forbidden by law



Opposed to public policy

Opposed by any foreign law not applicable in India

Correct answer

Forbidden by law



Opposed to public policy

7. Which of the following is not a benefit for a minor entering into a 1/1
contract? *

Minor can always plead minority

No ratification on attaining the age of majority

Minor cannot be adjudicated insolvent

Pleading minority to deny payment for supply of necessities

8. Can a person of unsound mind enter into a contract? * 1/1

Yes, during the period when the person is not in unsound mind

No, once a person is declared of unsound mind, the person can never get into any
contract thereafter

Yes, provided it is entered into by a guardian of sound mind

Yes, if the person of unsound mind is benefitting from that contract

9. Which of the agreements are expressly declared void? * 1/1

Agreement in restraint of marriage

Agreement in restraint of trade

Agreement by way of wager

Agreement to do an impossible act

Agreement, the performance of which is delayed

Conditional Agreement
10. One of the following is not a type of performance of a contract. * 1/1

Actual Performance

Substantial performance

Performance by mistake

Partial Performance

Attempted Performance

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