PE Q2 - Sports Handouts

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BASKETBALL e. The ball cannot travel under the net.

f. Players cannot reach over the net and hit the ball.
>Facility and Equipment
Court= 28m x 15m
Basketball= 74.9-78cm in circumference; 567-650g in weight
Fundamental Skills
> Object of the Game
Catching- most important skill,
a. overhand catch– catch above the waist, fingers point up The object of softball is to hit the ball with a bat before the player
b. underhand catch– catch below the waist, fingers point down. tries to run around an infield with four bases. Once a player
manages to get right round without being given out a run is
scored. The winners of the game will be decided after the 7
>Object of the Game innings have all been completed. The team with most runs after 7
The object of volleyball is to hit the volleyball over the net (by innings will be declared the winner. If after 7 innings the game is
only using your hands) running through the center of the court tied, then an extra innings will be played until a winner is found
while trying to get it to bounce in your opponents’ half. The
>Rules of Softball
opposing team have to try and prevent the ball from bouncing
before returning the ball. Games are played out in best of 3 or 5 -Each team consists of 9 players and teams can be of mixed
sets and the team with most sets at the end of the game wins. gender
-A game lasts for 7 innings and is split into two sections; the top
Court= rectangular shape and measures 18m x 9m.
and bottom of the innings. Each team bats once in each innings
Net= 2.43m high for men and 2.24m for women.
before the sides switch.
Ball= 65-67cm circumference, weigh 260-280g, pressure between
-The fielding team has a pitcher, catcher, a player on first base,
0.30 and 0.35kg/cm
second base, third base, three deep fielders and short stop.
>Terminologies -A batter must successfully strike the ball and run around as many
Serve – underhand, topspin, jump serve, jump float bases as possible. Once they get all the way around and back to
Pass – underarm pass, overhand pass home plate without being given out a run is scored.
Attack/spike – a hard hit -The fielding team can prevent the batsmen by making them miss
Dead ball – when the play stops with the whistle of the referee the ball, catching the ball, tagging one of the bases before they
Set – to put the ball in the air that it can be driven be an attack reach it or tagging the batsmen whilst they are running with the
Deuce – team is tie ball in hand.
Rally point – scoring system -Down the first and third base line is a foul area. Once the ball
Block – action taken by the blocker standing at the net to stop or crosses this line before it bounces the ball is deemed ‘dead’ and
alter the opponent’s attack. play restarts with a new pitch.
Dig – prevent the ball from touching one’s court after an attack. -A home run can be scored by hitting the ball over the outfield
Libero – “defensive player”, a back court player who can enter and into a dead ball area. The batsmen can then stroll around the
and leave the court, when the ball is not on play, must wear bases to score along with any additional batsmen on base.
different uniform for easy identification, specialized in defensive
skills, not allowed to serve.  

>Rules of Volleyball
-Each team consist of 6 players and 6 substitutes. Players can be
substituted at any time but if they are to return can only be
swapped for the player that replaced them.
-Each team can hit the ball up to three times before the ball must
be returned. The defensive team can then try and block or return
the ball again hitting it a maximum of three times.
-Games are played up to 25 points and must be won by 2 clear
Violations will be called for the following:
a. Stepping over the base line when serving the ball.
b. Ball hits the net and fails to get over the net (If the ball hits the
net and still goes over the net then this is perfectly legal).
c. Players are not allowed to carry, palm or run with the ball.
d. Players must not touch the net with any part of the body. If the
net is said to have hit them rather than vice-versa, then this is ok.

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