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Nama : Ravioza Januarrizky Azra

Kelas : XII MIPA 5

Good afternoon ladies and gentleman How are you in this afternoon ? I hope you are in good condition
now , Aameen First of all let say thanks to our God who has given as healthy body , mercy , blessing , and
life until we stand here.Secondly , let say salutation to our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him who
has brough us from the darkness to brighness , from immoral to moral , from unknowledge to
knowledge , until right now .

1.My name is Ravioza Januarrizky Azra

2.My nickname is Ravioza

You can call me Ravioza

3.I am a student of Senior High School number one of Lubuk Alung

4.I am 17 years old

5.My hobby's are dancing,watching and reading

6.I like playing badminton

7.I am in class 12 science 5

8.I like studying english

9.My english teacher is Mr.Candra Azwar

10.My principal is Mr.Arizon

11.My father is Mr.Azwar

He is a seller

12.My mother was dead

13.I dont have brother and sister

I am just only one

14.I live in Lubuk Alung at Kasiak Putiah

15.My Favorite food is noodle

16.My favorite drink is mineral water

17.My religion is Islam

18.My favorite genre of music is pop

19.I love k-pop music fyi

20.My favorite color is purple

Well , ladies and gentleman I think that is all , i hope you understand my english and at last i say thank
you very much for your attention.Good bye , see you next time .

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