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1. What concepts did you find difficult to understand?

Sincerely, I understand this particular subject. I admire how everything is interconnected in

every aspect and how important it is. However, because it was about COVID-19 with virtue ethics, I was
initially perplexed. At first, I had trouble seeing it, but as I read the essay more, I begin to get the idea.

2. What insights or learning did you gain from the article?

I learned that utilitarianism and the idea that freedom is the lack of restrictions are the two
main ethical tenets that permeate our culture. I also understood that consequentialism is a specific form
of utilitarianism. Just so you know, the current discussion on government responses to the pandemic
has been heavily utilitarian.

3. What questions would you want answers for? Or vague areas you want more explanations about?

Although the pertinent narrative of freedom is one of my more perplexing ones, I suppose it's
not too bad? However, the part of the sentence that I enjoyed is that it's pertinent since temperance is a
virtue that may be used to determine whether our goals are rational. Based on what I've seen in our
culture and with regard to ourselves, I believe this to be accurate.

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