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Kota Harapan Indah Blok RV 2 NO, 10 – Bekasi

Target Lesson Plan S.Y 2022-2023

Unit TOPIC ACTIVITY Student /Workbook
Welcom Greetings & Student Book:
e Section Introduction Page 4: Activity 1, 2
Page 5: Activity 3,4
Page 6: Activity 1,2
Page 7: Activity 3,4
Page 8: Activity 1,2
Page 9: Activity3,4,5
Page 10: Activity 1,2
Page 11: Activity 4,5

Page 2: Activity 1,2,3
Page 3: Activity 1, 2,3
Page 4: Activity 1,2,3,4
Page 5: Activity 1,2,3,4,

The Verb be
Possessive Adjectives
Have/Has Got
There is/There are
Prepositions of Place
Adverbs of Frequency
Object of Pronouns
Can/Can’t for ability
Unit 1 Present Simple Vocabulary: Hobbies and Interests, school subjects, Student Book:
Hobbies and interests Page 12: Activity 1
Pronunciation: /n/ (man) and /n/song) Page 13: Activity 2 A, B, C,D,E
Speaking and Functions: Talking about school, talking Page 14: Activity F, Activity 3 A, B
about hobbies, Expressing likes and dislikes Page 15: Activity 4 A,B,
Listening: An interview about a hobby Activity 5 A,B
Reading: Article: An unusual hobby culture in mind: Activity 6 A, B
School clubs Activity 8 A, B
Writing: Email about your hobbies and interest Page 16 Activity 9 A, B
Page 17 Activity C, D, Activity 10 A, B
Activity 11 A, B

Page 2 Activity 1, 2A, B, C, D

Essay writing:

Life of a Student: The Importance of Having a Hobby

Email me: about your hobbies and interest Page 17 student book
Unit 2 Present Continuous Vocabulary: House work/ rooms and housework Student Book:
Pronunciation: / ʒ: / (world)
Speaking and Functions: Talking about housework
Last but not least: arranging to meet and making plans Workbook:
Listening: Radio Interview with a volunteer in Nambia Page 7 Activity 3A, B, C
Reading: Article: Helping at a hospital Page 8 Activity 4A, B,C
Photo story: Let’s give him a hand Page 9 Activity 5 A,B
Writing: Email about organizing a party Activity 6
Activity 7
Page 10 Activity 8 , 9
Unit 3 Past simple: be and Vocabulary: Multi-Words (with up, down, on, off)
regular verbs Pronunciation: was and were, -ed endings
(Positive and negative) Speaking and Functions: Talking about the past, Talking
about when/where people were born
Listening: Presentation of “my hero”
Reading: Article: Erin Brokovich
Culture in Mind: Remembering heroes
Writing: Three paragraphs about your hero

Unit 4 Past simple: regular and Vocabulary: Past time expressions, sports, everyday
irregular verbs English, sports equipment and places
Pronunciation: Word Stress
Speaking and Functions: Talking about the past
Retelling a story
Last but not least: alibi- a game
Television story
Song: You’ve got a friend in me
Reading: Article: The ping pong friendship that changed
the world
Photo story: Not a nice thing to say
Writing: Diary entry or email about an enjoyable
Unit 5 Have to/Don’t have to Vocabulary: Job, work, and money
Pronunciation: have to / don’t have to
Speaking and Functions: talking about obligations,
Describing job requirements, talking about people and
their jobs
Listening: Talking about success
Description of future jobs
Reading: Article: What does “success” mean?
Article: Following a dream
Culture in Mind: Teenagers: earning money
Writing: Description of a job
Unit 6 Countable and Vocabulary: Food/thins we use to eat and drink
Uncountable Nouns Pronunciation: The schwa / ᶕ/ ( water)
Speaking and Functions: Talking about food and fitness
Last but not least: talking about food and places to eat
Listening: School canteen dialogue
Reading: Article: A long and healthy life
Photo story: A double ice cream
Writing: Paragraph about food and fitness
Unit 7 Comparatives and Vocabulary: Language learning
Superlatives Pronunciation: Than
Speaking and Functions:Comparing things, talking
about learning English
Listening: Interviews about language learning, an
interview with David crystal
Reading: Article: Speaking in many tongues
Culture in mind: teen talk
Writing: Description or email about language learning
Unit 8 Present continuous Vocabulary: Holiday activities
Pronunciation: / ᶿ/ (think) and /Ბ / (that)
Speaking and Functions: Talking about arrangements
Discussing my holiday plans, Last but not least:
information gap: talking about holidays
Listening: Radio show about family holidays dialogue
about holiday plans
Reading: Magazine article: Family holidays can be fun!
Travel brochure: Welcome to Cape Town-the city that
has everything!
Photostory: Having fun?
Writing: Email about a trip
Unit 9 Will/Wont Vocabulary: Expressions to talk about the future,
expressions to talk about fortune telling
Pronunciation: ‘ll
Speaking and Functions: Making predictions, Talking
about your future life, Talking about fortune telling
Listening: Future predictions, Song: When I’m Sixty-four
Reading: Article: Getting the future wrong!
Culture in mind: Fortune telling
Writing: Texting predicting the future
Unit 10 Too + adjective, adverbs Vocabulary: adjectives to talk about the weather
Pronunciation: /ᶕu/(go)
Speaking and Functions: Describing actions, relating
Hermann Maier’s life story, Describing the weather,
Last but not least: information gap about famous sports
Listening: A weather forecast Dialogue about the life if
Hermann Mailer
Reading: Article: Jungle survival, Photo story: Keep on
Writing: Email giving advice to a friend
Unit 11 Be going to (intentions Vocabulary: Multi-words verbs (with go and put)
& predictions), Pronunciation: must and mustn’t
Must/Mustn’t Speaking and Functions: Talking about intentions,
talking about a song
Listening: Dialogue about a New Year’s Eve party
Song: Wonderful World, Beautiful People
Article: In New York for New Year’s Eve
Culture in mind: Reggae Music
Writing: Email about New Year’s Eve
Unit 12 When & If Vocabulary: Feelings and actions
Pronunciation: Stress in conditional sentences
Speaking and Functions: Expressing future possibilities
Discussing bravery, Last but not least: talking about
situations where you were brave/not brave
Listening: Dialogues about bravery
Reading: Article: Subway hero
Photo story: Chicken
Writing: Description of a film book or TV programme
Unit 13 Should/Shouldn’t Vocabulary: Personality Adjectives
Pronunciation: Silent consonants
Speaking and Functions: Giving advice and
recommendations, talking about what somebody is like
Listening: Dialogue about different customs around the
world, A quiz about UK culture
Reading: What do you know about the UK culture?
Culture in Mind: Heroic Ulises on a journey of hope
Writing: Email giving tips to a tourist
Unit 14 Present perfect + Vocabulary: verb and Noun pairs
ever/never Pronunciation: Have and has in the present perfect
Speaking and Functions: Talking about life experiences
last but not least: talking about things you’ve never
Listening: Conversation about strange world records
Reading: Article : You’ve never seen anything like this !
Article: He holds the record-for records!
Photo story: What’s the next thing?
Writing: Email about a visit to Los Angeles

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