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Journal of Environmental Management 203 (2017) 383e390

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Research article

Multivariate soil fertility relationships for predicting the

environmental persistence of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and 1,3,5-
trinitro-1,3,5-tricyclohexane (RDX) among taxonomically distinct soils
Chelsea K. Katseanes a, 1, Mark A. Chappell b, *, 1, Bryan G. Hopkins a, Brian D. Durham b,
Cynthia L. Price b, Beth E. Porter b, Lesley F. Miller b
Department of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA
Environmental Laboratory, US Army Engineer Research & Development Center, Vicksburg, MS, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: After nearly a century of use in numerous munition platforms, TNT and RDX contamination has turned up
Received 8 February 2017 largely in the environment due to ammunition manufacturing or as part of releases from low-order
Received in revised form detonations during training activities. Although the basic knowledge governing the environmental fate
2 August 2017
of TNT and RDX are known, accurate predictions of TNT and RDX persistence in soil remain elusive,
Accepted 4 August 2017
particularly given the universal heterogeneity of pedomorphic soil types. In this work, we proposed
overcoming this problem by considering the environmental persistence of these munition constituents
(MC) as multivariate mathematical functions over a variety of taxonomically distinct soil types, instead of
a single constant or parameter of a specific absolute value. To test this idea, we conducted experiments
1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5-tricyclohexane where the disappearance kinetics of TNT and RDX were measured over a >300 h period in taxonomically
Soil fertility distinct soils. Classical fertility-based soil measurements were log-transformed, statistically decomposed,
Partial least squares regression and correlated to TNT and RDX disappearance rates (k-TNT and k-RDX) using multivariate dimension-
Contaminant environmental persistence reduction and correlation techniques. From these efforts, we generated multivariate linear functions
for k parameters across different soil types based on a statistically reduced set of their chemical and
physical properties: Calculations showed that the soil properties exhibited strong covariance, with a
prominent latent structure emerging as the basis for relative comparisons of the samples in reduced
space. Loadings describing TNT degradation were largely driven by properties associated with alkaline/
calcareous soil characteristics, while the degradation of RDX was attributed to the soil organic matter
content e reflective of an important soil fertility characteristic. In spite of the differing responses to the
munitions, batch data suggested that the overall nutrient dynamics were consistent for each soil type, as
well as readily distinguishable from the other soil types used in this study. Thus, we hypothesized that
the latent structure arising from the strong covariance of full multivariate geochemical matrix describing
taxonomically distinguished “soil types” may provide the means for potentially predicting complex
phenomena in soils.
Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

1. Introduction thermal and physical shock. Yet, the widespread deployment of

these munition constituents (MC) resulted in substantial soil and
Developing TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene) and RDX (1,3,5-trinitro- groundwater legacy contamination associated with manufacture
1,3,5-tricyclohexane) explosive compounds was an important 20th and military training, storage, and demolition activities. These
century innovation to military and industrial technology, providing legacy contamination issues were previously documented in detail
marked improvements in explosive yield and stability against over the last three decades (Binks et al., 1995; Jenkins et al., 2001;
Pennington et al., 2001; Hewitt et al., 2007; Clausen, 2011) across a
variety of military training and demolition ranges as well as
* Corresponding author. ammunition plants, with extensive efforts undertaken to control,
E-mail address: (M.A. Chappell). predict, and mitigate on-site contamination.
Co-first authors.
0301-4797/Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
384 C.K. Katseanes et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 203 (2017) 383e390

Discovering and parameterizing the biogeochemical processes limits in optimal crop yield, stating that maximum crop yield is not
controlling the fate and persistence of MC are viewed as key to determined necessarily by the concentration of all resources (such
predicting their behavior in the soil environment. Typically, the as nutrients, water, etc.), but by those that are the most limiting.
major processes controlling MC environmental fate are partitioned Applying Lieberg's Law to the incidental MC biodegradation in soil,
in terms of the sorption, biodegradation rate, and transport pa- one would expect the existence of nutrient threshold concentra-
rameters in soils. Previously, we demonstrated the limitations of tions that limit microbial activity in soils to also influence MC
predicting TNT and RDX sorption purely from the perspective of persistence. Currently, we are not aware of any empirical functions
humified organic matter phases in soils and sediments (Chappell for k-TNT and k-RDX related to soil properties, although the influence
et al., 2011a, and references therein) citing uncertainties of three of major soil components such as water, C, N, and P on TNT and RDX
to four orders of magnitude for the distribution coefficient (KD) biodegradation rates have been reported previously. For example,
describing TNT and RDX in soils (a similar range existing for KOC elevated MC degradation rates were reported with additions of
values representing the KD values normalized by the soil total various C substrates (McCormick et al., 1984; Boopathy, 2002;
organic carbon, TOC concentration). We argued that estimating MC Fahrenfeld et al., 2013) that stimulated microbial activity. On the
sorption through KOC values represented a univariate over- other hand, studies also showed that addition of N sources alone
simplification of soil surface-promoted “partitioning” behavior. such as nitrate and ammonium reduced MC degradation rates
Multilinear regression modeling of sorption data emphasized the (Sherburne et al., 2005; Beller, 2002; Singh et al., 2008; Bernstein
importance of soil Ca and Fe content, the cation exchange capacity et al., 2011). In these studies, easily degradable N sources pre-
(CEC), and percent clay composition and, for TNT, the insignificance cluded MC degradation, as there was less of a need for microor-
of TOC (Chappell, 2011; Chappell et al., 2011a; Bridges et al., 2017). ganisms to break down the more recalcitrant MC molecules.
Katseanes et al. (2016) expanded these functions using partial least Combinations of multiple nutrient deficiencies are also possible.
squares regression (PLS) modeling on a sample set containing a For example, both C and N could be limiting factors that affect
more extensive soil characterization matrix, finding that soil K, % microbial activity in the same soil. In this case, the N limitation
CaCO3, and the soil buffering capacity for exchangeable NHþ 4 could promote microbial-mediated MC degradation due to a lack of
(PBCNH4) - a soil Quantity-Intensity based parameter as statistically more easily degradable sources. Limiting C concentrations will
significant. overall inhibit the growth of microbial populations and biotically
While there exists a good knowledge of the fundamental mediated transformations in soils. There also could also be further
mechanisms driving the biodegradation of TNT and RDX, theoret- complex interactions/limitations due to deficient micronutrient
ically rigorous representations of these mechanisms in the complex concentrations. It is possible for deficiencies of Fe or Mn, for
multiphasic soil system remain challenging. TNT and RDX can example, to be the main limiting factor for biologic growth e a
degrade via a number of different abiotic reductive mechanisms focus of soil fertility evaluations of agricultural soils but rarely
(Price et al., 1995, 1997; Devlin et al., 1998; Emmrich, 1999, 2001; considered when evaluating microbial driven degradation of
Hofstetter et al., 1999; Hansen et al., 2003; Nefso et al., 2005; xenobiotics.
O'Sullivan et al., 2011), yet the MC environmental persistence is Here, we show ordination-based methods to be particularly
largely mediated by soil/sediment biodegradation via microbio- useful for comprehending different soil and environmental samples
logical activity (McCormick et al., 1976, 1981; Kaplan and Kaplan, characterized with extensive physical and chemical attribute
1982; Bradley and Chapelle, 1995; Comfort et al., 1995; Price matrices, viewing soils as a formulated material composed of a
et al., 1995; Lewis et al., 1996, 1997; Riefler and Smets, 2000; variety of constituents. In this work, we focus on rigorous and
Spain et al., 2000; Esteve-Nunez et al., 2001; Walker et al., 2006; explicit applications to draw out the latent structure among soil
Yost et al., 2007; Rosen and Lotufo, 2010; Chappell et al., 2011b; fertility variables and develop multivariate models predicting TNT
Montgomery et al., 2011). All of these compounds degrade in and RDX degradation in different soil types. The development of
contact with the soil solid phase, but the degradation rate is predictive multivariate models tuned to a local soil's taxonomic
enhanced at higher pH and lower Eh values, characteristic of basic, designation would have direct benefit to military range managers
electron-rich environments. Accordingly, the commonly identified seeking to interpret the environmental risks of training activities on
degradation products represent basic amino or aminohydroxy de- sites.
rivatives (Price et al., 2001; Thorn and Kennedy, 2002; Yost et al.,
2007) consistent with reduction reactions detailed in the scienti- 2. Materials and methods
fic literature (Thorn et al., 2002; Qasim et al., 2007). Yet, with all this
mechanistic information, it remains difficult to confidently predict 2.1. Soil selection and characterization
MC persistence in soils. For example, the distribution of published
MC degradation parameters in soils demonstrated a high uncer- Non-contaminated soils were collected from various locations in
tainty associated with the calculated degradation coefficients (k, the United States representing different soil types and inherent
h1) in soil (Bridges et al., 2017). The values for kTNT and kRDX were fertility characteristics: Catlin (Fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic,
0.226 ± 0.924 (median ¼ 0.0087, min ¼ 0.0003, max ¼ 4.36) and Oxyaquic Argiudolls), Playas-Saltair (Fine-silty, mixed, mesic Typic
0.030 ± 0.064 (median ¼ 0.008, min ¼ 9  105, max ¼ 0.240) for Salorthids), Ruston (Fine-loamy, siliceous, semiactive, thermic
TNT and RDX, respectively. By comparison, RDX generally exhibits a Typic Paleudults), Skumpah (Mixed, mesic Typic, Torripsamments),
greater resistance against degradation in soil suspensions than TNT, Smithdale (Fine-loamy, siliceous, subactive, thermic Typic Haplu-
showing usually minimal degradation potential under aerobic soil dults), and Sunev soil (Fine-loamy, carbonatic, thermic Udic Cal-
conditions, but requiring prolonged periods of anaerobic soil con- ciustolls). All soils were collected and used in experiments within
ditions (Shen et al., 2000; Price et al., 2001; Larson et al., 2008) one calendar year. Details of the processing, preparation, and
system Eh. characterization of these soils are reported in Katseanes et al.
The main purpose of this study was to investigate our hypoth- (2016).
esis that soil fertility data served as a predictor of the degradation
kinetics of TNT and RDX across varying range of taxonomically 2.2. Munition degradation experiments
distinct soils. In agriculture, Liebig's Law of the Minimum provides
a useful conceptual theory for connecting nutrient deficiencies to Batch incubations were conducted using soil suspensions in
C.K. Katseanes et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 203 (2017) 383e390 385

airtight reactors created from 2.8-L Fernbach flasks following the (log10), PLS modeling calculations, and variable selection were
procedure of Chappell et al. (2011b). Each flask was equipped with a described previously (Katseanes et al., 2016), except we limited
rubber stopper modified to include a septum, Eh, pH, temperature transformations to those variables with high ratios between their
probes, and a sampling tube (See Fig. S1). Soil was added in a 1:10 minimum and maximum values and were highly skewed (based on
soil-to-water ratio using double-deionized water. The background test of normality) (Eriksson et al., 2013) The data were also exam-
electrolyte was set by the equilibrium concentration of salts ined using an orthogonal partial least squares (OPLS) algorithm
released from the suspended soils. The Fernbach flasks were placed (Trygg and Wold, 2002), which verified that none of the Y-
in a water bath with an automatic cooling system to maintain explained variance in the PLS prediction models was attributed to
temperature. Sediments were kept in suspension with a magnetic non-correlated (and orthogonal) structure in X.
stirrer. Background levels of Eh, pH, temperature, and CO2 were
measured before spiking the systems with TNT or RDX. Reactors
3. Results
were covered with aluminum foil prior to adding dissolved muni-
tion constituents to prevent incidental photodegradation of com-
3.1. Soil fertility interpretation
pounds. Solutions were equilibrated for three days before adding a
spike solution of 1.3 mL of 40 mg TNT or RDX mL1 in acetone to
A detailed chemical and physical assessment of the soils was
reach an overall initial concentration of approx. 20e25 mg TNT or
discussed previously (Katseanes et al., 2016). To summarize, the
RDX L1 in the reactor. Suspension and gas samples were taken
Catlin and Sunev Mollisols were considered the most fertile soils
with time after the addition of munition. The reactors were oper-
used in this study, (likely to support the greatest microbiological
ated as atmospherically closed systems but were opened daily for
activity) while the Ruston and Smithdale Ultisols were the most
10 min to limit the development of anaerobic conditions. Collected
acid and possessed the lowest macronutrient levels, and lowest CEC
suspension samples were filtered through 0.45 mm filters to sepa-
values e properties typical of soils from the Southeastern U.S., and
rate solids from liquids. Dissolved TNT and its degradation products
were expected to support much lower microbiological activity
2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene (2ADNT) and 4-amino-2,6-
relative to the Mollisol soils. The Playas-Saltair and Skumpah soils
dinitrotoluene (4ADNT) and RDX concentrations were measured
were categorized as sodic and saline-sodic soils, respectively, and
using by EPA Method 8330B on a HP1100 Series LC/MSD system
considered to be the least fertile, greatly limiting microbiological
high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) system (Hewlett
activity due to their alkaline pH, high %CaCO3, and soluble salts, as
Packard Company, Palo Alto, CA, USA). Additional carbon dioxide,
well as likelihood to promote abiotic alkaline hydrolysis of TNT
dissolved organic carbon, and nutrient measurements made in the
(Hansen et al., 2003, and references therein).
batch systems are described in the Supporting Information section.
Collected suspensions were also centrifuged to collect solids, and
extracted using a 50:50 acetonitrile/water solution as described by 3.2. Kinetics of MC disappearance
EPA Method 8330B.
Kinetic data for the disappearance of TNT and RDX in the
different soil suspensions (Fig. 1) were, for the most part, well-
2.3. Data modeling described by the first-order kinetic model (Tables 1 and 2). The
initial fate of MC disappearance was rapid (note that MC concen-
Kinetic data for MC disappearance were modeled by least- tration at t ¼ 0 represents the calculated initial concentration) as
squares fit using a first-order rate law. The rate of disappearance represented by k-TNT-1 and k-RDX-1. For TNT, k-TNT-1 values were
(kMC) was calculated from the following: highest in the Bonneville Salt Flats soils (37e38 mg L1 h1) fol-
lowed by the fertile Mollisols (1e2 mg L1 h1) and then the poorly
MCðtÞ ¼ MCasym þ MC0 ekMC t (1) fertile Ultisols (0.4e0.6 mg L1 h1). For RDX, k-RDX-1 values were
highest for the fertile Mollisols soils (6e20 mg L1 h1), following
where, MC (t) ¼ concentration MC at each time point, Bonneville Salt Flats soils (0.3e0.5 mg L1 h1), and again, the
MCasym ¼ asymptote of the modeled line, MC0 ¼ modeled original poorly fertile Ultisols (0.007e0.012 mg L1 h1). In general, the kTNT
MC concentration (at t ¼ 0), and k-MC ¼ the first order rate constant and kRDX values were less than ki-1 values (assumed related to the
describing MC (either TNT or RDX) disappearance. Additionally, the previously reported sorption values), but generally followed the
slope (k-1) of the initial linear portion of the kinetic curve was same order in terms of soil types. For TNT, the highest k values were
calculated by: attributed to the Bonneville Flats soils (2.3 mg L1 h1), followed by
the fertile Mollisol soils (0.102e0.114 mg L1 h1) and then the
k1 ¼ MC0  kMC (2) poorly fertile Ultisols (0.037e0.044 mg L1 h1). Note that this
For this work, the degradation rate data were not normalized by trend is generally reflected in the calculated initial disappearance
MC0 (as is commonly done during the kinetic modeling) in order to rate, k-TNT-1. For RDX, the highest k values were observed for the
preserve the quantitative differences in the absolute values of the fertile Mollisol soils (1.4e2.0 mg L1 h1) followed by the Bonne-
rate constants among the different soils. Thus, kMC and k-1 were ville soils (0.087e0.174 mg L1 h1) and the poorly fertile Ultisol
defined in units of mg L1 h1. Thus, the persistence half lives (t1/2) soils (0.012e0.014 mg L1 h1).
were calculated by: The implication of alkaline hydrolysis mechanisms in the
degradation of TNT seemed obvious in these experiments. We
t1=2 ¼ ð0:697=kMC Þ  MCorginal (3) attempted to clarify the degree in which persistence was driven by
abiotic vs. biotic conditions by simultaneously measuring different
where, MCoriginal is the actual initial concentration of MC at the soluble solutes and CO2 (assuming soil microbiological respiration)
beginning of the experiments (t ¼ 0), thus distinguishing it from generated by the experiments. For TNT, we observed clear increases
the fitted parameter MC0 in Eq. (1). in the concentration of 4ADNT with time for the Catlin, Smithdale,
Correlations between latent structure contained within soil and Sunev soils (Fig. S-1). Since alkaline hydrolysis results in the
fertility characterization data and kMC were explored using multi- same degradation products as biodegradation, 2ADNT was
variate Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression. Data transformations measured in both Bonneville Flat soils.
386 C.K. Katseanes et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 203 (2017) 383e390

Fig. 1. (A) Measured TNT and (B) RDX concentrations in solution with time.

Table 1
Fitted kinetic parameters for TNT degradation based on Eq. (1).

Soil TNTasym, (mg L1) TNT0 (mg L1) k-TNT (mg L1 h1) Adjusted r2 kTNT-1 (mg L1 h1) t1/2 a(h)

Catlin <0.01 20.00 ± 0.14 0.114 ± 0.030 0.99965 2.290 121

Playas-Saltair 3.67 ± 0.12 16.32 ± 0.51 2.273 ± 0.880 0.99331 37.103 6
Ruston 9.81 ± 0.96 10.04 ± 1.02 0.044 ± 0.018 0.94583 0.443 315
Skumpah 3.27 ± 0.31 16.73 ± 0.33 2.314 ± 0.506 0.99793 38.721 6
Smithdale 4.40 ± 2.31 15.38 ± 2.34 0.037 ± 0.015 0.93384 0.567 375
Sunev 7.56 ± 2.47 11.75 ± 2.60 0.102 ± 0.054 0.84205 1.21 136
Calculated by t1/2 ¼ [Ln(2)/k-TNT]  original TNT.

Table 2
Fitted kinetic parameters for RDX degradation based on Eq. (1).

Soil RDXasym, (mg L1) RDX0 (mg L1) k-RDX (mg L1 h1) Adjusted r2 kRDX-1 (mg L1 h1) t1/2 a

Catlin 12.43 ± 0.36 10.59 ± 0.67 1.954 ± 0.469 0.965 20.692 8

Playas-Saltair 19.15 ± 0.23 6.31 ± 2.88 0.087 ± 0.067 0.704 0.549 202
Ruston 19.19 ± 0.09 0.87 ± 0.09 0.014 ± 0.005 0.940 0.012 996
Skumpah 19.73 ± 0.21 1.46 ± 0.81 0.174 ± 0.46 0.466 0.254 83
Smithdale 13.96 ± 0.11 0.57 ± 0.13 0.012 ± 0.008 0.694 0.007 830
Sunev 18.03 ± 0.21 4.97 ± 0.50 1.367 ± 1.696 0.914 6.794 12
Calculated by t1/2 ¼ [Ln(2)/k-RDX]  original RDX.

3.3. Nutrient and CO2 fluctuations during the kinetic experiments e the exception being the very alkaline Playas-Saltair, where NH4-N
losses most likely resulted from the high pH driving ammonia
Headspace measurements showed clear increases in CO2 volatilization. Increasing concentrations of exchangeable cations,
(Fig. S.3) for the fertile Catlin and Sunev Mollisols during the in- such as Na, Ca, K, and Mg (Figs. S.8e9) suggested that the continual
cubation experiments for both TNT and RDX. We attributed these mechanical stirring promoted mineral dispersion and dissolution.
CO2 increases as an indicator of biomass activity occurring within Fluctuations in the dissolved Fe and Mn suggested that the system
the soils e a potential basis for distinguishing between (incidental) redox (Eh) were generally poised by these heavy metal oxides
biotic and abiotic degradation. Furthermore, we observed fluctua- (Figs. S.10e11). Follow-up measurements to closely monitor pH, Eh,
tions in certain dissolved solutes as indicators of bioactivity, such as and temperature (Fig. S.12) showed that the soil systems remained
decreases in NH4-N, NO3-N, NO2-N, TOC, PO4, and SO4 with time in generally aerobic over the duration of the incubations.
some of the soils (Figs. S.4e7), especially the more fertile Mollisols
C.K. Katseanes et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 203 (2017) 383e390 387

3.4. Multivariate modeling: MC disappearance kinetics and soil Table 3

fertility characteristics Fitting statistics for the PLS model predicting the persistence (k-TNT and k-RDX) for TNT
and RDX for the taxonomically distinct soils used in this study.

PLS modeling was used to correlate the most statistically Parameter k-TNT k-RDX
important soil fertility variables for predicting TNT and RDX Slope 0.9996 1.001
degradation rates in the batch experiments. Based on the shape of Offset (mg L1 h1) 0.010 6.034  105
the validation curve, we chose a two-factor PLS model (Fig. S.13), RMSEC [RMSEV] 0.3576 [0.5976] 0.3812 [0.4668]
R2 0.9417 0.8774
which explained 89% of the variance in the y-data. Fig. 2 shows that
PLS generated linear calibration functions (statistical diagnostics
presented in Table 3). The distribution of data points along the
linear trend line remained skewed due to the three-order of
magnitude range in kMC values in spite of mathematical pre-
processing (e.g., log transformations). For TNT, the Bonneville Salt
Flats Playas-Saltair and Skumpah soils represented the upper
portion of the regression curve (presumably due to abiotic hydro-
lysis), while the upper portion of regression curve for RDX was
driven by the fertile Mollisols. Thus, RMSE values (Table 3) were
sufficiently high so that only the kMC values could be predicted with
confidence on the Salt Flats soils for TNT and the Mollisol soils for
RDX. kMC values for soils at the bottom of the calibration curve
could not be statistically distinguished among one another,
reflecting an inherent limitation in the small dataset used for this
In spite of the relatively high RMSE values (limiting the reso-
lution of the predictions), substantial latent structure was apparent
in the score and loading plots for the PLS model. For example, the
Salt Flats soils were negatively loaded in Factor 1 (Fig. 3A) while the

Fig. 3. Scores (A) and X-Y loading (B) plots showing the distribution of samples in
reduced space in Factors 1e2 (representing 89% of the explained variance in the data)
from PLS-based pedo-informatic models correlating the modeled persistence rate
constants, k-TNT and k-RDX for TNT and RDX to the chemical and physical properties of
the taxonomically distinct soils selected for this study.

non-saline/sodic soils were positively loaded in Factor-1. Note the

clustering of loadings for the alkaline soil characteristics (pH, high %
CaCO3, soluble salts, CaP, Cl, Na, S, K) and kTNT in the negative
reduced space of Factor 1 (Fig. 3B). On the other hand, the explained
variance in Factor 2 may be explained in terms of the soil nutrient
and other constituent concentrations. Thus, the soils with higher
concentrations of constituents were positively loaded in Factor 2,
and the soils low in constituents negatively loaded in Factor 2. In
particular, kRDX mapped with the constituents that correlated with
the Catlin and Sunev Mollisols. Here, the PLS modeling pointed to
the importance of the soil fertility and this connection to soil bio-
logical activity (implied in the incidental biodegradation of the TNT
Fig. 2. Correlation curves for the 2-Factor PLS-based pedo-informatic functions pre-
dicting the measured and predicted modeled persistence rate constants, k-TNT and k-RDX
and RDX compounds). These relationships were not be identified
for (A) TNT and (B) RDX to the chemical and physical properties of the taxonomically based on constituent concentrations alone, as demonstrated pre-
distinct soils selected for this study. viously using principal components analysis (PCA) where the
388 C.K. Katseanes et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 203 (2017) 383e390

alkaline soil properties clustered with the other fertility-based the overall model. Yet, even with this limitation, the regression
constituent concentrations (Katseanes et al., 2016). function suggested an inherent connection of soil microbiological
Using stability tests (Martens and Næs, 1989), we calculated activity to the potential decomposition of soil organic carbon.
functions for MC degradation rates for the different soil types based
on the statistically significant regression coefficients for the two-
3.5. Soil functionality profiles
factor validated model. For TNT, kTNT ¼ 0.071 NH4-N  0.035
NO3-N þ 0.0763 (log Na) þ 0.0700 B þ 0.0617 (log Cl) þ 0.0796 %
Whenever testing different soils, we commonly assume that
CaCO3, predicting TNT degradation kinetics in the different soils as
each soil exhibits behavior bound within certain external limits.
directly proportional to particular saline/sodic soil properties and
Thus, each soil type is expected to exhibit its own characteristic
inversely related to inorganic nitrogen species as described previ-
behavior, regardless of the actual MC transformation rates. To
ously. Thus, both abiotic and biotic degradation processes were
demonstrate this, we conducted PCA on the previously discussed
apparently captured in the prediction function. Interestingly, the
solution-phase data to determine if there was sufficient latent
regression equation emphasized the importance of soil B for pre-
structure to distinguish the soils. We calculated an overall 5-PC
dicting kTNT, yet follow-up studies conducted by us did not articu-
model explaining 85% of the variance in the data. The score plot
late this relationship (data not shown). Our previous PCA of the soil
(Fig. 4A) showed separation of the samples based on which MC was
properties (Katseanes et al., 2016) showed that soil B was highly
tested: soils from the RDX incubation experiments loaded posi-
correlated with soil CaCO3, but OPLS analysis (described in the
tively in PC 1 (37 %EV) while soils used in the TNT experiments
Materials and Methods section) did not detect orthogonal structure
negatively loaded in PC 1. The loading plot (Fig. 4B) showed that
in X contributing to the functions describing k-MC.
these differences were largely driven by the higher CO2 levels
For RDX, kRDX ¼ 0.102 %OM. Here, organic matter represented
evolved during the TNT incubation experiments relative to the
the only statistically significant variable for predicting kRDX, most
experiments with RDX. In PC 2 (27 %EV) we observed the similar
likely given the low number of samples (and thus low degrees of
separation of the soils with the saline/sodic soils positively loaded
freedom) and the bias introduced by the two saline/sodic soils on
in PC 2, the acid Ultisols negatively loaded in PC 2, and the fertile

Fig. 4. PCA results from a 5-PC model explaining 84.5% of the data variance in the solution-phase constituents measured during the TNT and RDX soil incubations experiments. (A)
Score plot comparing PC 1e2, (B) corresponding loading plot for the variables for PC 1e2; (C) score plot after rotating the matrix by 90 to give PC 2e3 (C) corresponding loading
plot for PC 2e3.
C.K. Katseanes et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 203 (2017) 383e390 389

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