Group Project - Part 2

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Business Communication Project – Part 2

Summary of the Venture:

Company Name: Bush Grocery
Business Idea and the Vision:

- Idea behind this pitch is ‘health of the society’. In order to get rid of the health issues
that our current society is facing due to unhealthy, filled with chemicals & pesticide
food produce and to educate our society with the healthy, organic choice.
- To provide a platform to our consumers and the farmers of India and to fill in the gap
between the consumers and the farmers by eliminating middlemen concept. Due to
this consumer can avail the fresh organic produce at an affordable prices and farmer
can make his/her profits.

Vision is to offer ‘Only Organic, Total Nourishment at Affordable Price’

Key contributions to the project:

1. Coming up with a new business venture for the target audience which includes the
business idea, pain point, product as a solution.
2. Thoroughly researching the concepts for a business to make it fool proof by various
market research and collecting the data on the same
3. Analysing the future trends, demands and market size for the scaling of the company

Key learnings from the project and teamwork:

1. As a leader, I learnt the co-ordination and ensuring that all are in the same page
makes it very important to achieve the desire target.
2. Even though all the team members are from different professional background, if we
have clear communication, we will be able to achieve and conclude without any
3. I also learnt as leader how to get things under control & be more authoritative,
especially when the team isn’t in the right direction and at the time of heated

If you were to undertake the same project again, what would you do differently and what
would you retain the same? Why?
1. Marketing approach for a customer base would be done differently as the trends in
the market would differ from time to time.
2. The competitor's analysis & market approach would be revised to suit that particular
3. However, the business module & the vision will remain same.

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