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Subject: Chemistry-2 Grand Test Marks:30

Question no.1
1. Most important commercial source of lithium is
A) spodumene b) Trona c) carnalite d) none of these
2. Potasium super oxide has a very interesting use in
A) roots development b) cement industry
c) paper industry d) breathing equipment
3. Nitric acid is frequently transported in container made up of
A) Al b) Na C) k d) Fe
4. Tincal is mineral of
a) Carbon b) Aluminium c) Silicon d) Boron
5. The word alkali is derived from which language
A) Arabic b) Greek c) French d) German
6. Chloroprene is used for making
a) rubber b) petrol c) liquid fuel d) none of these
I. How does hydrogen resemble with the element of group IVA?
II. Ionic character of halide decrease from left to right in a period give reason?
III. Why LiCO3 decomposes on heating but k2CO3 is stable toward heat?
iV. What is chemical nature of lime water and milk of magnesia gives its uses?
V. How Aluminium react with air give also write its three utilizations?
Vi. How Borax is prepared from Colemanite by commercially method.
Vii. How alkene is identified by Baeyer’s Reagent?
Viii. How acetylene is prepared on industrial scale?
A) Explain the classification and periodic Trend of halides in detail.
B) Discuss the function of Calcium in plant growth.
C) Give the polymerization reaction of ethyne to prepared a)divinyl acetylene b) synthetic
rubber c) Benzene

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