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Milica Marković Student’s Name: page 1

EEE161 Applied Electromagnetics Final Exam

Instructor: Dr. Milica Marković

Office: Riverside Hall 3028

1. Problem 1. [25 pts]

For the distribution of the electric potential V shown in Figure below, at which point is the
field the highest? How do you know? Which law did you use to find the answer? Sketch the
approximate distribution of electric field as a function of x.

2. Problem 2. [25 pts]

Derive the internal and external inductance of a coaxial cable shown below. The inner conductor
has a radius a=1mm. The inner radius of the outer conductor is b=2mm, and the outer radius
of the outer conductor is c=2.2mm. Air is between the conductors.

(a) [10pts] Derive the magnetic field as a function of r inside the inner conductor, between
the conductors, inside the outer metal shell and outside the coax. (The problem continues
on the next page)

California State University Sacramento EEE161 8. December, 2015

Dr. Milica Marković Student’s Name: page 2

(b) [10pts] Use the magnetic field above to find internal inductances of the inner and outer
conductor. Hint: Use the expression for the energy.

(c) [5pts] Use the magnetic fields above to find the external inductance of the coax.

3. Problem 3. [25 pts] A coaxial capacitor shown below has two dielectric layers, as shown in
Figure below.The radii are a=3cm, b=5cm and c=8cm. The dielectric constants are r1 = 2.5
and r2 = 2.5. The inner electrode is charged with a charge Q=1nC, and the outer electrode is
charged with -Q.

(a) [10pts] Derive the two electric fields as a function of r inside each dielectric using Gauss’
Law. Is the electric field the same or is it different in two dielectrics?

California State University Sacramento EEE161 8. December, 2015

Dr. Milica Marković Student’s Name: page 3

(b) [10pts] Find the potential difference between the inner and outer conductor.

(c) [5pts] Find the capacitance of the capacitor.

4. Problem 4. [25 pts] A 20-turn rectangular coil with sides l = 30 cm and w = 10 cm is placed
in the y-z plane. If the coil, which carries a current I = 10 A, is in the presence of a magnetic
flux density B = 2x10−2 (x̂ + 2ŷ) (T), determine the forces acting on the coil.

(a) [10pts] Clearly sketch the coil and the magnetic field components. Which magnetic
component will act on the coil?

(b) [5pts] Sketch the force that is acting on the coil. Will the coil rotate ccw or cw looking
from the top of the z-axis?

(c) [10pts] Determine the forces acting on the coil.

California State University Sacramento EEE161 8. December, 2015

Dr. Milica Marković Student’s Name: page 4

5. [25 pts] Problem 5 The switch in the top loop in Figure below is closed at t = 0 and then
opened at a later time t1 . What is the direction of the current I in the bottom loop (clockwise
or counterclockwise) at each of these two times? Sketch the currents and magnetic fields in
both cases.

(a) [12.5 pts] Switch closed.

(b) [12.5 pts] Switch opened.

California State University Sacramento EEE161 8. December, 2015

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