Reading Book 2

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Land of the Blue Sky
21 WARM UP: Do you love nature?
If you could go somewhere right now,
where would you want to go?

Vocabulary skill: Vocabularies and Expressions: STUDENT’S NOTE:

One helpful strategy that you _________________________
adventure trail dynamic
can use to memorize new _________________________
Destination track predicted
vocabulary is to create a
Hotspot majestic ancient _________________________
“word web”. Word webs can
modern guarantee sparsely
help you remember the mean- _________________________
spectacular abundant livestock
ing of new vocabulary and
Herder nomad ger _________________________
relate this vocabulary to other
trek yurt
words you know. _________________________
desire for delay in smell of _________________________

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.
1. adventure/ track/ ancient

2. spectacular/ desire for

3. trail/ predict/ modern

4. ger/ trek/ destination

YOUR WORD WEB OF THE DAY: _______________________________________________________

5. Delay in/ guarantee


6. dynamic/ hotspot/ majestic


7. smell of/ livestock/ abundant


8. herder/ yurt
Reading Passage: The people of Mongolia are the
friendliest, happiest and the most
Mongolia: Land of the Blue welcoming folks you’ll ever meet.
Sky Whether you want to explore the
Do you have that desire for a one of Capital of Ulaan Baatar, trek across
a kind adventure? Do you want to the Gobi desert on horseback or ex-
get away from the tourist trail and perience a homestay in a family
truly get off the beaten track? Do yurt, this country is an adventure
you want a dynamic mix of culture, lover’s dream.
nature and history? Mongolia is the
destination for you. Predicted to be
one of the next global travel
hotspots, Mongolia is more than just
the home of Mongols and the great
Genghis Khan. In this majestic
country, the ancient meets the mod-
ern and the result is guaranteed to It is not as rich or as awarded as other
cultures, however, Mongolia’s cui-
take your breath away.
sine should still be on your list of
must try's, just to complete the whole
Mongolia is known as the “Land of experience.
the Blue Sky” because it has 260
days of sun a year. It is also one of Do what the Mongols do. Eat as the
the most sparsely populated nations Mongols eat. You’ll see that much of
in the world so you don’t have to the Mongol cuisine is survival food.
worry about travel delays in this If they aren’t high in animal fat, they
country. Moreover, this country has are dried in order for the Mongols to
Much of Mongolian cuisine remains
spectacular countryside, vast withstand the harsh winters. While
mysterious to the outside world just
steppes, rugged mountains, clear modernization has provided all the
like its people. There has been a mis-
equipment and convenience needed
lakes and abundant wildlife and conception about it, especially due to
on a daily basis, much of their life-
livestock. To give you a hint, there how it is portrayed in the commercial
style is still primed towards the old
are 13 times more horses than hu- food world. The Mongolian bowls
ways, something that even the most
mans in the country and sheep out- and barbecues that you find so intri-
modern Mongol can’t turn off like a
number humans. Aside from that, guing in malls, for instance isn’t actu-
switch. In a way, it is somehow a
Mongolia’s nomadic culture is fa- ally Mongolian in origin, but Taiwan-
comfort that the food you eat while in
mous for visitors who want to sleep ese. The Mongols tend to veer to-
Mongolia has remained unchanged
in a herder’s ger, help round up the wards simpler, hearty meals. They are
for thousands of years.
sheep, ride horses and simply ‘get keen on using the ingredients that
back to nature’. they have. There aren’t a lot of greens
in their meals since Mongols are
mostly meat-eating people. This may
be due to their nomadic ways, mov-
ing from place to place, and so their
animals could also move with them.

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

adventure [ədˈventʃər] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
track [træk] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
spectacular [spekˈtækjələr] ______________________ ______________________
ger [ˈɡɛə(r)]
sparsely [ˈspɑːrsli] ______________________ ______________________
guarantee [ˌɡerənˈti] ______________________ ______________________
dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk] ______________________ ______________________
magestic [məˈdʒestɪk] ______________________ ______________________
livestock [ˈlaɪvstɑːk] ______________________ ______________________
abundant [əˈbʌndənt]
______________________ ______________________
yurt [jɜrt]
______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check

Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. Why is Mongolia called the “Land of the Blue Sky”


2. Describe Mongolia from how you understand it in the story.


3. Define nomadic culture.


Write down a minimum of 3 sentences about “nature”. Use the grammar focus of the day.

1. Where do you usually go to get away from your busy life?

2. What are some benefits of travelling?
3. Describe a place you like visiting.
Day Maldives: Tropical
22 WARM UP: Do you love swimming?
D you like sandy beaches, palm trees
and marine life?

Vocabulary skill: Vocabularies and Expressions: STUDENT’S NOTE:

One helpful strategy that you _________________________
chain gorgeous consistent
can use to memorize new _________________________
perfect honeymoon luxury
vocabulary is to create a
tropical dive powder _________________________
“word web”. Word webs can
luminous remote paradise
help you remember the mean- _________________________
snorkel reefs windsurfing
ing of new vocabulary and
hop expedition traditional _________________________
relate this vocabulary to other
experience relax
words you know. _________________________
wish for reason for access to _________________________

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. gorgeous / consistent

2. perfect/ honeymoon/ luxury


3. access to/ remote/ paradise

4. tropical/ dive/ wish for

5. luminous/ reason for


6. snorkel/ reefs/ wind surfing


7. expedition/ hop

8. experience/ relax
Reading Passage: It is said that Maldives is also the per-
fect place for honeymooners and cou-
Maldives: Tropical Paradise ples who wish for a luxury island va-
Located just south of the Indian sub- cation. This country has everything a
continent, Maldives is person would want in a tropical island
a gorgeous chain of islands in the In- — clear water, white sand beaches,
dian Ocean-Arabian Sea area. This palm trees, warm sunny days, and lots
country is home to perhaps the best of great diving areas. You’ll find con-
beaches in the world; they’re on al- sistently whiter-than-white powder
most every one of the country’s sand and luminous cyan-blue water
nearly 1200 islands and are so con- like this almost nowhere else on earth.
sistently perfect that it’s hard not to It’s as close to heaven as you can get.
become relaxed. This fact alone is enough reason for
over a million people who come every

sea, it is not surprising that fish is the year to this tiny, remote and otherwise
most important staple of the Maldiv- little-known Indian Ocean paradise.
ian diet. In the past, Maldivians only When you go to Maldives, you should
depended on essential ingredients go scuba diving or snorkeling and
such as fish, coconuts, breadfruit, explore the islands’
millet and tubers, and over time, with gorgeous coral reefs, take part in wa-
the influence of foreigners from an- ter sports like windsurfing and water-
cient trade and travel, Maldivian cui- skiing, get access to a boat and go on
sine developed a distinctive blend a fishing expedition, hop on a plane
with its own unique flavors, symbol- from island to island, spend the day
izing a unique culinary identity. touring the National Museum, eat tra-
The magnificent archipelago of the ditional Maldivian food and get to
Maldives is not only home to a myri- Today, traditional Maldivian cuisine experience that picture perfect beach
ad of magical tropical islands is based on three main ingredients vacation you are looking for!
fringed by white sandy beaches, and their derivatives, namely coco-
swaying tropical palms and sur- nut, fish, and starches containing
rounded by gin-clear waters teeming grains and vegetables. The delicious
with marine life – it also offers some food boasts a distinct tang made up
of the most delicious cuisines in the of mild spiciness, delicate sweetness,
region. Traditional Maldivian cui- and an overall exotic taste, and is
sine, also known as Dhivehi cuisine, prepared using ancient cooking tradi-
provides a wonderful variety of tions that have been passed down
tastes and flavors. The cuisine of the through the generations.
Maldives is a rich assemblage of
traditional flavors of mix Arabic,
Indian, Sri Lankan, and Oriental
Since the Maldives is almost 99%

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

chain [tʃeɪn] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
gorgeous [ˈɡɔːrdʒəs]
consistent [kənˈsɪstənt] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
luxury [ˈlʌkʃəri] ______________________ ______________________
tropical [ˈtrɑːpɪkl] ______________________ ______________________
luminous [ˈluːmɪnəs] ______________________ ______________________
paradise [ˈpærədaɪs] ______________________ ______________________
snorkel [ˈsnɔːrkl]
reefs [ˈriːfs] ______________________ ______________________
Expedition [ˌekspəˈdɪʃn] ______________________ ______________________
relax [rɪˈlæks] ______________________ ______________________
traditional [trəˈdɪʃənl] ______________________ ______________________
powder [ˈpaʊdər] ______________________ ______________________
honeymoon [ˈhʌnimuːn]
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. Where can you find Maldives?


2. Why is Maldives called a tropical paradise?


3. What kind of food do they offer in Maldives.


Write down a minimum of 3 sentences about “paradise”. Use the grammar focus of the day.

1. Have you ever visited a place similar to the place in the topic? If so, describe that place.

2. Can you describe a place in your country that is best for summer get away?

3. What kind of food do you prefer eating during summer?

Day Salar de Uyuni:
The Mirror of The Sky
23 WARM UP: Have you ever been to a place that
looks otherworldly?

Vocabulary skill: Vocabularies and Expressions: STUDENT’S NOTE:

One helpful strategy that _________________________
wonder abduct transport
you can use to memorize
otherworldly region massive _________________________
new vocabulary is to cre-
remarkable evaporate accessible
ate a “word web”. Word _________________________
pleasant guarantee encompass
webs can help you re-
landscape stretch dreamlike _________________________
member the meaning of
available popular giant
new vocabulary and re- _________________________
reflect spectacular
late this vocabulary to
other words you know.
interest in taste of _________________________
increase in approval of

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. abduct/ transport

2. otherworldly/ massive

3. remarkable/ interest in
4. accessible/ encompass/ pleasant

5. guarantee/ taste of/ landscape


6. increase in/ stretch


7. dreamlike/ spectacular

8. available/ approval of
Reading Passage: visit. November – March is the rainy
season in Bolivia. Reportedly, there’s
Salar de Uyuni: The Mirror an increase in the number of tourists
of The Sky during this season because it is said
There are few places on earth that that traveling during this time, will
make you wonder if you've somehow give you the most moderate weather
been abducted by aliens and being and the best chance to see the Salar as
transported to a far-off planet. The a giant mirror. Also, during sunrise
Salar de Uyuni is one of and sunset, the colors reflected by this
these otherworldly places. mirror are truly spectacular. Hence,
it’s guaranteed to gain the approval of
There has been a lot of interest in the all kinds of travelers.
reason for its reflective surface. Well,
at one point in history, this region in
Bolivia was a massive saltwater lake.
It is considered one of the most ex-
treme and remarkable landscapes in
all of South America, if not Earth; One of the most coveted experiences
stretching more than 4,050 square among travelers visiting a country for
miles of the Altiplano. The water in the first time is the chance to sample the
this region eventually evaporated, local cuisines and delicacies.
leaving a thick layer of salt that When it comes to Bolivia, the first step
stretches as far as the eye can see. to appreciating the unique and enticing
Commonly known as the “Salt Flats”, flavor of the country is to leave behind
this area is one of the most visited any preconceived notions you may
places in Bolivia and it is the world’s have about Bolivian cuisine. Contrary to
largest salt flat. popular belief, food in Bolivia is not on-
ly diverse and satisfying but is also an important and unique part of the culture.
There are two seasons in the Salar de Dishes stem mainly from a mixture of Spanish cuisine with ancient Andean
Uyuni – wet and dry. Each year dur- traditions. Because Bolivia has many geographical zones, local favorites often
ing the wet season, water covers the vary from region to region. For example, food from the Altiplano is generally
earth, turning the land into an all- suited to the high, cold climate, whereas dishes in the lowlands and Amazon
encompassing, dreamlike mirror giv- region of Bolivia tend to be comprised of yucca, fish, vegetables, and fruit as
ing you a taste of heaven. During the these are the products most abundant in the area.
dry season, the salt hardens, making it If you are capable of metabolizing a high protein high-carb-meat-and-potatoes
easier to go around the salt flat even routine on a regular basis, then Bolivian food is sure to delight you as Bolivi-
in the areas not accessible during the ans include a lot of potatoes, pork, chicken and rice in their daily menus. Lunch
wet season. Salar de Uyuni tours are is the most significant meal of the day and it mostly comprises a soup, a main
available all year, with some months course, and a dessert. Bolivian food is not essentially on the spicy side, but
being more pleasant than others. they make a salsa which is known a Llajwa or Llajua which can be added to
While it is the coldest time of year in the dishes if your palate craves some spice.
Bolivia, April – October is also the
sunniest and the most popular time to

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
abduct [æbˈdʌkt ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
transport [ˈtrænspɔːrt] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
otherworldly [ˌʌðr̩ˈwɝːldli] ______________________ ______________________
massive [ˈmæsɪv] ______________________ ______________________
remarkable [rɪˈmɑːrkəbl] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
interest in [ˈɪntrəst ɪn] ______________________ ______________________
encompass [ɪnˈkʌmpəs] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
pleasant [ˈpleznt]
accessible [əkˈsesəbl]
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. When is the best time to visit Salar de Uyuni?

2. What is Salar de Uyuni famous for?
3. What is the history behind the remarkable Salar de Uyuni?

Write down a minimum of 3 sentences about the question. Use the grammar focus of the day.
Q.: If you could recommend a place that is remarkably beautiful, where would it be and why?

1. Would you rather go to a place where there are a lot of people or to a place where there are few people?

2. Do you find more fulfillment from your leisure activities including vacations than from your job?

3. What traditional food is famous in your country?

Day Peru:
Luxury and Nature
24 WARM UP: Where is the best place to go camping
that you know about?

Vocabulary skill: Vocabularies and Expressions: STUDENT’S NOTE:

One helpful strategy that usual unique require _________________________
you can use to memorize destination concept precarious
new vocabulary is to cre- cliff accommodation capsule
ate a “word web”. Word suspend protect zip line _________________________
webs can help you re-
capacity aluminum unforeseen _________________________
member the meaning of
new vocabulary and re- disturbance private serve _________________________
late this vocabulary to accompany developer
other words you know.
break from picture of _________________________
protection from emphasis on _________________________

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. destination/ unique

2. precarious/ cliff

3. accommodation/ protection from

YOUR WORD WEB OF THE DAY: 4. capsule/ suspend/ zip line

5. protect/ break from


6. capacity/ aluminum

7. unforeseen/ disturbance

8. developer/ accompany/ concept

Reading Passage: beds, a dining area and a private
Peru: Luxury and Nature If you’re worried, developers have
always put emphasis on the safety
Would you like to take a break
of tourists. All the capsules can
from the usual tourist
sustain 21 times the weight of five
destinations and experience some-
people. Also, well-trained guides
thing new? Well, try a new
will accompany you on your hike
and unique accommodation con-
and stay up the mountains.
cept – sleeping in a glass pod
precariously placed on the side of
a Peruvian cliff.

Now imagine spending the day in

this glass capsule suspended
1,200 feet up a mountainside with blends influences from different countries
with a huge variety of locally available
a picture of the wild valley ingredients. Peruvian food reflects the
below and at night, the Milky great cultural diversity of the country
Way. That’s just the experience which is also generally healthy – as well
you’ll get at Sky Lodge Adventure as simply being pleasurable to eat.
Suites. Created by Natura The Peruvian cuisine largely consists of
spicy dishes that originated as a blend of
Vive, the Sky Lodge Adventure Spanish and indigenous foods. Such dish-
Suites are luxury capsules that es are often referred to as Criolla or Cre-
hang from the top of a mountain in ole. Aji (chili) is the most popular spice in
the Sacred Valley of Peru. To Peru and is used in a variety of ways to
sleep at Sky lodge, guests are re- Peru is known as the glittering heart of the give food an extra flavor. Mint, oregano,
Incan empire. After being conquered by basil, parsley, and cilantro are also includ-
quired to climb 400 meters of pro- Spain in the 1530s, it developed into a ed in Peruvian dishes, particularly soups
tected trail using zip lines. great center of wealth and power. Since it and stews. Aside from spices, potatoes,
gained its independence in the early 19th rice, beans, fish, and various grains are
It’s composed of three pods with a century, the country – and particularly its essential staples in the Peruvian diet.
total capacity of eight people and capital, Lima – has grown to become the Peru's unique climate and landscape have
gastronomic megastar of Latin America, helped make Peruvian menus the most
was handcrafted from aerospace its indigenous cooking traditions have diverse in South America. Such geograph-
aluminum and polycarbonate to effortlessly, and often spectacularly, meld- ical location gives Peru a distinct culinary
serve as protection from the un- ed with Western and Asian methods. impact.
foreseen weather disturbances. Over the last decade or so, the rest of the
Each suite comes complete with world has begun to wake up to something
Peruvians have always known. It’s the
diverse and exciting cuisine that is no
equal to any other. Foods around the globe
have taken note of Peruvian cuisine, which

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
destination [ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn]
accommodation [əˌkɑːməˈdeɪʃn] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
______________________ ______________________
precarious [prɪˈkerəriəs] ______________________ ______________________
suspend [səˈspend] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
aluminum [əˈluːmənəm]
______________________ ______________________
disturbance [dɪˈstɜːrbəns] ______________________ ______________________
unforeseen [ˌʌnfɔrˈsin] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
developer [dɪˈveləpər] ______________________ ______________________
accompany [əˈkʌmpəni]
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. How is the Sky Lodge different from all the other bed and breakfast (BnB) areas
around the world?


2. Where is Sky Lodge Adventure Suites located?


3. What kind of materials are used to make those capsules?


Write down sentences about what to do and what not to do when traveling.


1. Are you afraid of heights? Would you want to try the transparent glass hanging bridge in China?

2. What is the best way to overcome a fear of heights?


3. Would you consider going to a place even if you know the kind of danger that awaits you in that area?
Day Japan:
Land of The Rising Sun
25 WARM UP: Why do people say Japan is the land
of the rising sun?

Vocabulary skill: Vocabularies and Expressions: STUDENT’S NOTE:

One helpful strategy that fascinating ancient sublime _________________________
you can use to memorize cultivate identity enhance
new vocabulary is to cre- modern stretch steep _________________________
ate a “word web”. Word adopt trend contemporary _________________________
webs can help you re- aesthetic principle thrive
sophisticated diverse authentic _________________________
member the meaning of
new vocabulary and re- sober inhibition _________________________
late this vocabulary to
other words you know. taste of break from
knowledge of rise in _________________________

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. taste of/ fascinating/ ancient


2. sublime/ cultivate

3. identity/ modern
YOUR WORD WEB OF THE DAY: 4. break from/ knowledge of

5. rise in/ adopt/ contemporary


6. aesthetic/ trend

7. principle/ sophisticated/ diverse


8. authentic/ inhibition
Reading Passage: This country is thriving on contra-
dictions: tradition and novelty,
Japan: Land of The Rising the ancient and the modern, the
Sun very simple and the highly
Japan, the "Land of the Rising sophisticated. This is a thoroughly
Sun". Ever-welcoming and always modern country that looks
fascinating, this place is a land of nothing like the West so if there is
ancient cultures and the place one place on earth where the
of the ancient gods and sublime past meets the future, it is Japan.
art. The Japanese people have
cultivated a strong national identi- If you want to take a break from
ty that is enhanced by its rise in work and you're considering a trip
modern technology. Japanese cul- to Japan, you're probably wonder-
ture stretches back for millennia ing what time of the year is best to
and is steeped in history, yet it visit. The wonderful thing is, every market, make a sobering visit to
embraced the knowledge of season is a great time to visit Ja- the Hiroshima Peace Park and ex-
modernization and adopted the lat- pan, and you will have a complete- plore magnificent Kyoto temples.
est contemporary trends while ly unique experience. Japan is a
applying the extraordinary aes- year-round destination with some- Discover ancient castles, lush
thetic principles. thing in store for every season: countryside and fascinating feudal
cherry blossoms in the spring, history on this authentic travel ad-
stunning leaves in the autumn and venture. It’ll give you a picture of
snow and ice in the winter. This the riches of this country. If you
trip is a great balance of included pack a good sense of humor and
activities in each destination and leave all inhibitions behind, the
plenty of free time for other op- Land of the Rising Sun rarely dis-
tional fun. appoints.
Experience the best that this di-
verse country has to offer. Experi-
ence the excitement of lively To-
kyo to the sacred resting places of
Shoguns at Nikko. Get a taste of
some local delights at a Takayama

Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

Pronunciation Practice:
Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
fascinating [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ]
Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt]
sublime səˈblaɪm]
______________________ ______________________
cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt]
______________________ ______________________
stretch [stretʃ]
______________________ ______________________
steep [stiːp]
______________________ ______________________
contemporary [kənˈtempəreri]
aesthetic [esˈθetɪk], ______________________ ______________________
sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd] ______________________ ______________________
diverse [daɪˈvɜːrs] ______________________ ______________________
authentic [ɔːˈθentɪk] ______________________ ______________________
inhibition [ˌɪnhɪˈbɪʃn]sober ______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. Why is Japan said to be a country that is thriving on contradictions?


2. Describe Japan in 3 sentences.


Talk about your country using Passive and Active.


1. How did modernization affect your culture?


2. What are some positive and negative effects of modern development, especially in technology in your coun-
Day Coming of-age-
26 WARM UP: At what age are you considered an
adult in your country?

Vocabulary skill: Vocabularies and Expressions: STUDENT’S NOTE:

One helpful strategy that ritual typical ensure _________________________
you can use to memorize Fray vine traditional
new vocabulary is to cre- chant elasticity stretch _________________________
ate a “word web”. Word split impact immobilize _________________________
webs can help you re- fatal replace link
demonstrate manhood symbolize _________________________
member the meaning of
new vocabulary and re- gradual entrance _________________________
late this vocabulary to
other words you know. source of difference between
belief in _________________________

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. ritual/ belief in/ chant


2. ensure/ fray

3. traditional/ split
YOUR WORD WEB OF THE DAY: 4. impact/ fatal/ immobilize

5. demonstrate/ difference between


6. manhood/ symbolize

7. gradual/ source of

8. replace/ stretch
source of protection the
Vanuatu jumpers have from falling
The transition from childhood to to their deaths. The men
adulthood which is known as the have two pieces of vine tied
“coming of age” of boys who become
around each ankle, acting as a
young men and girls who become
young women is a significant step- bungee cord as they throw them-
ping stone in everyone’s life. But the selves towards the ground
age at which this happens, and how from the top of the tower, which
children celebrate their rite of pas- happens to be 30ft high.
sage into adolescence, depends en- The woman dress in a traditional
tirely on where they live and what dress and the other men
culture they grow up in. Looking chant as the men dive from the top
back, we'll never forget that majestic of the tower.
prom or the excitement of hitting the The difference between bungee
dance floor at our friends' co-ed Bar cords and vines are their degrees towers. This is both a test of brav-
and Bat Mitzvah parties, and why ery, as the men prove their strength
of elasticity. Bungee cords are cre-
shouldn’t we? Embarrassing or amaz- to the women of the island, and is
ing, they were pivotal moments in ated to stretch without breaking.
Vines, on the other hand, can easi- also linked to their beliefs in good
our lives that deserve to remember. harvest. They believe that a suc-
ly split if they cannot withhold the
stretch. If the vine length is too cessful dive will ensure a good
long, the jumper will make direct yam harvest (their staple food
impact with the solid ground. If the source) and also demonstrates
vine length is too short and hap- their manhood. In this way, these
pens to split, the jumper will fall jumps symbolize their gradual en-
Reading Passage: trance into adulthood.
head-first. A fall like this would
The Diving Initiation likely be fatal, or at the very least,
leave the jumper immobilized.
Have you ever wanted to go The structure from which the Va-
bungee jumping? In the South nuatu men jump is a hundred foot
Pacific, there is an island country wooden tower. The wood must be
called Vanuatu where strong so old wood is often re-
bungee jumping is a coming-of- placed with freshly cut wood.
age ritual. Their style of Young boys start jumping off of
bungee jumping is very dangerous.
While a typical bungee shorter towers. As they grow up,
cord is used to ensure that the they start to jump off higher
jumper does not hit the ground
below, frayed vines are the only

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
ritual [ˈrɪtʃuəl] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
chant [tʃænt] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
typical [ˈtɪpɪkl] ______________________ ______________________
traditional [trəˈdɪʃənl] ______________________ ______________________
elasticity [ˌiːlæˈstɪsəti] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
immobilize [ɪˈmoʊbəlaɪz] ______________________ ______________________
demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt] ______________________ ______________________
gradual [ˈɡrædʒuəl] ______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. What is the difference between a normal bungee jump and the Vanuatu’s tradition-
al diving ritual?

2. What does this diving ritual symbolizes?


Write about how you celebrated your rite of passage to adulthood.


1. What coming-of-age tradition do you have in your country?


2. What kinds of privileges do young people in your country get when they come of age?

Day Baby Jumping
27 WARM UP: How do you define unusual?
What unusual festivals do you have in your country?

Vocabulary skill: Vocabularies and Expressions: STUDENT’S NOTE:

One helpful strategy that culminate terrorize organize _________________________
you can use to memorize historian inception famous
original wholly unique _________________________
new vocabulary is to cre-
ate a “word web”. Word launch insults outfit _________________________
webs can help you re- whip unusual cleanse
member the meaning of disobedience festivity heritage
new vocabulary and re- brotherhood sacrament _________________________
late this vocabulary to
other words you know.
reputation for aim of _________________________
contribution to

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. terrorize/ reputation for


2. culminate/ historian

3. inception/ aim of/ launch

YOUR WORD WEB OF THE DAY: 4. wholly/ unique/ outfit

5. insult/ whip

6. contribution to/ heritage/ festivity


7. cleanse/ disobedience

8. brotherhood/ unusual
the first Salto del Colacho
or ‘Jump of the Colacho’ was orga-
nized, local historians
Traditions take many forms. May it believe it has taken place every year
be personal or public, sacred or pro- since at least the 1600s.
fane, somber or joyous, the human Since its inception, the Catholic
instinct to create meaningful rituals is Brotherhood of the Sacred
universal. Sacrament of Minerva has been re-
Several wonderful places in the world sponsible for the organization
have long been known for their of the week-long celebration which
strange practices and traditions. takes place to mark the
Those who are merely passing Corpus Christi feast.
through might consider these customs
to be taboo or inhumane. But those
who care to look for the meaning be- If Spain is already famous for
hind these beliefs usually appreciate its reputation for original festivals disobedience towards God in the
them, despite their strangeness. such as the tomatina ‘tomato throw- Garden of Eden. However, these
Some annual festivals emerge out of ing festival’, El Colacho is yet an-
religious rituals or cultural events. other wholly unique celebration. days, it’s also considered an im-
Though differences in culture and The high-point of the festival is on portant cultural festivity and a con-
customs can be vast, there’s at least the final Sunday when the Salto del tribution to the local heritage of the
one thing that unites people across Colacho takes place. On this day, town. After the Colacho has jumped
the planet, the desire to celebrate. the Colacho, a man dressed as the over the babies, they are showered
Holidays and festivals have long been Devil wearing a colorful outfit and a in rose petals and often blessed by
part of the human tradition, it is to mask, runs through the town with a the local priest before being collect-
commemorate the spiritual and the whip with the aim of terrorizing lo- ed by their parents.
sacred. cals who will then launch insults at
him in return. But this is just a warm
-up for the main event: the baby-
Reading Passage:
Baby Jumping Festival When the time comes for the ‘salto‘
or jump, tradition has it that all ba-
Celebrated each year in the small bies born within the year are
town of Castrillo de Murcia, the Sal- presented on a mattress on the floor
to del Colacho is a week-long cele- outside their house. This unusual act
bration which culminates with a is said to cleanse the new-born ba-
man dressed as a devil terrorizing bies of their original sin, which
locals and jumping over babies. Christians believe all human beings
Although there is no record of when carry as a result of Adam and Eve’s

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
culminate [ˈkʌlmɪneɪt] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
historian [hɪˈstɔːriən] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
inception [ɪnˈsepʃn] ______________________ ______________________
wholly [ˈhoʊlli] ______________________ ______________________
outfit [ˈaʊtfɪt] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
launch [lɔːntʃ] ______________________ ______________________
Festivity [feˈstɪvəti] ______________________ ______________________
disobedience [ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiəns] ______________________ ______________________
sacrament [ˈsækrəmənt]
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. What do the “Calacho” represent in this traditional event


2. What is the belief behind the Baby Jumping Festival?


3. What is Spain famous for?


Write about a weird festival that you attended during your travels and its significance.

1. Describe an unusual event that you know of.


2. What do you think is interesting about your culture?


3. What traditional holiday do you love celebrating?

Day The Day of
the Dead
28 WARM UP: Do you believe in ghost?
How do you find Halloween?

Vocabulary skill: Vocabularies and Expressions: STUDENT’S NOTE:

One helpful strategy that spooky deceased despite _________________________

you can use to memorize reunite morbid intangible _________________________
new vocabulary is to cre- indigenous patio plane
incorporated laid out on altar _________________________
ate a “word web”. Word
webs can help you re- essence aroma consume _________________________
member the meaning of prevalent mind presence
witness pass down _________________________
new vocabulary and re-
late this vocabulary to _________________________
other words you know. aspect of part of
ties with arrival of _________________________

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. spooky/ part of

2. deceased/ reunite/ aspect of


3. morbid/ altar/ witness


YOUR WORD WEB OF THE DAY: 4. intangible/ presence


5. ties with/ indigenous


6. prevalent / emphasis on/ incorporated


7. pass down/ laid out on


8. aroma/ essence/ consume

Reading Passage: have been passed down through generations, Mexico's
New Year Around the World indigenous festivity dedicated to the dead was recognized
by UNESCO as part of the intangible cultural heritage of
humanity in 2008.
In Pre-Hispanic times, the dead were buried close to fami-
ly homes often in a tomb underneath the central patio of
the house and there was great emphasis on maintaining
ties with deceased ancestors, who were believed to contin-
ue to exist on a different plane. With the arrival of the
Spaniards and Catholicism, All Souls' and All Saints' Day
practices were incorporated into Pre-Hispanic beliefs and
customs and the holiday came to be celebrated as we
know it today.
The spirits are greeted with offerings of special foods and
things that they enjoyed when they were alive. These are
laid out on an altar in the family home. It is believed that
the spirits consume the essence and aroma of the foods
that are offered. When the spirits depart, the living con-
sumes the food and shares it with their family, friends, and
The Day of the Dead also known as Día de los Muertos in neighbors.
Spanish is celebrated in Mexico between October 31st and
Día de los Muertos continues to change and a mixing of
November 2nd. On this holiday, Mexicans remember and
cultures and customs continues to occur. Halloween fes-
honor their deceased loved ones. Despite the white faces
tivities are becoming more prevalent in Mexico. This holi-
and the skulls, it's not meant to be a spooky or morbid oc-
day is an excellent time to visit Mexico. Not only will you
casion; it is a festive and colorful holiday celebrating the
be able to witness these special celebrations, but you can
lives of those who have passed on. The celebration origi-
also enjoy other advantages of Mexico in the Fall Season.
nated in central and southern Mexico. Those who cele-
Although families celebrate this holiday privately, there
brate it believe that at midnight on October 31, the souls
are many public displays that you can enjoy, and if you
of all deceased children come down from heaven and reu-
act respectfully, no one will mind your presence in the
nite with their families on November 1 and the souls of
cemeteries and other public places where Mexicans cele-
deceased adults visit on November 2. Families make col-
brate and honor their deceased.
orful altars called ofrendas in their homes in honor of their
deceased loved ones, and the altars are decorated with
flowers, candles, their loved one's favorite food and pan
de muerto; a slightly sweet bread specifically made for
this time. The festivities continue in the cemetery, where
families bring picnics, play music and sometimes even
spend the night as a way to celebrate the lives of those
who are no longer on this earth.
Because of its importance as a defining aspect of Mexican
culture and the unique aspects of the celebration which

Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
morbid [ˈmɔːrbɪd ]
intangible [ɪnˈtændʒəbl ] ______________________ ______________________
patio [ˈpætioʊ ] ______________________ ______________________
essence [ˈesns ] ______________________ ______________________
aroma [əˈroʊmə ]
prevalent [ˈprevələnt ] ______________________ ______________________
presence [ˈprezns ] ______________________ ______________________
indigenous [ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs ] ______________________ ______________________
spooky [ˈspuːki ] ______________________ ______________________
deceased [dɪˈsiːst ] ______________________ ______________________
altar [ˈɔːltər ] ______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. How is the day of the dead celebrated in Mexico?


2. When do they celebrate this festive occasion?


3. What do they offer their departed loved ones during this said event?

Write about how and when you remember your departed loved ones.

1. How is the day of the dead celebrated in your country ?


2. Are there special rites or ceremonies performed when a person dies in your culture?

3. How do you cope with the death of someone special?

Day Cultural Beauty
29 WARM UP: How do you define Beauty?
What do you think about cosmetic surgery?

Vocabulary skill: Vocabularies and Expressions: STUDENT’S NOTE:

One helpful strategy that entice beholder creature _________________________

you can use to memorize attention apparent glance _________________________
new vocabulary is to cre- various fascinate odd
elongated impressive tusk _________________________
ate a “word web”. Word
webs can help you re- resist attractive culture _________________________
member the meaning of beauty tribe ritual
mate astounding _________________________
new vocabulary and re-
late this vocabulary to _________________________
other words you know. opinion on admiration for
purpose of standard of _________________________

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. entice/ attention/ creature

2. apparent/ opinion on/ beauty

3. elongated/ impressive

4. admiration for/ glance/ fascinate

YOUR WORD WEB OF THE DAY: ________________________________________________________

5. standard of/ culture/ tribe


6. ritual/ astounding/ resist


7. various/ odd/ purpose of


8. attractive/ mate
Reading Passage: attractive to men in other countries. No matter what your culture is or
From women having large feet and where you come from, what makes a
Cultural Beauty Standard filed, pointy teeth in Bali, to lip and woman especially beautiful and at-
ear-stretching rituals in parts of Africa tractive is her ability to be her unique
and South America, it's easy to see and special self. No man can resist a
that beauty is truly in the eye of the woman who is comfortable and confi-
beholder, even if their admiration for dent in her own skin. Embrace who
beauty may seem truly odd to other you are, both inside and out.

We've all seen images of the Karen

women in parts of Myanmar and
Thailand who wear heavy, brass rings
around their neck. The group of peo-
ple known as the "long-neck" or
"giraffe" tribe is really a sub-group of
the Padaung. The purpose of that
seemingly odd practice is to make a
woman more attractive to a possible
mate because it is a sign of beauty and
There is nothing more enticing to a wealth.
man than a beautiful
woman. They say that beauty is in the Stretched earlobes and shaved heads
eye of the beholder, are a standard of beauty in Kenya and
and all women are beautiful to the other parts of Africa. Members of the
man who thinks she Masai tribe in Africa are known for
is the prettiest creature on Earth. But their practice of wearing heavy jewel-
not every man has ry made of stones or elephant tusks to
the same standard of beauty. They stretch their earlobes over time.
have their own As time goes by, a woman's status in
opinion on what’s beautiful and the Masai tribe, as well as other tribes
what’s not and this is in Africa, is heightened by how large
never more apparent than when taking and elongated her earlobes have be-
a glance at various come. To draw attention to their elon-
cultures throughout the world to see gated earlobes, Masai women will
what men consider adorn them with brightly colored
beautiful. beads and jewelry to attract attention
It has been fascinating and sometimes to their impressive size.
astounding to learn what is considered

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
entice [ɪnˈtaɪs] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
apparent [əˈpærənt]
glance [ɡlæns] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
various [ˈveriəs] ______________________ ______________________
fascinate [ˈfæsɪneɪt] ______________________ ______________________
odd [ɑːd] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
elongated [ɪˈlɔŋˌɡeɪt̬ɪd] ______________________ ______________________
impressive [ɪmˈpresɪv] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
attractive [əˈtræktɪv]
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. What is the meaning of the phrase “ beauty is in the eye of the beholder”?

2. How is beauty defined in some parts of Myanmar and Thailand?


3. Why do women in different cultures wear jewelries?


How do people in your country define beauty?


1. Is superficial beauty important in your culture? How about one’s character?


2. Do people spend too much time and money on beauty in your country?
Day Fading Culture and
How much do you know about your cultural herit-

Vocabulary skill: Vocabularies and Expressions: STUDENT’S NOTE:

One helpful strategy that industrial replace transition _________________________

you can use to memorize substantial time frame struggle _________________________
new vocabulary is to cre- heritage rapid strive
pattern inevitable society _________________________
ate a “word web”. Word
webs can help you re- modify sufficient innovate _________________________
member the meaning of broad progress instill
values inherit _________________________
new vocabulary and re-
late this vocabulary to _________________________
other words you know. way of disintegration of
behavior toward field of

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. transition/ way of/ progress


2. industrial/ replace/ struggle


3. heritage/ society
YOUR WORD WEB OF THE DAY: 4. instill/ values/ behavior toward

5. disintegration of/ inevitable/ strive


6. sufficient/ field of

7. broad/ modify

8. innovate/ time frame

Reading Passage: ize themselves to be a
stronger nation, striving to survive
Fading Culture and economically, which means
Tradition they are following the path that the
stronger, more developed
In most industrialized nations, the western world had been through years
journey from third to first world ago. The pattern that Asian
replaces an old way of life with a new countries follow has involved a great
one. Throughout this deal of western countries’ habits. So
transition, substantial physical, social as we are modernizing, we are west-
and economic changes occur, ernizing and the Asian flavor fades.
often resulting in a disintegration of Change is inevitable to take place in
culture and traditions. This is any society at any time but one should
especially true Anywhere in Asia, strive for a change for good. Our soci-
where this transition has taken ety’s behavior towards modifying it-
place in a highly compressed self in the name of getting modern is rooted within our heart, mind, body
timeframe and leaving the youngest at a very fast pace. Going modern is and soul. We should feel proud that
struggling to understand their cultural not bad actually; in fact, it symbolizes we are born in a land of rich cultural
heritage. advancement. Our lives are becoming heritage and it is our moral duty to
In recent years, there’s been a rapid more independent and self-sufficient. spread the true meaning of our culture
growth in technology and We have innovated ourselves in the and inherit the same for future genera-
transportation. Globalization takes its field of knowledge like science and tions.
toll all over the world; technology that pre-existed in our so-
all the Asian countries try to modern- ciety. Moreover, our lifestyles are be-
coming broader and hence, we are
progressing in a positive sense. When
the people of the society get enhanced
and advanced in all aspects like edu-
cation, relationship, and attitude, it
automatically brings in the element of
modernization in the society.
However, although we have accepted
modern means of living, we still need
to instill our culture in our hearts. Our
lifestyles, eating habits and way of
clothing may have changed but the
rich values, which we have received
from our culture, should be deeply

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

industrial [ɪnˈdʌstriəl] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
transition [trænˈzɪʃn] ______________________ ______________________
substantial [səbˈstænʃl] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] ______________________ ______________________
society [səˈsaɪəti] ______________________ ______________________
modify [ˈmɑːdɪfaɪ] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
inevitable [ɪnˈevɪtəbl] ______________________ ______________________
inherit [ɪnˈherɪt] ______________________ ______________________
innovate [ˈɪnəveɪt]
sufficient [səˈfɪʃnt]
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. What results to disintegration of culture and tradition?


2. What is Globalization?

3. What are the advantages of modernization?


Write an essay about the effects of modernization in your country’s cultural heritage.

1. What traditions in your country are slowly fading away because of modernization?


2. How can you help preserve your culture and tradition?


3. Would you as a person choose to embrace another culture and forget all about your heritage or would you
protect it and impart it to your children in the future?

Day Capital
Can we consider Death Penalty as a means of re-
venge and not a means of Punishment?

Vocabularies and Expressions:
verdict tabernacle execute _________________________
criminalize engender forfeit _________________________
retribution resentment legitimize
counterproductive paradoxical hierarchy _________________________
deterrent sanction subjective _________________________
preclude condemn inevitable
protract disproportionate _________________________
threat of effect on
variety of period of

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. criminalize/ period of/ retribution

2. disproportionate/ verdict/ execute
3. inevitable/ counterproductive/ protract
4. hierarchy/ paradoxical/ variety of
5. effect on/ condemn/ resentment

Instruction: Use some of the vocabularies you’ve learned.

 What can you infer from the illustration?

Reading tions or sects within them, on the morality of capital
punishment. Started last half of the 20th century,
Passage: increasing numbers of religious leaders, particularly
within Judaism and Roman Catholicism, campaigned
against it.
Capital Supporters of capital punishment also claim that it has a
Punishment uniquely potent deterrent effect on potentially violent
offenders for whom the threat of imprisonment is not a
sufficient restraint. Opponents, however, point to research
that generally has demonstrated that the death penalty is
In Old Testa- not a more effective deterrent than the alternative sanction
ment times, the death penalty was used as punishment for of life or long-term imprisonment.
murder but death was also the punishment for a number of There also are disputes about whether capital punishment
other offenses, such as eating leavened bread during the can be administered in a manner consistent with justice.
Feast of Unleavened Bread, being a Those who support capital punishment believe that it is
stubborn child, picking up sticks on the Sabbath day, possible to fashion laws and procedures that ensure only
insulting your parents, going to the Tabernacle if you are those who really deserve death are executed. By
not a priest and ignoring the verdict of a judge or priest. contrast, opponents maintain that the historical
Nowadays, every day, people are executed and sentenced application of capital punishment shows that any
to death as punishment for a variety of crimes – some- attempt to single out certain kinds of crime as
times for acts that should not be criminalized. In some deserving of death will inevitably be subjective. They
countries, it can be for drug-related offenses, for others, it
is reserved for terrorism-related acts and murder. also point to other factors that they think preclude the
Capital punishment has long engendered considerable possibility where capital punishment can be fairly
debate about both its morality and its effect on criminal applied, arguing that the poor and ethnic and
behavior. Supporters of the death penalty believe that religious minorities often do not have access to good
those who commit murder have forfeited their own right legal assistance and that racial prejudice motivates
to life because they have taken the life of another. Further- mainly white juries in capital cases to convict black
more, they believe, capital punishment is just a form of and other nonwhite defendants in disproportionate
retribution, expressing and reinforcing the moral numbers and since because errors are inevitable even
resentment not only of the victim’s relatives but of in a well-run criminal justice system, some people
law-abiding citizens in general. In contrast, opponents of will be executed for crimes they did not commit.
capital punishment argue that, by legitimizing the very Finally, they argue that, because the appeals process
behavior that the law seeks to contain, capital punishment
is counterproductive in the moral message it conveys. for death sentences are protracted, those condemned
Moreover, they urge, when it is used for lesser crimes, to death are often cruelly forced to endure long
capital punishment is immoral because it is wholly periods of uncertainty about their fate.
lopsided to the harm done. Hence the term “capital
punishment” is somewhat paradoxical.
Although death was prescribed for crimes in many sacred
religious documents and was historically practiced widely
with the support of religious hierarchies, today there is no
agreement among religious faiths, or among denomina-

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

tabernacle [ˈtæbərnækl ] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
engender [ɪnˈdʒendər ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
resentment [rɪˈzentmənt ] ______________________ ______________________
legitimize [lɪˈdʒɪtəmaɪz ] ______________________ ______________________
paradoxical [ˌpærəˈdɑːksɪkl ] ______________________ ______________________
hierarchy [ˈhaɪərɑːrki ] ______________________ ______________________
deterrent [dɪˈtɜːrənt ] ______________________ ______________________
subjective [səbˈdʒektɪv ] ______________________ ______________________
inevitable [ɪnˈevɪtəbl ]
retribution [ˌretrɪˈbjuːʃn ] ______________________ ______________________
disproportionate [ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːrʃənət ] ______________________ ______________________
preclude [prɪˈkluːd ] ______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. What is the sole purpose of capital punishment?


2. What crimes are punishable by death?


3. What do supporters in Capital Punishment believe in?


Death Penalty is a must. Agree or Disagree?


1. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. Explain.


2. How should we punish people who commit heinous crimes?


3. Do you believe that people can change or do they just hide their inner self to get sympathy?

Day Cyberbullying
What will you do when someone at school makes fun
of you?

Vocabularies and Expressions:
platform pose taunt _________________________
humiliate consent malicious _________________________
traumatic constant pervasive
prompt incessant suicide _________________________
retaliate tormentor explicit _________________________
statute detention expulsion
intervene _________________________
nature of ramification of
severity of escape from

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. platform/ ramification of/ statute

2. intervene/ suicide/ taunt
3. detention/ traumatic/ severity of
4. nature of/ tormentor/ humiliate
5. escape from/ constant/ explicit

Instruction: Use some of the vocabularies you’ve learned.

 What can you infer from the illustration?

Reading Passage: Cyberbullying low self-esteem, often leading to a drop in grades.
Additionally, children who suddenly lose interest in
activities they used to enjoy or who no longer spend time
with their best friends could be victims of cyberbullying.
In extreme cases, incessant cyberbullying has even
prompted some victims to commit suicide.

Like other forms of bullying, cyberbullying also some-

times leads to victims skipping school, engaging in self-
medication that can lead to substance abuse or retaliating
against their tormentors or other innocent victims with
violence or similar bullying.
Modern tools such as the Internet and social media can aid
students in conducting research and getting homework Every state in America, except for Montana has passed a
tutoring, but they have also opened another platform for law against bullying. Nearly all of those states have
bullies. Instances of cyberbullying, or bullying using elec- extended their anti-bullying statutes to cover bullying
tronic and online means, had doubled in the past few through electronic means. Additionally, nearly half of
years. Because cyberbullying takes place online, it poses states explicitly ban "cyberbullying.” These laws are often
special problems for schools and bullying victims, who implemented through student codes of conduct drafted by
can be taunted anytime and anywhere. school districts and individual schools. As a result, cyber-
bullying policies often vary not only by state but also by
Cyberbullying occurs when a student teases, threatens, individual schools within the same state. Like other forms
humiliates, or taunts another student using electronic of bullying, schools often have strict punishments for
means. These acts often include posing as other people cyberbullying, including possible suspension, afterschool
online, spreading lies or rumors about another student, detention, and even expulsion, depending on the severity
posting private photos or information without the victim's of the acts.
consent, tricking other students into revealing private
information or forwarding malicious messages to others. Because cyberbullying often takes place online and out-
Although usually seen on social media platforms like side of school hours, parents are usually the best people to
Facebook, cyberbullying can also take place via text intervene and prevent it. Parents should take an active role
messages, e-mails, online message boards, and chat in their children's online lives by being aware of their
rooms. As a result, technologies such as smartphones and children's online activities. They can do this by requesting
tablet computers have made it possible for bullies to attack their children's passwords or creating their own profiles
their victims online at any time no matter how far away and "friending" or "following" their children on social
the victim and the bully are from each other. media. Parents should also develop rules for their
children's use of social media and help their children
Cyberbullying can be especially traumatic for victims understand the ramifications of their online activities.
because it can reach victims in their homes, where they
usually feel the safest. With around-the-clock access to
social media and the Internet, victims often feel as if there
is no escape from cyberbullying.
The constant and pervasive nature of cyberbullying
frequently results in victims suffering from depression and

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

taunt [tɔːnt ] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
humiliate [hjuːˈmɪlieɪt ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
malicious [məˈlɪʃəs ] ______________________ ______________________
pervasive [pərˈveɪsɪv ] ______________________ ______________________
retaliate [rɪˈtælieɪt ] ______________________ ______________________
incessant [ɪnˈsesnt ] ______________________ ______________________
statute [ˈstætʃuːt ] ______________________ ______________________
expulsion [ɪkˈspʌlʃn ] ______________________ ______________________
intervene [ˌɪntərˈviːn ]
traumatic [traʊˈmætɪk ] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. What are the effects of cyberbullying to children?


2. What is the difference between bullying and cyberbullying?


3. What should parents do to keep their children from getting bullied?


Should the government/school impose severe punishment to bullies?


1. Do you believe that bullying is one of the leading causes of suicide?


2. What do your government do to prevent cyberbullying in your country?


3. How would you react if your child is to be bullied in school?

Day Domestic
What would you do if your partner would hit you
with no reason at all?

Vocabularies and Expressions:
stupor bruise abusive _________________________
intimidate indicate perpetrator _________________________
batterer elaborate possessive
emerge intensify destructive _________________________
tendency diminish dynamic _________________________
domestic assert coercion
leverage demean _________________________
mass of type of
method for stage of

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. intimidate/ method of/ possessive

2. leverage/ tendency/ indicate
3. coercion/ type of/ domestic
4. mass of/ destructive/ assert
5. stages of/ intensify/ emerge

Instruction: Use some of the vocabularies you’ve learned.

 What can you infer from the illustration?

Ironically, many batterers do not see themselves as
perpetrators, but as victims. This reasoning is common
among batterers. Most enter treatment programs heavily
armored with elaborate denial systems designed to
justify or excuse their actions. In fact, many abusive
partners may seem absolutely perfect in the early stages
of a relationship. Possessive and controlling behaviors
don’t always appear overnight, but rather emerge and
intensify as the relationship grows.

Domestic violence is destructive for both the battered

and the batterer. Its tendency to be passed down over
generations makes it all the more important that we
Reading Passage: Domestic Violence develop effective methods for combating abusive
It was the middle of the night when Anna woke to the behaviors. Domestic violence can affect anyone of any
sounds of her husband in his drunken stupor returning age, gender, race, or sexual orientation. It may include
home and struggling with the door. Her heart was behaviors meant to scare, physically harm, or control a
pounding for she knew all too well from a long and partner. While every relationship is different, domestic
painful experience what would happen next. And so it violence generally involves an unequal power dynamic
did: Before she had a chance to jump off the bed to in which one partner tries to assert control over the
defend herself, he was already punching her in the face. other in a variety of ways. Examples include insults and
By the time he was finished assaulting her, Anna’s face threats, emotional abuse, and sexual coercion. Some
and body was a mass of cuts and bruises which took perpetrators may even use children, pets, or other
more than a week to heal. Physically, if not emotionally family members as emotional leverage to get the victim
recovered, Anna finally decided that enough was to do what they want. Victims experience
enough. diminished self-worth, anxiety, depression, and a
general sense of helplessness that can take time and
Domestic violence, or family violence, is violent, often professional help to overcome.
abusive or intimidating behavior in a relationship.
There are many types of domestic violence, including Some signs of an abusive relationship include a partner
social, physical, sexual and emotional. Whether alcohol who tells you that you can never do anything right,
and drug abuse is a factor or not, domestic violence is a shows extreme jealousy of your friends and time spent
very serious problem. away, keeps you or discourages you from seeing friends
or family members, insults, demeans or shames you,
Although statistics seem to indicate some link prevents you from making your own decisions,
between alcohol/drug abuse and domestic violence, pressures you to have sex when you don’t want to or do
others believe that they are two separate issues. Abuse things sexually you’re not comfortable with, intimidates
is a learned behavior; it is not caused by anger, mental you with guns, knives or other weapons and many
problems, drugs or alcohol, or other common excuses. more.
Domestic abuse is not so much about a "loss of control"
as it is about total control.

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

bruise [bruːz ] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
indicate [ˈɪndɪkeɪt ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
perpetrator [ˈpɝːpəˌtretər ] ______________________ ______________________
stupor [ˈstuːpər ] ______________________ ______________________
demean [dɪˈmiːn ] ______________________ ______________________
diminish [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ ] ______________________ ______________________
coercion [koʊˈɜːrʒn ] ______________________ ______________________
possessive [pəˈzesɪv ] ______________________ ______________________
leverage [ˈlevərɪdʒ ]
abusive [əˈbjuːsɪv ] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. What is domestic violence?


2. What are some examples of domestic violence?


3. When can we say that we are in an abusive relationship?


You love your partner so much that you can’t even think of leaving him/her but your partner is abu-
sive. What would you do?

1. In some countries, domestic violence isn’t a crime. What do you think about this?

2. What would you do if you knew there was domestic violence in the house / apartment next to yours?


3. Do you think alcohol plays a large part in domestic violence?

Day Population
Do you plan to have your own family in the future?
How many kids do you plan to have?

Vocabularies and Expressions:
disparity relatively outnumber _________________________
dwindling breadwinner potential _________________________
consistent anthropology insecurity
desirable idleness corporate _________________________
occupation fertility reverse _________________________
deteriorate eradicate erode
geopolitical unpredictable _________________________
number of implication of
disparity between percent of

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. outnumber/ percent of/ corporate

2. deteriorate/ geopolitical/ idleness
3. implication of/ fertility/ anthropology
4. number of/ occupation/ breadwinner
5. eradicate/ reverse/ potential

Instruction: Use some of the vocabularies you’ve learned.

 What can you infer from the illustration?

a class of men who don’t marry and have children because
they and their potential partners know they can’t afford to.
“The gender stuff is pretty consistent with trends around
the world, men are having a hard time,” said Anne Alli-
son, a professor of cultural anthropology. “The birth rate
is down; even the coupling rate is down. And people will
say the number one reason is economic insecurity.”

In a culture that places such an emphasis on men being

breadwinners, this has serious implications for marriage
and childbearing. Men who don’t have regular jobs are not
considered desirable marriage partners; even if a couple
wants to get married, and both have irregular jobs, their
parents will likely oppose it, according to Ryosuke
Reading Passage: Population Crisis Nishida, a professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology who
Japan’s population is shrinking. The country’s population has written about the idleness among young workers.
fell by more than 300,000 recently. Population changes About 30 percent of irregular workers in their early 30s
can be broken down into two types. One is the natural are married, compared to 56 percent of full-time corporate
change, which is the disparity between the number of employees, according to Kingston. Furthermore, women
births and the number of deaths, and the other is the inter- seeking full-time work frequently find themselves in irreg-
national population movement. In the case of Japan, it is ular jobs too, which also has implications for raising a
well-known that the number of international movements, family since the hours are unpredictable and the pay is
including that of Japanese people, is relatively small. That low. But it is more of an obstacle for marriage if a man
means the population decrease is mainly a result of a natu- doesn’t have a good occupation.
ral change. In 2017, the number of births was 946,000 and
the number of deaths was 1.34 million, and the natural A declining fertility rate has also been observed in many
decline of the population reached 394,000. Annual deaths other Asian countries in recent years. The rate in South
have outnumbered births since 2007. The decline in num- Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore is, in fact, lower than in
ber of newborns is linked to the decline in the fertility Japan. The rate in Thailand is almost the same as in Japan,
rate, and the increase in the number of deaths is related to while Vietnam has rapidly declined in recent decades.
the rise in the number of people of advanced age. The China eradicated its one-child policy a few years ago, but
dwindling population is having a major impact on the that did not reverse its deteriorating fertility rate. Low fer-
economy and society of Japan that will continue over a tility rates are common not only in East Asia but also in
long period. Southeast Asia and the United Nations predicts that many
The blame has long been put on Japan’s young people, Asian countries will face future decline in populations. A
who are accused of not having enough sex, and on wom- population decline in Asian countries could erode the geo-
en, who put their careers before thoughts of marriage and political power of the region as a whole.
family. But there’s another, simpler explanation for the
country’s low birth rate. Japan’s birth rate may be falling
because there are fewer good opportunities for young peo-
ple especially men in the country’s economy. In a country
where men are still widely expected to be breadwinners
and support families, a lack of good jobs may be creating

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

disparity [dɪˈspærəti ] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
anthropology [ˌænθrəˈpɑːlədʒi ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
desirable [dɪˈzaɪərəbl ] ______________________ ______________________
corporate [ˈkɔːrpərət ] ______________________ ______________________
fertility [fərˈtɪləti ] ______________________ ______________________
eradicate [ɪˈrædɪkeɪt ] ______________________ ______________________
geopolitical [ˌdʒiːoʊpəˈlɪtɪkl ] ______________________ ______________________
idleness [ˈaɪdlnəs ] ______________________ ______________________
breadwinner [ˈbredwɪnər ]
dwindling [ˈdwɪndəlɪŋ ] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. How does the dwindling population of Japan affects their economy?


2. Why are people in Japan not populating?


3. Name other countries that are struggling with their population.


If you don’t have any plans of having a family, how do you think you’ll look like 30 years from now?

1. A country is experiencing population growth and needs more homes. Should new homes
be constructed in the existing cities or should there be new towns built for the purpose?

2. Can you provide a simple yet realistic algorithm to decrease the overpopulation of the world?


3. Do you agree that lack of education is one key role in overpopulation?

Day Homelessness
Do you like where you live right now?
Do you consider your self privileged?

Vocabularies and Expressions:
statistic instinctively homeless _________________________
devastating deliberately complex _________________________
untangle foreclose evict
gentrification wage underemployment _________________________
chronic workforce veteran _________________________
Ex-convict disorder adequate
substance abuse rough sleeping _________________________
brink of category of
victim of form of

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. brink of/ evict/ homeless

2. statistic/ gentrification/ workforce
3. victim of/ substance abuse/ ex-convict
4. underemployment/ devastating/ veteran
5. category of/ complex/ disorder

Instruction: Use some of the vocabularies you’ve learned.

 What can you infer from the illustration?

tually employed and reasonably able to afford most of the
things they need except for affordable housing. Perhaps
they have been foreclosed on or evicted, or maybe their
neighborhood has undergone gentrification. Regardless,
with a lack of affordable housing reasonably available to
this population despite having jobs that pay above mini-
mum wage, they risk becoming homeless.

Some people experiencing homelessness who are em-

ployed may continue to suffer an economic hardship
through a low-paying job or poverty where they can’t af-
ford the things they need despite being employed. Also in
the category of those able to work but are unemployed or
underemployed are those who are not particularly suffer-
Reading Passage: Homelessness ing a personal hardship, instead, they have found them-
Often, the story of what is happening in the society selves experiencing an economic hardship such as job loss
emerges from following the statistics first then investigat- or chronic unemployment because of a system-wide suf-
ing what lies behind the numbers and charts. But there are fering economy.
other occasions when you know instinctively, from talking The next category is those who are theoretically able to
to other humans, what’s going on. You just don’t yet have work but are suffering in the short term because of a trage-
the data to prove it. dy or personal hardship. Those who have recently lived
through a natural disaster, experienced domestic abuse,
Homelessness is devastating, dangerous and isolating. On are going through a divorce, etc. also require additional
average, homeless people die at just 47 years old. People support and health services to get by. This category also
sleeping on the street are almost 17 times more likely to includes anyone who might need assistance joining or re-
have been victims of violence. More than one in three entering the workforce, such as veterans or ex-convicts.
people sleeping rough have been deliberately hit or kicked The final category is those who are unable to work with-
or experienced some other form of violence whilst home- out assistance. They may suffer from a physical or mental
less. Homeless people are over nine times more likely to disorder such as a mental illness or substance abuse prob-
take their own life than the general population. lem which renders them unable to enter the workforce
without significant recovery or assistance. If the economic
Causes of homelessness are complex to untangle but it context improves and businesses are able to offer employ-
comes down to a conflict between system and individual. ees higher pay, these groups of people may be spared
From the system perspective, a society with a lack of homelessness. As the economy improves, or as these indi-
support and health services, a suffering economy, or a lack viduals can re-establish themselves in a changing econo-
of affordable housing can be challenging for individuals my, their chances of economic suffering will definitely
on the brink of homelessness. From an individual perspec- decline. If they receive adequate support and health ser-
tive, these people can be classified as those unable to work vices from the system and environment, their chance of
without assistance, those able to work but are unem- homelessness is lessened.
ployed, and those who are employed. The gray areas in
between, where the individual can’t seem to succeed with-
in the broader socio-political environment are where con-
flicts happen that result in someone headed toward home-
lessness. Some people experiencing homelessness are ac-

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

gentrification [ˌjentrəfəˈkāSH(ə)n ] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
evict [ɪˈvɪkt ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
instinctively [ɪnˈstɪŋktɪvli ] ______________________ ______________________
chronic [ˈkrɑːnɪk ] ______________________ ______________________
ex-convict [ˌɛksˈkɒnvɪkt ] ______________________ ______________________
substance [ˈsʌbstəns ] ______________________ ______________________
adequate [ˈædɪkwət ] ______________________ ______________________
whilst [hwaɪlst] ______________________ ______________________
statistic [stəˈtɪstɪk ]
deliberately [dɪˈlɪbərətli ] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. What causes homelessness? Give at least 3 and explain.


What can you do to help the homeless? Support your answer.


1. How difficult do you think it is for homeless people to get back into employment, get a
house, etc


2. If you were homeless, where and how would you live?


3. Do you think homelessness will ever disappear, even in rich countries?

Day The
What changes in the environment have you

Vocabularies and Expressions:
resources starvation wetland _________________________
scarcity inadequate agriculture _________________________
plentiful sanitation inefficiency
dehydration cholera alter _________________________
unsustainable typhoid drought _________________________
crops ecosystem consumption
livestock aquifers _________________________
pressure on demand for
pattern of effect of

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. scarcity/ effect of/ resources

2. pressure on/ inadequate/ sanitation
3. unsustainable/ agriculture/ starvation
4. demand for/ crops/ consumption
5. ecosystem/ wetland/ drought

Instruction: Use some of the vocabularies you’ve learned.

 What can you infer from the illustration?

at least a month in a year.

Apart from dehydration due to the obvious lack of

drinking water, hunger is one of the most serious
effects of water scarcity. Why? Water shortages have
a direct impact on crops and livestock, which can lead
to food shortages and eventually starvation. Also,
because of water shortages some people cannot
shower, wash their clothes or clean their homes
properly. Inadequate sanitation is also a problem for
2.4 billion people around the world. They are exposed
to diseases, such as cholera and typhoid fever, and
other water-borne illnesses. Two million people,
mostly children, die each year from diarrhea alone.

Reading Passage: Water Shortage Many of the water systems that keep ecosystems
Water is one of the most precious resources on the thriving and feed a growing human population have
planet. It covers 70% of our planet, and it is easy to become stressed. Rivers, lakes, and aquifers are drying
think that it will always be plentiful. However, fresh- up or becoming too polluted to use. More than half the
water which is the stuff we drink, bathe in, irrigate our world’s wetlands have disappeared. Agriculture
farm fields with—is incredibly rare. Only 3% of the consumes more water than any other source and
world’s water is fresh water, and two-thirds of that is wastes much of that through inefficiencies. Climate
tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise change is altering patterns of weather and water
unavailable for our use. around the world, causing shortages and droughts in
some areas and floods in others.
Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water
resources to meet the demands within a region. Water At the current consumption rate, this situation will on-
is unequally distributed over time and space. Much of ly get worse. By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s popu-
it is wasted, polluted and unsustainably managed. lation may face water shortages. And ecosystems
around the world will suffer even more.
There is no global water scarcity as such, but a
number of places and regions are chronically short of
water because of the demand for its use at the global
level which has increased more than twice as fast as
the population. Pressure on water resources is
increasing in several parts of the world, especially in
China, India, in the Middle East and many countries
and regions of Africa. As a result, more than 1 billion
people worldwide lack access to drinking water, and a
total of 2.7 billion people experience water scarcity for

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

chronically [ˈkrɑːnɪkli ] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
unsustainably [ˌʌn.səˈsteɪ.nə.bli ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
dehydration [ˌdiːhaɪˈdreɪʃn ] ______________________ ______________________
inadequate [ɪnˈædɪkwət ] ______________________ ______________________
ecosystem [ˈiːkoʊsɪstəm ] ______________________ ______________________
inefficiency [ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃntənsi ] ______________________ ______________________
drought [draʊt ] ______________________ ______________________
aquifer [ˈækwɪfər ] ______________________ ______________________
shortage [ˈʃɔːrtɪdʒ ]
typhoid [ˈtaɪfɔɪd ] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check
Answer the following questions. Use expressions.

1. State the cause and solution of water shortage

Cause Solution
____________________ ______________________
____________________ ______________________
____________________ ______________________
____________________ ______________________
____________________ ______________________
____________________ ______________________
____________________ ______________________

In your own little way, how can you help save the environment?

What is your opinion on climate change? How will our children be affected by climate

2. What are some things that corporations can do to help the environment?

3. What is the quality of the environment in your country? What kind of environmental policies does your
country have/need?

Day Abortion
Do you dream of having a family someday? How
badly do you want to have kids?

Vocabularies and Expressions:
reliable impermissible childbearing _________________________
polarizing alternative primary _________________________
moral publish substantial
dilemma contraception author _________________________
terminate circumstance interfere _________________________
conclude cite socioeconomic
abortion sociodemographic _________________________
finding from limit to
picture of portion of

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. moral/ limit to/ polarizing

2. finding from/ conclude/ author
3. circumstance/ primary/ socioeconomic
4. portion of/ publish/ substantial
5. interfere/ dilemma/ cite

Instruction: Use some of the vocabularies you’ve learned.

 What can you infer from the illustration?

the main categories of reasons, according to an article
recently published in contraception by Guttmacher
researchers. The findings from this study provide a
broad picture of the circumstances that may influence
women’s decisions to have an abortion.

The authors examined reasons for abortion across

countries and within countries by women’s
sociodemographic characteristics. They found that in
most countries, the most frequently cited reasons for
having an abortion were socioeconomic concerns or a
desire to limit childbearing. In six of the 13 countries
for which there were data available on women’s
primary reason for seeking an abortion, more than
one-quarter of women cited socioeconomic reasons
Reading Passage: Abortion for having an abortion. In five countries, a limit to
Why do women have abortions? As important a ques- childbearing was the most frequently reported
tion as that is, it’s hard to find a reliable answer. primary reason.
Abortion is a very painful topic for women and men
who find themselves facing the moral dilemma of In most of the countries in which socioeconomic con-
whether to terminate a pregnancy. It's one of the most cerns were frequently cited, a substantial portion of
polarizing moral issues. Most people are on one side abortions occurred among young, unmarried women.
or the other, very few are undecided. The authors suggest that these women may obtain
abortions because they lack the financial means to
The moral debate about abortion deals with two sepa- raise a child or feel that having a child would inter-
rate questions: Is abortion morally wrong? Should fere with future opportunities.
abortion be legal or illegal? But those two questions
don't end the debate.

If we conclude that abortion is morally wrong, that

doesn't mean that it's always impermissible to have
an abortion; we need to ask whether having an abor-
tion is less wrong than the alternatives.

Although the reasons women obtain abortions vary

widely by country and region, there are similarities in

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

polarizing [ˈpoʊləraɪzɪŋ ] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
dilemma [dɪˈlemə ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
impermissible [ˌɪmpɜːrˈmɪsəbl ] ______________________ ______________________
contraception [ˌkɑːntrəˈsepʃn ] ______________________ ______________________
socioeconomic [soˌsiˌoˌekəˈnɑːmɪk ] ______________________ ______________________
author [ˈɔːθər ] ______________________ ______________________
substantial [səbˈstænʃl ] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check

Why is abortion a social issue? What is your opinion about it? Do you think abortion should be legal or

1. Some people think doctors who carry out abortions are murderers. What do you think?

2. Do mothers have the right to control their own body? How about the unborn child?

3. Do you think abortions should be encouraged for girls of 12, 13 or 14 years old?
Day Discrimination
Do you have many friends of a different race or
ethnicity? Are these differences meaningful?

Vocabularies and Expressions:
discrimination intricate propaganda _________________________
fundamental sociological infatuation _________________________
mediate trigger eradicate
flaw prejudice dissipate _________________________
contemporary category flamboyant _________________________
delusion outstanding peculiar
ignorance whimsical _________________________
hatred for chances of
pride in nature of

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. discrimination/ hatred for

2. nature of/ flaw/ ignorance
3. whimsical/ contemporary/ propaganda
4. chances of/ trigger/ eradicate
5. peculiar/ delusion/ infatuation

Instruction: Use some of the vocabularies you’ve learned.

 What can you infer from the illustration?

One might easily state that this is the way we are, that
our mind makes us judge other people and compare
them to ourselves or our ideal model of a human
being. People are highly prejudiced and most of them
do not like to accept differences which they take pride
in as it is much more convenient to live in a
comfortable world surrounded by people with the
same beliefs, color of skin and social status while
showing utmost hatred for people who do not fit in
with the same category even though those individuals
might be ten times smarter than the others or have
some outstanding talents or achievements other people
could never dream of.

The whimsical nature of the innermost propaganda

infatuating the minds of modern people and making
Reading Passage: Discrimination them feel special or superior over others should be
Over the course of time humanity has had its fair share eradicated. If we are absolutely sure that any kind of
of discrimination. Whether it is skin color, gender or discrimination should be overcome, we should
social class, people have set standards of what is understand that everyone needs to do some actions
socially acceptable. Discrimination has played a role irrespectively of dissipated efforts as far as
in humanity from the beginning of human existence to discrimination issues are concerned.
the modern societies of today. Every individual has
experienced an act of discrimination at some point; To sum up, the issue of discrimination still remains
yet, most questions surrounding this fundamental unresolved and it might take some time for
human flaw remain unanswered. One belief that has contemporary society to understand its significance
overwhelming support is the fact that discrimination and negative influences it brings to the development of
can lead to significant negative effects. These effects mankind. However, if everyone makes a little effort to
mediate how an individual is able or unable to deal learn that all people are different and their individual
with discrimination. Thus, the discussion of peculiarities make this world more flamboyant and
discrimination is important because many individuals interesting to live in, then the humanity has good
either engage in or face discrimination, whether they chances of developing in the right and promising
realize it or not. However, this behavior often results direction.
in damaging consequences for all involved that can
significantly affect an individual’s entire life.

This is a very serious problem for contemporary

society. People do discriminate against each other
whether their actions are intentional or happen due to
the lack of knowledge or intricate sociological triggers
as well as societal delusions and personal ignorance.

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

whimsical [ˈwɪmzɪkl ] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
peculiar [pɪˈkjuːliər ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
flamboyant [flæmˈbɔɪənt ] ______________________ ______________________
intricate [ˈɪntrɪkət ] ______________________ ______________________
prejudice [ˈpredʒudɪs ] ______________________ ______________________
flaw [flɔː ] ______________________ ______________________
eradicate [ɪˈrædɪkeɪt ] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check

Are men the weaker sex? Support your answer.


1. Is criticizing a different culture the same as being racist?


2. Do certain racial groups have particular strengths or abilities? Is it wrong to point out these differences if
they are basically positive qualities?

3. What are traditional male and female social roles and responsibilities? Are you a traditional person?
Do you always drink medicine whenever you feel

Vocabularies and Expressions:
addiction impulse euphoria _________________________
willpower prescription compel _________________________
chronic recreational anticipate
extensive dopamine withdrawal _________________________
substance cuddle disability _________________________
shatter sensation surge
neural intimacy _________________________
hallmark of thirst for
cycle of slave to

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. chronic/ prescription/ slave to

2. intimacy/ sensation/ thirst for
3. shatter/ willpower/ hallmark of
4. surge/ withdrawal/ addiction
5. cycle of/ extensive/ compel

Instruction: Use some of the vocabularies you’ve learned.

 What can you infer from the illustration?

prescription for a much-needed painkiller after an
accident or surgery. The trouble is that for some
people, the use of the addictive substance becomes
frequent and necessary.

It works like this: the brain rewards pleasurable

experiences such as food, intimacy, and laughter with
surges of chemicals like dopamine. But using drugs
triggers the release of much more dopamine than
chocolate or cuddling does, and the rush of euphoria
compels them to repeat the experience. The more
someone uses drugs, the more they condition their
brain to anticipate the same substance-fueled pleasant
sensations that make it difficult to stop. The brain
becomes wired for addiction and their thirst for that
Reading Passage: Addiction sensation is unavoidable. Eventually, one’s tolerance
Drug addiction is not a hallmark of moral failure or may build so much that addictive behavior no longer
lack of willpower. It’s a complex disease that provides any pleasure making them a slave to it, and
deserves long-term, extensive treatment, just like any using drugs simply becomes a way to avoid
other chronic condition. People who have not withdrawal. They need drugs just to keep feeling
struggled with substance abuse may find it difficult to normal.
understand why anyone would start using. Why
would someone willingly put themselves in harm’s The sad truth is that more deaths, illnesses, and
way by taking dangerous substances? There are, in disabilities are caused by substance abuse than by
fact, many reasons why some people turn to or start any other preventable health condition. Prolonged
abusing drugs, and unfortunately, the consequences drug dependence interferes with just about every
can be life-shattering. organ in the human body, and different drugs have
different damaging effects.
For most people, the initial decision to take drugs is
voluntary. Their addiction isn’t always an instantly
obvious problem; it often starts small. But as they are
swept up into the cycle of addiction, the neural
pathways in their brain change, so they are less able
to control their behavior and resist their intense
impulses. In fact, drug addiction sometimes begins
with simple recreational use, or a “one-time”
experiment, trying something new, or even a

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

neural [ˈnʊrəl ] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
recreation [ˌriːkriˈeɪʃn ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
dopamine [ˈdoʊpəmiːn ] ______________________ ______________________
euphoria [juːˈfɔːriə ] ______________________ ______________________
intimacy [ˈɪntɪməsi ] ______________________ ______________________
thirst [θɜːrst ] ______________________ ______________________
chocolate [ˈtʃɑːklət ] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check

What are some reasons why people get addicted to drugs?


1. Many young children are now using addictive drugs. What do you think about this?


2. Drug addiction is more than just the use of illegal street drugs. People can also struggle with the illegal and
overuse of prescription medications. How much do schools educate children in your city or country on
these issues and solutions to drug addiction

Are you enjoying your life? How long do you want
to live in this world?

Vocabularies and Expressions:
metastatic region discrimination _________________________
destitute impulsive disorder _________________________
fame abuse stigma
prompt isolation prevention _________________________
tragedy vulnerable adequate _________________________
cope lesbian taboo
phenomenon well-established _________________________
stem of feeling of
link between awareness of

Reading Activity 1
Use each paired vocabulary and expression in a sentence.

1. fame/ feeling of/ discrimination

2. link between/ tragedy/ isolation
3. well established/ adequate/ region
4. vulnerable/ destitute/ stigma
5. taboo/ lesbian/ abuse

Instruction: Use some of the vocabularies you’ve learned.

 What can you infer from the illustration?

communities and entire countries and has long lasting
effects on the people left behind. Suicide does not
just occur in developed countries but is a global
phenomenon in all regions of the world. In fact, over
79% of global suicides occur in low and middle
income countries.

While the link between suicide and mental disorder,

in particular, depression and alcohol use disorders is
well-established in highly developed countries, many
suicides happen impulsively in moments of crisis
with a breakdown in the ability to deal with life
stresses, such as financial problems, relationship
break-up or chronic pain and illness.

Reading Passage: Suicide In addition, experiencing conflict, disaster, violence,

It’s easy to understand how an elderly man, dying of abuse, or loss and a sense of isolation are strongly
metastatic cancer, who is in severe pain, decides to associated with suicidal behavior. Suicide rates are
call it a day. Or, a person who has lost a loving also high amongst vulnerable groups who experience
partner who is depressed believes the world is in a discrimination, such as refugees and migrants, indig-
mess, and pulls the trigger. But Anthony Bourdain enous people, lesbians, gays, and prisoners. By far
was apparently not physically ill, not financially des- the strongest risk factor for suicide is a previous sui-
titute, not concerned about getting his next meal, and cide attempt.
not lacking in fame. In fact, he remarked he had “the
greatest job in the world”, so what prompted a fa- Stigma, particularly surrounding mental disorders
mous chef like Anthony Bourdain of CNN Parts and suicide, means many people thinking of taking
Unknown TV Series to hang himself? Are there more their own life or who have attempted suicide are not
reasons why people commit suicide? And could seeking help and are therefore not getting the help
medical care have prevented it? they need. The prevention of suicide has not been
adequately addressed due to a lack of awareness of
Suicide often stems from a deep feeling of suicide as a major public health problem and the ta-
hopelessness. The inability to see solutions to boo in many societies to openly discuss it.
problems or to cope with challenging life
circumstances may lead people to see suicide as the
only option to what is a really temporary situation.
Every year, close to 800 000 people take their own
life and there are many people who attempt suicide.
Every suicide is a tragedy that affects families,

Pronunciation Practice: Teacher’s corner: Reading Check.

metastatic [ˌmetəˈstætɪk ] Teacher’s task: Assess student’s reading skill.
phenomenon [fəˈnɑːmɪnən ] Mispronounced Words Grammatical Markers
destitute [ˈdestɪtuːt ] ______________________ ______________________
vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl ] ______________________ ______________________
adequate [ˈædɪkwət ] ______________________ ______________________
taboo [təˈbuː ] ______________________ ______________________
indigenous [ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs ] ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Reading Activity 2
Comprehension Check

State some reasons why people (rich or poor) commit suicide.


1. Does society do enough for people who feel suicidal to stop them from taking their own lives?


2. Thomas S. Szasz said: "Suicide is a fundamental human right. This does not mean that it is morally
desirable. It only means that society does not have the moral right to interfere." Do you agree?

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