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Asking questions is always the best way to start a conversation. Good questions encourage
people to open up about themselves and divulge their thoughts and feelings on a wide variety of
topics. They’re the secret behind getting acquainted with someone you have recently met. So,
when someone asks you a question, it means they are interested in your opinion. Thus we could
say that there is something powerful about questions that force you to think, look within
yourself, examine your heart, and search for answers. And it’s in the process of responding to
those questions that you often make discoveries about yourself—things you never even realized

Hence, this Speaking Coaching Module has been developed to give students opportunity to
express their thoughts and ideas as well as develop their critical and analytical thinking as they
answer the questions in this module. Students are also required to use some of the expressions
appropriate to the questions. The questions are related to the articles or reading passages from the
Reading Speaking Coaching Module.

Each day or lesson has five situations or questions for students to answer. However, students
should not just answer or give their opinion but they have to try to use some of the expressions
given in their answers. There is also sample answer for the first questions in each lesson.
Day 21
Mongolia: Land of the Blue Sky
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that

attack on link with

cure for notice of
decrease in result of
delay in rise in
desire for room for
difficulty in smell of
effect on tax on
lack of

Question 1: Describe a nation (not your own) that you know well.
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: What are the main reasons people travel?
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: What are some benefits of traveling?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: What kind of places have you visited in your life?
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: Which place would you really like to visit? Why?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 22
Maldives: Tropical Paradise
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
access to reason for
attitude to respect for
credit for solution to
cruelty to threat to
need for trouble with
passion for victims of
price of wish for
reaction to

Question 1: When do you think is the best time to visit Maldives.

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: What place have you visited that you considered as paradise?
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: Where did you spend your last vacation? Your summer / Christmas vacation?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: Would you rather go to a place where there are a lot of people or to a place
where there are few people?
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays? Why?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 23
Salar de Uyuni: The Mirror of the Sky
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
alternative to recipe for
approval of reduction in
increase in relationship with
influence on report on
intention of responsibility for
interest in sympathy for
knowledge of taste of
matter with

Question 1: Describe the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen.
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: Do you try to learn the history of the country you’re travelling to?
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: How are environmental problems changing the way people travel?
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: What are some of the benefits of traveling alone? Traveling with a group?
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: How adventurous are you when you travel?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 24
Peru: Luxury and Nature
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
advice on emphasis on
approach to habit of
ban on picture of
break from reply to
cause of speech on
contact with talent for
damage to protection from
difference between

Question 1: Have you been to Peru? What are the best destinations or interesting things
you’ve seen there? If not, what do you want to see in Peru if you have the chance to go

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: Where type of accommodation do you like to stay in when you travel, for
example, hotel, cabin, tent, lodge?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: What unusual method of transport would you most like to try out?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: If you compare the train, bus and airport systems in your country – which is
the cheapest? Which is the most efficient? Which is the safest in terms of accidents?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: What can you tell about the future of tourism industry in your country?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 25
Japan: Land of the Rising Sun
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
access to effect on reduction in
advice on emphasis on relationship with
alternative to habit of reply to
approach to increase in report on
approval of influence on respect for
attack on intention of responsibility for
attitude to interest in result of
ban on knowledge of rise in
break from lack of room for
cause of link with smell of
contact with matter with solution to
credit for need for speech on
cruelty to notice of sympathy for
cure for passion for talent for
damage to picture of taste of
decrease in price of tax on
delay in protection from threat to
desire for reaction to trouble with
difference between reason for victims of
difficulty in recipe for wish for
Question 1: Why do you think Japan is called the Land of the Rising Sun?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 2: Describe a famous tourist destination in your country

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 3: What are the positive and negative impacts of tourism in your country?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 4: Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling
to other countries? In what ways?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 26
Coming of Age
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
advantage over contrast with
association with demand for
authority on devotion to
belief in disadvantage of
candidate for experience in
characteristic of information about
comparison between opinion about
connection between

Question 1: Have you ever travelled abroad? If yes, where did you go and what was it like?
What customs were different from your country’s customs? If not, would you like to go to
abroad? Where would you like to go and what do you think it will be like?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: What tradition in your country that is not practiced in any other countries?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: What is the tradition that you would like to pass on to the next generation?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be and why?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: What is the best/most important thing your culture/country has adopted from
another culture?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 27
Baby Jumping Festival
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
act of fear of
addiction to harm to
aim of love of
arrival at mistake of
arrival of preference for
benefit of reputation for
contribution to story about
dedication to

Question 1: When people from other countries think about your culture, what do they
usually think of?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: What are some strange foreign customs that you have heard of? Are there any
customs in your country visitors might find strange?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: What do you like about your culture? What don't you like about your culture?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: What local festival in your area or country would be most interesting for a
foreign guest, do you think?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: Do you think any other festivals or celebrations in your country are over-
commercialized or have lost their original meaning?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 28
Dia de los Muertos
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
application for marriage between
article on opportunity for
comparison between priority over
competition among regret about
difficulty with respect of
idea for response to
importance of skill in
interaction between

Question 1: How do people in your country pay respect to the dead?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: If you were given the chance to talk to someone dead, who would it be and
what would you tell him/her?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear not beginning to
live” What does this maxim mean?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: Do you believe in the afterlife? Why? Why not?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: How do you comfort someone who has just lost someone because of death?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 29
Cultural Beauty Standard
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
admiration for feeling of
anger at limit on
answer for payment for
behavior toward profit in
competition among purpose of
control over survey on
exception to witness to
explanation for

Question 1: What’s the beauty standard in your culture? What’s your idea of beauty?
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: Do you think different races have different perceptions of what beauty is?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: What are some disadvantages that the beautiful people of the world encounter
on a regular basis? Why do you think so?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: Do you think the concept of beauty is the same in all societies? If not, how
might other societies differ?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: Have you ever heard the maxim, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" What
might it mean? Do you agree or disagree?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 30
Fading Customs and Tradition
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that

act of connection b/n invitation to

addiction to contrast with limit on
admiration for contribution to love of
advantage over control over mistake of
agreement on cost of opinion about
aim of decision about opinion on
anger at dedication to payment for
answer for demand for preference for
arrival at devotion to profit in
arrival of disadvantage of purpose of
association with discussion on regret about
attempt on example of reputation for
authority on exception to right to
behavior toward experience in story about
belief in explanation for substitute for
benefit of faith in suggestion for
candidate for fear of survey on
characteristic of feeling of trip to
comparison b/n harm to way of
competition among information about witness to
Question 1: Why are traditions important? Do you think it’s important to keep traditions?
Do you think young people keep traditions in your country?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 2: What has surprised you when you've met people from other countries?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 3: What is culture shock? Have you ever experienced culture shock?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 4: Are there many people of different cultures in your country? Are you friends
with any? Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from another culture?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 31
Capital Punishment
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
basis of meaning behind
combination of objection to
decision about/on problem with
effort at reputation for
fact about escape from
failure in thought of
idea behind truth about

Question 1: What is the most extreme punishment for a criminal in your country?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: Under what circumstances would you think of committing a crime?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: Why are there more crimes in some countries?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: 1. Is it OK to have the death penalty if 0.0001% of those sentenced to death are
totally innocent?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: What are the things that are legal that you personally think should be illegal?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 32
Modernity: Increase in Violence
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
application for marriage between
article on opportunity for
comparison between priority over
severity of nature of
difficulty with respect of
ramification of response to
importance of skill in
interaction of

Question 1: How much of a problem do you think cyber bullying is?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: Whose responsibility is it to stop cyber bullying?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: Personally, what are some ways to stop cyber bullying?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: What are the possible effects of cyber bullying to the victims?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: Did you or do you know someone who experienced cyber bullying? What did
you/ did that person do?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 33
Home of Violence
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
threat of impression of
mass of growth of
method for inquiry into
stage of pleasure in
period of process of
difference in protection against
field of opinion of
fondness for

Question 1: Is domestic violence a big problem in your country?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: Are there any punishments for people who abuse members of their family in
your country?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: What are some government agencies that help people who experience domestic

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: What are the possible long-term effects of child abuse?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: Do you think alcohol intoxication and drug intake have a large role in the
increase of domestic violence?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 34
Human Species on the Rise
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
advertisement for impression on
implication of in agreement with
awareness of increase of
standard of investigation into
brink of category of
form of memory of
source of suspicion of

Question 1: What problems does overpopulation bring about?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: How does overpopulation differ between developing and developed countries?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: What are the positive effects of overpopulation? Are there any?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: What proposal would you suggest to reduce overpopulation?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: Who does overpopulation affect the most?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 35
The Housing Project
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that

basis of idea for investigation into

combination of importance of link between
decision about/on interaction between memory of
effort at marriage between suspicion of
fact about opportunity for address of
failure in priority over advantage of
idea behind regret about anxiety about
marriage to respect of attempts at
meaning behind response to change to
member of skill in difference in
problem with advertisement for experience with
role in age at fondness for
success in awareness of growth in
thought of change in impression of
truth about course in inquiry into
application for cruelty towards pleasure in
article on difference between process of
comparison between growth of protection against
competition among in agreement with opinion of
difficulty with increase of
Question 1: Are homeless people a problem in your country?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 2: Do you usually give money to those who beg? If not, why?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 3: Do you think there is a syndicate making homeless people beg? Why?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 4: What are some ways your government is making to address homelessness?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 5: What are some ways we can do to help homeless people that last long?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 36
Environment: On the verge of destruction
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
answer to meaning of
check for photograph of
competition for pity for
connection with problem of
demand for remedy for
expert at response to
fall in thought for
idea for

Question 1: What can you say about the situation of the earth today?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: What is the biggest environmental problem your country is facing now? As a
citizen of your country, what can you do to contribute in solving this problem?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: “Global warming is not a single issue but a number of problems” what does
this phrase mean?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4: The development of technology is one cause of the temperature increase on
Earth. How can we utilize technology to help us decrease global warming?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5: What do you think would be the situation of the Earth 30 years from now?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
acquaintance with hope for
affection for leisure for
complaint against limit to
confidence in longing for
disgrace to match for
duty to sympathy with
excuse for traitor to
freedom from

Question 1: Do you think it is moral if a woman decided to terminate her pregnancy

resulting from rape?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: With the increase of human population, is it fine to legalize abortion?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3:

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4:

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5:

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 38
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
apology for influence with
assurance of leniency to
blame for neglect of
capacity for obedience to
charge of peace with
claim on prejudice against
grief at pride in
hatred for

Question 1: In spite of having laws against discrimination, do you think we are achieving

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: Mention some ways we can eradicate discrimination in our society.

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: With the increase of population and the declaration of LGBT rights in some
countries, do you think it is just to legalize child adoption of same-sex couples?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4:

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5:

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that
affection for search for
approval for slave to/ of
evidence of subscription to
hid for supply of
method of sympathy for
objection to taste for
possibility of thirst for
request for

Question 1: What are your views and opinions on the legalization of drugs in some

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 2: On what grounds should governments legalize prohibited drugs?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3:

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Question 4:

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5:

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:
Day 40
Life: Take it or Live it
Directions: Use the following noun + preposition combination in answering the questions that

answer to acquaintance with apology for

check for affection for assurance of
competition for complaint against blame for
connection with confidence in capacity for
demand for disgrace to charge of
expert at duty to claim on
fall in excuse for grief at
idea for freedom from hatred for
meaning of hope for influence with
photograph of leisure for leniency to
pity for limit to neglect of
problem of longing for obedience to
remedy for match for peace with
response to sympathy with prejudice against
thought for traitor to pride in
affection for objection to subscription to
approval for possibility of supply of
evidence of request for sympathy for
hid for search for taste for
method of slave to/ of thirst for
Question 1: Why do people commit suicide?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 2: How do you think the death of a suicide affect the people around him/her?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 3: What do you think is the main reason of the increase in global suicide rate?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 4: Would a suicide alleviate a situation or would it worsen it?

Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

Question 5:
Student’s Notes:

Teacher’s Correction:

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