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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Pampanga
Bulac, Minalin, Pampanga

There are many different educational philosophies that have developed over the years. Some of these
philosophies are teacher-centered and some are student-centered, but they all have the same goal, and the goal
is to provide students with the best education possible.
 Constructivism is a student centered philosophy that emphasizes hands on learning and students
actively participating in lessons. Constructivists believe that students should be able to discover
lessons on their own through hands on activity because it is the most effect way of learning and is
considered true learning.

 Progressivism is a student centered philosophy that believes that ideas should be tested by
experimentation, and learning comes from finding answers from questions. This philosophy values
the scientific method of teaching, allows individuals to have their own beliefs, and promotes the
interaction of students as valuable to the learning process.

The lesson plan that I designed was under constructivism wherein mostly the learners construct
knowledge rather than just passively take-in information. It was also under progressivism because I let
my students to answer based on their own beliefs/ideas that promotes interaction between their co-
learners. As people experience the world and reflect upon those experiences, they build their own
representations and incorporate new information into their pre-existing knowledge (schemas).

The first activity is a jingle that is related to their Music subject. They will be going to sing it in their own.

With the discussion proper I will not just simply give them the title of our lesson but rather I will let them
to discover it. They are able to give it by reflecting on the previous activity that we have and by answering the
guide questions provided. As the discussion progresses I will let my student to share their prior knowledge
about our lesson and we will use that knowledge in order for our discussion will be delivered easier and

In the 21st century education, the teacher is not anymore the center star on the stage it should be the
students/learners. With this, the whole duration of the lesson is focus mostly on the students under
constructivism teaching philosophy. They are free to share their ideas and insights about the lesson and the
teacher will just serve as a facilitator that will help the students to be guided accordingly.

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