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(Each question carries ½ a mark. Total marks50)

Student’s Name: Angel Bhola

Batch Code: I7 Centre: Ludhiana

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/
1. Write your responses in the space provided in/below the questions
2. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment

TIMELINE: You can take upto 2 hours to submit the Assignments

A Fill in the blanks

1. The primary signage is the silent salesperson of the restaurant.

2. The table d’ hote menu is fixed and offers a limited number of choices
and limited portions.
3. room Service _ is an outlet that serves food to a guest in his room.
4. American Service is offered in a Coffee Shop.
5. caviar is the roe of the sturgeon fish.
6. bisque is a soup made from shellfish puree with cream as a thickening
7. Sorbets are flavoured with champagne or liqueur .
8. English breakfast _is considered to be the heaviest breakfast.
9. After lunch and dinner coffee is served in a demi tasse .
10. In Spit Roasting, the marinated food to be cooked is put onto a rotisserie .
11. stewing is a combination of boiling and steaming.
12. The traditional food of Japan is based on rice with miso soup.
13. sesame oil is common in the south India since it imparts a
fragrant nutty aroma.
14. bread Beer is commercially made from yeast extract.
15. A garnish enhances the appearance and the presentation of the
16. Gazpacho is a cold soup from Spain.

B Tick the correct option

1. This is an outlet which specializes in grilled and roasted meat, poultry

and fish dishes.
Rotisserie Cafeteria

Write the correct choice: Rotisserie

2. In this menu, items are individually priced and cooked to order.
Plat du jour A la carte

Write the correct choice: A la carte

3. A slice of fish without the bone or skin is called a .

Steak Fillet
Write the correct choice: Fillet

4. is the first meat course in the classical French menu.

Entree Releve

Write the correct choice: Entree

5. This is the lightest breakfast.

American Breakfast Continental Breakfast

Write the correct choice: Continental Breakfast

6. A function booking is taken on a .

Banquet Order Proforma Banquet Order Ticket

Write the correct choice: Banquet order proforma

7. A service tray is called a .

Platter Salver
Write the correct choice: Salver
8. Another name for a milk jug.
Pitcher Creamer

Write the correct choice: Pitcher

9.It is a Moist Heat cooking method.

Baking Steaming

Write the correct choice: Steaming

10. This cuisine is known for the use many diverse seafood and woodland

Fujian cuisine Cantonese cuisine

Write the correct choice: Fujian cuisine

11. One popular Indian spice mix

Garam masala Haradhania

Write the correct choice: Garam masala

12. A basic sauce is also called a _.

mother sauce hollandaise sauce

Write the correct choice: Mother sauce

13. Another name for White Sauce

Béchamel sauce Espagnole sauce

Write the correct choice: Béchamel sauce

14. A garlic flavoured mayonnaise sauce.

Tartare Sauce Aioli Sauce

Write the correct choice: Aioli sauce

15. Dressing used for Russian Salad
Vinaigrette Dressing Mayonnaise Dressing
Write the correct choice: Mayonnaise dressing

16. It is an Indian version of a sandwich.

Vada Pav Burger

Write the correct choice: Vada pav

17. A variety of bread served for breakfast.

Croissant Black forest Pastry

Write the correct choice: Croissant

18. An alcohol flavored with juniper berry

Vodka Gin

Write the correct choice: Gin

19. The food production on a cruise liner is .

Centralized De-centralized.

Write the correct choice: Centralized

20. In a flight kitchen cooked food is frozen in a _.

Freezer Blast Chiller

Write the correct choice: Blast chiller

21. Brandy is served in a .

Roly Poly glass Brandy Snifter

Write the correct choice: Brandy snifter

22. This outlet serves food and beverage to a guest in his room.
In-room Dining All Day Dining

Write the correct choice: In-room dining

23. This type of wine is drunk chilled.

White wine Red wine

Write the correct choice: White wine

24. This beverage is mostly drunk as Shots.

Brandy Tequila

Write the correct choice: Tequila

25. This is a wine made from rice.

Sake Champagne

Write the correct choice: Sake

C True/ False

1. Service offered in a restaurant is American Service. True/ False

Ans. false

2. A Bar specializes in distilled beverages. True/ False

Ans. true

3. Menus should be planned based on the culinary skills of the chefs in the
kitchen. True/ False
Ans. true

4. Entrée is the first main course and consists of large joints of meat and
poultry. True/ False
Ans. false

5. Black coffee is usually served at the end of a meal. True/ False

Ans. true

6. After a meal, place the bill in a folder, at the right of the cover. True/ False
Ans. true

7. The dessert buffet is set up independent of the food buffet. True/ False
Ans. true

8. In a restaurant there is Silver Service. True/ False

Ans. true

9. For banquets square tables offer the largest seating capacity on a per table
basis. True/ False
Ans. false

10 . Foods, like beans, actually become more nutritious after cooking. True/ False
Ans. true

11 . Moist Heat cooking methods include baking and grilling. True/ False
Ans. false

12 .Traditionally, grilling involves cooking marinated food by subjecting it

to slow heat over a coal fire. True/ False
Ans. true

13 . Liquid like water, milk, coconut milk or stock is used as a medium to cook the
food. True/ False
Ans. true

14 . Stir Frying is done in a shallow pan. True/ False

Ans. false

15 .Fresh live seafood is a main ingredient in Cantonese cuisine. True/ False

Ans. true
16. Japan has an indigenous form of sweets called wagashi. True/ False
Ans. true

17 . Hindus consume beef, Muslims eat pork. True/ False

Ans. false

18 . Rice is the main component in Thai food. True/ False

Ans. true

19 . Sauces enhance the flavour and taste of food. True/ False

Ans. true

20 .For a salad always use the freshest ingredients available. True/ False
Ans. true

21 . Always shred lettuce with your fingers. True/ False

Ans. true

22 . An Open Sandwich uses two slices of bread. True/ False

Ans. false

23 . Tonic water is an accompanying beverage for gin. True/False

Ans. true

24 . On a cruise liner, all food and beverage service is included in the fare.
Ans. false

25. In a flight kitchen food production is de-centralized. True/False.

Ans. true
D Answer in one sentence

1. What is an Outlet?
Ans. Any location where food and beverage is sold is termed as outlet.

2. Which outlets in a hotel operate 24hours a day?

Ans. ‘All-day dining’

3. What types of service are provided by the Snack Bar?

Ans. ‘silver service’ is provided for meal items and ‘pre-plated service’
is provided for snacks and fast foods.

4. Define ‘Menu’?
Ans. A menu is a list of food and beverage items that are offered to a
guest in a restaurant.

5. What is a Cyclic Menu?

Ans. A cyclic menu is a series of menus planned for a particular period of
time. The menu varies for each day of the cycle. At the end of the cycle, the
menus are repeated.

6. What are the accompaniments served with cheese?

Ans. cream cracker biscuits , olives, celery sticks , carrot sticks etc are

7. What is Café Complet?

Ans. It includes a full continental breakfast with only coffee as a finishing

8. What is a cruet set?

Ans. Salt and pepper kept on the table

9. Name the equipment which is used to keep food warm on a buffet table?
Ans. chafing

10. Why is food cooked?

Ans. Because it kills harmful bacteria present in raw foods like meat, fish
etc when it is cooked in high temperature and makes the food safe for human

11. What is frying?

Ans. A method of cooking using heated oil as a cooking medium.

12. What is stock?

Ans. It is a favourable and nutritious liquid which is made by putting solid
foods like vegetable trimmings, meat/chicken/fish bones.

13. What is a sauce?

Ans. It is a liquid food that is served as a accompaniment with other food in
order to enhance the flavour and taste of the dish, to add color to the dish , aid
digestibility of food , to moisten the food and to balance the taste of the dish.

14. Name two cold sauces?

Ans. mayonnaise , aioli

15. What is a Simple Salad?

Ans. sinple salad consists of one ingredients and a salad dressing.

16. What does a Russian Salad consist of?

Ans. potatoes, carrots , french beans , olives , green peas with mayonnaise

17. Define a sandwich?

Ans. A sandwich consists of a filling in between layers of bread. It can be
termed as snack or fast food.

18. In a sandwich, what is the main purpose of a spread?

Ans. To hold the filling and the bread together.

19. List the accompanying beverages for whisky?

Ans. Any cola, ginger ale, lemonade or soda.

20. Name two beverages which are drunk as Shots?

Ans. tequila , vodka

21. Define Vegan meal?

Ans. It is a vegetarian meal that does not contain any product or by-
products of animal origin such as eggs, dairy products and honey.

22. Name any three red wines?

Ans. burgundy , merlot

23. Name any two fortified wines?

Ans. sherry , marsala

24. List the accompaniment served with tequila?

Ans. chilled tomato juice or orange juice

25. What types of meal services are done on a cruise liner?

Ans. passenger can eat in the main dining room and in the buffet

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