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Soil Test Data Acquisition and Analysis Software

Operating Instructions

Issue 3

WHAT IS DS7? .............................................................................................................................. 2

INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................................. 3
Minimum PC Specification ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Loading the Software (Upgrading to a Newer Version) ......................................................................................... 3
Loading the Software (New Installations) .............................................................................................................. 4
Checking Logger Communications ......................................................................................................................... 5
Registration ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
RUNNING THE SYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 6
The Help System ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Defining Your Machines ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Performing Tests..................................................................................................................................................... 8
TRANSDUCER CALIBRATION ....................................................................................................... 11
INDUSTRY STANDARD SOIL TEST METHODS AVAILABLE UNDER DS7 ....................................... 11

What is DS7?
A complete DS7 system is a comprehensive soil testing package, consisting of all the hardware and
software required to perform a suite of mechanical soil tests to British and American industry standards.

The DS7 software is designed to operate on a standard PC (see minimum PC specification) with ELE’s
ADU data logger and wide range of soil test laboratory hardware. The main functions of the DS7
software are as follows:
• Input of sample information, manually or by electronic means (AGS).
• Step-by-step instructions for starting tests and test stages with built-in functions to aid set-up
calculations, where appropriate. All procedures follow the selected international standards.
• Acquisition and real-time display of transducer data from soil test machines, several of which may be
running simultaneously.
• Analysis of test data to produce the results required by the standards, plus other useful data.
• Generation of reports as required by the standards, but in a format which is modifiable by the test
house using a standard word processing package such as Microsoft Word™.
• Generation of internationally accepted AGS format reports for fast electronic transfer of results to the
test house’s customers and for integrating DS7 reports into test house’s laboratory management
• Calibration of transducers.

Those users familiar with DS7’s predecessor, DS6, will find that it has all of the facilities of DS6 plus:
• Up-to-date Windows User Interface. Runs under Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP and NT.
• Conformance to BS, ASTM and AASHTO standards (user selectable).
• Easier monitoring of tests, with all relevant information on a well-laid out screen.
• Built-in calculators where useful (eg for determining rates of strain, weights for consolidation etc)
• Intelligent analysis and automatic report generation using Microsoft Word™.
• 5-slope transducer calibration facility for higher accuracy (or simple entry of single slope from
certificate if preferred).
• Three international engineering units systems

DS7 Software was created using tools protected by the following copyright: Copyright (c)[2001] National Instruments
Corporation. All Rights Reserved


Minimum PC Specification
Your computer should be an IBM-compatible PC, have a minimum of 50 Mbyte free hard disk space and
32 Mbyte RAM installed, 64 Mbyte RAM or more is strongly recommended. The type of processor is less
important but a 200 MHz or faster is recommended. The screen resolution should be set to 800 x 600 or
A CD-ROM drive is recommended for installation of the software, although it is possible to install via a
floppy disk drive.
DS7 software will run under Windows 95™, Windows 98™, Windows ME™, Windows NT™, Windows
2000™ or Windows XP™.
To take full advantage of the advanced reporting facilities, Microsoft Word™ (Version 97 or later) should
be resident on the system. This allows reports to be generated automatically. Without Microsoft Word,
the analysed data may be loaded into a spreadsheet and reports generated manually, or the data may be
exported via the AGS protocol.

Important: Decimal Symbol

In some countries a comma (,) is typically used as a decimal symbol (eg. 11,334). DS7 cannot use a
comma as the decimal symbol as many of its data files use commas as separators between numbers
(commonly called CSV format). Thus the PC must be set to use a full stop (.) as the decimal symbol (eg.

The decimal symbol may be changed in the PC's Regional Settings / Number window. For example in
Windows 98, the menu selections are: Start/Settings/Control Panel/Regional Settings/Number/Decimal
Symbol. Type '.' (without the quote marks) into the box. Other variants of Windows are similar.

If the decimal symbol is already set to a full stop, or the change to a full stop is made before the installation
of DS7, you can proceed with the installation and start using DS7. However, if DS7 is already installed,
and the decimal symbol needs to be changed, it will be necessary to change the symbol and then re-install
DS7 before the change will take effect.

Loading the Software (Upgrading to a Newer Version)

If you are upgrading your DS7 program (from a previous version of DS7), it is strongly
recommended that you install the new version over the top of the older one (i.e. in the same place on
your computer). In this way, all of your settings will be retained. These settings include transducer
calibration data, machine definitions, your security codes, test data, information on tests currently running,
engineering units etc. If you Un-install DS7 all of your settings will be lost.
When installing a new version of DS7 (upgrading), you will be asked whether you wish to over-write your
report templates with new versions. The recommended action is to answer ‘Yes’ to each question – there
is one question for each template. However, if you have added your own logo to the report templates, you
may choose not to over-write them. In this case you must check that your templates work correctly with
the new DS7 program. If they do not work correctly, you should make a back-up copy of your templates
and re-install DS7 answering ‘Yes’ to the over-write question. Once installed, you may then modify the
new templates to insert your own logo again. Instructions on inserting your logo are contained in the DS7
Help facility (run the program and press F1).
When upgrading from DS6 to DS7, proceed as for new installations.
If you are adding new tests to DS7, by means of a new Activation Code obtained from ELE, you do
not need to re-install your software, just type in the Activation Code on the Help-About screen to enable
the new test(s).

Apart from the above points, the re-installation procedure is the same as for new installations.

Loading the Software (New Installations)

Insert the CD-ROM into your CD drive and run the Setup.exe file. Follow the instructions on the screen.
You may be asked to install a ‘Run-time Engine’, but it will normally install automatically. If you are
asked, double-click the folder ‘runtime’ on the CD-ROM and the installation will continue. The Run-time
Engine comprises files used by DS7 and normally needs to be installed only once, making future upgrades
of DS7 simpler and faster.
Once installed, connect up the data logger communications cable and switch on. Run the DS7 program by
double clicking the icon.

Checking Logger Communications
On start-up, the program will check the communications with the data logger. If no warnings appear,
proceed with the registration of the software.
If communication is not established, a warning will be shown and a button labelled Logger Comm Test will
appear on the screen. Cancel the ‘About’ screen, if displayed, and from the menu bar at the top of the
screen, select Configure then System Settings. Check that the Logger Comm Port is set to the serial port
used for the connection to the logger i.e. if your cable is plugged into Com 1, check that Logger Com Port
is set to COM 1. Press OK to return to the main screen, check that the logger is switched on and connected
and then press Logger Comm Test to re-test the communications with the data logger. If this should fail,
contact your supplier of DS7.

Run the program and the registration screen (‘About’ screen) will be displayed (if it is not displayed, select
the ‘Registration’ button on the screen or select Help-About from the options at the top of the screen to
display the registration details). Enter your company name in the box provided and press Enter (Return) on
the keyboard. Make a note of the exact company name you typed in and the Key Code displayed on the
screen. Keep these notes safe for use in future when upgrading your software.
In order to unlock the program, contact ELE and quote your company name and Key Code. You will then
be given an Activation Code to type into the box on the registration screen. This activation code will allow
the use of all the tests which you have purchased from ELE. Please note that each data logger will
require a different activation code.
Once your activation code has been obtained and inserted into the registration screen, do not change the
code. If you do, the activation code will no longer be valid and your system will not work.

Running the System
Once the software has been registered and the laboratory hardware has been set up, you are ready to
configure the software and perform tests.

The Help System

When running DS7, please press the F1 key on your keyboard at any time to view the built-in Help
information. The Help system contains much more detailed information than is presented in this guide
and the user is strongly advised to refer to it.
The steps necessary to set up and run the software are as follows:

Defining Your Machines

First, you need to tell DS7 about your particular soil test equipment. These steps need only be performed
when initially setting up the system or changing your laboratory equipment:
• Select user interface language and engineering units you would like to use
• Input the transducer information
• Assign transducer channels to test machines and select which test standards each machine will use in
performing tests

The flow chart below shows a simple representation of the steps required to set up the system (it is not
intended to be a comprehensive description of all the available functions). The boxes down the left hand
side show the main steps to follow; in the centre are options which are shown on the screen and on the
right hand side are explanations of those options:

Remember to press F1 for Help!

DS7 - Definition of Test Machines

Main Operations Options Description

Press F1 to obtain detailed Help!

Select which language you would like DS7 to use. If your

prefered language is not shown, contact ELE for advice.

Units Select your prefered system of units for measurements and

Check the System Settings under calculations. If you are unsure, use the SI system.
the Configure menu and change if
required. Logger Com Ports This is the serial (RS232) connector on the back of your
Write Com Port Log PC which you use to communicate with the logger

Count Down This is a diagnostic tool for recording serial communications

for data. Leave the Com Port Log off for normal use.
Test Start and
Logger Beeps This sets the number of seconds' count down at the start of
Date tests. The program will display a large count down so that the
Format start of tests can be synchronised with manual switching of test
equipment. Select 'Beeps' on to get an audible signal from the
Select Transducers under the logger.
Configure menu to enter the details
Select English or American date formats
of your transducers into DS7.The 1) Select
information is entered or edited in Logger Channel
the large black Edit box at the top of
the screen. Follow the steps 2) Transducer # Enter the physical logger channel number, transducer serial
marked 1) to 4) on the screen and & Type number and select the transducer type from the pull-doen
press Apply to enter your changes menu.
3) Enter Cal Data
into the transducer table in the OR Calibrate
lower part of the screen. Press OK Normally, the calibration factor is read from the transducer
to save your changes. calibration certificate and entered directly (Enter Cal Data).
There is also a mult-slope calibration facility built into DS7 if
4) Polarity requited (Calibrate Transducer).
Change the polarity to make your transducer read in the disired
direction. Some tests (eg 1-D consolidation) use the
transducer in reverse - set the polarity to suit.

Select the logger channel number and then click 'Display

You can now select Monitor Transducer' to see the live reading. The transducer channel
may be re-initialised by pressing the 'Reset' button (Dot not
Transducers to check that all is Transducer
reset a channel which is currently being used in a test or you
well or Display Range
will corrupt you data).
Select a range of transducers to display more than one.

Enter the name which you would like DS7 to use when referring
to your test machine (for example "Consol 1"). Note: different
tests which are performed on the same physical machine
should be individually defined within DS7 as separate
Then press 'Select Test Type' .
This option to tells the program what sort of tests the machine
Define your machine set-up by
will carry out and which standard will be used. After setting
selecting Machines under the Select Test
these, select the logger channels to which the appropriate
Configure menu. Type
transducers have been allocated and press 'Apply' to check that
Default the correct transducer has been recalled. When the machine
Machine set-up is complete, press 'OK' and save the information.
Delete This sets some default parameters for the machine. They can
Machine usually be changed during the tests if required, but it is
Set-up recommended that you set them here.

Ready For Tests This option must be used with caution. It is used to de-allocate
all transducers associated with the machine. The transducer
information will be left unchanged, but they will no longer be
allocated to the selected machine.
Performing Tests
These steps are performed for each new test:
• Input the sample / specimen and job information
• Input initial conditions
• Run the tests
• Analyse the results
• Produce reports. (Note that MS Word should be installed on the PC in order to produce reports).

The flow chart below shows a simple representation of the steps required to perform tests (it is not
intended a comprehensive description of all the available functions). The boxes down the left hand side
show the main steps to follow, in the centre are options which are shown on the screen and on the right
hand side are explanations of those options:

Remember to press F1 for Help!

DS7 - Running Tests

Main Operations Options Description

A list of all configured machines is shown. Machines which are already

being used for another test are greyed out and shown as not available.
Use the mouse to press the New New Test Highlight the machine to be used for the new test using the mouse and
Selection then press the button marked Select a Machine for the Test
Test button on the opening screen
(front panel) Return to Main
Return to the front panel screen without selecting a machine for a new

This option saves typing: If details of a similar specimen have already

been entered for another test, use this option to recall those details and
then edit them to suit the new specimen.
Load Existing
Complete the Sample Identification Saves the information on the form and allows the test to start.
Ok (Note: the details on the form can be amended at any time during the

Return to the front panel and do not set up a new test.

Monitor the selected test. The Monitor screen is where all tests are

Current Tests Selection Ok

This page shows a list of all tests
currently running, including the new one Edit Raw Manually modify data that has been retrieved from the logger. Use this
being set-up. Select the new test and Data option to correct erroneous data or to delete a test stage or an entire test.
press Ok. Use these facilities with caution!

Return to the fron panel without monitoring a test.

Although test stages may be repeated and executed in any order, it is

recommended that the 'Test Initialisation' is executed first. This sets up
the initial parameters for the test. (Any parameters not known at the test
start may be entered later). The test standards define the order of the
remaining test stages.
Test Monitoring Start / End Test
This screen provides control and Stage
monitoring of each test as it progresses. Return to the front panel
Return to this screen at any time by OK
selecting Monitor Tests from the front Full
panel. Screen Show the Real-Time Graphs on a larger scale for inspection or printing.
Current Test Data points may be observed to determine exact values.

This displays the Sample Identification Form. Parameters may be added

or edited. It is not recommended to edit items marked with an asterisk in
this screen because some file names depend on these parameters.
Continued on next page
DS7 - Running Tests (continued)

From previous page

This button re-displays the files found in the working directory. It is use
to update the screen after files have been renamed or moved or create
Refresh Files Normally screen refreshes happen automatically.

This button allows the selection of the folder which contains the data
files to be analysed or reportedt. By default all data files are stored in
Analysis & Reports logical folder structure under the top level folder 'Raw Completed Test
Browse Directories
Select this button on the front panel to go Press Select Cur Dir to select the desired folder
to the analysis and reporting area.
After the physical test has finished, the Analysis of raw data is required after each test in order to produce the
results have to be analysed in order to required data for the report. Data files ready for analysis are shown in
Analyse Test the Raw Tests Analysis box..
produce the results required by the
Specimen Details Press this button to view or edit the sample, specimen or test details o
The analysis and reporting stages are
the currently selected data file.
quite separate from the physical testing
and may even be performed on a
separate computer, if required. The Generate Report This option automatically reads analysed data files and produces a
analysis and reporting may be re-run at report to the selected test standard in MS Word format. When the repo
any time as long as the raw data is still is finished, the Test Analysis screen is displayed but the report
present. document will still be open in Word.
The reporting function is automatic and
requires Microsoft Word(TM) to be Specimen Grouping
Use this option to select a group of analysed data files from several tes
installed on the computer. Do not attempt when producing a summary report such as Mohr Circles after a set o
to operate Word whilst the report triaxial tests.
generation is executing. Open Report

Load MS Word and open the selected report.

AGS Export This option allows all relevant files of a particular job to be exported i
AGS format. This option is useful for transferring test results
electronically in an industry-standard format.

Return to the front panel.

Tests, Analysis and Reports

Remember to press F1 for more
detailed Help from within the DS7

Transducer Calibration
DS7 can be used to perform a 5 slope calibration on transducers, if required. This facility is recommended
for experienced technicians only. There is also a facility to input single slope calibration constants which
are printed on the transducer calibration certificate. For most users, this will be the preferred method.
Select Transducers from the Configure menu to access the calibration screens. Please refer to the Help
information within the DS7 program (press F1) for more detailed information.

Industry Standard Soil Test Methods Available under DS7

The following test methods are available, grouped into product packages as shown. For example, order
package ‘E’ for both CU and CD Effective Stress tests.

Product Description Reference

B Permeability in a triaxial cell. 1377: Part 6, cl 6 N/A
C Shear strength by direct shear (small shearbox). 1377: Part 7, cl 4 D3080-98
D Undrained shear strength in triaxial compression 1377: Part 7, cl 8 D2850-95
(Quick (QUTXL). T296-94
Undrained) Undrained shear strength in triaxial compression 1377: Part 7, cl 9 N/A
(QUTXL) Multi-Stage.
CU triaxial compression test with measurement of 1377: Part 8, cl 5, 6 D4767-95
E pore pressure including saturation and &7 T297-94
(Effective consolidation.
Stress) CD triaxial compression test with measurement of 1377: Part 8, cl 5, 6 N/A
volume change including saturation and &8
F California Bearing Ratio (CBR) 1377: Part 4, cl 7 D1883-99
G One-dimensional consolidation properties 1377: Part 5, cl 3 D2435-96
(Oedometer) T216-94

DS7 Transducer Multislope Entry Instruction Procedure

Using “Windows Exporer” locate the “Channel Configuration.INI” file which will normally reside in the
folder called “Program files ” then in the folder called “DS7” as shown below in Fig 1. Double click on
the file “Channel Configuration.ini then follow the instructions in Fig. 2.
Once the correct five numbers have been overwritten with the correct slopes for each channel number
required then select “File” at the top of the screen and select “Save”. Restart DS7 and the five slopes
entered should be seen in the various channel slope boxes in the calibration section of DS7.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2


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