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7 8 Distance Formul = Iey—aF On veP Section Formula: x= M2 y= MAM Centroid, Incentre & Excentre: Contin (51274, 444410) ax, tbe bys Excentre 1 {Sceptre ) Area of a Triang} 4p 4 AABC % 2 1 % ve 1 Slope Formula: © Line Joining two points (x, y,) & (% ¥.).m = Condition of collinearity of three points: Angle between two straight lines : tan ble 1. paral S =p * 2. Distance between two parallel lines 3 Perpendicular: If aa’ + bb’= 0. 10. 1. 12. Apoint and li lax, + by, +¢| 1. Distance between point and line 2. Reflection of a point about a line: 3. Foot of the perpendicular from a point on the line is ~~ Bisectors of the angles between two lines: %!PY\ - 4 +BY +e etd ate? b | Condition of Concurrency :of three straight lines axt by + bse) £0. b, 6 A Pair of straight 1es through origin: ax’+ 2hxy+ by?=0 lah? ab] I is the acute angle between the pair of straight lines, then tan 8 = |~arp CIRCLE Intercepts made by Circle x'+ y'+ 2gx + 2ty + ¢= 0 0n the Axes: (2) 2\6*-€ onx-axis (0) 2¥P€ ony-aixs Parametric Equations of aCircle: x =h+rcos@; Tangent : ke rsin@ (a) Slope form : y= mx+ a Viem® (b) Point form : xx, + yy, = a ort {c) Parametric form : xcosu + y sina =a. Pair of Tangents from a Point: $s, = 7" Length of a Tangent : Length of tangent is /S; Director Circle: + y° Chord of Contact: T= 0 a? for x + 2LR 41. Length of chord of contact === Ree RE 2, Area of the triangle formed by the pair of the tangents & its chord of contact = pz, [= 1 3. Tangent of the angle between the pair of tangents from (x, y,) 4, Equation of the circle circumseribing the triangle PT,T, Condition of orthogonality of Two Circle: (x) FO) FY -Y YD =0. 0,9,+2f,f,=6,4¢, Family of Circles: 5, +KS,=0,S+KL=0. PARABOLA Equation of standard parabola : y= 4ax, Vertex is (0, 0), focus is (a, 0), Directrix is x + @= 0 and Axis is Length of the latus rectum = 4a, ends of the latus rectum are L(a, 2a) & L' (a, ~2a) Parametric Representation: x= af? & y= 2at Tangents to the Parabola y? = 4ax: 4.lope form y= mx-+ 2. (m0) 2. Parametric form ty =x + at mm 3. Point form T= 0 Normals to the parabola y* = 4ax : Yo y,=—ZL =X) a, ¥) y= MA Zam — am a am: — Zam); y + tx = 2at + a at (ate, 2a) fa ELLIPSE 2 Standard Equation : 7> where a> b & b?= a? (1 ~e9. Eccentricity: @= 11-2. (0 ‘or imaginary according as cis <= or > a?m? +b Tangents: Slope form: y= mx Ja%mes b? , Point form e030 , ysino > Parametric form: 8 6 ae Bt 2 Normate: 224-2 «49, x see0-—byco0eed= (0), y = mx fate Oh aint Director Circle: + y=? +” HYPERBOLA ‘Standard Equation: standard equat Focii: S =(+ ae, 0) Directrices : x= + Ver =(¢a,0) Latus Rectum (1):6= 2 = 28(@—1 Conjugate Hyperbol: 1 are conjugate hyperbolas of each. Auxiliary Circle : x+y Parametric Representation : x= a sec0& Position of A Point 'P’ w.r.t. A Hyperbola : tan@ (oF < 0 according as the point (x, y, lies inside, on or outside the curve. Tangents : (Slope Form : y= m x+y; (i) Point Form: atthe point x, y)is St 22—1 eb sec _y tnd _ . (ii) Parametric Form : Normals : (0) aie prin Px, 192 (b) at the point P a seco, btan ois 2 + # lie 5 a and 2 +b) (©) Ematonotromasintoms ofits spew re y= mcs ft Ye? 0 and = 0. Pair of asymptotes : Asymptotes : * a Rectangular Or Equilateral Hyperbola : xy = eccentricity is y/2 Vertices : (t © +c) ; Foci (+ y2cc: /2c). Directrices : x + y= +2 ¢ Latus Rectum (1) Parametric equation cy =clt, te R~(0) Equation ofthe tangent o Pox, y9 i + ¥ =2RatPQDIs “ty=20 Equation of the normal at P()isxt"—yt= o(=1), Chord witha given mide point a (hk) s kx + hy = 2hk LIMIT OF FUNCTION Limit of a function f(x) is said to exist as x — a when, Lint f(a—ny = Limit ¢ (a+) = some finite value M (Left hand limit) (Right hand limit) Indeterminant Forms: 0 = 0X 00, 22 — 0, 28, 08, and 1”. Standard is: Lit Sint tH Limit tanh ray Limit (1 + ym Lint (15 nar nn (+ gms SO (* x Limits Using Expansion ~ ¥ xe 0 a0) eat XE w fortexst (yy sinxex 4 c 0 tans xe age en oie g BM ys PIS or wid, (vil) sin’x = x45 ee -) (n—1(n-2) Wo trmietnerdente rene MD 5 MBO oy 1. 3. Limits of form 1°, 0°, 0° Also for (1)° type of problems we can use following rules. ayron-n00) fim (4 + x)%"=e, HIM [GQ , where f(x) +4: 9G) asx—a Sandwich Theorem or Squeeze Play Theorem: IF f00 S90) Sho Vx & Limit fog = ¢ =Uimit nox then Limit go METHOD OF DIFFERENTIATION Differentiation of some elementary functions 9 oyny = nxt 9 tan = a a, = Ae = ox 2g @saima RE UMD=T 4 ge (OON= ing a d a 5. Ge (Sin x)= cos x 6. 4 (COs x) =~sin x 7. J (Sec x) = secx tan x ‘ d d 8. 55 (Cose0 x) = — cose x cot x “ge (AN) = Se? 10. J (cot x) = ~ cosect x Basic Theorems 4 roo sgl J eect & = 100 9'60 + 4. Gy F2D=F09 20°00 Fr (AG) =k FH) 3. Ge EO. GO) = FX) 9°) + 960 F0 4 (100) _ 900 Fe)-t008%%) d = tape ae (#3) 3) ae MOH) = PCO) 9%) tan ~ (ce R) dseo"'x 1 4 -—1— =) & ixidxtt x inner Differentiation using substitution Following substitutions are normally used to sumplify these expression. © ia? byt x= stan 0, where — Eco © GF bysubstting x2 asin o.anere = F by substituting x 5 by substituting x= a cos 0, where 0 (0, x} entiation Derivative of one function with respect to another dy _dy/dx _ ro) Let y= foi2= 909) henge Serge” wep too 9) m0 Wo) m6) G0), where f, g, h, I, m,n, u, v, w are differentiable functions of x then lu) vx) 09), [roo 90 Hex) F(x) =|10) m0) m09)} #}F0 mH m+ | a) mH) 60) 4) vo 69] luo wo woo] OD VON WOR) APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES Equation of tangent and normal I FOO f) 9%) M00] |) abd H1 Tangent at (x,.y) isgiven by (y—y,) =) =x); when, £(,) is real ‘And normal at (x,.y,)is (¥-y,) == Tas (x=x,), when f(x, is nonzero real Tangent from an external point Given a point P(a, b) which does not lie on the curve y = f(x), then the equation of possible tangents to the ‘curve y= f(x), passing through (a, b) can be found by solving for the point of contact Q. {hb ro mnt ae san) fty—b ‘And equation of tangent is y~b= “,”=> (x-a) Length of tangent, normal, subtangent, subnormal — o Pre tk te Length of Tangent a (i) PN={kivtem? =Length of Normal k m ()—-MN=|km| = Length of subnormal, (iy) T= = Length of subtangent Angle between the curves ‘Angle between two intersecting curves is defined as the acute angle between their tangents (or normals) atthe Point of intersection of two curves (as shown in figure), it+mm,| Shortest distance between two curves Shortest distance between two non- intersecting differentiable curves is always along their common normal (Wherever defined) Rolle’s Theorem: Ifa function f defined on fa, bis © continuous on fa, b] (derivable on (a,b) and Gi) =H, then there exists atleast one real number c between a and b (a =W'09 fh) ~a'00 1908) ain BASICS Intervals : Intervals are basically subsets of R and are commonly used in solving inequalities or in finding domains. If there are two numbers a, b ¢ R such that a ap fa.) =: x>a} Gi) Gm, Y= Gx o, alba], Jal=a,[al>-2, Jab) = al b), la+ bj <\al+ [o), Ja bl IIa] - [ol Trigonometric Functions of Sum or Difference of Two Angles: (@) sin (A £8) = SinA cosB + cosA sin 2sinA cosB = sin(A+B) + sin(A-B) and ‘and 2 cosA sinB = sin(A+B) ~ sin(A-B) (©) cos (A # B) = COSA cosB} sinA sinB «+ 2 COSA cosB = cos(A+B) + cos(A-B) and 2sinA sinB = c0s(A-B) ~ cos(A+B) (©) sint’A~ sin?B = cosB — cos*A = sin (A+B). sin (A-B) (© cos*A~ sin*@ = cos*B- sintA = cos (A4B). cos (AB) cotAcotB'4 (©) cot £8) CoB cor A+ tant tan (A+B +0) =F tana tanB—tanB tan C-tanG tan Factorisation of the Sum or Difference of Two Sines or Cosines: cD i co © sine~sind = 2.608 sin cw @ sin + sind =2sin cos (0 casos cosd=2 cos 22 cos £2 Multiple and Sub-multiple Angles : ~ c0s8. (@) cos 2A= cos’A —sin’A= 2e0s'A-1 = 1 —2sin"A; 2.c08?S = 1+ cos6, Zin” 2 20a za= tan 3A=35inA~4 sina (©) sinza= {aang 1008 2A = ne ( — sin3A=3sind~4 sin . Stan A tan? A (© cos 3A= 4 .c0s'A~3 cosA © tan 3a Important Trigonometric Rat @ — sinnz=0 where ne 1 © sin 18° oF sin 3 = © Range of Trigonometric Expression: = JaFrbF 0=2nxtawhere ae [0, x], n= I uy tend =tena>9=nn-+ awnere we ).met (iw) sin?0= sinta, c08°0 = cos%a, tanro= tanta > 0= ante QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 4. Quadratic Equation : ax +bx+0=0, 20 =b+ yb?—4a0 x= Davia sac Fa . The expression b!~ 4 a¢=D is called discriminant of quadratic equation, » a Maps ‘A quadratic equation whose roots are o & fs (x ~) (x~§) =0 Le.x*-(a+B)x+a I, Bare the roots, then (a) « + Nature of Roots: Consider the quadratic equation, ax? + bx + c= O having a. asits roots; D=b?-4ac HM D=0 Deo Roots are equala = = bi2a Roots ae unequal a.b.ccR&D>0 a,b,ccR&D<0 Roots are real Roots are imaginary a= p+ig, b= p~ig abecas abeccas Disa perfect square Dis nota pertect square = Roots are rational = Roots ae irrational 1 iea=p+ya.p=p- va a=1,b,ce 1& Disa perfect square = Roots are integral Common Roots: Consider two quadratic equations a,x°+ b,x+0,=08a,x°+b.x+¢,=0, o ito quadratic equations have both ots common, then St. = 0 SL ay by (i) tfonly one root « is common, then «= 122 — 241 = bic2 — bee ajby—azby ejay —e2a) Range of Quadratic Expression f (x) = ax’ + bx +c. Range in restricted domain: Given x = [x,,x,] £¢).¢ [min {1 (x), #(%2) max (4). #062) ] b WSF be tines max {r6x), tz), tx, ten, 109 [in| 2) ‘Seamed wih ConScanet Location of Roots: Let £00 xe + Dx#c, where a>OBabceR © Conditions for both the roots of f(x) bP ac 2 0; 1(x,) > 0 & (-b/2a) >x, Conditions for both the roots of f(x) = 0 to be smaller than a specified number ‘x,’ are bi dac 20; f(x,) > 0 & (-bi2a) 0; f(x.) > 0; (x,) > 0.8 x, < (-b/2a) ard=bte Three numbers in A.P. can be taken as a—d, a, a+d; four numbers in A.P. can be taken as a—3d, a—d, a+d, a+ 3d; five numbers in AP. are a-2d, a—d, a, a+d, a+2d & six terms inA.P. are a “$d, 4-34, ad) atd,a+3d, a+ Sdeetc, i Arithmetic Mean (Mean or Average) (A.M.): It three terms are in A.P. then the middle term is called the A.M. between the other two, sofa, b, care in AP, DISAM. of a &c. ‘Sum of the terms of an A.P, equidistant from the beginning & end = sum of first & last term. 1n- Arithmetic Means Between Two Number Ifa, bare any two given numbers & 8, Ay, Azy.nAye Dare MA.P. then Ay, Ap... A, are the NAM:s between a & b, Apeartat Anat 2O=) A wae BORD 3 A,=nAwnere As he single AM. between a & b Geometric Progression: a, ar, ar®, aP, art... is a GP. with a as the first erm & r as common ratio, aft -1) © wMerm=art W Sum ofthe first ntermsie.$,=)~——y* na, req Gi) Sum ofan intinite GP. when |r| <1 isgiven by S_ Geometric Means (Mean Proportional) (G.M.): Ifa,b, c> 0 are inGP,, bis the GM. between a & c, then b? = ac n-Geometric Means Between positive number a,b: Ifa, b are two given numbers & a, G,, G>, bare inGP. Then Gy, G,, G,.....G, are nGM.s between a & b. G, = a(bfaytnns, = abla)?" y= a(b/ayyn? Harmonic Mean (H.M.): 2ac I a,b, care in H.P,, Dis the H.M, between a &c, then b= =o 1 HM. Hof ay, a, a, given by 7 Relation between means : GFEAH, AM2GM2HM. and AM.=GM.=HM. tas Important Results OF waned ae Zo w E kaend a, & k= nk; where k isa constant aos) O9 $ret aed tnneneMeed oy F water estecnnnneme ternary 0S Pa me OI (2 Yaa Hatt PREAH i AD BINOMIAL THEOREM 4. Statement of Binomial theorem : Ifa, b« Rand ne N, then (a+b =°C, ab? +70, a-tb!+°C, arb +4 °C, ar b+. °C, ab DPS "Cy ADT 2. Properties of Binomial Theorem : (General term: T,,,= °C, abi (i) Middle term (s) 02 (net nt 3. Multinomial Theorem: (x, +x, ++ aah xP Here total number of terms in the expansion = °C, Application of Binomial Theorem : t (WRs8)' = 14 t where 1 and n are positive Integers, n being odd and OOand VA-B<1. If mis an even integer, then (I +f) (1-f) = Properties of Binomial Coefficients : MHC, asad "G22" "Gi '0'#6,-"C, + +e, fi) eee e eee nt fees) 10,4" nc, Binomial Theorem For Negative Integer Or Fractional Indices egret eee OSD og MORMON A) gg MDZ) THD ee rape Genres 21 3! —_ Jxist 0 (0=2)(=F41) a * PERMUTATION & COMBINNATION Arrangement : number of permutations of n different things taken rat atime = 8 (0-1) (0-2)... =F Ne (nA) (02)... )* Gani Circular Permutation ; ‘The number of circular permutations of n different things taken all at a time is; (n- 1)! nt, Selection : Number of combinations of n different things taken rata tim oF Tao) ‘The number of permutations of 'n'things, taken all at atime, when'p' of them are similar & of one type, q ‘of them are similar & of another type, ‘of them are similar & of a third type & the remaining pigiet Selection of one or more objects (@ Number of ways in which atleast one object be selected out of 'n' distinct objects is. *C, 41, +90, + +90,=2'=1 (©) Number of ways in which atleast one object may be selected out of'p’ alike objects of one type ‘q' alike objects of second type andr alike of third type is rar nery-1 (©) _ Number of ways in which atleast one object may be selected from 'n' objects where 'p alike of ‘one type ‘a’ alike of second type and "alike of third type and rest n= (p++) are different, is WFD G*N EHR Or Multinomial Theorem : Coefficient of x’ in expansion of (1 ~)*= **"'C, (ne N) n- (p+q+ 1) are all different is Let N= pt gh... where p, {a) The total numbers of divisors of N including 1 & Nis ‘oe are distinet primes & a, b,c..... are natural numbers then (+1) +1) (+1). (©) Thesumofthese divisorsis= (+ pF Bran + PY PH GY gH. Hg) (HTH...) (6) Number of ways in which N can be resolved as a product of two factors is Nas Wb 1Ne1... Nis ot a perfect square Sher n+ 1¢+0..1] Nisa pertect square (a) Number of ways in which a composite number N can be resolved into two factors which are relatively prime (or coprime) to each other is equal to 2”' where n is the number of different prime factors in N. Dearrangemen Number of ways in which n letters can be put in 'r* corresponding envelopes such that no letter goes to 1) correct envelope isi! 1 ser PROBABILITY Classical (A priori) Definition of Probability : Ian experiment results in a total of (m + n) outcomes which are equally likely and mutually exclusive with one another and if '™m’ outcomes are favorable to an event ‘A’ while 'n’ are unfavorable, then the + = pay = = MAD probability of occurrence ofthe event '®’ = P(A) = = = Te We say that odds in favour of ‘A’ are m: n, while odds against ‘A’ aren :m. PA) = a 1 PA) Addition theorem of probability : De Morgan's Laws: (a) (Av 8) Distributive Laws :(a) A.V (B 9.C) (AUB) = P(A) + P(B) ~ (ANB) ANB (©) (ANB) = AUB (AUB)O (ALC) — (b) AN(BUC)=(AnB)U(AnC) © P(A or B or C) = P(A) + P(B) + P(C) ~ P(A B) ~ PIB 9.0) ~ PIC NA) + PAN BC) P (at least two of A, B, C occur) = P(B -C) + PIC A) + PAB) - 2P(An B.C) Gi) P(exactly two of A, B, © occur) = PIB. 6) + P(C mA) + P(A B) - 3P(A NBG) @ —Plexactly one of A, B, C occur) = P(A) + P(E) + PC) ~ 2P(B 9G) — 2P(C 9 A) 2P(A NB) + SPA BO) PYANB) Pe) Conditional Probability : P(a/e) Binomial Probability Theorem Ian experiment is such that the probability of success or failure does not change with trials, then the probability of getting exactly r success in n trials of an experiment is °C, p'q’-’, where p's the probability of a success and q is the probability of a failure. Note that p + q= 1 Expectation : IF a value M, is associated with a probability of p, , then the expectation is given by 5 pM, Total Probability Theorem: P(A) = )/PB))-P(A/8) 7. Bayes’ Theorem : Ian event A can occur with one of the n mutually exclusive and exhaustive events 8,,B,.,.... 8, and PQ) -P(A/B)) SPe@).PA/8) By, By, Bye a A= A0B) UN BU ADB) Un VANB) the probabilities P(A/B,), P(AVB, .... P(AIB,) are known, then P(B,/ A) POA) = PAB) # PAB) # one # UAB) = PANE) Binomial Probability Distribution : (Mean of ay probably astibdin of random variables oven by: = 284 «sp (Variance of a random variable is given by, 0% = ¥ (x)? p= Ep,x!— pe COMPLEX NUMBER The complex number system 2= a + ib, then a— ibis called congugate of z and is denoted by 2 Equality In Complex Number: 2, =z) > Re(z,)=Re(2) aM Ip (2) = hp (2) Representation Of A Complex Number: Properties of arguments © arg(e,2,)= arg.) + arg(z,) + 2ms for some integer m. arg(2,/2,) = arg (2,)~arg(z,) + 2me for some integer m. Gi) arg (22) = 2arg(e) + 2mm for some integer. () — arg@)=0 zis positive real number ( — amgiz)=48/2 e —zispurely imaginary and z#0 Properties of conjugate 0 @ zee Ww) ZR AAte —_o. z ™ Be mH ae Ww (2)- (#0) (vi) fey #212 = (ey +23) Grey) = Hel + Legh? + 2y2y + 22 wi) Gz ()— itw=4(2), then w =1(Z) ©) age) + arg(z) Rotation theorem 4-4) || 2-2 IF P2,), AG.) and R(z,) are three complex numbers and ZPAR=0, then | 3°" |= | 2 |e 10. 1 Demoivre’s Theorem : Case: If mis any integer then () (©056+1 sino )"= cos n9 + isin no (i) (€08 6, +i sin 0.) (608 0, + i sin ,) (C080, + i sin 0,) (605 8, + i sin 04) ....(C08 6, +i sin 0) 7608 (0, +0, #85 Fons 8) #15 (#85 By # aon # OD (2822) «an (28282) Gase II: If p, qe Zand q +0 then (cos @ + i sin 6) = cos where @ £0,1,2.3,...4-1 Cube Root Of Unity : asia 1-18 © The cube roots of unity are 1, (i) tfeisone of the imaginary cube rocts of unity then 1 + @ + w*= 0. In general 1 + «+ w2'=0; where re I but is not the multiple of 3 Logarithm Of A Complex Quantity : 0 Log, (0+ iB) = $09, (cr + B9 +i 5) were me Geometrical Properties: Distance formula : 2s ~ 23) Secti zz +025 ‘internal division), men mn (1) amp(2) = Gis @ ray emanating from the origin inclined at an angle @ to the x-axis. @ |z-a @) The equation ofa line joining 2, & zp is Given by, 2= 2, + 1 (2, z,) where tis a real parameter. (external division) 2 ~b| isthe perpendicular bisector of the line joining a to b. W) “Tisogvayen sree navigate wrton lan lsperey a W+Un407 += O,hi8 = 1,2 + 2,2) —p? = Owhich is of the form faa Centre is ~ «1 8 radius Circle will be real if oat ~ k =0. ©) Mz, ~241 + 22,1 = K> [zy ~ 21] then locus of 2 is an ellipse whose focil are 2, & 2, © #1, 0, then locus of zis circle. @ — tl |z=2,| = |z=z9|| =K< |2,-25! then locus of z is a hyperbola, whose focil are 2,82, VECTORS Position Vector Of A Point: let © be a fixed origin, then the position vector of a point P is the vector GP. If 4 and b are position ‘vectors of two points A and B, then, AB = b-a Wv of B— py oF, DISTANCE FORMULA : Distance between the two points A (a) and BB) is AB. SECTION FORMULA : 7-222 Mid point of AB = 2+ | men Scalar Product Of Two Vector || Boos, where ja | 6| are magnitude of @ and b respectively and 0 is angle between 4 ab Lisiiekket Usik=ki=0 = projection of #0" B= TF i+ ajeakab =b/+bj+Dkinend b b,+a,b,+ a,b, The angle @betweend & 5 is given by ©8¢ osgsn jal 151" ab-06415 @#05+0) Vector Product Of Two Vectors: Ifa &b are two vectors & Wis the angle between them then xb = [sine i wnere stro unt vector perpendicularto both ic such that, & fi forms aright nanded screw system. Geometrically i x b] = area of the parallelogram whose two adjacent sides are represented bya & 5 ijk 8 a a by by by si ta,j+ag ab =b,)+0,] +0, nen ax @xb=6 ea andb are parallel (collinear) (#0 , 6 #0)Le.a=KB, where K is @ scalar. Unit vector perpendicular to the plane of 4 & Bis A a,b & @ are the pv's of 3 points A, B & C then the vector area of triangle ABC = 1 = « Gow ] ‘iuK, Peds bod 4 [oxi + Bue + exa]. me poitsA, 8& Care colieari 8x5 ) 5x3 1 8x30 ‘Area of any quadilateral whose diagonal vectors ared, & dj is given by ; sldentty : 6-5 (57 89 ‘Seamed wih ConScanet Scalar Triple Product: ‘The scalar triple product of three vectorsa , 6 & g is defined as: xb. =[alb)|é| sin cosg. Volume of tetrahydron v-fi) Ina scalar triple product the position of dot & cross can be interchanged ie. a. (bxe)=(4xb),.€ OR [abe] = [bea] = [Cab] G(x) =-H.Exb) ic. [4b = -[0 Eb] i=ajsajoak:} =b/sbjob cd =c)0j+ok thon bal = Ingeneral, ifi =a,i +a,fi+a,i;b = bil bi & Baal tnen[itic]=[p, n,m) [Ta]; were 7, ave non coplanar vectors ln a Fa. are coplanares [3 5 ]=0 ‘Volume of tetrahedron OABC with © as origin & A(a), 8(B) and C(¢) be the vertices = ‘The positon vector of the centroid of a tetrahedron if the pv's of its vertices are’, b, & d are given by ime kt a+b +e4 a ra 1 riple Product: i x (5x &) B= GH, Gx byxs % — Gxb)xe¥ FxHxO), ingeneral Reciprocal System Of Vectors: Wa beaap .@ are two sets of non coplanar vectors such that ga’ =b, b'=8.6' = 1 then the two axb be éxa ig faba) label [abel systems are called Reciprocal System of vectors, where a= 3-DIMENSION Vector representation of a point : Postion vector of point P (x,y, z)isxi + yj +28 Imax einyasenzpt ae Distance formula: ¥%1~*2)" +(~ya) +@)-22)" | AB = 1B - OAL Distance of P from coordinate ax: nae pas Fow poe fF MK FOX Mya thyy | mz + ney Section Formula : x= 3" y= MTT: p= Ma” id point : x= 21482, yo MtVe »_ Mates Mid point : x= 1582, y = 45 3 Direction Cosines And Direction Ratios (Direction cosines: Let a, B, ybe the angles which a directed line makes withthe positive directions of the axes of x, y and 2 respectively, ten cos «, cosB, cos y are called the direction cosines of the line. The direction cosines are usually denoted by ¢/,m, n). Thus = cos oL, m= cos fn = cos y. (i) If é.m, nbe the direction cosines ofa line, then (2+ m?-+ n?= 1 (iil) Direction ratios: Let a,b, be proportional tothe direction cosines ¢, m,n then a,b, ¢ are called the direction ratios, (iv) If€,m,nbe the direction cosines and a, b, cbe the direction ratios ofa vector, then b c Ver bee (wl) Ifthe coordinates P and Q are (x,,y,,2,) and (x,, ys, 2.) then the direction ratios of line PQ are, a Oa Va abe xub=y,—¥,862,— 2, andthe direction cosines of ine PQare (==, om TP, "= Tr) Angle Between Two Line Segments: ‘The line will be perpendicularif a.a, +b,b, + c,c,=0, parallel if Projection of a line segment on a line IFPC%,.¥,,2,) and Q(x, ¥,,2,) then the projection of PQ on a line having direction cosines fm, mis |ax, x)+m(y,-y))+n(2)-%)| Equation Of A Plane : General form: ax + by + cz + d = 0, where a, b, © are not all zero, a,d,6,deR (Normal form : ex my + nz=p (i) Plane through the point (x,.y,,2) :aX—x) + (yy) +6 @—2)=0 il) Intercept Form: 4% 471 ab (iv) Vector form: (7 ~ a). #O0r 7.8 8a. “ Any plane parallel to the given plane ax + by + cz +d = Ois ax + by +cz+A=0. Id; de | ve? +b? +0? Distance between ax + by + cz+d, = 0 and ax + by + cz +d, = ls (vi) Equation of a plane passing through a given point & parallel to the given vectors: T= +26 + WE (parametric form) where A & are scalars, or Fb (x€)_ (non parametiic form) 9. APlane & APoint (Distance ofthe point (x,y,z fom the plane ax + by +c7+ d= 0 is given by Sb tert Va +b +e (ii) Length of the perpendicular from a point (&) to plane = dis given by al (iti) Foot (%’, y’, 2’) of perpendicular drawn trom the point (x,, y,, 2,) to the plane ZZ Oxy thy, $ezy +) ax + by +cz+d=Oisgiven by 7 FB eot (iv) To find image of a point w.rt. ol Let P (x,,y,,2,) iS a given point and ax + by + cz + d= Os given plane Let (x, y',z’)is the my Vy 2a (ax, +by, +24) i int, then t= PVs = 2a 2 Or sdy teres) image point. then +=" eer 10. Angle Between Two Planes: b Planes are perpendicular if aa’ + bb’ + ce’ = O and planes are parallel if “= The angle @ between the planes 7 fi, = d, and 7 fi, = d,s given by, cos ® = iy Li ily. bisa scalar Planes are perpendicular if, . si, = 0 & planes are parallel iff 11. Angle Bisectors (i) The equations of the planes bisecting the angle between two given planes ax+by+cz+d,=Oandax+by+ez+d,=0are axtbyteetd, |, axthyteetd, yah +b} +e: ‘Seamed wih ConScanet 12. 13, 14, (ii) Bisector of acute/obtuse angle: First make both the constant terms positive. Then aa,+bd,+0,6,>0 => origin lies on obtuse angle aa.+bb.+cc,<0 = origin les in acute angle Family of Planes (Any plane through the intersection of a.x+ by + 0,2 4, axtbytoz+d.+hiaxtbytoz+d)=0 axe dy + oz +d, (i) The equation of plane passing through the intersection of the planes 7.ii, = 4, & Fil, =, isi. (n, # 2i1,) =d, + Ad, where 2 is arbitrary scalar ‘Area of triangle : From two vector Ai and AC. Then area is given by 2 Lab xAC| Volume OFA Tetrahedron: Volume of a tetrahedron with vertices A (x, YZ): B(% Yo) © Oy Yr xy m1 Y2 % 1 yy % 1 wml ALINE Z)and D (x, 94.2) is given by Equation Of A Line (i) Astraight line is intersection of two planes. itis reprsented by two planes a,x + by +o,2+d,=Oandax+ by + +24 4-0. (i) Symmetric form (ii) Vector equation: ¢ =a +26 (vl) Reduction of cartesion form of equation of a line to vector form & vice versa ac+bm+en (eae) (een ont {ii) Vector form: If @is the angle between aline; = (3 +45) and.q =dthen sin 6 i) Conkition for perpendiculaty = = ‘ ba (Wy) Condition for paral ar+bm+en 3. Condition For A Line To Lie In A Plane X=X) YoY) _ 7-4 om on if ax, + by, #e2,+ (Cartesian form: Line would lie in a plane ax +byteztd= O&a/+bm+ cn=0. ba (ii) Vector form: Line? =4 +45 would le in the planet aii-d 4. Skew Lines: () The straight tines which are not parallel and non-coplanar Le. non-intersecting are called aa Bp skewlines. IfA=| fm #0, then lines are skew. (ii) Vector Form: Forlines 7 = i, + Ab, and 7 = i, + Ab, tobe skew (b, x b,). (iy — H)# 0 (iv) Shortest distance between ines; =4, +26 & 7 5. Sphere General equation of a sphere is x’ + y' + 2? + 2ux + 2vy + 2w2+d=0. (-u,-v, -w) Is the centre 7 is the radius of the sphere SOLUTION OF TRIANGLE ir i abe 4. Sine Rule: aot 2. Cosine Formula: () cosA=" ==" qi) cosB=<** =" iy cose= * A=" 3. Projection Formula: (i) a= b cosC + c cosB (ll) b = c cosa + a cost (ill) ¢= a cosB + b cosa 4, Napier’s Analogy - tangent rul B-c_b-c A a-b yc tan 25S = BEE cot F iy tan += cot 5. Trigonometric Functions of Half Angle: a _ [epee wo sn = w = PE eon? AL (an sea) Sa) reitenr errieesd KG=ae-bis-o = 2 ww) v6 WS=O = 6. Area of Triangle (A) bosinA= Soa sinB = Ga @-G-O 7.m-n Rule: A 1fBD: DC= m:n, then ie (m+nycoto = meota—n ctf =n cob ~ m onc 8. Radius of Circumcirice : B. = = c be abe 2sinA~ 2sinB~ 2sinC 4 9. Radius of The Incircle : (i= (-aytan® = (6b) tan Ag B gf (ivyr= aR sin® sin sin (ih peat stan’ tye aBELEMS aso tudegea ain con! cn 11. Length of Angle Bisectors, Medians & Altitudes : 2be cos 4 bre (i) Length of an angle bisector from the angle A= B, (ii) Length of median from the angle A= & (i Length of altitude from the angle =A, 12. The Distances of The Special Points from Vertices and Sides of Triangle: A (i) Circumcentre (0) : OA= R & O,=R cosA (ii) Incentre (I): IA= rcosec > & (iii) Excentre (1) A=, cosee (Iv) Orthocentre : HA = 2R cos A & H,= 2R cos B cos C 1 7 2a () — Cenioid (6) crap lara? g 6-28 13. Orthocentre and Pedal Triangli ‘The triangle KLM which is formed by joining the feet of the ati () Its angles are x 2A, n- 2B and x -2C. ides is called the Pedal Triangle. ‘Seamed wih ConScanet (it Its sides are a cosA = R sin 2A, bcosB = Rsin 2B and © cosC = R sin 2 (ii) Circumradi of the triangles PBC, PCA, PAB and ABC are equal 14, Excentral Trian, ‘The triangle formed by joining the three excentres I, I, and |, of AABC is called the excentral or excentrc triangle o ABC is the pedal triangle of the 4 I. 0) tsenglesare 8B A » ‘ (i) sides aro AR cos. 4 R cost & 4 cos A 8 c ” Asin 112 4Rsin> 11 4R siny % —Incente of ABC is the onthocente ofthe excentra A 15. Distance Between Special Points : (Distance between creumcenie andorthocente OH # RY(1 = 8 cosh cas B 00s ©) Aen ® (Distance between ckeurcente andincente OF =RE(I Bin sin © sin aR 4 (ii) Distance between circumcentre and centroid (OG?= R’— 5 (a? +b’ + c) INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 1. Principal Values & Domains of Inverse Trigonometric/Circular Functions Function Domain Range © yesinx where txt Esyst ()ymcos'x wars text Osyse ()ysten’x whee xe R =Beyed (y= cosec'x where xs-toreet ~EsysS.yeo O yesecx wee xs-tornet Osysnys2 wo y = cot'x where: OORxy0axy>t y y y cosa costy eas frye FF TF], x2 oy 20x89 x>O,y> 08x21 x20,y>0 ey Foxy X27 0,920 tant ~ any = tan siotx if fxjs 2 «axis ) =| r-2si'x if x>t (e+ asin’) it xe cos * (2 x*- 1) 2eos'x if O sit re 2tanx if *s =(r+2tan'x) if cos? 2tan-'x ifx20 text =2tan''x ifx<0 xt y+ oem, Ix|st x1 x1 x>0,y>0,2>08 (xy + yz42x)<1 Iftan "x + tan 'y + tan ‘z= mthen x+y +2 = xyz Wtanhx + tanty + tan'z-=% then xy + ye# 2x = 1 tan'1 + tan '2 + tan '3 o ‘om tone td tan 1 +tan 2 tant

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