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Drying trial by Withering Process (Vibrating Screen)

S.No Description UOM Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5

1 Prototype Area M2 3 3 3 3 3
2 Prototype Volume filled M3 0.9 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2
4 Material Height mm 300 500 400 400 400
5 Material Wt. Kg 375 640 490
6 AFR SP Weight MT/M3 0.42 0.43 0.41
7 Ambiant Air 28 26 30
8 Hot Air I/L Temp °C 130 130 130 110 110

(Not Measured Will Be

9 Discharge Air Temp °C 32 U/P Awaited
Take in Trial 3 & 4)

10 Wind box pressure Kg/Cm2 0.7 0.7 0.65

11 Initial Moisture % 16.8 16.4 28
12 Moisture after 0.5 Hr % 12.2 13.6 23
13 Moisture after 1 Hr % 3.4 9.2 16
14 Total Moisture Removed % 13.4 7.2 12
15 Reduction %age % 79.76 43.90 42.86
16 Hot Air Flow (At Atm Pr) Kg/hr 4804 4164 3901
17 Power Cons (Only Air) kW 96 81 70
18 Dryer Drying Capacity TPH 0.375 0.64 0.49
19 Specific Hot Air Cons. Kg/Kg 12.81 6.51 7.96
20 Specific Power Cons kW/Kg 0.26 0.13 0.14
Smoke & Fire in
material After 50
Munites of Trial

Trial Temp
Air Temp Max
21 Observations reduced Due to
145 deg once
Fire Problem
Dryer Efficiency Calculation
S.No Description UOM Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5
1 Ambiant temp Deg 30 30 30
2 Sensible heating upto 90 Deg Deg 90 90 90
3 Sensible Heat Kcal/Kg 60 60 60
4 Latent Heat of Water Kcal/Kg 540 541 542
5 Total required Heat Kcal/Kg 600 601 602
6 Total Material Weight kg 490 491 492
7 Reduced Moisture in AFR % 13.4 7.2 12
8 Water removed Kg 50.25 46.08 58.8
9 Required heat for water removal Kcal 30150 27694.08 35397.6
10 SP. Heat of AFR Kcal/Kg *C 0.112 0.112 0.112
11 Heat Absorved by AFR Kcal 2526 4312 3301
12 Total Heat Required Kcal 32676 32006 38699
13 SP. Heat of Hot Gases Kcal/Kg *C 0.24 0.24 0.24
14 Total heat in Air Kcal 112995 97929 91761
15 Dryer Efficiency % 71.1 67.3 57.8
T1 T2
Without With Without
Sr. No. Parameter UOM
Dryer Dryer Dryer
1 Discharge Pr Kg/Cm2 5.7 3.8 5.7

2 Loading Time Avg Sec 01:52 01:52

3 Unloading Time Avg Sec 01:00 01:00

4 Total Timing Sec 02:52 02:52
5 Power Kw 183.00 164.87
6 FAD M3/Min 34.9 34.9 34.9
7 Compressed Air flow M3/Min 22.73 34.90 22.73
8 Consumption in Dryer M3/min 18.26 17.18
9 Consumption of Air (at Atm pr) m3/Hr 6406 5552
10 Air Temp at Heater O/L DegrC 130 130
11 Air Density Kg/M3 0.75 0.75
12 Air Flow Kg/Hr 4804 4164
13 DRF Dried Kg/Hr 375 375
14 Air Reqired Kg/Kg 12.81 11.10
15 Power Consumption For Drying Air Kw 96 81
16 Sp Power Consumption Kw/Kg 0.26 0.22
T2 T3 T4
With Without With Without With
Dryer Dryer Dryer Dryer Dryer
4.04 5.6 3.9 5.7 4.04

01:56 01:52

00:47 01:00
02:43 02:52
164.87 168.00
34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9
34.90 24.84 34.90 22.73 34.90
17.18 14.45 17.18
5552 5202 5552
130 130 130
0.75 0.75 0.75
4164 3901 4164
375 375 375
11.10 10.40 11.10
81 70 0
0.22 0.19 0.00

2.02 2.03
47 47
Ambiant temp Deg 30
Sensible heating upto 90 Deg Deg 90
Sensible Heat Kcal/Kg 60
Latent Heat of Water Kcal/Kg 540
Total required Heat Kcal/Kg 600
Total Material Weight kg 490
Reduced Moisture in AFR % 12
Total Water Kg 58.8
Required heat Kcal 35280
Hot air I/L Temp 130
Exit temp 32
Constant Value Kcal/Kg 0.24
Total heat in Air 91761
Dryer Efficiency % 61.6

Sp Of RDF 0.112279

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