Final Exam

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Final Examination

Understanding the Self-BS CRIM 1st Year

Instructor: Regie Mark E. Mansigue

1. Below are most likely accurate statements about “Homo Sapiens”, EXCEPT.
A. Homo sapiens thinks in a more complex level
B. Homo sapiens are capable of thinking about thinking
C. Homo sapiens thinks rationally yet lesser complex-Analyzing
D. None of the above

2. It is commonly defined as ‘thinking about thinking”.

A. Metacognition-Remembering
B. Metathinking
C. Metaanalysis
D. All of the above

3. For a person to adapt to his/her existing knowledge and among others, what component of
metacognition is imperative?
A. Framing
B. Awareness-Remembering
C. Sensing
D. All are incorrect except letter C

4. This is one of the two aspects of metacognition which refers to one’s “personal reflection”
of his/her knowledge and capabilities.
A. Self-appraisal -Remembering
B. Self-enhancement
C. Self-management of cognition
D. None of the above

5. This is one of the two aspects of metacognition which refers to one’s mental process that
one employs (referring to steps) in accomplishing a certain task.
A. Self-appraisal
B. Self-enhancement
C. Self-management of cognition-Remembering
D. All are correct except letter C
6. Identify which among the pairs are LEAST likely incorrect among the two elements of
A. Metacogitive Knowledge, Metacognitive Sensing
B. Metacognitive Regulation, Metacognitive Knowledge-Remembering
C. Metacognitive Thinking, Metacognitive Knowledge
D. None of the above

7. According to the American Institute for Research (2010), the aspects of metacognition is
also termed as?
A. Elements of Metacognition-Remembering
B. Metacognitve Elements
C. Elements
D. Meta-elements

8. Under the elements of metacognition, this term refers to “what you know about how you
A. Metacognitive Regulation
B. Metacognitive Knowledge-Remembering
C. Metacognitive Thinking
D. Metacognitive Sensing

9. Under the elements of metacognition, this term refers to “how you adjust your thinking
process to learn better”
A. Metacognitive Sensing
B. Metacognitive Thinking
C. Metacognitive Knowledge
D. Metacognitive Regulation-Remembering

10. This is one of the variables that affect one’s assessment of his/her metacognitive process by
evaluating one’s strengths and weaknesses.
A. Strategy Variable
B. Task Variable
C. Ego Variable
D. Personal Variable-Remembering

11. This is one of the variables that affect one’s assessment of his/her metacognitive process by
evaluating the nature of the task.
A. Strategy Variable
B. Task Variable-Remembering
C. Ego Variable
D. Personal Variable

12. This is one of the variables that affect one’s assessment of his/her metacognitive process by
evaluating the strategies and skills one have in dealing with certain task.
A. Strategy Variable-Remembering
B. Task Variable
C. Ego Variable
D. Personal Variable

13. What one important characteristic should be possessed in order to make one’s self-appraisal
and self-management work?
A. Honesty-Remembering
B. Industriousness
C. Resilience
D. Alertness

14. Which among the statements below best explains the significance of honesty in making self-
appraisal work?
A. Honesty in self-assessment will yield accurate evaluation of one’s capabilities-
B. Honesty in self-assessment will yield self-sabotaging evaluation
C. Honesty in self-assessment will yield a too much personal evaluation
D. Honesty in self-assessment will yield a true, less conscious personal evaluation

15. I. Metacognition also includes one’s emotion.

II. Metacognition specifies the scope and limitation of our current knowledge and skills.
III. Metacognition has three aspects.
IV. Metacognition does not require awareness in adapting our existing knowledge and skills.

Choose from above which statements are LEAST likely incorrect

A. I, II- Analyzing

16. I. Metacognition also includes one’s emotion.

II. Metacognition specifies the scope and limitation of our current knowledge and skills.
III. Metacognition has three aspects
IV. Metacognition does not require awareness in adapting our existing knowledge and skills

Choose from above which statements are MOST likely incorrect

A. I, II
D. III,IV-Analyzing
17. Below are scenarios where metacognition is applied, EXCEPT.
A. Julius assesses his strength and his weaknesses on his upcoming on-site training
B. Rebecca, a Medical Doctor, reminds the interns the nature of the task of their future job
C. Xander thinks of redirecting her study strategy due to his low pre-final scores
D. Bamboo is passive in his academic responsibilities yet his much involve in social night

18. Jessa , a freshman BS Criminology, knows that she has difficulty in understanding
mathematical concepts especially arithmetic. However, she is also aware that it is her
responsibility to really cope with the subject or else she might end up receiving a
misfortunate grade. So, she exerted more time, effort studying mathematics. On the other
hand, she is aware that she is capable of doing physical trainings which is also necessary in
her chosen degree. Based on the scenario above, what skills in exercising metacognition is
Jessa demonstrating?
A. Knowing one’s ego
B. Modifying one’s Approach
C. Knowing one’s limits-Applying
D. Skimming

19. Jerven, has been doing the 25-minute break every one hour of studying. He kept on doing
the study routine yet he still failed to get the passing score. He realized that despite the
strategy he is doing, he frequently forgets what he has studied especially when he gets
nervous. So, Jerven opted to retain his first studying technique while having a rereading
session of his notes with his classmate every night. Based on the scenario above, what skills
in exercising metacognition is Jerven demonstrating?
A. Modifying one’s Approach-Applying
B. Skimming
C. Self-test
D. None of the above

20. Which among the four types of metacognitive learners are considered to be the most ideal
form of metacognitive learner?
A. Reflective learner-Understanding
B. Strategic Learner
C. Tacit Learner
D. Aware Learner
21. This learner plans their course of action toward a learning experience; however, embraces a
very strict and established study routine. This strictness may cause difficulty on learning
adjustments when one is demanded with different task.
A. Strategic Learner-Understanding
B. Tacit Learner
C. Aware Learners
D. Reflective Learner

22. This learner is aware of some of his/her metacognitive strategies but use techniques that are
not always planned.
A. Aware Learner-Remembering
B. Tacit Learner
C. Reflective Learner
D. Strategic Learner

23. Lexus, another BS Criminology student, has good ability in changing his study techniques
when deemed necessary. One time, when he knew that the exam is fast approaching, he
allots 2 hours of studying every night a week prior the date of his exam. Meanwhile, when
he was tasked to perform physical activities, he does well too. Based on the scenario, what
type of learner is Lexus demonstrating?
A. Reflective Learner-Applying
B. Tacit Learner
C. Strategic Learner
D. Aware Learner

24. Below are some of the steps discussed on how to study better, EXCEPT.
A. Cassie makes outline every time he reads his reference book
B. Harry divides bigger concept into chunks; so that he can remember better.
C. Josephine plays mobile legends every after he reads a chapter of his mathematics book
D. Bimbong sleeps 2 hours every after his done with his 15-minute reading-Evaluating

25. Drake, a 4th year graduating education major, knows that having a good amount of well-
developed teaching strategy in teaching elementary pupils is his responsibility. Likewise, he
understands that not only teaching should he master, but also having good emotional l skills.
Based on the scenario, what type of variable that affects one’s metacognition is
A. Personal Variable
B. Task Variable-Applying
C. Strategy Variable
D. None of the above
26. Below are statements that best depicts strategy variable, EXCEPT.
A. Jinggoy, a 56-year old shoemaker, adapts modern designs in his conceptualization to
attract modern market shoe buyers.
B. Bonny, a 22-year old freshman eagerly multitasks his academics, and freelancing skills to
earn money for tuition fee.
C. Darna, a 25-year old single mom, bravely sales pre-loved items in her spare time despite
having few online buyers while checking on his baby.
D. Vic, a 35-year old CEO, sits in his office while waiting for a passive income knowing that
he is the heir of the company-Evaluating

27. Below are most likely INCORRECT statements about personal variable, EXCEPT.
A. Benjie is dealing with his anxiety and he projects his anxiousness to his girlfriend
B. Roan is having a good amount of social media followers and asked them to buy her new
C. Dindo is aware that he is good at physical training and is having a hard time
understanding his criminal law course-Evaluating
D. All are incorrect except B

28. According to Waterloo Students Success Office, below are skills that may help one in
improving one’s metacognition, EXCEPT.
A. Rehearsing
B. Self-Test
C. Skimming
D. Modifying meditation-Analyzing

29. According to Waterloo Students Success Office, below are inaccurate skills that may NOT
help one in improving one’s metacognition, EXCEPT.
A. Going more than your limits
B. Modifying your best approach
C. Passively self-testing
D. Rehearsing Enough-Analyzing

For items 30-35

Jean, a graduating BS Criminology student, knows that her next mock board exam is fast
approaching and the last time she took it, she had numerous errors. She knows that she
has other academic responsibilities too, but she is well-aware about adjusting her study
routine when deemed necessary. So, every night, prior to her mock-exam, she repeatedly
reads her notes for her to recall the topics easily while adding her opinion and
understanding as if she is interviewed. Then, every 3’o clock in the morning, she assess
herself by answering her self-made questions. Additionally, during free time she looks
into books and jot down important keywords and phrases. However, she stops studying
every weekend for her to relax and free her mind from knowledge bombardments.
30. Based on the scenario, in what sentence is “welcoming errors” illustrated?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 1-Applying
D. None of the above

31. Based on the scenario, in what sentence is “reflective learner” illustrated?

A. 1
B. 2 -Applying
C. 3
D. None of the above

32. Based on the scenario, in what sentence is “knowing one’s limits” illustrated?
A. 1
B. 5
C. 6-Applying
D. None of the above
33. Based on the scenario, what is illustrated in sentence 5?
A. Writing
B. Skimming-Analyzing
C. Rewriting
D. Scanning
34. Based on the scenario, in what sentence is “rehearsing” illustrated?
A. 2
B. 3-Applying
C. 4
D. None of the above
35. Based on the scenario, in what sentence is “self-test” illustrated?
A. 4- Applying
B. 5
C. 6
D. None of the above

For items 36-40

In SOCOTECH, there are four students who have found good companionship with
each other. They are Benj, Den, Mark, and Ian. Benj passively reads his notes and in fact,
only reads his notes the night before their UTS exam. On the other hand, Ian knows he can
retain concepts only if he reads it twice but he seldom does this strategy; and sometimes, he
does not have plans to do so. Meanwhile, Mark is really aware of his study routine which
includes reading his reference book at least 2 hours a day, and rereads it every 4’o clock in
the morning. Mark does this strictly over the course of the first semester. Like Mark, Den is
also well-aware of his study routines. The only difference is that whenever Den is demanded
with other task which requires different studying technique, Den can easily adjust and adopt
than Mark’s.

36. As elicited in the scenario, who among the four students shows “tacit learning”
A. Mark
B. Den
C. Benj-Applying
D. Ian

37. As elicited in the scenario, who among the four students shows “aware learning”
A. Mark
B. Den
C. Benj
D. Ian- Applying

38. As elicited in the scenario, who among the four students shows “strategic learning”
A. Mark-Applying
B. Den
C. Benj
D. Ian
39. As elicited in the scenario, what does Den exhibiting?
A. Strategic Learner
B. Tacit Learner
C. Reflective Learner-Analyzing
D. Aware Learner

40. Among the four students, who exhibits the most ideal type of learning?
A. Mark
B. Benj
C. Den-Analyzing
D. Ian

41. Among the four students, who exhibits the least ideal and seem to be a problematic type of
A. Mark
B. Benj-Analyzing
C. Den
D. Ian
42. Below are statements that INCORRECTLY explains Den’s learning ability, EXCEPT
A. Den is the most problematic because he is too rigid on his study routine while the four
others are not
B. Den is the most ideal among the four because he has a well-established study routine
C. Den is the most ideal yet problematic because he is too much flexible and might cause a
mix-up on his study routine
D. Den is the least problematic yet ideal because he has an established study routine and
he can easily adapt to the demands of the task.-Evaluating

43. Below are statements that INCORRECTLY explains Mark’s learning ability, EXCEPT.
A. Mark is the most problematic among the four because he is too passive in his academic
B. Mark is good because he has a well-established study routine
C. Mark is not the most ideal due to his strict and hardly adaptive study routine
D. B and C are both correct-Evaluating

44. Who among the four students is the most passive learner?
A. Mark
B. Den
C. Ian
D. Benj-Analyzing

45. Who among the four students is the most strict and rigid learner?
A. Mark-Analyzing
B. Den
C. Ian
D. Benj

46. Who is the famous American President who made famous the quotable line “The future
belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”?
A. Eleanor Roosevelt-Remembering
B. Eleeanor Rosevelt
C. Eleainor Roosevelt
D. Eleannor Roseevelt

47. What is the famous line of John C. Maxwell?

A. Dreams do not work unless you do-Remembering
B. Aspire to inspire
C. Dreaming while believing is key
D. When afraid, be brave
48. These are four of the practical ways that can help one in achieving his/her dream, EXCEPT?
A. Determine to fulfill your dream
B. Recognize your role
C. Accept possibilities, criticisms
D. Dream beyond your dreams-Analyzing


I. Lucy failed in his pre-final examination, but she reminded herself that she will try a smarter
study technique next time, and this does not define her at all.
II. Jacob knows that getting frustrated when he don’t get what he expected is his red flag,
but he tries to gradually fix his unhealthy behavior.
III. Bambi wants to be a Criminologist and she knows that she has her family and friends to
get her up if she might stumble along the way.
IV.Dodong knows that he is from a financially challenged family but he is determined that he
can utilize his time to have a side hustle in order to fulfill his academic dreams.
V. Felly sets his schedule every day for her study routine and writes a “to do list” so that she
can finish the specific goals she wanted to do every day.

49. Based on our reference book, D.R.E.A.M are five letters that has corresponding stand-alone
meaning. Now, among the choices above, in what option does the meaning of “D” in the
acronym “DREAM” is expressed?
A. IV-Apply

50. Based on our reference book, D.R.E.A.M are five letters that has corresponding stand-alone
meaning. Now, among the choices above, in what option does the meaning of “R” in the
acronym “DREAM” is expressed?
C. III-Apply
D. I

51. Based on our reference book, D.R.E.A.M are five letters that has corresponding stand-alone
meaning. Now, among the choices above, in what option does the meaning of “E” in the
acronym “DREAM” is expressed?
A. I
B. II-Apply
52. Based on our reference book, D.R.E.A.M are five letters that has corresponding stand-alone
meaning. Now, among the choices above, in what option does the meaning of “A” in the
acronym “DREAM” is expressed?
D. I-Apply

53. Based on our reference book, D.R.E.A.M are five letters that has corresponding stand-alone
meaning. Now, among the choices above, in what option does the meaning of “M” in the
acronym “DREAM” is expressed?
A. V-Apply

54. Below are statements that CORRECTLY define dream, EXCEPT.

A. There are dreams that are inspired by one’s parents
B. Some dreams are based on the need that one sense from community
C. Some dreams are based on the available resources
D. Dreams are of the same shape but mostly bright people dream bigger-Analyzing

55. Choose below the statement that BEST defines dream.

A. Dreams are often the fuel that drives us to pursue our biggest efforts and sacrifices in
B. Dreams are hopes that we make but seemingly unachievable yet with power and grit
anyone have the chance to fulfill it
C. Dreams are beautiful social illusion that we romanticize because humans have the need
for self-satisfaction and self-fulfillment
D. Dreams come in same forms and can be achieved in so many ways along with right
amount of determination-Evaluating

56. Donny dreams to be a policeman someday. However, he feels that he might not be able to
do so because he is afraid of not meeting the expectation that his retired police father sets
for him. Based on the scenario, what barrier to success is presented?
A. Thinking that you need to be perfect
B. Fear of failure-Apply
C. Selfishness
D. Worrying about what others may think
57. Jio is a freshman BS Criminology, but every time they have a 3:00 A.M call time for their
formation, he can’t attend because he sleeps late. On the other hand, Rex, Jio’s classmate
and roomate, sleeps early and wakes up early, but does not have the intention to wake his
friend up, and goes to school on his own. Based on the scenario, what barrier to success
does Rex exhibit?
A. Competitiveness
B. Lack of discipline
C. Worrying about what others may think of you
D. Selfishness-Evaluating

58. Jio is a freshman BS Criminology, but every time they have a 3:00 A.M call time for their
formation, he can’t attend because he sleeps late. On the other hand, Rex, Jio’s classmate
and roomate, sleeps early and wakes up early, but does not have the intention to wake his
friend up, and goes to school on his own. Based on the scenario, what barrier to success
does Jio exhibit?
A. Fear of failure
B. Thinking that you wake up
C. Oversleeping
D. Lack of discipline-Evaluating

59. Below are barriers of success according to Nyatyowa (2018), EXCEPT.

A. Thinking that you need to be perfect
B. Fear
C. Worrying about what others may think of you
D. Valuing Process-Analyzing

60. The line “all work without play makes a person dull” refers to what particular measures of
success as developed by Zinn (2020)?
A. A well-balanced life- Analyzing
B. Sharing your success with others
C. Hitting your goals
D. Good health
61. Zinn (2020) includes “good health” in measuring success. Based on the choices, what option
best depicts Zinn’s emphasis on good health?
A. A teacher who is emotionally rich due to the love she receive from her students
B. A policeman who is socially responsible due to the recognition he gets from saving a
pregnant woman
C. A janitor who is spiritually fulfilled due to his enriched faith and his ways as vegetarian
D. All of the above-Analyzing

62. The line “success is sweeter if we share it with other people” refers to what particular
measures of success as developed by Zinn (2020)?
A. Sharing success with one self
B. Sharing success due to social responsibility
C. Sharing success with others-Understanding
D. Sharing success to defame others

63. As a measuring tool for success, Zinn (2020) defined this as a characteristic that revolves on
A. Dignity-Understanding
B. Honor
C. Justice
D. Responsibility

64. As a measuring tool for success, Zinn (2020) defined this as a characteristic that means
acting with honesty, fairness, and integrity?
A. Justice
B. Honor- Understanding
C. Dignity
D. Responsibility

65. As a measuring tool for success, Zinn (2020) defined this need as having an immediate
support system as one pursue his/her dreams providing a right amount of inspiration,
strength, and guidance?
A. Healthy Family-Remembering
B. Lust and Intimacy
C. Healthy Hetero-relationship
D. Healthy Social Circle
66. This refers to a person’s response to different changes, a threatening condition, or a
situation that puts pressure on a person.
A. Stress-Remembering
B. Pressure
C. Norms
D. None of the above

67. What do you call the “stimulus” that triggers a person’s stress button?
A. Stressor-Remembering
B. Supressor
C. Pressure
D. Force

68. Maria is a 4th year graduating BS Criminology student. She is now reviewing for her
upcoming mock-board exam the night before the big day. On the day of the exam, she
sweats severely and feels anxious because she over thinks much of the possible outcome.
Based on the given situation, identify what causes Maria’s stress?
A. Maria is stress because she is a 4th year graduating student
B. Maria’s stress is her overthinking behavior
C. Maria is stress because she sweats severely
D. Maria’s stress is due to her limited time of studying for the mock-board exam-Apply

69. Below are statements that best depicts stress, EXCEPT.

A. Stress is purely a negative-causing situation-Analyzing
B. Stress is our response to threatening condition
C. Stress can be a positive causing triggers
D. Stress may vary in its time-span

70. According to studies, prolonged stresses have a higher probability of causing both mental
and physiological health problems.
A. True-Understanding
B. False
C. Depending on situation
D. Partly True

71. According to studies, even short exposure to stresses has a higher probability of causing
physiological health problems.
A. True
B. False-Understanding
C. Depending on the situation
D. Partly True
72. Jeremy, an 18-year old Filipino young man whose parents are separated usually goes to
church group to seek for belongingness in order to fill in the void inside. On the other hand,
Layla, a 21-year old American early adult woman whose parents are complete yet absent in
times when she needed them usually goes to night out party while intoxicating herself with
too much alcohol in order to forget her problem. Based on the given situation, what is BEST
emphasized about stress?
A. Stress and it’s coping mechanism vary from one culture to another-Evaluating
B. Stress and it’s coping mechanism may cause harmful effects especially to women
C. Stress and it’s coping mechanism are false behavior and are purely passive acts
D. None of the above

73. Filipinos are known as happy and resilient people but underneath Filipino’s are trying to hide
their emotion because Filipinos are socially programmed to build camaraderie and to abide
with toxic social conventions.
A. False
B. True-Understanding
C. Partly false
D. None of the above

74. The statement “you must not cry if you are a true man” best implies what kind of Filipino
toxic social conventions?
A. Toxic companionship
B. Toxic masculinity-Understanding
C. Toxic leadership
D. Toxic mentality

75. These are examples of possible outcomes if one hides or repressed his/her emotions due to
stress, EXCEPT.
A. Hate speech
B. Toxic masculinity
C. Addiction to vices
D. Modest pleasure-Analyzing

76. Below are the four major sources of stressors, EXCEPT

A. Natural environment
B. Financial problems and relationship
C. Aging and physical accidents
D. Winning a lotto-Analyzing

Alexa, a 22-year old BS Criminology student feels that she’s losing her appetite;
experiences back pains and having some difficulty in sleeping after she knew that her father
lost his job. Her father‘s job is the only source she relied on to pay for her tuition fees.
Without her father’s job, she doesn’t have anywhere else to go. Now, after the first
episode of symptoms, Alexa starts isolating herself in her room, and doesn’t care about
whenever his father calls her for a meal. Her symptoms became severe the next
following week because she feels that she’s starting to loss motivation and sees no meaning
in her existence.
77. Based on the given situation, what is Alexa’s stressor?
A. Her not having a source of courage to face the problem
B. Her knowing that anytime she can’t be the Alexa she was
C. Her not being understood
D. Her knowing that her father lost his job-Apply

78. Based on the given situation, what type of stress signs is depicted in sentence one?
A. Emotional
B. Physical-Apply
C. Relational
D. Mental

79. What justification can BEST back up the idea that sentence three (4) depicts emotional signs
due to stress?
A. Sentence 3 depicts emotional signs because isolation is a depiction of self-righteousness
B. Sentence 3 does not depict emotional signs because isolation is a symptom of relational
C. Sentence 3 truly depicts emotional signs because not showing care to people is a sign
emotional sabotage
D. No explanation above is accurate

80. Based on the given situation, what type of stress signs is depicted in sentence five?
A. Mental
B. Relational
C. Spiritual-Apply
D. Emotional

81. Based on the given situation, what type of stress signs is depicted in sentence four?
A. Relational/Social-Apply
B. Mental
C. Emotional
D. Spiritual
82. Below are examples of Stress Management, EXCEPT.
A. Identify observable triggers
B. Study relaxation techniques
C. Positive vs negative self-talk
D. Live with stress to be adaptable-Analyze

83. This refers to one’s behavior of almost outright denial of negativity and overgeneralization
of optimism in most, if not all, aspects of a person’s life.
A. Toxic masculinity
B. Toxic overgeneralization
C. Red flag
D. Toxic Positivity-Remembering

84. Below are example of characteristics of toxic positivity, EXCEPT

A. Denial/masking true feelings
B. Shaming others
C. Brushing off your feeling
D. Proud, dignified being-Analyzing

85. Sandro , a newbie in debate squad, gets nervous, and often sweats much whenever he is
tasked to speak in front. He has bright ideas but when it’s his time to speak, the pressure
gets into him. However, he addresses this behavior by studying behavior before hand, and
practicing how to overcome her fear by starting to speak within his small audience inside
their family. Based on the scenario, what is stress management technique is Sandro
A. Identifying observable triggers and its effects-Apply
B. Study relaxation techniques
C. Positive vs. negative self-talk
D. None of the above

86. Below are statements that depict “positive vs. negative self-talk” as a stress management
technique. Find the statement that BEST depicts its meaning.
A. Rica is thinking too many solutions in order to prepare for possible turn of events
B. Joseph pauses whenever faced with a dilemma and starts checking for realistic,
proactive perspective-Analyze
C. Jana keeps her mind positive and sees little amount of patience when faced with
D. None of the above
87. Relying on alcohol or using drugs gets rid of problems fast and may provide long term
A. False, because using substance may only provide short term distractions from problems
B. True , because using substance help us realize what we should we do better
C. False, because using does not get rids but adds up possible problem like committing
D. All are correct except B-Analyze

88. Below are examples of stress management, EXCEPT

A. Develop your interests and hobbies
B. Have a break and reward yourself in every achievement
C. More social media, More family and friends-Analyze
D. Less social media, More family and friends

89. Jake has a girlfriend name Cassy. Both often fights than talking intimately and figuring a
solution to their problem. One time, Jake bluntly expressed to Cassy is the reason why he
can’t focus on his academics. Also, he added that Cassy is too demanding of attention, and a
humungous gaslighter. Based on the scenario, what specific characteristic of toxic positivity
is BEST illustrated by Jake?
A. Shaming others
B. Denial of true feelings
C. Guilt-tripping -Apply
D. Brushing off one’s emotions

90. Based on studies, if you are able to think, process your information, and utilize your
technique while you are studying, you have a lower chance of improving your learning
process than those who do not reflect on their methods.
A. False-Analyze
B. True
C. Depending on situation
D. Partially True

91. Based on studies, if you are able to think, process your information, and utilize your
technique while you are studying, you have a higher chance of improving your learning
process than those who do not reflect on their methods.
A. False
B. True-Analyze
C. Depending on the situation
D. Partially True
92. According to World Health Organization (2020), it is normal to be sad, stressed, confused,
scared or angry during a crisis.
A. True-Remembering
B. False
C. Depending on the situation
D. Partially True

93. Understanding to adjust, properly react, and succeed at different pace while not hitting hard
on oneself is an illustration of what style of stress management technique?
A. Learning to pace oneself-Understanding
B. Stay healthy
C. Studying relaxation techniques
D. None of the above

94. Jessica, whenever she feels nervous, and anxious on certain thing, she practices her
breathing and positive visualization technique. She often does this before any competitions
or activities that she does in front of huge audience. Based on the scenario, what stress
management technique does Jessica exhibiting?
A. Studying relaxation techniques-Apply
B. Learning to pace oneself
C. Setting goals and priorities
D. Staying healthy

95. Every time Jerry gets a passing score on his exams, he always affirms himself by mentally
saying “Good job, Jerry” and then, went on to 7/11 to buy for an ice cream. Based on the
scenario, what style of stress management technique is illustrated by Jerry?
A. Having a break and rewarding oneself-Apply
B. Developing one’s interests and hobbies
C. Less Social Media, More family and friends
D. Self-appreciation

96. Homo sapiens can be associated and known as?

A. Wise people
B. Legit man
C. Wise man-Remembering
D. We men

97. Learners who are unaware of their metacognitive processes although they know the extent
of their knowledge
A. Tacit-Remembering
B. Strategic
C. Aware
D. Reflective
98. According to National Association of Mental Health, there are six major causes or categories
stressors. Identify the exemption.
A. Lot of pressure, mostly from other people in social context
B. Worrying about a person or event
C. Perceived lack of control
D. Perceived proactivity-Analyze

99. Below are examples of stress management techniques, EXCEPT.

A. Develop your interest
B. Have a break and reward system
C. Identify circumstances that you can’t control
D. Allow people’s critique to rent free in your mind-Analyze

100. This refers to signs of stress where a person feels depressed, mood swings, quick to
anger, nervousness and grief.
A. Emotional-Remembering
B. Social
C. Physical
D. Spritual

101. From our lesson, select two stress management techniques and explain how it can
help you to be a better person in terms of managing stressors of life. Explain briefly using a
minimum of 5 sentences and a maximum of 12 sentences
102. From our lesson, select two acronyms from D.R.E.A.M and explain its meaning and
significance in achieving your aspirations. Explain briefly using a minimum of 5 sentences
and a maximum of 12 sentences.
103. From our lesson, select two skills that can help you better your metacognition and
explain how it can make you a better person in terms of achieving your academic goals. .
Explain briefly using a minimum of 5 sentences and a maximum of 12 sentences.

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