IoT-Lecture-20 - Cloud Computing - I

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EEE F411: Internet of Things (IoT)

Lecture-20: Cloud Computing - I

Instructor & IC:

Sandeep Kumar
Faculty, EEE Dept.
Why do we need Cloud?
• The cloud computing is all about using computing as a utility.
• All of us are the users of a number of utilities such as electricity, water supply,
internet etc.
• First, we have to subscribe to these utilities. Then, a connection is given at our home.
A meter which is going to measure how many units of electricity, water etc., we have
used. Then, based on the units of usage, we are going to be billed at the end of the
month for these utilities.
• If we have to use electricity (utility), we need not bother about deploying the
necessary infrastructure for generation and transmission of electricity etc. All of these
are the concerns of service provider.
Why do we need Cloud?
• In the same way as electricity, water supply, internet etc. are utilities, people
thought: can we have computing as a utility? So that we don’t have to
spend huge money on buying the expensive servers, data storage machines,
networking infrastructure, runtime platforms and the software etc. and we
may instead subscribe to all these services as the utilities.

• This thought basically served as a motivation behind the cloud computing.

Why do we need Cloud?
• Here, computing means hardware resources (servers,
workstations, processors, memory and storage), software
resources, development platforms and networking etc. All
of these thing can be offered as the utilities.
• Why do we need it? Because that will have some business
value and will save a lot of cost with a number of
• Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
• Platform as a service (PaaS)
• Software as a service (SaaS)
To be continued in the next lecture…
Thank you.

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