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ASSIGMENT-2(Software Engineering)

Roll: 17IT8029
Date: 8th April, 2020

Q1) 1. Draw a DFD for (i) a simple library problem, (ii) a factory problem, (iii) a
grocery store problem.


DFD of a Library System

DFD of a Factory

DFD of a Grocery Store

Q2) What is advantage of DFD over other diagrams?

Following are advantages of DFD over other diagrams:

• The data flow through the system and the specific data that is available to each process are
clearly shown.
• The graphical representation serves as a blueprint for the programmers to develop a system.
• DFDs depict the boundaries of a system and hence are helpful in portraying the relationship
between the external objects and the processes within the system.
• They are used as a part of the system documentation.
• DFDs are easier to understand by technical and non-technical audiences.


1. What are the basic concerns with software testing?

Ans-> The basic concerns are how to select test cases. A set of test-case should be so chosen
that if the set is executed successfully, it implies that the program is free of errors the test data
selection criteria should be such that tests satisfying a particular criterion must produce consistent &
meaningful results.

2. Why is specification needed to do testing?

Specification is needed to do testing because the purpose of specification is to get a usable set of
requirements from which the system may be designed and implemented, with minimal “surprises”.
The official statement of what is required of the system developers. – Includes system
models, requirements definition, and requirements specification.

3. Why is path testing impractical?

Path testing is impractical because most programs have an infinite number of possible paths
through the program. A small routine can have millions or billions of paths.

4. Does path testing subsume statement coverage?

Yes, path testing subsumes statement coverage.

5. Software testers have sometimes said “errors happen in corners”. What could this

The purpose of testing is to detect errors in program. In general, the program works fine for many
test cases or central test cases but it often fails on extreme test cases. These are called corner test
cases which have to be tested very sincerely. Hence, software testers have sometimes said “errors
happen in corners”.

6. Every statement coverage is not a sub-domain testing criterion. What is its


Its significance is that while using a subdomain testing criterion, it is easy to improve the
coverage by picking multiple test cases from every subdomain. This is also easy to analyze.
This is not the case with every-statement coverage.

7. What type of testing is loop testing?

Loop testing is software testing type that is performed to validate the loops.

8. Why are test cases essential?

Test case is set of inputs is considered on which test conditions are applied. Exhaustive testing is
impractical & unfeasible even for small programs as there may be too many input elements. A set
of test-case should be so chosen that if the set is executed successfully, it implies that the program is
free of errors.

9. Why is BVA necessary?

Why is BVA necessary?

BVA is necessary because programs may fail on some values that often lie on the boundary of
equivalence class. Hence, in BVA, we choose an input for a test case from an equivalence class, such
that the input lies at the edge of the equivalence class. BVA test cases are also called extreme cases.
For ex: If the range of the equivalence class is 0.0  x  1.0, then the test cases may be 0.0,1.0 which
are the boundary values.


1) What are the characteristics of software?

a. Software is developed or engineered; it is not manufactured in the classical sense.

b. Software doesn’t “wear out”.

c. Software can be custom built or custom build.

d. All mentioned above

Ans-> d. All mentioned above

2) Compilers, Editors software come under which type of software?

a. System software

b. Application software

c. Scientific software

d. None of the above.

Ans-> a. System software

3) Software Engineering is defined as systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach for the
development, operation

and maintenance of software.

ANS->a. True

4) RAD Software process model stands for .

a. Rapid Application Development.

b. Relative Application Development.

c. Rapid Application Design.

d. Recent Application Development.

Ans-> a. Rapid Application Development.

5) Software project management comprises of a number of activities, which contains .

a. Project planning

b. Scope management

c. Project estimation
d. All mentioned above

Ans-> d. All mentioned above

6) COCOMO stands for .

a. COnsumed COst MOdel

b. COnstructive COst MOdel

c. COmmon COntrol MOdel

d. COmposition COst MOdel

Answer > b. COnstructive COst MOdel

7) Which of the following is not defined in a good Software Requirement Specification

(SRS) document?

a. Functional Requirement.

b. Nonfunctional Requirement.

c. Goals of implementation.

d. Algorithm for software implementation.

Ans-> d. Algorithm for software implementation.

8) What is the simplest model of software development paradigm?

a. Spiral model

b. Big Bang model

c. V-model

d. Waterfall model

Ans-> d. Waterfall model

9) Which of the following is the understanding of software product limitations, learning

system related problems or changes to be done in existing systems beforehand, identifying and

addressing the impact of project on organization and personnel etc?

a. Software Design

b. Feasibility Study

c. Requirement Gathering

d. System Analysis

Ans-> d. System Analysis

10) Which design identifies the software as a system with many components interacting

with each other?

a. Architectural design

b. High-level design

c. Detailed design

d. Both B & C

Ans-> a. Architectural design

11) Which defect amplification model is used to illustrate the generation and detection of

errors during the preliminary steps of a software engineering process?

a. Design

b. Detailed design

c. Coding
d. All mentioned above

Ans-> b. Detailed design

12) Which method is used for evaluating the expression that passes the function as an


a. Strict evaluation

b. Recursion

c. Calculus

d. Pure functions

Ans-> a. Strict evaluation

13) Which factors affect the probable consequences if a risk occur?

a. Risk avoidance

b. Risk monitoring

c. Risk timing

d. Contingency planning

Ans-> c. Risk timing

14) Staff turnover, poor communication with the customer are risks that are extrapolated

from past experience are called .

a. Business risks

b. Predictable risks
c. Project risks

d. Technical risks

Ans-> b. Predictable risks

15) Organization can have in-house inspection, direct involvement of users and release of

beta version are few of them and it also includes usability, compatibility, user acceptance

etc. is called .

a. Task analysis

b. GUI requirement gathering

c. GUI design & implementation

d. Testing

Ans-> d. Testing

16) Which project is undertaken as a consequence of a specific customer request?

a. Concept development projects

b. Application enhancement projects

c. New application development projects

d. Application maintenance projects

Ans-> c. New application development projects

17) Requirement engineering process includes which of these steps?

a. Feasibility study

b. Requirement Gathering
c. Software Requirement specification & Validation

d. All mentioned above

Ans-> d. All mentioned above

18) Software safety is a quality assurance activity that focuses on hazards that may

cause an entire system to fall.

Ans->a. True

19) Give the disadvantages of modularization.

d. None of the above

20) Effective software project management focuses on the four P’s. What are those four


a. People, performance, payment, product

b. People, product, process, project

c. People, product, performance, project

Ans->d. All of the above.

21) Give the Real-world factors affecting maintenance Cost.

a. As technology advances, it becomes costly to maintain old software.

b. The standard age of any software is considered up to 10 to 15 years.

c. Most maintenance engineers are newbie and use trial and error method to rectify problem.

d. All mentioned above

Ans->d. All mentioned above

22) Mention any two indirect measures of product.

a. Quality

b. Efficiency

c. Accuracy

ANS-> Both A and B

23) Which testing is the re-execution of some subset of tests that have already been conducted to
ensure the changes

that are not propagated?

b. Regression testing

24) State if the following are true for Project Management.

During Project Scope management, it is necessary to -

1) Define the scope

2) Decide its verification and control

3) Divide the project into various smaller parts for ease of management.

4) Verify the scope

a. True

25) Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is also known as specification of .

d. Black box testing

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