Msds New 6070e

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1. Product Name Usage Hardener
Teân saûn phaåm
6070E 用途
Coâng duïng
Chaát xöû lyù laøm ñoâng cöùng keo.
2. Physical Description 物 性 Ñaët tính 3.Chemical contents 化學成份 Thaønh phaàn hoùa hoïc :
Appearance 外觀 Moâ taû beà ngoaøi saûn phaåm: 透明液體 .Transparent liquid. Trong, daïng loûng. 樹脂 RESIN 25 - 29
Odor 氣味 Muøi vò : 水果 味. Ketone odor. Muøi Traùi caây. 醋酸乙酯 EAC 71 - 75
Boiling point 沸點 Ñoä soâi : 77 ℃
Conditions to A void 應避免之狀況 Nhöõng tình huoáng caàn traùnh : Keep away from flame 遠離火源 Traùnh xa nguoàn löûa.
Substances to A void 應避免之物質 Caùc chaát caàn traùnh : Strong alkalis and strong acids 強鹼及強酸 Chaát Axit .

4. Health Hazards and First Aid 健康危害及急救措施 Caùc tình huoáng thöôøng gaëp vaø bieän phaùp khaéc phuïc
Health Hazards 健康危害 aûnh höôûng söùc khoûe Fist Aid 急救措施 Phöông phaùp caáp cöùu.
Eye contact May cause irritation. Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of waterr for at 15 minutes. Seek medical attention promptly.
眼睛接觸 引起剌激 立即用大量清水沖洗眼部至少15分鐘,然後迅速接受醫生治療.
Maét bò tieáp xuùc Gaây kích thích khoù chòu. Duøng ngay nöôùc saïch röûa trong 15 phuùt, sau ñoù ñeán ñöa ngay ñeán beänh vieän ñieàu trò.
Skin contact May cause irritation Remove contaminated clothing &/or shoes. Wash thoroughly with plenty of soapy water. Seek medical attention .
皮膚接觸 引起剌激 脫掉沾有化學品的衣服或鞋子,以大量肥皂水洗清.然後迅速接受醫生治療.
Da bò tieáp xuùc Gaây kích thích khoù chòu. Côûi boû quaàn aùo, giaày deùp bò dính hoùa chaát, duøng xaø phoàng röûa saïch vaø ñöa ngay ñeán beänh vieän ñieàu trò
May cause headache, Take patient into the fresh air. Perfom artificical respiration. Seek medical attention promptly.
dizziness, vomit and drowsiness.
吸入 引起頭痛,暈眩,嘔吐,睏倦 將患者移至空氣清新處, 嚴重者可進行人工呼吸, 然後接受醫生治療.
Hít vaøo Gaây nhöùc ñaàu choùng maët, oùi möûa, meät moûi : Ñöa naïn nhaân ñeán nôi thoaùng maùt, neáu tröôøng hôïp nghieâm troïng phaûi laøm hoâ haáp nhaân taïo, ñöa ngay ñeán beänh vieän ñieàu trò.
Ingestion May cause vomit, breathing difficulty, headache : Do not induce vomiting. Keep at rest. Get prompt medical attention.
食入 引起嘔吐,呼吸困難,頭痛. 勿催吐,保持休息狀況, 及時進行醫護.
AÊn vaøo Gaây noân möûa, hoâ haáp khoù khaên nhöùc ñaàu. Traùnh gaây noân möûa, duy trì traïng thaùi nghæ ngôi, tieán haønh ñieàu trò kòp thôøi.
Chronic effects Nervous breakdown Note to physician : No specific antidote. Treat symptomatically & supportively.
慢性效應 神經系統障礙,遲緩. 提醒醫生:沒有特殊的解藥,須按症狀進行治療.
Taùc ñoäng chaäm AÛnh höôûng heä thaàn kinh Baùo vôùi Baùc só : Khoâng coù thuoác giaûi ñaëc cheá. Neân tieán haønh ñieàu trò theo beänh traïng.
Sings & symtoms : Headache, dizziness, vomit and drowsiness Caùc chöùng beänh thöôøng gaëp : Nhöùc ñaàu, choùng maët, khoù chòu, buoàn noân.
5. Fire fighting Measures 滅 火 措 施 Bieän phaùp chöõa chaùy
Extinguishing media Water, Foam and powder extinguisher. For large fires, use water spray, fog or regular foam.
適用滅火劑 水, 泡沫及粉末滅火器, 對於大火, 可用消防水或泡沫.
Chaát daäp löûa Nöôùc, Bình boät chöõa chaùy hoãn hôïp.
Fire fighting Use water spay to cool fire exposad surfaces and to protect personnel. Shut off "fuel" to fire.
滅火程序 用水噴灑冷卻火焰觸及的表面,並保護人員安全, 切斷, "燃料源"
Trình töï chöûa chaùy Phun nöôùc laøm giaûm nhieät ñoä ñaùm chaùy, ngaên chaën chaùy lan ñoàng thôøi giöõ an toaøn cho moïi ngöôøi.
6. Accidental Release Measures 洩漏處理方式 Xöû lyù khi hoùa chaát bò chaûy traøo ra ngoaøi.
Personal protection. :Wear respirator, rubber gloves, goggles and protective clothing.
Baûo hoä caù nhaân : Ñeo khaåu trang, gaêng tay cao su, maét kính baûo hoä. 個人注意事項: 戴口罩, 橡膠手套,護目鏡及防護衣.
Environmental protection. Prevent entry into the sewage system, risk of blockage due to polymer deposits.
Baûo veä moâi tröôøng : Khoâng ñoå tröïc tieáp vaøo coáng thoaùt nöôùc, traùnh gaây oâ nhieãm. 環境防護 : 避免流入水道以免阻塞.
Methods for cleaning up. Aterial,tgen fill into container by shovel. 清理方式: 以吸濕物質覆蓋, 再以圓鍬裝入容器.
Caùch xöõ lyù : Thu goâm vaøo thuøng chöùa taát caû caùc chaát thaûi bò ñoå ra ngoaøi.
7. PPE 個人防護設備Trang bò baûo hoä caù nhaân
Respiration protection Openrating under effective ventilation system or wear carbon mask. 呼吸防護: 有效抽風或配戴防毒口罩.
Baûo veä heä hoâ haáp: Nôi lam vieäc coù heä thoáng thoâng gioù ñoàng thôøi trang bò khaåu trang khi laøm vieäc.
Hand protection: Wear RB glover when hands touch the chemical. 手部防護: 手直接接觸時配戴防護手套.
Baûo veä Tay: Traùnh tieáp xuùc tröïc tieáp baèng tay, trang bò bao tay baûo hoä khi laøm vieäc.
Body protection: Never touch the chemical with skin directly. 身體防護: 避免皮膚直接接觸該化學品.
Baûo veä thaân theå: Khi laøm vieäc traùnh tieáp xuùc tröïc tieáp vôùi hoùa chaát.
Cautions: Do not eat at work and wash hands after working. 注意 : 工作中禁止吃東西和工作後洗手.
Chuù yù : Nghieâm caám aên quaø trong giôø laøm vieäc, phaûi röûa tay sau giôø laøm vieäc.
8. Handling and Storage 安全處置及儲存方法 Phöông phaùp baûo quaûn, söû duïng an toaøn.
Handling. Ensure effcient exhaust ventilation in the working area. Do not use at source ignition. Avoid contact with eyes, skin.
處置 工作區域保持通風良好, 遠離易燃物質,避免眼睛, 皮膚接觸.
Söû duïng Söû duïng ôû nôi thoâng thoaùng, caùch xa nguoàn gaây chaùy, traùnh tieáp xuùc tröïc tieáp vaøo maét, da tay.
Storage Keep in tightly closed container & store between 5℃ and 40 ℃
儲存 容器保持密閉, 並儲存於5℃至40℃.
Baûo quaûn Phaûi ñaäy kín caùc thuøng chöùa hoùa chaát, baûo quaûn nôi coù nhieät ñoä töø 5℃ ñeán 40℃

9. FATORY EMERGENCY CONTAC NUMBER IS .工廠緊急聯絡電話 Soá ñieän thoaïi caàn bieát : Chöõa chaùy: 114 Caáp cöùu : 115
höôùng daãn naøy neân ñaët ôû vò trí thích hôïp, deã nhìn thaáy ñeå tieän vieäc tham khaûo .

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