Restoration of Justice in Florida

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The Hanging Together for Justice Foundation


1. Abusive Bill Killed Last Year. Last April, Mortgage Justice wrote to members of the House and Senate regarding the Florida Bankers Associations then attempt to use the power of the Florida State Legislature to commit fraud upon its residents and other real property owners in this State. Fortunately for the residents of Florida, House Bill 1523 and its sister Bill in the Senate SB 2270 was withdrawn and this State did not have to suffer the consequences of this Criminal Effort to hi-jack the Florida legislature to further the Banksters criminal theft of homeowners rightful real property. 2. Dead but it wont lie down. Just surfaced on the legislative docket for 2011, introduced on March 3rd, at 4:57 pm, just before the commencement of the current session, is the inappropriately named Florida Fair Foreclosure Act [House Bill # 1191]. This is the latest attempt to hi-jack the Florida Legislature for the furtherance of criminal acts. It is sponsored by a Florida Attorney who, in common with 25% of the Members of State Congress, is in breach of the Constitutions separation of powers by simultaneously holding office in two separate branches of state government. Additionally, this Representative appears to be occupying an office of profit within one of those branches of government and who quite clearly has a conflict of interest in that her law practice advertises that she specializes in Banking Law. To add insult to injury this Representative is a Member of the House Judiciary Committee and the Civil Justice Sub-Committee. This criminally offensive Bill must be removed from the Houses Calendar for all of the above reasons. In the event that it is allowed to progress through the legislative process, any Member of the House who speaks in support, or votes for it after receiving this report will be participating in the further use of our state government for criminal purposes. 3. Two days after the filing of HB 1191, newly elected Senator Jack Latvala sponsored SB 1964 also inappropriately titled The Florida Fair Foreclosure Act. The text of this Bill runs to 27 pages and at first glance is a revolutionary document containing major proposed law changes all of which favor more criminal activity by Banksters and in no way can be supported as being in the collective interests of the citizens and residents of the State of Florida. It must also be immediately removed from the Senate Calendar. 4. Prior to the emergence of HB 1191 or its companion SB 1964, SB 428 sponsored by Senator Dean, a retired Sheriff, proposed to increase the number of Retired Judges who can be brought back to the bench to speed up this criminal activity to the further detriment of the people who elected the Members of the House and Senate to office. The provisions of this Bill add to the deception by perpetuating the deadbeat borrowers myths [whereas this recession was deliberately planned and executed by Wall Street Investment Banks, Main Street Banks, mortgage lenders and their cohorts, including GSEs, Rating Agencies, MERS and large sophisticated law offices who fabricated their SEC documentation and issued false declarations of compliance with the laws], falsely suggesting that the cure is to expedite the rate of foreclosures to bottom out the market and that somehow this unsupportable economic





theory will revitalize the economy, allow citizens to pay their taxes and Housing Associations to maintain communities. Senator Deans Bill also appears to be flying in the face of democracy. If the voters have rejected a Judge through the ballot, it should not be possible for those judges to be restored to office where they will be able to continue to act as though they had in fact been re-elected. This Bill must also be rejected or withdrawn. The word Banksters is not irresponsible Hyperbole. The authors of this report wish to make their reasons for using the word Bankster in what is a very factual and reasoned report that exposes serious criminal incursions into all three branches of government to the detriment of our communities, our state, our nation and has repercussions on the rest of the world. The word Bankster is not of our invention but was a title earned by the Money Changers at the time of the Great Depression and it is not disrespectful hyperbole, but is used to emphasize the fact that the Banking lobby is not representing a legitimate business but a vast criminal enterprise. That is not hyperbole, or theory, but stark fact. None of the immensely serious matters covered in this report, all of which relate to voluminous crimes and which need the urgent attention of all three branches of our state government, bears any relationship to the legitimate business enterprise collectively known as Banking. This whole report is concerned with massive criminal actions that dwarf anything the Mafia ever did and our use of the B word is meant to drive home to readers of this report that we are dealing with the most serious white collar crime, which has directly brought about the biggest financial crisis that has ever confronted this country. That our government institutions are more concerned to protect those criminals than their people is a matter of grave concern to all who are informed. Those numbers are growing rapidly. Senior Judges Become Mass Foreclosure Terrorists. When writing to Members last year we were aware that preventing that Bank Sponsored legislation from passing into law would be a step in the right direction and we still hoped that the Appellate Courts would begin to reverse the wholesale abuse of our citizens and residents civil rights by a tyrannical Circuit Court system, or that the media might finally start reporting the truth leading to a change of direction in favor of the victims of that abuse, but at best saving Floridians from that proposed law would help an unbelievably bad situation from rapidly worsening. Almost a year later the evidence supporting the urgency of putting those corrupt practices into reverse has increased exponentially. It is now imperative that the judiciary stops the disgraceful abuses of civil and human rights that is endemic in our Courts and which continues to escalate. Courts Routinely Denied Due Process. Last April, when those legislative changes were quietly passing through the Committee stages, without an apparent voice being raised against it, the de facto position was that the judiciary had virtually denied the rights of equal access, discovery, evidentiary hearings, to present evidence and a fair trial to Defendants in foreclosure lawsuits subjected to Mass Foreclosure Dockets. Senior Judges Waste Legislature's Foreclosure Money, Flout Oaths. The legislature was already in danger of being corrupted by the Banksters last year, but after the failure of the non-judicial bills, proposed new techniques and methods emerged from the Banksters to further their fraudulent white collar criminal abuse of our populace. The legislature obliged by funding the Judiciary to speed up the

process and according to statements made by Circuit Court Judges to justify their failure to comply with the law, the Judicial Branch of Government was under instruction from the Legislative Branch to reduce the foreclosure Docket in order to speed up the States economic recovery. 9. Leg. & Exec. Collude to Help Banks, Hurt Citizens The Executive Branch played loud and monotonous lip service to protecting Floridians, especially our largely elderly residents and in collusion with the legislators brought about new laws to criminalize persons who engaged in what was described in the legislation as foreclosure rescue services a double edged sword which excluded Attorneys and Mortgage Brokers, two of the biggest contributors to the Bankster fraud in the State at a time when it became known that over 10,000 mortgage brokers in Florida possessed criminal records. Whatever, the merits of enacting that law may have been it was truly fiddling while Rome was burning. 10. AG Abrogates Duty to Investigate Mortgage & Foreclosure Fraud. At that time there was no interest in listening to suggestions of bank fraud, even less interest in investigating the Banksters, the foreclosure forgery factories, otherwise collectively known as Mortgage Foreclosure Specialist Firms, the law offices who were and still are - filing unbelievable numbers of fraudulent lawsuits in collusion with those forgery factories and local stand in counsels who sit in the Courtrooms with their laptop computers connected to the forgery factories electronic Case Management Files where all the steps in each fraudulent foreclosure are documented, thus revealing all the forged and fraudulent documents recorded therein from their original drafting to their presentation to the Judge by Plaintiffs counsel. The said Case Management Files also contain the identities of the individuals who have forged documents and show when these criminal actions took place together with the identities of the stand-in counsels who recite their repetitive lies to the willing ears of the Judgment hungry judges. These serious frauds upon the Court are occurring in our Courts by the thousand every day that these kangaroo courts are in session. 11. Incessantly Abusive Sheriff and Deputies. However, that same Executive Branch of State Government that window dressed its expressed concern to control corruption, while ignoring the real problem, continued to allow Sheriffs Deputies throughout the State to act as Court Bailiffs under the direction of Judges and to protect the lawbreaking judges, even participating in intimidation of pro se litigants in Court who dared to try and obtain due process of law to which they have a prescriptive right as Citizens of the United States, Florida residents, or as foreign real property owners in this State. Not content with aiding and abetting the unlawful and tyrannical activities of Circuit Court Judges, the Executive provides the color of law to the unlawful Judgments by enforcing equally unlawful writs of possession illegally Ordered by these Judges when Sheriffs Deputies evict the victims of that tyrannical abuse from their homes. 12. Legislator Split Loyalties. A number of informed and patriotic citizens, particularly those who keep the rest of us informed as to the truth through Internet blog sites, have been approached by legislators seeking to obtain ideas as to how they can make law changes to hasten our economic recovery. While appearing to be helpful on the surface such approaches are suspect, especially if presented by legislators who are also Bar Members with active law practices in which they unlawfully retain interests

whilst serving as elected Officers in the Legislative Branch of Government as their requests for ideas are often made with forked tongue to disguise political motivations, or even their direct involvement in bank corruption and despite their references to the importance of protecting the homeowners, their appeals for help are tinged with the Banksters rhetoric of how important it is for us to help the banks to speed up their foreclosures in order to hasten the economic recovery. 13. Represent the People not Paymasters. Members of our Government are not elected to office, whichever branch of our state government to which they are elected or appointed to represent the interest of Banksters or other corrupting corporations, but by the people with a remit to act for the people. After reading this report and carrying out some simple investigations into the truth of its findings, no voting member of either chamber in our State Congress can possibly justify their continued bending to the corrupt activities of the Banksters as being in the interest of the people whose lives are directly affected by the bills they pass into law. Every voting member needs to remember their candidates oath and to act in support of the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Florida. The Banksters continued postulations, [echoed by judges across this state, as they unlawfully deprive defendants in their fraudulent lawsuits of their constitutional and statutory rights] that their victims are deadbeat homeowners who borrowed the money and according to their improper definition of delinquency, are just trying to get a free house, is in itself criminal, willful deceit. 14. Legislatures Corrupted by Financial Institutions On the contrary immense damage has already been done as a direct result of the massive frauds that have already been inflicted upon investors, property owners and the general public and rather than continue to follow the misguided path down which the legislature has already progressed by granting money to the Supreme Court, the states Judicial Branch of Government to speed up the foreclosure process which is adding to the personal burdens of this States citizens, is legalizing the theft of real property from its rightful owners by Banksters, continues to deepen the recession, add to the destabilization of communities, the breakup of families, an increase in blue collar crime and hundreds of millions of Dollars in lost revenue to the State, all to the benefit of corrupt Money Changers, with the support of huge numbers of Members of the Bar who willingly aid them in promoting massive frauds upon our courts and upon their former customers, the residents of the State of Florida and all under the protective shield of the color of law provided by the Executive. 15. Lawyer Sponsored Destructive Protectionism. For such powers to operate within this apparently impenetrable protective barrier is against the interests of our Citizens and residents. This barrier to justice must be removed as a matter of urgency. It is by virtue of the existence of the lawyer sponsored and engineered protectionism embodied in the 1949 changes to the Florida Constitution that the Banksters have already hi-jacked our entire Court system for their criminal purposes and have exercised control over the direction of legislation by other methods. It was only by the skin of our teeth that they failed to remove the judiciary from the foreclosure process in Florida last year and no doubt their lobby has remained as active as before in Tallahassee.

16. None of the Loans were ever made by the Lenders, but Self-Funded. Judges across this state, are unlawfully depriving defendants in lawsuits of constitutional and statutory rights, echo the Banksters continued postulations that their victims are deadbeat homeowners who borrowed the money are trying to get a free house. In point of fact the exact opposite is true as we can see from these realities: (a) JP Morgan Chase's widely reported campaign to buy up property tax lien certificates across America in the hopes of effectively stealing realty for the cost of a few years' taxes. (b) Bank agents buy up houses at foreclosure auctions, flip them to the bank, and give the bank an angle for bilking the mortgage insurance companies the federal government had to bail out to the tune of billions of dollars. Banks participated in appraisal fraud, encouraging grossly overpriced realty purchases. Lenders don't fund mortgage loans till after depositing the alleged borrower's note, thereby making the borrower the source of the funding, and the bank only a middle-man depositor, not an actual lender. This means the closer handed the seller at the closing table an insufficiently funded hot check which the seller could not possibly cash till three days later, hence the practice of closing loans on Friday whenever possible. Lenders, sellers, and closers induce the borrower to sign lies in both the note (for a loan I have received) and the mortgage (I am seized of the estate) because the borrower has never seen the documents prior to closing and the real estate purchase agreement requires the buyer to close if approved for the loan. These create duress to sign without thoroughly reading the docs. Lenders commit fraud by failing to execute a lending agreement with the borrower in advance of closing. This deprives the lender of privity of contract which has serious ramifications and lays the groundwork for allegations of fraud against the lender. Upon signing the note the borrower makes the note into the borrower's chattel, and only the borrower owns it. Evidences of such ownership exist in the UCC language of holder in due course or holder, instead of owner, assignment of rights instead of sale of the note, and requirement to return the note upon satisfaction to the borrower. The borrower never gives right to the lender to sell the note or convert it to personal use such as through securitization, and so all profits derived from securitization and associated bond sales belong exclusively to the borrower. A variety of factors convert the note from a negotiable instrument to a non-negotiable instrument, or discharge the obligation of the maker,

(c) (d)






particularly, but not limited to, language in the mortgage that change the borrower's rights to receive presentment and notice of dishonor, rights to receive notice of assignment of beneficial interest in the note, late fees, adjustable interest rates, and loss reserve funds created by unspent mortgage insurance premiums. (j) The US Supreme Court has ruled several times that separation of the mortgage from the note disables the right to enforce the note through foreclosure sale of the realty, thereby making nearly all mortgage foreclosures unlawful and all foreclosure litigation frauds upon the court, warranting disbarment of the attorneys who represent the plaintiff, and fining and jailing of the plaintiff for a number of years.

17. Unlawful Funding. The legislature have already funded unlawful mass foreclosure dockets in the courts, with the abusive outcome to defendants in lawsuits and any extension of judicial personnel to speed this process, will only result in a deepening problem and play into the hands of the criminal Banksters. 18. No such legislation must pass this legislature. Any voting member who votes to support any such measure, or HB 1191 after receiving this report has allowed himself or herself to openly confess to acting on behalf of criminal interests and not for the people who elected her or him to office. 19. Supreme Courts Complicity. It is clear that the separation of powers has been completely eroded in our State and must be reinstated. The Florida Supreme Court went to great lengths in 2009 to set up a Task Force to consider how best to deal with the flood of foreclosures. The public were led to believe that they were concerned to maintain the efficiency of the Court system, but everything they focused upon during their deliberations assumed that the Banksters had a Cause of Action against the Deadbeat Homeowners, whereas the reverse is true. Almost no foreclosure case filed in the Florida Courts can demonstrate Standing. As Judge Shack said in Brooklyn New York, Standing is a Threshold Issue. If you do not have standing to file a lawsuit, the suit is frivolous and the Plaintiffs, together with their counsels who filed them in the Courts should be punished by being dismissed with prejudice, sanctions and any other appropriate relief provided to the victim of such fraudulent attempt to hi-jack a court of law for illegal purposes. In Florida, however, they are rewarded by Judges who rubber stamp any that are uncontested and refuse to consider any defendants defenses, testimony even when told that evidence of fraud upon their court is manifest. THE CORRUPTION AND THE PARTICIPANTS EXPOSED. 20. First, all of the mortgage loans were set up to fail. Preposterous suggestion the Banksters proclaim! Why would we lend you money if we knew you were going to default and we would not get our money back? Simple, first they did not lend any money, they electronically sold the same fraudulent loan documentation more than once by unlawfully utilizing digitized records whilst pretending that the original notes and mortgages had been eliminated, immediately after the closing, [see Akerman Senterfitts submission to the Florida Supreme Courts Task Force] they obtained signatures from an ill informed population on unilateral declarations of adhesion, not 7

contracts, used those signatures to secure credit from the Federal Reserve and just for good measure insured those loans against the borrowers default up to thirty times over for each loan [which they fraudulently filed documents in the SECs public records to falsely demonstrate that they had sold those loans into a Securitized Trust] utilizing a device deceptively named credit default swaps under the auspices of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association to avoid the State Regulations controlling insurance contracts and to use as a secondary scheme to defraud the investors that they had already defrauded when using them as the innocent funders of the biggest Ponzi scheme in history as more fully described below. 21. Second, despite the common belief, none of these mortgage loans were sold in the secondary market for the simple reason that it is not legally possible to sell what is not owned. None of the so called lenders on any so called Promissory Note lent any money. If the lender was an FSB, or any Bank it is not permitted to lend any of its depositors or checking account customers funds under the Banking Acts. It could only invest funds that it owned or were managing for their customers investment portfolios. Clearly, this could never have been sufficient for them to have funded the vast number of mortgages that were allegedly, but not actually, securitized into Real Estate Investment Conduit Trusts that individually totaled upwards of a billion dollars for each alleged Trust. 22. If the purported lenders on these Notes were small subsidiaries of Banks or Mortgage Brokers who were able to obtain funding from a so called warehouse lender they clearly did not have sufficient funds to lend on the massive scale that preceded the financial crises. 23. All this posturing as to the identity of the lender at the closing table, was to give the appearance of compliance with the Rules of REMIC, embodied in IRC 860. In order to qualify for huge tax breaks all loans must have been sold in the secondary market and table funded loans were specifically excluded. All these incorrectly described securitized loans were table funded and therefore specifically excluded. Table funding to those unfamiliar with the term describes a process that is the reverse of the concept of a lender making a loan and the loan subsequently being sold through a number of entities and ending its title journey in a Trust for the benefit of the final purchasers of that loan. The original funding started at the opposite end of that cycle and worked its way backward to the pretend lender whose name was on the promissory note. The paperwork was actually supposed to follow the REMIC cycle, but even that chain of title was corrupted by the Banksters. By camouflaging table funded loans as qualifying REMIC loans the Banksters engineered and appear to have got away with this massive tax fraud against the IRS. To substantiate the apparent compliance with IRC 860, extensive fraudulent representations were made in the filings submitted to the SEC in the form of prospectuses, trust agreements, mortgage loan purchase agreements, pooling and servicing agreements and more. 24. Any informed inspection of these documents, despite the many thousands of pages of legalize that are sometimes filed to legitimize these crimes for just one fraudulent securitized pool, soon exposes the facts which in total clearly establishes that there was no chain of title and that all the loans were table funded. As described elsewhere in this report the original funds extracted by the Sponsors of the Wall Street Security entitled Mortgage Loan Pass Through Certificates once deposited in the Banksters

bank accounts qualified them to draw ten times the amount of funds to basically do whatever they wanted with. 25. So called borrowers, were not the only victims of this massive Ponzi scheme. Professional investors, including Pension Fund, Mutual Fund, Hedge Fund Managers on Wall Street were all persuaded to part with their investors funds to fund this scam as were Municipalities across America and around the world, not to forget the funds owned by foreign governments and professional investors from other countries around the globe. Anyone, who has ever visited the beautiful Tuscany region of Italy, should know that all those wonderful hilltop towns were bankrupted by these criminal, money-changing monsters. But when it all collapsed in 2009 they came whining for government bail outs, which they immediately used to jack up the international price of oil, driving it to over double its real value thus injuring many more investors who bought into yet another Bankster scam and hurt the already suffering people by increasing the price of everything that depended upon the price of oil. Now the whining continues and they still rely upon the integrity of their victims to believe that if they borrowed the money they have a moral responsibility to repay those funds, when they do not respect that same code of ethics when they invest in a bad real estate deal. 26. The Banksters use the same technique upon their victims as they do upon their employees to obtain their support, fear and reward. So do the integrated Florida Bar and any other corrupted body use these stick and carrot methods to enforce compliance and discourage any disobedience. The so called deadbeat homeowners live in fear of getting a bad credit rating or worse a foreclosure and/or a bankruptcy on their record and continue to struggle to pay, often rising rates of interest, on deliberately engineered underwater loans. The banksters used the same fear and reward techniques to ensure a steady flow of over inflated and ever increasing appraisals appraisers could refuse to comply and be placed on the Blacklist circulated amongst all the various lenders or comply and make money out of the boom. More fraudulent actions that our legislators, executive branch and judiciary happily ignore whilst aiding and abetting the Banksters criminal actions, while continuing to justify it with the war cry you borrowed the money. 27. For the scam to succeed it was essential that the scammers could wrest the money out of the Professional Investors and the Municipal Treasures. They had no option but to utilize table funding to get the tax breaks they had to falsify the appearance that the loans were all genuine REMIC loans, which is the same argument they now fraudulently present in the foreclosure lawsuits. First it was necessary to provide the illusion of safety for the funds being invested. The major Wall Street Rating Agencies were the tool used at great profits to those entities. They issued Ratings up to AAA for Pools of Mortgages which were wrongly described as closed loans that were owned by a Trust for the benefit of the investors in the income producing PassThrough Certificates they were being sold by the Wall Street Sponsors of the nonexistent Pool. 28. The Rating Agencies stated that they had examined the mortgage loan files, when in reality the loans did not exist and the Banksters agreement with those entities was that they would not inspect the mortgage files, just make the false statement. The Rating Agencies were paid Billions of Dollars for supplying these fraudulent ratings. These

were the documents used to sell the securities and the funds now came under the control of the Ponzi scheme organizers. It was these funds that were now used to draw from the Federal Window ten times the amount of money fraudulently obtained from the investors, which was made available either directly, or through so called warehouse lenders, who were the apparent funders of the loans, as far as the pretend lender was concerned. For this service the pretend lenders were paid a large commission, disguised as a yield spread premium. 29. From the foregoing paragraph it is an easy step to understand how it was impossible for the lender whose identity was printed on the Note and Mortgage to sell his investment into the secondary mortgage market, since it was not that pretend lenders property, neither was it the property of the warehouse lender, who had obtained the funds from the Wall Street Seller of the Securities or an FSB with whom they were in collusion to maximize the available money available all courtesy of the Private Bank that is control of the US Dollar, the Federal Reserve, through its window. 30. The identities of all the participants in this fraud are filed in the SECs public records. The Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreements and the Pooling and Servicing Agreements are particularly revealing. They disclose participants in the scam as major Wall Street Firms who sponsored the sale of the securities and issued the Prospectus, FSBs [including such behemoths as Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, J. P. Morgan, Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of New York Mellon, US Bank, Wells Fargo, HSCBC, Suntrust bank, GMAC and many more, all masquerading as Trustees of REMICS, Custodians and/or Master Servicers. Those are the entities that together with the GSEs, Electronic Registration Systems, Countrywide, AIG, Wall Street Broking firms and the Rating Agencies [Standard & Poors, Moodys & Fitches] formed the hard core of this massive fraud. 31. Most of the Trusts, are not Trusts at all, but so called Delaware Statutory Trusts. A search of the Delaware Secretary of States Internet page soon reveals its true status. Just like the Federal Reserve is neither Federal, nor does it have reserves, the Delaware Statutory Trust is neither Statutory, nor is it a Trust. It is in fact a Limited Liability Company that once it is recorded as such, remains in good standing until its sponsor requests its removal. Unlike any other LLC it does not have to submit any returns or pay any annual fees to remain in existence. Perfect cover for entities created to fail, no information can be obtained. 32. When the planned bubble burst occurred, the Ponzi scheme Banksters started on the final phase of their scam, the acquisition of as much real property as they could wrest away from middle class Americans, just as their ancestors had done to devastate the farmers of America in bygone years. However, to perfect this stage of the scam many things had to be done. 33. First, a number of subtle changes had been made to various laws and UCC Regulations around the country, to facilitate such things as large numbers of lost note foreclosure Complaints, thus ensuring that their sins would be buried under the new clean title that would come from the foreclosure courts issuance of a new Note. Also they had to woo the judiciary to ensure that homeowners would be denied their right of access to hide the fraudulent paperwork that they and their counsels would file in those Courts, all sponsored and engineered by the so called foreclosure specialist


firms, more popularly known amongst the informed population as foreclosure forgery factories, such as IPS, Document X and Securities Connection Inc, in Idaho Falls. 34. The first wave of foreclosures used Mortgage Electronic Registration Services as the Plaintiff, when that entity had no ownership or other right to foreclose on any loan that they supposedly were acting as nominee for the lender or its assigns. 35. When that door closed, the next wave of foreclosures either claimed that loans were owned by what in fact was a Servicer, or by a Bankster in its role as Trustee. Also, at that time a new angle appeared in the bogus Complaints. They were all filing complaints that the Original Notes had been lost. Many individual defendants in these cases were surprised that a bank had lost a purported negotiable instrument that to the informed person had also been used at the Federal Window to generate another multiple of 10 times its face value in pretend US Dollars. However, Judges, and the staff at the Clerk of the Courts, were viewing thousands of such lost Note Complaints every day it. Also, it never happened when MERS was filing the fraudulent Complaints in Florida, so it appears that the inability of the Banksters to take care of their valuable Notes coincided with being forced to change the pretend Plaintiff. It is impossible to believe that acceptance of these lawsuits based upon such obvious outright lies has never been made a threshold issue. Needless to say it has not and hundreds of thousands of Floridians lost their homes or other real property because such obvious fraudulent submissions had been acted upon by what is now an equally obvious corrupt judiciary, in cahoots with thousands of foreclosure mill attorneys who are filing criminally fraudulent documents in the Courts of Florida and other Judicial States across America. 36. The fear and reward technique was also implemented within the ranks of the Servicers, those original architects of every securitization scam the professional forgery firms and the law offices masquerading as counsel for the pretend plaintiffs, who are in fact appointed by the professional forgery firms and by those other wolves in sheeps clothing, the government sponsored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack, also major instigators along with Countrywide and its former CEO. Persons, such as the now infamous Jeffery Stephen, at GMAC (now the government owned ALLY BANK) Cheryl Samons, the Executive at the disgraced law offices of David J. Stern, Scott Anderson in West Palm Beach, Patricia Arango and Jessica Cabrera at the law offices of Marshall C. Watson, Hollan Fintel at the Florida Default Law Group and thousands of other employees, licensed attorneys and hundreds of bankster employees who forged hundreds of thousands of Affidavits, Assignments and other documents, impersonated corporate officials, filed their forged documents in official and court records and committed hundreds of thousands of mortgage frauds and frauds upon the courts, all of which are felonies, in violation of Florida Criminal Statutes. These major crimes are euphemized by the Banksters as errors in the accuracy of the paperwork and other euphemistic terms in recent filings in the SEC of Annual Reports designed to retain the confidence of their investors, but to protect themselves against what they know will be a flood of inevitable lawsuits filed against them when the truth eventually gets out as to the extent of their frauds upon investors. These filings can be viewed on the SECs Edgar Internet site. The same and/or similar euphemisms are used in press releases and in government cover up stories.


37. The lost notes miraculously appear months, sometimes years after the Courts were told they had been lost, destroyed or stolen and could not be found, but only in cases where their frivolous lawsuits are carefully and continuously litigated. Many of these found notes have sprouted stamps upon their surfaces, or so called Allonges are stated to have been attached to what are claimed to be Original Notes. Some, appear to be originals, many however are easily proven forgeries as are the stamps upon the Notes. When expertly examined under a microscope these documents are shown to have been electronically produced either by a color printing device, or a computerized pen and the signatures within the stamps are part of the stamp, meaning that it could be applied by anyone who has such a stamp. Also, it is known that many of these signors are fictitious, whereas others are known to be employed by a different employer than they claim to be signing for. Further, no proof of identity of any of the signors of these stamps, or the date upon which they were impressed is provided. Many of these people are known to be the employees of the professional forgery factories and when filed, become more fraud upon the Court. 38. It is normal practice for these crooked robo-signors to pretend to be Vice Presidents of Banks, or of MERS, or Assistant Secretaries, or to profess personal knowledge, when they have no idea what they are signing, to fraudulently produce Affidavits of Amounts Due and Owing or to Assign Mortgages, together with the Notes when they have no such authority, and do not hold any such positions and for these forged and fabricated documents to be filed in the Courts and/or in the Official Records by licensed Attorneys when acting as counsels, who, by so doing, commit frauds upon the Court. Those forgeries are presented as genuine legal documents where they are tacitly accepted and any attempt to question their integrity by informed pro se defendants is greeted with abuse and ignored by Senior Judges, with no responsibility for what they do under the assumed control of Assigned Judges who are elected and appointed by the Supreme Court, but who have in practice abrogated their responsibility to use them as assistants to isolate themselves from shouldering any responsibility for their corrupt and unlawful orders. 39. To all legislators with the fortitude or discipline to read these details of the antics of the fraudulent Banksters and their partners in crime within the Judicial Branch of our State government, it is emphasized that these carefully explained sequences of fraud are not isolated, but are a staple ingredient in almost every mortgage foreclosure case before our courts, including all the unlawful theft of homes that has already occurred in the ongoing ruthless pursuit of the Banksters goal. This white collar crime is way out of control. The damage being caused to our beloved State, Nation and the world at large, truly dwarfs the damage that has ever been done by Standing Armies. 40. Any person with a working knowledge of the documentation required by Statute, Decisional Law and Procedural Rule to be produced when filing a lawsuit can ascertain within minutes by reading key parts of the Complaint and exhibits filed in the Court whether or not the Plaintiff has Standing. It did not need this huge effort by the Supreme Court of Florida after listening to the lies presented by foreclosure mill attorneys (some of the biggest white collar criminals in the State) and the Banksters such as the evidence submitted to them by Akerman Senterfitt on behalf of the Florida Bankers Association to come up with the perfect front to justify all their


activity the imposition of a new Rule of Civil Procedure requiring all Mortgage Complaints to be Verified with effect from February 11, 2010. 41. What soon became apparent was that many of the foreclosure mills simply ignored this new Rule, some even challenged its validity, but judges continued to accept unverified and incorrectly verified Complaints as though nothing had changed. When the Complaints were verified, they were almost always not in compliance with the Rule, with the Statute governing the requirements needed to meet that definition or the Case Law supporting and amplifying the Statutes. First, the Supreme Court, together with the integrated Florida Bar, despite all that has gone before and what it wishes or believes, does not have the power to legislate through the issuance of Procedural Rules. Therefore the Statute and the Case law will always trump Procedural Rules where there is a conflict. This was recently confirmed by the 2nd District Court of Appeal who unanimously rejected a Petition for Writ of Certiorari presented to it by Bank of America on the grounds that the strict interpretation of the law regarding verification would lead to substantial damage to its and other Plaintiffs in foreclosures. At least some of our Justices are acting correctly and no doubt, recognize that Banksters losses are not grounds to bend laws in our nation of laws. 42. In those cases where Complaints appear to be verified many are verified by counsel to the Plaintiff. Counsel for the Plaintiff cannot verify anything for reasons well known to all attorneys. Further, verification like any other Affidavit is inadmissible hearsay unless the verifier or affiant is subjected to Deposition or appears in Court to testify and be subjected to cross-examination. As all Attorneys know, they cannot testify in any Action where they or their law office is acting as counsel and if challenged their evidence must be deemed inadmissible. Just like the hundreds of thousands of such affidavits that have been executed by plaintiffs counsel and filed in the Courts, before and after the Rule change, they are all inadmissible evidence for hearsay and other reasons, but every foreclosure that has happened in this State since this Bank created financial crisis commenced has been predicated on such documents which are largely unchallenged by uneducated pro se litigants who cannot afford legal representation or by the counsels who are supposed to be representing their clients interests in the litigation. On these grounds alone, those Final Judgments in Foreclosure are legally infirm and the title of those properties is stained. 43. Further, the Supreme Court made it easy for these new verifications to be meaningless, because the wording they prescribed allowed the use of the words, on knowledge and belief when swearing an oath under the Rules of Perjury. Such words are not permitted by the Statute, neither does the Case law provide any support for their use, except in certain circumstances which are not applicable to these situations. The Supreme Court was aware of the law when it made the rule change. After all, they are the Justices of the Supreme Court of Florida and not a collection of poorly educated rednecks. Those of us who lack general and/or legal education are not allowed to plead ignorance of the law, so it cannot be an option for our Supreme Court Justices to plead lack of knowledge of it in defense of their failure to comply. 44. Nevertheless, the situation today is that only a handful of judges in our Circuit Courts are concerning themselves with the verification requirement and when the validity of those Complaints is challenged by educated, pro se, litigants or their counsels they are brushed off, especially if the law firm in opposition is an expensive and


sophisticated firm, that represents the Florida Bankers Association, such as Akerman Senterfitt, who plead one thing when representing that organization to the Supreme Court and quite another when defending the indefensible in a Florida foreclosure court before a senior judge who readily accepts their pleadings as evidenced from the transcripts of official Court Reports. 45. Residents of Lee County who are currently the subject of blatantly fraudulent foreclosures on their Homesteads and other real property have consistently challenged the right of a judge in the 20th Circuit to, Sua Sponte, set their cases for Docket Sounding. There is no authority for the setting of Docket Soundings in civil cases to be found in any law or rule, within which, that Court is bound to operate . Further, the judge Ordering these Docket Soundings, states his authority as, this case is at issue and ready for trial, a legal definition to be found in the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure unambiguously defines that the said Judge is out of order in using it to justify his actions. 46. The said judge, more often than not, then sets the hearing in front of a general magistrate, without, first, obtaining the consent of the parties as required by the Rules, but instead buries on the third page of his Order a requirement for objections to be raised by any party no later than the day of the hearing in a legally infirm attempt to turn his obligation to comply with the rules into an obligation of the parties. Even when defendants file valid objections to the Setting of the Docket Sounding based on all these arguments, Magistrates still seek to exercise personal jurisdiction by sending the objecting defendant to a Judge, using the persuasive powers of an armed Bailiff to give this unlawful act the color of law and to bring about compliance, 47. On a number of occasions, the Court Reports paid for by these objectors has shown that when Judges are asked to justify their jurisdiction to hold Docket Soundings for Cases that are not at issue and ready for trial, they have pled inherent authority and stated that they have to hold these hearings because the legislature has given them funds to speed up the process of the docket. (Double speak, meaning the obtaining of Summary Judgments in favor of a bankster to steal the Defendants real property]. 48. One such objector, whose court file contains a number of detailed Verified Motions with exhibits that prove, over and over again, the existence of serious misrepresentation and fraud upon the court by officers of the court, involving amongst others, the Plaintiff and its counsel found herself appearing at a Docket Sounding in front of the very same judge who had issued the original legally infirm Order who aggressively asked her if she was questioning his authority. Her punishment was to have her case set for trial, when none of the issues had been resolved. Subsequently that trial date was cancelled by the Plaintiff, because it was not ready for trial. In truth it could never be ready for trial in any court other than one as corrupted as the 20th Circuit Court in Lee County, Florida. 49. A serious problem exists within our government. Corruption runs so deep and has become a common talking point and something to grumble about but tinged with a belief that the government is too powerful to challenge. However, as more information emerges as the extent of the corruption, especially bank sponsored fraud there is a growing willingness to constructively work to put an end to its universal acceptance. To find evidence of corruption entails considerable investigative work, not always made easy by the lack of transparency of relevant government records and


the suppression of incriminating evidence. No presumption of corruption of individual Members is assumed in this Report, but it is beyond dispute that the Banksters have obtained support for their frauds from the legislature. It is also relevant that some of you are already aware of the facts being communicated to you, whilst others may be in total ignorance or so politically motivated that you rely entirely on the political teachings of your party and have not opened your mind to things you would rather not hear. What will be true for all of you, who bother to read this report is that by the time you have finished reading it, you will certainly know that the state government to which you have been elected and have sworn an oath of allegiance to its Constitution has either deliberately engaged in corruptive practices or it has been naively deceived into providing a conduit for Bankster fraud, to further their criminal activities, in all three of its branches and know that irrespective of how it has happened, such corruption is against the interests of Floridians and US Citizens. 50. If you have read this far you must no longer buy into the Banksters only justification for their frauds upon the people and the peoples courts, by constantly repeating that the deadbeat homeowners have caused the problems by not paying their mortgages. First, it was the Banksters, not the homeowners who created a massive Ponzi scheme, defrauded Federal and State Tax Collectors, investors and borrowers. It was the same Banksters who jacked-up the appraisals to create a buying fever, destroyed the economy, destroyed the jobs that provided the incomes to pay the ever rising interest on the loans and then have the audacity to proclaim that the borrowers caused the problem by defaulting on their loans. Constant repetition of this and similar sound bytes cannot compete with the facts that follow any detailed investigation into the horrific truth. If you believe these lies and have acted, or propose to act upon them as a public officer of this government you are either part of the corruption, you have allowed yourself to be deceived by those Banksters, or are supporting the Federal Government cover-up. Either way, deliberately deceiving the people from a position of public office is a violation of your oath of office to uphold the Constitution. If you are simply reciting the sound bites because you know the truth but believe you can profit from hiding it behind those sound bites, then beware, sooner or later your sins will catch up with you. There are many opinions and every person in a free society is entitled to express those opinions, but there is always, only one set of facts. 51. This report contains nothing but facts. The truth behind the mortgage meltdown in addition to others set out in this report, is demonstrated by the following set of facts:(a) The Housing Bubble was deliberately planned and implemented by Wall Street entities and the Main Street Banks, including GSEs. (b) Mortgage and other loans were deliberately set up to fail. (c) The lenders shown on Promissory Notes and Mortgages were not the Lenders, but fraudulently used their licenses to document mortgage loans in the various states and were funded by Wall Street Brokers from the proceeds of the sale of Derivatives in wrongly described AAA rated Mortgage Backed Securities, for which they were paid excessive yield spread premiums as a commission. (d) Notes and Mortgages were not sold in the secondary market, neither were they transferred into securitized mortgage pools. It was impossible for pretend lenders to sell what they did not own.


Contrived sales in the secondary market were documented in the Securities and Exchange Commissions public records to avoid paying federal taxes upon their profits by falsifying the appearance of compliance with IRC 860 by filing bogus Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreements (MLPA) documenting a false chain of title to demonstrate that all their loans had legitimately passed through Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits (REMIC), but such transactions did not result in the loans being transferred into the Trusts for which the Bankster Trustee was appointed under the terms of the MLPA and the loans remained under the total control of the said Banksters. (f) The documents filed with the SEC are extensive, frequently running to over 1,000 pages of legal doubletalk, but the persistent and informed investigators have established and evidenced that none of the mortgage loans that they say were put into REMIC Trusts, ever reached those Trusts. In fact, the majority of the so-called Trusts were not Trusts but a form of perpetual LLC with zero reporting requirements filed in the State of Delaware for the benefit of those major Banks and/or GSEs, as the true beneficiaries of all the frauds. These Trusts are named Delaware Statutory Trusts, but they are neither Statutory, nor are they Trusts. (g) The true Bankster beneficiaries of the frauds knowing the majority of their bogus loans would default, also sold undisclosed and unregulated multiple default insurances and credit default swaps sold through the International Swaps and Derivatives Association on every new mortgage loan in which they were involved to guarantee that default and foreclosure would provide them with immediate profits on their ill gotten loan capital in addition to the bonus profits to be gained from the foreclosed property from its sale, from additional deficiency judgments arising from their deliberate over-appraisal of the properties. (h) It is therefore a fact that in almost every mortgage foreclosure action the foreclosing entity is not the owner of the Note or the Mortgage, never lent any money, is an integral part of a criminally motivated group has already reaped criminal profits, will share in multiple proceeds from insurances, all the Notes have been deliberately eliminated as admitted by the Supreme Court of Florida by the Florida Bankers Association, or if that was also a lie, they pretended to lose them to buy the time to fraudulently create on their faces a further false chain of title, usually, quite different from the chain of title documented in the public records of the SEC. Also all Notes are already paid in full when the bogus foreclosure suits are filed. . 52. We understand that the above text contains major allegations of fraud levied against some of the biggest and most powerful institutions in the land and we do not make these accusations lightly. We are fully prepared upon request given adequate notice to furnish irrefutable documentary evidence supporting those accusations and if required to justify them with such documentary evidence are willing so to do. It is



imperative that no further Bankster sponsored legislation be given any valuable House time, but urgent legislative and other government action must be taken to stop its continuing to undo the damage already done and to structure our State government for the benefit of its present and future citizens. 53. Further, we emphasize that we are not the only source of such information. An ever increasing number of people, many of whom publish evidence of these frauds on specialized Internet Blog sites have amassed huge databases, evidencing and memorializing the fraudulent theft of real property by the Banksters, the frauds upon the court of the licensed attorneys, links to public information, evidence of the tyrannical abuse of defendants in foreclosure lawsuits and much more. The publishers of those sites generally do not allow speculative material to be aired and are quick to remove any suspect information published by their members. Often the information provides links to, or the text of, official documents, news reports, depositions filed in Court Records, relevant legal decisions and much, much more, the content of which is open to confirmatory investigations at source. 54. People seized of full knowledge of the depth of this massive Ponzi scheme continue to ask the question; why are these criminals not already serving long prison sentences for the barefaced crimes upon our Courts and our Citizens? Why is David J.Stern, the Fort Lauderdale Attorney and all the other known skilled conductors of fraud on our courts still avoiding justice? Why is it, that months into the Attorney Generals investigations into the alleged criminal activities of other law firms, including Marshall C. Watson, Florida Default Law Group, Ben Ezra & Katz and & Fishman that no arrests have been made and charges brought against these people? Could it be that the State does not have enough prison cells to accommodate these criminals, or is it because the eventual solution will be another one of those gag ordered settlements described in the following paragraph, where the State, following in the footsteps of the Federal authorities as in the Goldman settlement with the SEC, collects no fault payments rather than criminal prosecutions leading to fines and/or imprisonment for those persons convicted of felonies? 55. Why are the Presidents CEOs and CFOs of the Banks and their key personnel, together with other entities created as instruments of fraud, to include MERS, Countywide and many other known criminal organizations still enjoying freedom and living the high life from their ill gotten criminal gains while our lawmakers, law enforcers and judiciary are concentrating on helping them to maintain their status quo? Why is it that when the Executive Branches of our government do investigate these people and their corporations that they are always resolved with out of court settlements, which state no fault and the fines now disguised as settlements are subjected to gag orders and the money goes into the Federal and State coffers and not into the pockets of the victims of their Ponzi schemes? 56. However, people who have a working knowledge of the structure of government, its role in acting as agent for Corporations and in particular the private banking system known as the Federal Reserve and its subsidiaries in addition to knowledge of the structure of the frauds and hard documentary evidence of how it is being done and who is doing it, no longer ask that question. The answer is simple; our government is no longer acting on behalf of its people but on behalf of its paymasters and corruption is rife throughout this nation and this State.


57. Members of the House and Senate are warned not to vote for any bank sponsored or bank favored legislative changes and not to believe any of their rhetoric or false attempts to describe black as white. However, serious and urgent legislative changes need to be enacted to undermine these corrupt activities, to put a stop to the financial rape of our citizens and to set this State back on the road to prosperity. 58. First, it is necessary to understand why it is necessary to enact such changes in our laws and to fully understand how the people are being abused in our system of hangmans courts, where defendants in civil mortgage foreclosure cases are treated as though they are criminals, accused of heinous crimes, or worse, already judged to be guilty of them. The main drafter of this letter, a man in his mid seventies, has personally been battered by an armed bailiff in a Civil Court in Lee County Florida at the instigation of a so called Senior Judge for daring to suggest, in the presence of a Court Reporter [who incidentally altered the running order of the dialogue during the hearing when the transcript was produced] that he had a right to equal access to the Court, to object to a non-existent defunct bank continuing to litigate a fraudulent foreclosure action against him and his spouse and to object to an attorney testifying in whispered tones which he could barely hear. All such foreclosure hearings are conducted in these inaudible tones in the 20th Circuit Court and the Court recording system is either switched off or the recordings made unavailable for purchase. 59. For these serious crimes he and his spouse were punished by the inflicting of a Summary Judgment, without hearing any of the substantial evidence filed in the case, the tyrannical senior judge entered an Order, falsely stating that he had heard both parties and Ordered that the Defendant be escorted from the court by an armed bailiff. Over a year later the same elderly person was again improperly denied the right to speak in that same case by another tyrannical senior judge despite being a defendant in the case because the pretend Plaintiffs Motion was for a deficiency judgment against his spouse and UPL was used to prevent him from speaking. Despite the Defendants protest the Plaintiffs Motion was granted to a bank that had been given the loan for free by the FDIC, as is evidenced in the FDICs Purchase and Assumption agreement which the Court has refused to consider. Further the defunct bank was unsure as to the identity of the owner of the loan when it filed its complaint, prior to being closed down by its regulator for banking irregularities and other offenses. The elderly Defendant was again escorted from the Court, this time by two armed Bailiffs, while the third Bailiff who was in the Court on that occasion remained inside to maintain Order. Two weeks later, in another case, the same judge again tried to stop that same person from defending himself at a Docket Sounding on the grounds that the signor of the Note was his spouse, but upon finally admitting that as a defendant in that case he was entitled to speak as a pro se litigant in his defense, indirectly admitted on the record that his previous Order to enter a Deficiency Judgment was void and his use of Bailiffs to escort him from the Court was a further act of abuse of an elderly person as was his earlier void judgment, for which no attempt has been made by him to reverse. This is clear evidence of tyrannical judicial behavior which is fully revealed in the official Court Report. 60. Defendants in hundreds of thousands of fraudulent foreclosure cases are herded through these courts in Mass Foreclosure Dockets, sometimes at the rate of a thousand a day, for the sole purpose of being told how many days they have to leave


their homes, reminiscent of the show trials of the Third Reich or akin to the processing of farm animals through a stockyard. This is what our State legislators have created and propose to continue to support when they vote for bankster sponsored or supported legislative changes. This has to stop immediately! This is the State of Florida, in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the home of the brave and the finest instrument of democracy ever created the United States Constitution that was created to prevent the very things that its corruption by Banksters and other Corporations has devastated. 61. All power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely and it was precisely for that reason that the Founding Fathers enshrined things into our Constitution as amended and improved in the subsequent Amendments, the violation of which impairs or reverses its far seeing benefits to the citizens of this country and this state. Those inviolate contents of the centerpiece of our Democratic Republic were, the separation of Church and State, the rejection of a Monarchy and its surrounding elite [or the creation of any new elites] and the separation of power between the government branches of legislature, executive and judiciary. Any abandonment of those essential elements is fatal to our Democratic Republic and can only eventually lead to violence and civil unrest as evidenced by the French Revolution. Our legislators hold the key to at least putting Florida back into compliance with the principles of the United States Constitution, from which other States might follow their leadership and statesmanship. 62. As legislators you should already know, but to emphasize that the writers of this letter are equally informed, a brief recap of the events that led to this present abuse of the rights of our citizens that occurs on a daily basis in the Florida Courts is deemed necessary. We start with the Florida Bar and the corruption of the States Judicial Branch of Government. THE CORRUPTION OF THE FLORIDA BAR AND ITS ROLE IN THIS BANKSTER INSPIRED PONZI SCHEME. 63. The 25 percent of Members of the Legislature that unlawfully hold office because of their continued membership of the Florida Bar, which by virtue of being an integral part of the Supreme Court of Florida is part of the Judicial Arm of Government in this State are fully aware that the tyrannical abuse of defendants in fraudulent mortgage foreclosure cases is made possible by the fact that some 90,000 Florida Bar Members became and remain today an elite sector of our society and enjoy the luxury when acting as Attorneys that their criminal activities will not be prosecuted by the Executive Arm of Government and according to at least one Florida Judge can only be pursued by the Bar. There cannot be any true justification in our Democratic Republic for removing these people from the reach of the Executive Branch. The law requires equality of treatment for all, regardless of race, creed, religion or station in life. Every other business or profession is directly regulated by the Executive Branch, through the State Attorney General and that must be restored if we are to have any hope of retrieving and maintaining our Democracy. 64. Those Attorneys whose professional guild, The Florida Bar, is not restricted to disciplining its members for breaches of professional ethics, as is every other


professional body in Florida, but, provided they do not upset their peers, their members enjoy the unique luxury of having their civil and criminal misdemeanors and serious crimes shielded from prosecution by the Executive Branch, to include the felonies they commit when acting as Attorneys and counsel to their criminal plaintiffs in foreclosure cases. 65. The official surrender of Florida's third branch of government, the Supreme Court of Florida to a private professional trade group, formerly known as the Florida State Bar Association and now known as The Florida Bar, occurred on June 7, 1949. This government takeover set the stage for the present day graft and corruption now found in Florida's judicial system. 66. Since the signing of this court order, The Florida Bar has amassed massive private assets, which continue to rise from investment returns and membership dues, not the property of the state. All this loose unregulated wealth controlled by the Florida Bars leaders, absent legislative control of its use, has created an oppressive monster and has fed the corruption and judicial abuse presently experienced by members and nonmembers of The Florida Bar, where the pro-se litigant is treated like a criminal, cannot be represented by anyone other than a Florida Bar member and those who can afford to be represented by counsel are represented by persons more concerned about the power of the Bar to strip them of their license for challenging the legality of Court actions or to stand up against corrupt judges, than they are to vigorously defend their clients interests as their oath requires them so to do. 67. Further, the legal profession has become big business, irrespective of whether individual clients are Plaintiffs or Defendants, where justice is not the objective, but to keep the clock running on billable hours for maximum profit. Even if there are some judges and lawyers dedicated to the proper administration of justice, there are, unfortunately, many who are not and in the Mass Foreclosure Dockets they are almost extinct. Most of those judges as a matter of daily routine abuse the law and the persons over which they obtain, in personam, jurisdiction. They also abuse their judicial immunity and independence and the trust and confidence of the people, who now understand that it is not only the legislative and executive branches of government that have long been recognized as being susceptible to corruption by the power and wealth of corporations, but its Judicial Branch, which is now completely corrupted and ineffective as the instrument of justice intended by the Constitutions when administrating and adjudicating mortgage foreclosure cases. . 68. The integration into the Florida Supreme Court of what is now named The Florida Bar occurred in 1949 by Order of the Florida Supreme Court. The Order was issued upon consideration of a Petition from the forerunner of the Florida Bar, The Florida State Bar Association, which was not at that time the only professional association then in operation in the state of Florida. The motivation of the Florida State Bar Association at that time was to create a monopoly for itself and to simultaneously create an elite with a title [Esquire], to distance their members from the rest of us. 69. The 1949 Order enabled a private professional trade association to establish that monopoly to give legal advice, draft any legal document or act as an advocate in any legal matter, whether or not such advocacy was conducted in a Court of Law. It also enabled the use (abuse) of the power of the State to enforce compliance with whatever edict they put in their Rules by virtue of their integration with the Florida


Supreme Court. Further, by transferring the power of regulation of all of their members from the Executive Branch of government to themselves using the authority of the Judicial Branch of government that effectively took the Esquires out of the criminal justice system in respect of activity in which they engaged when acting as a licensed attorney. That unsatisfactory situation still exists today, but is believed to be unlawful and unenforceable. The regulation of all members of the Florida Bar must be returned to the Executive Branch of Government under the direction of the State Attorney General. There was no legal basis for its transfer away from that branch of government and therefore does not require any legislative action for it to be returned. 70. It is the existence of this anomaly in our system of government that has fostered and allowed to continue uninterrupted the unprecedented and voluminous crimes being committed by members of the Florida Bar when acting as Plaintiffs counsels in the Mass Foreclosure Dockets. The support of the people of this state when this Order was affected was influenced by the Florida Bars postulation that this was done to protect Floridians whereas it was and remains wholly motivated to increase the corruptive power of that private organization. 71. The Florida Bar, [now integrated with the Supreme Court of Florida has apparently been acting without any legal basis for so doing in its investigations and prosecutions for what it deems to be The Unlicensed Practice of Law) UPL). Acting as a self appointed arm of the Court, it claims that its Rules provide it with the power to investigate and prosecute the Florida Bar designated crime of UPL, thus ensuring that no person who was not under their direct control could offer any legal advice, draft any legal document, or act as an advocate for another person in or out of Court. The last bastion of any opportunity to give and receive legal advice, to draft legal papers, or speak in Court is the so-called pro se litigant, who is deemed to be acting in a dual capacity, that of the party in the action and of counsel for that party. In the Mass Foreclosure Docket such people are subjected to tyrannical abuse by Senior Judges with the aid of Court Bailiffs. 72. The authors of this report have searched the Florida Statutes to find authority for the investigation and prosecution of the unlicensed practice of law and can find no such Statute. It appears that there is no statutory authority for its imposition. The Florida Bars justification for its investigations and prosecution of UPL is contained in the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar at Rule 10.1.1. Jurisdiction, which reads: Pursuant to the provisions of article V. section 15, of the Florida Constitution, the Supreme Court of Florida has inherent jurisdiction to prohibit the unlicensed practice of law. Article V. section 15 of the Florida Constitution reads; Attorneys: admission and discipline The Supreme Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to regulate the admission of persons to the practice of law and the discipline of persons admitted. Article V. Section 15 of the Florida Constitution does not provide any such inherent jurisdiction and in fact specifically confines their authority to Members of the Florida Bar.


It specifically and unambiguously restricts the authority of the Bar to disciplining persons admitted. The limit of its conferred authority upon non-members is to refuse them admission. The Supreme Court and the Florida Bar must both be aware that the powers of the Supreme Court under the separation of powers in the Constitution are limited to interpretation of the law. The enacting, or making of laws is the job of the Legislative Branch. Neither the Florida Bar, nor the Florida Supreme Court has any power to legislate and the latter cannot create case law under which to justify its actions, absent an enabling statute. Therefore there cannot be any justification for the Florida Supreme Court or the integrated Florida Bar to investigate or prosecute UPL in respect of non-lawyers. That lack of legal authority has not prevented it from using its assumed powers to the point of obtaining convictions with penalties that have included incarceration of persons for this crime. Neither has it prevented the Florida Bar from using this assumed power to intimidate anyone who criticizes the status quo, challenges their monopoly or exposes unlawful or unprofessional conduct of one of their elite Esquires. Such people are harassed by the Bar who on the slightest whim attempt to obtain information from their intended victim of their criminal prosecution by asking for full details of business records which they fully intend to use to substantiate bringing criminal charges against that person, but without any reference to their Miranda rights or even to the existence of the Fifth Amendment. In many instances, however, without any supporting evidence, they swoop without warning, charging their victims with the unlicensed practice of law (UPL) and prosecuting them without due process of law and are denied a jury trial. The Florida Supreme Court should immediately issue a clarification that it does not have and never did have, any statutory or other legal justification for UPL. 73. Their powers over their members are usually exercised through harassment by their peers and/or threats by Bar leaders of being stripped of the license to practice law, on some trumped up charge, if they should attempt to expose the ugly truth, As a result, our state and federal judicial systems have become a corrupt forum for only the wealthy and the powerful. Persons of lesser financial status only receive the amount of "justice" their bank accounts can buy. Our system of justice has been reduced to nothing more than a government-protected racket designed to enrich a select few, especially Corporations and above all the corrupt money changers who call themselves Banks, whilst their victims, the people who need the impartial reliability of an honest government, continue to be abused by the very instruments of government that were carefully designed to protect them. In other words and in simple terms, justice is for sale in Florida, but it is not "on sale." URGENT LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS REQUIRED TO STOP THIS ABUSE. 74. There must be an immediate pause in the progress of any further laws based on the false premises of the Banksters, whether directly sponsored by them or not. 75. Any instructions given to the Judicial Branch regarding the additional finances paid or payable to them must be immediately withdrawn. To continue to use these public funds to allow the continuation and expansion of the curtailment of our citizens equal access to the law, for the express purpose of speeding up an


unlawful process to hasten the issuance of unlawful Judgment Orders obtained by Banks with no Standing based upon Sham Pleadings and ignoring the evidence that alleges and proves that those Judgments have been based upon forged and other fabricated documents and hearsay evidence, filed and presented by officers of the court and to finance the abuses described in this report is unacceptable, constitutes serious and out of control abuse of the laws of this State, including but limited to the separation of powers. All expenditure on these activities [including that already incurred] constitutes corruption of public funds, for which the voting members of this legislature are culpable. 76. All members of the legislature who are also Members of the Judicial Branch of Government by virtue of continued membership of the Florida Bar must immediately resign as legislators or, alternatively, immediately resign from the Florida Bar as they are in open violation of the Florida and United States Constitutions. Refusal to comply will continue to leave every one of those legislators in violation of their Candidates oaths with severe criminal potential consequences. If those Bar Members continue to practice law, or benefit from law offices in which they retain an interest, they are also benefiting from profit generated in one branch of the Government, whilst holding public office in another branch of government, in violation of the separation of powers. 77. This report in addition to being hand delivered to all Members of the House and Senate is also being communicated electronically to the Governor and the Attorney General, in addition to non-governmental destinations. In the event that the AG finds that any of the allegations in this report are true and that unlawful actions are being taken by any public officer in any of the three branches of government that she will instigate speedy executive action to ensure strict compliance with the law. This is especially relevant to paragraph 76 herein where the immediate arrest must be ordered of any Member of the House or Senate who is currently a member of the Florida Bar if they refuse to resign their membership of the legislature or the Florida Bar and to charge them with the appropriate constitutional violations. 78. The regulation of all members of the Florida Bar must be removed from the Judicial Branch of Government and transferred back to the Executive Branch of Government. It appears never to have been the subject of enabling Legislation and should not require anything more than a voluntary return of those powers to the Executive Branch or alternatively enforced by the AG. 79. The law requiring Judges to be Members of the Florida Bar must be repealed and upon acceptance of their offices must resign their Bar Membership. Upon termination of their Judicial Office they should be guaranteed re-entry into the bar upon application, such re-entry not to be made conditional based upon their Judicial record, unless their office was terminated upon being convicted of a felony . Irrespective, allegations, supported by evidence of abuse of law by Judges in Office, must be conducted by the Executive Branch, not be subjected to confidentiality, and be vigorously prosecuted with maximum penalties if the proceedings result in conviction of any felony. 80. The pro-Bankster and pro-Homeowners Association law enacted in the last session of the legislature must be modified to allow the interception of up to half


all rental payments received from rentals of properties with delinquent homeowners fees. The present law is anti-homeowner, provides no incentive for the homeowner to rent vacant property or to keep existing tenants in the property causing wear and tear upon a property and entitled to repairs and maintenance under the terms of their leases. Further any such intercepted rentals should be first directed to the delinquent fees, secondly to any interest owing and no more than 10% of each intercepted rental shall be paid in settlement of attorneys fees. The present statute is counter productive, prioritizes the funds collected to settle attorneys fees and is contrary to its expressed intent. 81. The urgent legislative changes must include the equalization of the legal profession in Florida with all other forms of human life, irrespective of whether or not represented by a professional association, guild, or union. There must be an urgent and immediate end to the existing protection from the full force of the law that was created by the integration of the Bar with the Supreme Court of Florida, whether those protections are perceived or real and at present they are certainly real. There must be an urgent end to this severe threat to the quality of life of Floridians, when over 90,000 of our residents enjoy the privileged status of protection against prosecution, other than by their peers, which uses that immunity to threaten and cajole both members and non-members alike, members with the loss of their licenses and non member with prosecution for UPL. This report finds no law that allows the Florida Supreme Court, or the integrated Florida Bar to investigate and prosecute UPL and there is therefore no action required of the Legislature to correct this further abuse of government power with the Judicial Branch of government. THE ROLE AND DUTY OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF FLORIDA STATE GOVERNMENT TO END CORRUPTION 82. Despite the 1949 change in the Florida Constitution no change was made to that Constitution at any time that permits any person to operate within more than one branch of government at the same time. On the contrary a person is prohibited from holding an office of profit, or of simultaneously operating as an officer in more than one branch of government. This means that the 25% Members of the Florida Legislature that are licensed attorneys and members of the Bar that is integrated with the Supreme Court, cannot be both Bar Members and Legislators. Further all those current members of the Bar cannot participate in law making and every time they vote they are violating their oath of allegiance to the Constitution to both State and United States Constitutions. If this statement upon examination is found to be correct the Attorney General must move to ensure that any violation of that Constitutional law is immediately ended. 83. All current members of the legislature that are currently members of the Bar must immediately resign their public office, or alternatively resign from the Florida Bar with immediate effect to legalize their future participation in law making in Florida, but will remain in violation of their oaths for all past participations in law making. This letter must be brought to the personal attention of each member of the legislature and recorded on the House and


Senate Public Records but it is essential that all members of the legislature who are also Members of the Bar are informed of the importance of compliance with the Florida Constitution and a public record must be made of what actions are taken, if any, upon receipt of this letter. 84. Alternatively, the Florida Bar and the Supreme Court can separate themselves to place the Florida Bar outside the government so that the Bar becomes just like any other professional association its members will be free to occupy offices within the other two branches of government. What cannot happen is the continuation of the status quo. 85. The Attorney General is presently required to be a Member of the Florida Bar. This requirement is in contravention of the Florida Constitution and the Attorney General must not remain a member of the Judicial Branch of Government, subject of course to the Florida Bar remaining as an integral part of the Supreme Court. 86. It is presently mandated that all Judges must be members of the Florida Bar and as anyone who has attempted to force the Disqualification of an abusive or tyrannical judge from adjudicating their cases or because such a Judge has issued legally infirm, Sua Sponte, Orders in his Chambers, they are blatantly refused against all State and Federal statutes and case laws and their peers are not prepared to lift a finger to enforce their compliance. Any Judicial Complaint has to remain confidential which ensures that it remains within the protective shield of the Supreme Court, complete with its integrated Bar. 87. Nevertheless, it is a fact of law that Judges must comply with the laws upon which they rely to exercise their powers of adjudication and that failure to comply with those laws is serious crime, to include Interference with State Commerce and Treason against the Constitution of the United States. Upon receipt of allegations that any Judge is engaging in abuses of law from the bench, must immediately act to investigate those allegations and if necessary suspend the suspect judge from duty, while his case is under investigation and/or being prosecuted to protect the people and the integrity of the law. 88. Judicial immunity does not extend to protecting Judges who by virtue of failure to comply with the law have surrendered their judicial immunity and as a result are acting in their personal capacities whilst masquerading as Judges and the supreme officers of Courts of Jurisdiction which exercise powers of life and death over some people and in foreclosure Actions, wields the power to Order Summary and Final Judgments to deprive residents of this State and Citizens of this Nation of their real property, including their family homes. 89. As if that were not abuse enough the local Sheriff and his Deputies, [who have shielded these Judges during their abuses of power in the Courtroom when acting as Bailiffs under the judges control when they are part of the Executive Branch of Government, rather than to act in accordance with the Executive Branchs responsibility as keepers of the peace and protecting all people from unlawful acts], subsequent to these fraudulent and void judgments being Ordered, then force their implementation again using the Executive Branch of Government by enforcing writs of possession thus extending the color of law already provided to unlawful acts in the Courtroom to the forced eviction of the wronged individual from their Homesteads or other Real Property.


90. This must be stopped. This is the Paradise State of Florida, part of the United States of America. Enough is enough. Urgent action is required to eliminate these corporation controlling fascist activities from our beloved homeland and democratic republic. 91. Upon receipt and urgent consideration of this report the Attorney General must issue unambiguous instructions to the Sheriffs and any and all law enforcement officers within the State of the serious nature of using the powers of armed law enforcement and by so doing spending public funds under the color of law upon the performance of unlawful acts. This must include acting on the instructions of Circuit or County Court Judges when acting as Court Bailiffs, or participating in any kind of intimidation of any person who is not acting, threatening, or displaying behaviors that indicate impending violent or other abusive behavior. Law enforcement officers must be strongly reminded that they cannot give the color of law to illegal acts whether exercised as Bailiffs in a courtroom or by evicting anyone from their home, if the legality of the writ of possession is in any doubt. Such an Order from the Attorney General would probably exclude most if not all such Sheriffs evictions of persons who have been the victims of fraudulent foreclosure lawsuits in which they have been deliberately denied their right to a fair trial. IMMEDIATE ACTIONS WHICH MUST BE TAKEN BY THE SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA TO STOP THE ABUSE OF ITS RESIDENTS BY COURT ADMINISTRATORS, JUDGES AND PLAINTIFFS COUNSELS IN ORGANIZING OR DENYING DUE PROCESS OF LAW IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE CASES AND TO HALT THE FRAUDS UPON THE COURTS BEING COMMITTED IN VOLUME AND DAILY BY MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA BAR REPRESENTING PLAINTIFFS IN THOSE CASES IN CIRCUIT COURTS. 92. On November 13, 2010 Chief Justice Canady sent a Directional Memorandum to each Chief Judge in the State and copied it to the various people who were the signatories of a letter received by him just two business days prior to his taking that action. 93. The Directional Memorandum appears to have been largely ignored by the Chief Judges and those Judges who are abusing the law by operating Mass Foreclosure Dockets, which by design and operation prevent any possibility that mortgage foreclosure cases will be adjudicated strictly in compliance with the law as specifically Ordered by the Chief Justice in the said Directional Memorandum. 94. Either, the Chief Justice did not expect his Order to be obeyed and was simply window dressing for the benefit of the Florida Press Council, The American Civil Liberties Union and the other entities whose Counsels had authored the letter that appeared to prompt him to issue it, or he did mean what he said in which case it is difficult to understand why there has not only been little if any change in the Circuit Courts, but reports and personal experiences of some of the contributors to this report establish that ever increasing abuses of judicial power and denial of due process rights to the unfortunate victims of the judges tyranny are in evidence,


95. Clearly the Supreme Court cannot justify issuing a Directional Memorandum demanding compliance with the law and ignore responsible and documented reports that almost all foreclosure cases are being adjudicated in complete contempt of those laws. Indeed, it is more than evident to anyone who has spent any time in Circuit Courts in this State that the judges adjudicating those case have no respect for the law or the civil rights of defendants in mortgage foreclosure cases that pass through their Mass Foreclosure Dockets. The 20th Circuit in particular has set up the Mass Foreclosure Docket to make it impossible for any defendant in a foreclosure case to set an evidentiary hearing to which they are entitled as a matter of law, before the Assigned Judge on their case. They are not only forced to set any hearing before a so called senior judge, whose appointment is to assist the Assigned Judges, where the time offered is five minutes and at most on the Courts admission cannot exceed thirty minutes. 96. The Chief Justice must write to every Circuit Court Chief Judge to whom he wrote his Directional Memorandum in November last year and instruct that all Mass Foreclosure Dockets, or any other programs that violate the civil and due process rights of defendants in foreclosure cases be terminated with immediate effect and that all such Hearings on their Court calendars be cancelled and parties notified. All Plaintiffs and Defendants counsels to be notified electronically that these programs have been abandoned, that all such hearings have been cancelled and the Mass Foreclosure Docket program has been terminated. All pro se litigants must be notified by overnight mail if their court dates are imminent or by US Mail if time permits. The instruction to end all such programs must also be released to the Press and published on all the Circuit Court internet sites. 97. All Members of the Florida bar must be told of the general accusations made against those of them who have been acting as counsel to Plaintiffs in Mortgage Foreclosure Cases and warned of the serious implications to each of them if those allegations upon investigation by the Attorney Generals department, or any Federal Agency are found to be true. Further all Attorneys who presently act as counsel to Defendants in foreclosure cases [including local stand in attorneys] must be instructed to challenge any abuses of due process to which their clients are subjected and not to desist from such action because of fear of improper disciplinary action being taken against them or because they place their own financial interests above those of their clients right to justice. 98. With respect to the Chief Justice and all the Justices of the Supreme Court of Florida anything less than compliance with these demands will only serve to emphasize the urgency of the need for the legislative changes this report has called for on behalf of the people of this State. 99. The Supreme Court must also abandon the current mandatory mediation program on the basis that no mediation should be entered into or continued unless proof of Standing is established upon filing a legally correct and verified Complaint, complete with exhibits, as required by law. Before the Courts Order mandatory mediation it must be equitable for them to first establish that the Plaintiff has Standing to litigate the Case based upon the filed Complaint to include all attachments required to comply with the law. In the majority of foreclosure cases the Plaintiff has failed to


demonstrate Standing as required by law and it is wrong of the Courts to continue to provide those Plaintiffs with a mediation vehicle if their Standing has not been established in accordance with the law. Mandatory mediation, is inappropriate where Standing is not established at the time when the lawsuit is filed and the Courts should not allow the Plaintiffs to use it as a platform to mediate or negotiate any settlement payments of any kind. Where an Order to Dismiss an Action is based upon an in Chambers decision of a Judge and subsequently challenged by the Plaintiff, the right to mediation must remain in suspension pending the determination of the facts. 100. The abandonment or at least, the suspension of the Mediation Program will save Court time, but the time consuming kangaroo courts being adjudicated in this State are not only unjust but an unnecessary consumer of vast amounts of Court time and incur huge unnecessary expenditure and the misappropriation of public funds that could be more usefully directed to stimulating the local economies. 101. The Supreme Courts Task Force was advised in 2009 that the threshold issue of Standing was the key to preventing the management of foreclosure cases from spiraling out of control, but chose to ignore that advice. It is not necessary for the majority of foreclosure cases to progress through the Courts, simply because they fail to establish Standing when the Complaints are filed. A simple checklist against which all new foreclosure filings are checked would immediately establish whether Standing had been demonstrated. 102. Clerks of the Court could engage suitably trained personnel to check each filing for Standing and electronically record their findings prior to a Judge in Chambers issuing Orders to Dismiss all those cases that failed to comply. As this would remove from the Docket the majority of all filings of foreclosure complaints, the Courts could return to a more normal docket. The Supreme Courts Task force rejected such proposals but failed to provide a satisfactory argument to support that conclusion, favoring instead, a program of increased filing fees, verified complaints, mandatory mediation and the instigation of Mass Foreclosure Dockets, after having been advised of their duty to maintain due process and in the full knowledge that such Dockets would automatically deprive defendants in those cases of their due process rights in open abuse of the law. 103. The Supreme Court should now Order that all foreclosure Complaints shall be Dismissed if the Complaint has not been verified, the verification complies in all respects with Florida Statutes and Case Law and the Complaint when read together with all legally required attachments fails to demonstrate, prima face, Standing and/or a Cause of Action and that all such Dismissals shall count as a first Dismissal of Plaintiffs Complaint. The implementation of this Administrative Program will eliminate the pressure on Court time, allow for the eradication of Mass Foreclosure Dockets and end the fraudulent persecution of Banksters victims in one fell swoop. 104. The Florida Bar must immediately cease all investigations and any prosecutions of UPL based upon the facts presented in this Report. There is no constitutional or statutory law that permits any such actions. It appears that the Supreme Court may have justified past prosecutions upon case law, but it is not possible with thin powers allocated to the Judicial Branch of Government to establish case law if there is no enabling Constitutional provision or Statute. Any such rootless case law must therefore be void. The present persecution of anyone who dares to proffer any kind


of information or help to a person who is being victimized in the Courts of this State and the courts point blank refusal to allow a litigant in this state to choose to use an advocate or an attorney-in-fact to represent them in court, even when the person they try to represent is a spouse or other close relative or lifelong friend violates the Bill of Rights and is detrimental to the adjudication of justice in this state. The Chief Justice must Order the immediate abandonment of the expenditure of any public funds for what appears to be a totally unlawful purpose. 105. This report not only demonstrates that there is no law which authorizes the Florida Bar to proclaim, investigate or prosecute UPL, but well memorializes the true protectionist purpose behind it and the inadvisability of such monopolistic powers being wielded by any private or government organization. It is also of course not in the interests of the people of Florida to be restricted as to their choice of who they can enlist to help them in legal matter. This is not a matter for government to involve itself in. There is already ample protection in our laws to deal with fraudulent misrepresentation to protect the public against being misled. This should and in reality is a matter for individual discretion by anyone who is the subject of litigation. Given the belief of most citizens of the United States that less government is preferable to more government and that decisions regarding the conduct of civil lawsuits are generally confined to adults, there is no justification for spending money on the investigation and prosecution of UPL, except in the circumstances described above where deception and/or false claims have been made to dishonestly provide unfair competition. Most adult Americans are able to make their own decisions about such matters and do not need government interference with their prescriptive right to freedom of choice. They only need to be protected against dishonesty and as the court records and this report memorializes, Florida Bar Membership is no guarantee of that, in fact such is the level of corruption in our legal system in the mass foreclosure dockets that membership of that body might presently be viewed as a distinct disadvantage to anyone seeking Justice in Floridas Courts. 106. The immediate termination of any UPL pretence by the Florida Bar will have the instant benefit of removing the power of a, proven to be corrupt Bar, over those of their members that want to provide their clients with the full benefit of their skills but are restricted in those desires by their fear of the Bars power over them. Putting an end to this power will have the immediate effect of improving its members quality of service that will be further enhanced by the competition of non-bar members. It will also enable those previous members of the Bar who were improperly deprived of their licenses to practice law to use their uncorrupted talents and to obtain damages for their wrongful victimization by that monopoly. 107. The separation of powers requires that the Supreme Court cannot be integrated with the Florida Bar and be controlled by that private organization and to argue that any involvement of the Legislature or the Executive Branches is in violation of that separation is a complete fabrication of the reason behind the importance and reason for requiring the separation of powers between the three branches of government. The practice of law is quite separate from the power of interpretation of the meaning of the law and the adjudication of alleged criminal offenses or of Civil Disputes between parties and the integration of the practice of law into the Judicial Branch of Government is the root of our present corrupt Judiciary supported by those corrupted


plaintiffs legal counsels whose standard practices include continuous fraud upon the courts in which they practice law, but whose criminal actions are protected by monopolistic Florida Bar, operating as part of the Supreme Court and of the Judicial Branch. For our members and the Citizens of the United States, March 8, 2011. The Foundation

The Hanging Together for Justice Foundation



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