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Social Media

Social Media is a kind of websites and applications that enabley its users to
share their posts, ideas and news. we can do a lot on these websites. We Can
find friends from every part of the world. We also can regain our Previous
Friends. We Can Socialize on the Virtual World by showing our opinions,
Comments issues. and impressions about the public issues .In addition, we can
share our friends and family members their happiness and Sorrows. Moreover,
we can post our faviourte opinions and recognize the commom trends in my
country and the world. It is amusing and Wonderful application.On the other
hand some people find some side effects. Social media has some advantages
but others find several disadvantages.

Social media is entertaining and beneficial for some reasons . First of all,
we find friends from all over the world. We can reunion with our old friends
from school and college . We can befriend people who have the same interests
and hobbies. Second, we can share our friends their happy moments such as
marriage , birthdays and success . We can post nice phrases and sentences and
congratulate them. On the other hand, we can share their griefs and console
them. We recognize the latest trends in the world and know people's opinions
and reactions towards them.We know about the news of the world through
these sites. We can buy good products with special offers. More over, we can
share our expertises and evaluate our talents and performance . A lot of people
become known and popular through offering their talents.

On other hand, there are several disadvantages of social media. First, it

makes us live in a world of isolation. We live alone in this virtual world. We
lose connection with our family, friends and neighbors. Second, it wastes our
time because we spend long hours on these sites. Thus ,we ignore our study
and duties. Third, we may have contacts with strange people who are
dangerous. Fourth ,we may watch unsuitable contents which contradict our
traditions, religious beliefs and customs. It costs a lot of money.
Finally ,people who use social media may suffer a lot from depression ,self-
harm, anxiety and loneliness.

A lot of people find social media useful and amusing. We can avoid its
dangers through following some guidelines. We can use it for limited time and
socialize with our friends and family members. We can also join safe friends
and sites to avoid bad people or hackers. We should use it wisely to decrease
the costs of the internet. We also should unfollow toxic accounts and that
spread corruption and beliefs that contradict our religious beliefs and
traditions. We always should take away time off our screens and interacts with
the people around us.

We found difficulties and some challenges in writing this essays. We

needed some information about the topic ,So we surf some sites to gather it we
asked people about their Views on social media. We wrote several drafts and
proofread it.

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