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The extraordinary chase of learning and gaining new communication skills has truly

been in a bucket list of achievements. Communications itself has a wide variety of

understanding and depth to dive into. To have the opportunity in pursuing this course will
widen my scope of communication to a greater length. As well as the love and passion I had
for International Relations travels far deeper into the early stages of adulting.

Communication as a whole interests me ever since the early stages of my life, I have
always been a curious cat when it comes to the art of communication. To master it, having to
learn the many forms of communicating, and practice it will always be a skill to developed and
contempt. Though living in Malaysia has its perks, through the diverse culture and ethnicity
there are many forms of communication that I’ve noticed along the way. The dialects, slangs
and certain pronunciations has always triggered my fancy into realising as to why it is the way
that it is. Therefore, truly diving in and having to understand the root of communication is what
I am most driven for. The evolution of words and how it connects us entirely in a much deeper
level than ever known.

As a curious and wide-eyed youth that I am, I’ve studied deep into understanding
myself of my very interests in this. To grasp the concept of showcasing compassion with a
side of empathy and sympathy to help others understand themselves. Furthermore, I enjoy
the deep analytical, critical, and logical aspects entailed with it as well. I am truly fascinated
of immersing myself in a multicultural environment and gaining every speck of learning
opportunity. Through understanding International Relations and the core values of it, I
believe it syncs coefficient with one another. Through a political standpoint, I’m able to
be the voice of needless citizens and an ear to the unspoken. The passion for solving the
complicated conflicts rushes in a major input of serotonin that gets my engine thriving for
more. There’s so much to gain by pursuing International Relations, such as gaining
transferable skills, cultural immersion and team working.

Based off my characteristics as a person, I truly believe that the structure of the
Communication course and International Relations has a major relating factor towards me.
Public Relations and the corporate communications department are also one that tickles my
fancy of entering in. Hence, having the upmost skilled and profession wrapped around my belt
would be exquisite. The opportunity to dive in a lifelong goal would be an amazing
achievement for my younger self. The course itself is personally tailor made to my likings and
my needs of learning. My leadership as a person has been great and it can be improved, by
incorporating better communication skills to my followers.
Studying in the United Kingdom has always been a lifelong dream to achieve, entering
into Top University, chasing excellence with many excellent students as well. It has been a
dream to accomplished ever since I was a child. Having to enrol and devour the knowledge
that is provided and experience that they have to offer will truly empower me into my highest
capabilities. Throughout the years of my learning experiences, I have gathered great value of
learning possibilities and growth. As a former member of the student representative council, I
have learned great leadership that sharpens my core strengths. I have also volunteered as a
member of young political party supporting the youth and national growth of independence
within Malaysia. Furthermore, I am also an activist with an NGO. Finally, my future plans are
firstly to provide for my loved ones. Showering them with the prosperous achievements that I
will encounter.

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