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REPORT SYNOPSIS 1. 2. The Report is Divided into six sections. The State of Florida and the United States are in the grip of what promises to be a long and grueling recession. The problem did not just happen as an inevitable progression through economic cycles. It was deliberately engineered and orchestrated by criminals who have infiltrated Wall Street Institutions and the Banking Sector of the US Economy. The report uses a title that was first used to describe such people in the recession Banksters. The term is not intended to be used without good cause and it adequately describes a mixture or commerce and criminality, with the power to intimidate, even terrorize victims on a large scale - not unlike the Mafia. It is just such a situation that this Report brings to the attention of all three branches of our State Government and puts forward urgent legislative, executive and judicial actions that need to be taken to first end this tyranny, to prosecute the criminals and to return this State to prosperity. The focus of the Report is upon the collapse of the Mortgage Market and the unprecedented numbers of foreclosures that began in 2007/8 and shows no sign of abatement as more and more of our residents find themselves owning homes upon which they owe more money than it is worth, or likely to worth for a very long time. They are also faced with loss of jobs and incomes. As this foreclosure animal runs amok through our communities, destroying them, breaking up families, impoverishing and rendering homeless more of our residents, the government reaction has been to throw public money at speeding up the foreclosure process, which appears to those who know the horrific facts of what has happened and continues to happen at the hands of the Banksters means, speeding up the rate at which people lose their homes and real property investments to banksters who deliberately set out to destroy the economy. THE PROBLEM DEFINED 4. The first section of the report attempts to give and overview of the present problems interspersed with a brief overview of the facts as to how the Banksters planned and executed what is undoubtedly the biggest Ponzi scheme ever. The facts contained in this section establish beyond any doubt that the people whose properties have either already been stolen from them, are in the process of losing them, or will eventually fall into the foreclosure process is only made possible by the utilization of a string of unlawful and corrupt practices enforced by a cohesive effort of all three of our branches of government at the behest of the fraudsters.






A year ago the legislature had a Bill in each house sponsored by the Banksters which sought to abolish the judicial foreclosure process and proposed a retroactive non-judicial process designed to make it even easier, quicker and less expensive for them to steal our property. This caused a letter to be written at that time by Mortgage Justice and the lead writer of this Report played a role in crafting that letter at that time. Similarly structured to this report, but much shorter, it pointed out that any legislator who voted for either of those Bills or supported them would be participating in the hi-jacking of the Florida legislature for criminal purposes. Fortunately for Floridians, both Bills were abandoned that same day. We hope that our letter was one of the reasons that these Bills were dropped. Over the years we have watched the chameleon-like antics of these Banksters. As one door opens they immediately open another one. Just today as this report was finalizing, intelligence reached us that House Bill 1191 entitled Florida Fair Foreclosure Act had appeared on the House Calendar. This section explains why this Bill, SB 428 and their companion Bills together with any other pro-mortgage foreclosure laws must not be seriously considered and must be abandoned or rejected. An introduction to the root causes of state government serious wrongdoing against its residents is contained in this section of the report, it explains why urgent action is needed by the Judiciary to bring an immediate end to the abuse of its residents at the hands of circuit court judges, who with the aid of intimidatary Court Bailiffs, are abusing Florida residents by depriving them of their due process rights and Ordering hundreds of unlawful Summary Judgments of Foreclosure every day. The color of law is provided by the Executive Branch through the Sheriffs Departments during the unlawful show trials during mass foreclosure hearings and by evicting the victims of that abuse from their family homes. THE CORRUPTION AND THE PARTICIPANTS EXPOSED



This part of the report is the longest and most intricate. It sets out it some detail exactly how the Banksters Ponzi scheme was conceived, engineered and orchestrated. It totally explodes the Banksters attempts to keep the populace believing that it was the fault of the greedy borrowers that led us into this crises, that they borrowed more than they could afford and that they just need to be taught a lesson if they borrowed the money, they have to pay it back. The facts revealed herein tell a very different storey, not only different but documented. Despite their efforts to stifle discovery of the truth, irrespective of whether it is sought through regulators outside the legislative process or by refusing to respond to legal discovery, or seeking protective orders, astute and resourceful, loan auditors, fraud investigators and conscientious foreclose defense attorneys have pierced that veil of secrecy and have amassed huge volumes of forged documents, false filings in the Securities and Exchange Commissions Public Records, unprecedented evidence of fraud upon the courts in which







thousands of foreclosure mill attorneys have been active participants, both within and without this state. The reader will learn, if not already aware, that the lenders on the mortgage notes did not lend any money, that those loans were not sold into the secondary market, that they were not transferred into so called REMIC Trusts, that the Trusts are not Trusts, but Delaware LLCs, recorded as entities in good standing in perpetuity without payment of annual fees, or submitting annual returns, unless the Sponsor requests its removal. The mechanics of the IRS Tax Fraud, the method used to disguise table funded loans as REMIC loans was achieved and why the scam could not have worked without that essential ingredient, the essential involvement of the Rating Agencies, the names of many of the entities who put the scam together and where to find the documents that incriminate them all is all to found in this section of the report. Further this section reveals how the employees of foreclosure specialist firms, otherwise known as professional forgery factories have produced hundreds of thousands of bogus assignments of mortgages, put fraudulent transfer stamps on Promissory Notes and much more. The reader will also learn the names of some of the now infamous robo-signors, the entities that employed them, to include Banksters, attorneys and their employees, the thousands of people who claimed to be Vice Presidents or Assistant Secretaries of MERS, but who had never been appointed as such as now proven in a deposition obtained from the Secretary of that entity. It describes how in anticipation of the imminent collapse of their contrived scam the Banksters used their lobbies to make legislative changes, how and why vast numbers of Notes were falsely declared to have been lost, stolen or destroyed and how almost all mortgage foreclosure complaints filed in Florida fail to meet the basic requirement for filing a lawsuit proof of standing, also known as showing a cause of action, but are accepted as genuine by a corrupt judiciary that is more than willing to do whatever it takes to use their office to churn out as many Summary Judgments as they can manage every single day the court is in session. This sector also reveals in some graphic detail the tyrannical behavior of Circuit Court Judges, who have contrived their Mass Foreclosure Dockets to ensure that no defendant can ever be allowed to present his defense by the simple expedient of making it impossible to schedule sufficient time to hear a full evidentiary hearing. After reading this long and involved section of the report no one could be in any doubt that this is unjust and typical of white collar crime. The judicial branch of our government has become an instrument of crime and immediate action is required to stop it in its tracks. THE CORRUPTION OF THE FLORIDA BAR AND ITS ROLE IN THIS BANKSTER INSPIRED PONZI SCHEME


This section of the report is entirely concerned with the serious breaches of the US and Florida Constitutions and explains why the 1949 changes to the Florida Constitution must be reversed. It explains why the integration of the Florida Bar



with the Supreme Court is not only unconstitutional, but is against the interests of the people and of the state government. Members of the House and Senate will learn why they must resign their public office or cancel their Bar Memberships immediately to avoid further breaches of their oaths of office. They will also learn, if they do not know already, why that is even more relevant to any Member who retains a personal interest in a law practice whilst holding a public office. It has relevancies to House Bill 1191, sponsored by an Representative who is not only in practice as an attorney in Naples, but specializes in Banking Law, thus adding the further problem that she has a severe conflict of interest. This section needs to be taken very seriously by all members of the Florida bar who hold public office in either the House or the Senate. The reader of this section will also learn how the integration of the Florida Bar with the Supreme Court is used as an instrument of corruption and intimidation that is against the interests of the Florida people. It proposes changes in the law that are itemized more fully in a later section The law changes are far reaching but imperative for the sake of our democracy. URGENT LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS REQUIRED TO STOP THIS ABUSE




Here are the legislative actions needed to halt the corruption and the abuse which when enacted will do more to restore the confidence of the people Than has been engendered by the present policies of acting as and instrument of crime on behalf of the Banksters. The proposals are only far reaching because of the extent to which this state has strayed from its lawful purpose, that of providing government of the people by the people. They will be difficult pills to swallow for some of the Members of our Legislature, but if we are to restore the basic civil rights to our society and revitalize our economy these laws must be changed. We can no longer sustain a society that excludes over 90,000 of its people from complying with our laws, or to be processed by their peers if they commit a criminal offense, when the rest of us are subjected to investigation and prosecution by the Executive Branch of Government. It is explained how that situation is itself corrupt, why it cannot be allowed to continue and how it negatively impacts upon our citizens and helps organized crime. It proposes an immediate end to the tolerance of Florida Bar Members being allowed to operate within the Legislative or Executive Branches of Government. Judges must also be required to resign their Bar Membership for the duration of their public office. Both Judges and Attorneys must be freed from any influence by their Peers when acting professionally and the unlawful investigations and prosecutions by the Florida Bar for the unlicensed practice of law must be halted. There is no legal basis for these actions and they are also counter-productive to their stated intent. There must be an immediate halt to any pro-Bankster Bills and a review undertaken of all those that have passed in recent years with a view to repealing any that have been introduced by the Banksters to further their fraudulent activities.

THE ROLE AND DUTY OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF FLORIDA STATE GOVERNMENT TO END CORRUPTION 23. The report calls on the Executive Branch of government to immediately do what is necessary without the need for legislative changes. This includes the AG acting immediately to ensure that Florida Bar Members do not continue in office unless they have resigned from the Florida Bar and can demonstrate that they have no financial interest in any private business that operates within the Judicial Branch of Government. That does not require legislation as it is already unlawful for that situation to have been tolerated in the past. Alternatively the integration of the Florida Bar with the Supreme Court can be ended, thus removing any Member of the Legislative Branch from being in more than one branch of government simultaneously. The AG is also required to ensure that all Sheriffs or other law enforcers are made aware of their duty to act within the law and not to partake in unlawful acts to give them the color of law and to implement a system of control to see that such activities cease with immediate effect. The requirement for the AG to be a member of the Florida Bar must be removed by legislation. In the meantime, the holder of that office is technically unable to perform the duties of that office whilst remaining within the Bar as it is integrated with the Supreme Court in the Judicial Branch of Government.



IMMEDIATE ACTIONS WHICH MUST BE TAKEN BY THE SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA TO STOP THE ABUSE OF ITS RESIDENTS BY COURT ADMINISTRATORS, JUDGES AND PLAINTIFFS COUNSELS IN ORGANIZING OR DENYING DUE PROCESS OF LAW IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE CASES AND TO HALT THE FRAUDS UPON THE COURTS BEING COMMITTED IN VOLUME AND DAILY BY MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA BAR REPRESENTING PLAINTIFFS IN THOSE CASES IN CIRCUIT COURTS 26. This section is mainly for the attention of the Judicial Branch of our government, but needs to be read and understood by officers of the other two branches also. This is the area where the Banksters can really get the message that the game is up. It will bring about an immediate halt to the Mass Foreclosure Dockets and force the Supreme Court to deal with this fraudulent avalanche that has deprived Florida Residents of Justice, their self respect, self esteem, their homes and cause them the most unreasonable post traumatic stress imaginable outside of the horrors of war. Failure to positively react and to implement these measures will be proof positive that the legislative changes need the instant attention of the legislature. It calls for an immediate stop to all unlawful mass foreclosure dockets, the publication of that information both in the media and by overnight mail to any person scheduled for any hearing in the immediate future. It warns all those attorneys who have been submitting forged and known bogus documentation into

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courts that they can expect to be investigated and penalized and gives notice to the Judges who have been abusing the right of due process and running their tyrannical semi secretive courts that they may also be culpable. CONCLUSION 29. The authors of this Report have produced it at short notice, but believe it represents a thorough review of facts behind the financial crises, the illegality of the whole mortgage scam and more than a broad view of who the guilty parties are, together with sufficient information to check the validity of what is contained herein at their sources. The full content represents a culmination of over three years of intense involvement in the investigation and exposure of bank fraud. The actions needed to clean up this mess in Florida, which will have beneficial repercussion elsewhere in the nation must be taken. No half measures will succeed. Corrupt practices must be stopped; Banksters and other criminals who attempt to corrupt any branch of our government against the wishes of our people must expect their just rewards for engaging in such activities. People who set out to injure the innocent must not be surprised if they are injured in the process. An immediate example must be made of the Banksters and prison space needs to me made available for their accommodation. Our legislature must be active and alert, must ensure that no person in any other branch of government continues to unlawfully serve as public officers in the House or the Senate. Our Executive must sharpen its act and improve the image of its enforcers. Our Judiciary is in very bad shape. It must act or be pressured to act immediately.



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The Hanging Together for Justice Foundation

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