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DOI: 10.1002/slct.

202000101 Full Papers

z Sustainable Chemistry

A Novel Strategy for Sustainable Synthesis of Soluble-

Graphene by a Herb Delphinium denudatum Root Extract
for Use as Light-Weight Supercapacitors
Saikumar Manchala,[a, b] VSRK Tandava,[a] Deshetti Jampaiah,[c] Suresh K. Bhargava,*[c] and
Vishnu Shanker*[a, b]

Synthesis of high-quality graphene nanosheets under eco- Visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR),
friendly strategies is of enormous interest today hence and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies. Atomic
graphene-based materials offer unique advantages in a wide force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy
range of applications including light-weight supercapacitors. (TEM) studies indicate the successful development of few-layer
The reduction of graphene oxide (GO) by chemical reagents graphene. The electrochemical activities are delivered by cyclic
frequently involves hazardous reductants that are also danger- voltammetry (CV) and galvanic charge-discharge (GCD) studies.
ous to humans. In view of sustainability, we develop a facile This uniquely-synthesized D-graphene electrode offers superior
and green procedure to synthesize soluble-graphene by electrochemical performance at 2 A g 1 with an utmost specific
reducing the GO in delphinium root extraction for the first time. capacitance (Cs) of 158 F g 1 and high energy density (E) of
The reducing property of organic compounds that exist in the 22 Wh Kg 1. Taking the above remarkable results, the character-
aqueous delphinium root extract may be accountable for the istics of eco-friendly, easy synthesis and cheap endow this
reduction of exfoliated GO to D-graphene under reflux green approach as a promising avenue for the exploitation of
condition. The efficient elimination of oxygen functionalities graphene-based materials in numerous applications, particu-
from GO was verified by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), UV- larly for graphene-based light-weight supercapacitors.

1. Introduction
well as exploited in industrial blast furnaces as it possesses
Since the publishing of twelve principles of green chemistry superior thermal conductivity (∼ 3000 W/m.K).[4] To date, di-
from 1998 to present, a lot of efforts have been led to develop verse approaches have been developed for the abundant
new eco-friendly strategies in the fields of sustainable nano- production of graphene comprising either a top-down or
science and technology.[1] A sp2 hybridized planar sheet of bottom-up approach. Various methods include chemical
continuous carbon atoms, namely graphene, first discovered in intercalation,[5,6] thermal or chemical reduction of GO,[7] epitaxial
2004 by an easy isolation using mechanical exfoliation of growth,[8] mechanical or ultrasonic exfoliation,[9] electric arc
graphite by Geim and Novoselov, can be a wonder carbon discharge,[10] chemical vapor deposition,[11] and microwave
nanomaterial for a wide range of emerging applications, has plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition.[12] The as-synthe-
gained an utmost attention from the scientific community since sized graphene with required fabrication is found to have
then and still needs to be explored to a larger extent.[2,3] innumerable applications in the areas of photocatalysis,[13,14]
Perhaps it is the thinnest form of carbon allotrope and simple catalysis,[15] Li-ion batteries,[16,17] Ni- and Zn-ion batteries,[18]
than any other material ever produced. Graphene is found to supercapacitors,[19,20] solar cells,[21,22] photovoltaic cells,[23]
have a honeycomb lattice structure that possesses highly biosensors,[24,25] fuel cells,[26,27] heavy metals removal,[28] etc. Of
unique properties. Owing to its large in-plane electrical all the reported methods and methodologies, the chemical
conductivity (∼ 104/ Ώ.cm), used in electrodes preparation as reduction of GO is most widely employed as it is aids in bulk
synthesis and highly cost-effective.
[a] S. Manchala, V. Tandava, Dr. V. Shanker The use of common reducing agents like sodium borohy-
Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Warangal- dride (NaBH4),[29] and hydrazine hydrate (HH)[30] are not
506004, Telangana, India advisable as they are hazardous being toxic to the
environment.[31] Alternatively, several green and environmen-
[b] S. Manchala, Dr. V. Shanker
Centre for Advanced Materials, National Institute of Technology, tally benign reducing agents were investigated for the
Warangal-506004, Telangana, India production of graphene-like bovine serum albumin,[32] reducing
[c] Dr. D. Jampaiah, Prof. S. K. Bhargava sugar,[33] heparin,[34] wild carrot roots,[35] ascorbic acid or
Centre for Advanced Materials & Industrial Chemistry (CAMIC), School of
Vitamin-C,[36] Tea polyphenols,[37] aloe vera,[38] vancomycin,[39]
Science, RMIT University, GPO BOX 2476, Melbourne-3001, Australia
E-mail: etc. But the results show poor C/O ratio. However, a lot of work
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under is still to be focused on developing natural green reductants for the huge production of graphene nanosheets. Therefore,

ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 2701 – 2709 2701 © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Papers
we have explored an interesting medicinal plant, Delphinium As for our knowledge, no report has been found on Jadwar
denudatum, whose roots are of extremely propitious properties root extract for the production of soluble-graphene and there
in the fields of medicine and indigenous drugs. has been a lot of interest to be explored further. In the present
Delphinium genus belongs to the family of Ranunculaceae, work, graphene was synthesized by a facile reflux strategy
is found to be famous for its beautiful flowers. There are using aqueous Jadwar root extract. The total synthesis
around 15 species that exist in India, and most of the species procedure was shown in Scheme 1. The presented novel
abundantly found in the western Himalayas from Kumaon to strategy shows distinctive features for the abundant production
Kashmir. Among 15 species, Delphinium denudatum Wall has of graphene for miscellaneous applications and it exhibits
been studied extensively in the traditional medicine system to several advantages such as i) the used reduction strategy is
cure many ailments in India. Delphinium denudatum Wall, most eco-friendly, and no hazardous chemicals used. ii) The method
vernacularly known as Jadwar, is said to be one of the most is economical and simple. And iii) safe, and no hazardous waste
prominent drugs used as a medicine, more specifically an was produced. iv) The efficiency of reduction is high (C/O ratio-
Unani Medicine in India. Particularly, the rhizome and roots of 8.07) compare to several reported green reductants.
Delphinium denudatam Wall were found to be rich in several
alkaloids such as diterpenoids like denudatine, condelphine,
talatizidine, panicutine, denudatidine, vilmorrianone, isotalatizi- 2. Results and Discussions
dine, 8-acetylhetero-phyllisine, 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4H-pyran-4-
2.1 Characterization of synthesized D-graphene
one. Some sterols, phenols, proteins, fatty acids, and reducing
sugars along with oils were also reported in approximate To monitor the reduction of GO by Delphinium root extract, UV-
quantities in alcoholic and aqueous extracts of the roots. The Vis was employed and the results were displayed in Figure 1a.
rhizome and adventitious roots of Jadwar are blackish-brown in As presented in Figure 1a, GO exhibits absorption peak around
color, and they seem to be dark brown or greyish in color at 230 nm corresponding to the π-π* transitions, whereas D-
when they were grounded to powder and are bitter in taste graphene exhibits absorption peak around at 270 nm ascribed
without any specific odor. The additional advantages of root to the π-π* transitions indicates that the majority of the oxygen
extracts of Delphinium denudatam Wall include antifungal functionalities eliminated from the GO surface and conjugation
activity, antibacterial activity, antiasthmatic activity, and anti- (C=C) remains stored.[49] Additionally, as the reaction progress,
oxidant activity.[40–47] Recently, reducing property of Jadwar root the colour of the solution turned from brownish to deep black,
extract has been investigated by Gopal Suresh, et al., for the specifying the reduction of GO solution.
production of silver nanoparticles.[48] To confirm the atomic structures of the graphite and as-
prepared GO and D-graphene, PXRD was employed and the

Scheme 1. Schematic depiction of D-graphene synthesis by using Delphinium root extract.

ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 2701 – 2709 2702 © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Papers

Figure 1. (a) UV-Vis spectra, (c) Raman spectra, (d) FT-IR spectra of synthesized GO and D-graphene, and (b) PXRD patterns of Graphite and synthesized GO
and D-graphene.

typical diffraction patterns of the samples were shown in Therefore, the higher intensity of D-band demonstrates the
Figure 1b. The nano graphite powder shows a characteristic origin of new and more sp3 isolated graphitic domains in D-
diffraction peak at 26.6° assigned to the basal plane of (002), graphene compared to that of GO.[54] And also the lower
with a dspacing of 0.334 nm. After oxidation, the GO exhibited a intensity and redshift in the G-band position ( 1585 to
diffraction peak at 12.6° with a dspacing of 0.702 nm. The high 1573 cm 1) explain the formation of new sp2 carbon domains
dspacing value of GO compare to that of pure graphite is due to (number of double bonds) which are smaller in number
the development of oxygen functional groups and the compared to the sp2 carbon domains present in GO before
adsorbed H2O molecules between the sheets of graphite. After reduction.[51] Altogether, it is deduced that the Delphinium root
the reduction of GO with Delphinium root extract, a broad peak extract can play a major role in the efficient reduction of GO by
appeared at 24.5° with a dspacing of 0.362 nm while the reflection the elimination of oxygen functionalities.
peak at 12.6° was disappeared, designating that the develop- To verify the functional groups present in the synthesized
ment of D-graphene. Moreover, the dspacing of D-graphene was GO and D-graphene, FT-IR was carried out, and the observed
largely reduced, suggesting that the elimination of oxygen spectra were shown in Figure 1d. The GO displayed several
functionalities from GO, which are in line with UV-Vis results.[50] bands. The bands at 1243 and 1029 cm 1 can be assigned to
To determine the nature (ordered or disordered) of carbon the stretching frequencies of epoxy C O-C and phenolic C O
nanomaterials Raman spectroscopy was performed, and the groups. The bands observed at 2924 and 2853 cm 1 can be
results were exhibited in Figure 1c. The GO showed two major ascribed to the asymmetric and symmetric stretching frequen-
peaks typically at 1339 and 1585 cm 1, which were similar to cies of CH2 groups.[55] The bands noticed at 1735 and
the reported literature.[51,52] The first one at 1339 cm 1 for D- 1615 cm 1 corresponding to the stretching frequencies of C=O
band can be assigned to breathing mode and the intensity of and C=C groups. Finally, the broadband between 3100–
the D-band determined by the population of defects and 3650 cm 1 can be correlated to the stretching frequency of OH
staging disorder. The second one at 1585 cm 1 for G-band can groups and bands at 1386 and 1038 cm 1 can be assigned to
be allotted to the E2g symmetry phonon mode of in-plane the deformation vibrations of OH groups present on the GO
vibrations of all sp2 carbons network. After reduction, one surface, respectively.[37,51] Moreover, after the reduction of GO
additional peak noticed at 2670 cm 1 for a 2D band, which can by Delphinium root extract, the oxygen-containing functional
be corresponding to the two-phonon mode with opposite groups (C O C, phenolic C O, and OH) absorption bands’
wave vectors and the intensity ratios of both D and G bands intensity has been decreased remarkably and some of the
obviously increased from 0.95 to 1.06 confirms the formation functional groups such as C=O completely eliminated, which
D-graphene which is compatible with the previous reports.[53] confirmed the reduction of GO to D-graphene.

ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 2701 – 2709 2703 © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Papers

Figure 2. (a–d) TEM, (e) HR-TEM, and (f) SAED images of synthesized D-graphene.

To evaluate the morphological characteristics of D-gra- Figure 3a-b, the high-resolution C 1s XPS spectra of GO and D-
phene, TEM investigation was carried out and the correspond- graphene were deconvoluted into 4 peaks around the binding
ing images of D-graphene were shown in Figure 2a-d. It is energies of 284.8, 286.8, 287.7, and 289.5 eV corresponding to
evidenced that the formation of few-layer 2D graphene nano- the C=C (sp2-carbon), C O (epoxy/hydroxyl), C=O (carbonyl),
sheets and commonly display scrolled, wrinkled and trans- and O C=O (carboxyl) groups.[57,58] The peak intensity of D-
parent features. Moreover, the exact number of nanosheets graphene corresponding to oxygen functional groups de-
present in few-layer graphene cannot be determined. However, creased and some of them (C=O) completely vanished, which
it can be seen that there were no big graphitic lumps, which indicates the delphinium root extract is highly effective in the
indicates the successful development of few-layer graphene. reduction of GO to D-graphene and the C to O ratio also
The HR-TEM image of D-graphene (Figure 2e), shows the dspacing apparently increased in the D-graphene (8.07) when compared
of 0.387 nm, which is near to the dspacing of D-graphene to GO (5.05) as shown in Table 1. The C to O ratio obtained in
(0.362 nm) acquired by PXRD.[56] Besides, the corresponding this method (8.07) is higher than that of the several reported
SAED pattern displayed in Figure 2f further confirms the green reductants as shown in Table 2. The above XPS results
diffraction plane (002) of formed D-graphene. These results
directly coincide with the results obtained by PXRD and HR-
TEM of synthesized D-graphene. Table 2. Comparisons of C/O and ID/IG ratios for the graphene synthesized
by different green reductants.
To investigate the reduction efficiency of delphinium root
extract by reducing GO to D-graphene, XPS studies were Reductants C/O ratio ID/IG Ref.
employed. The reduction efficiency can be assessed by Tea polyphenols 3.1 - [37]

analyzing the C to O ratio in the D-graphene. The determined C Gallic acid 3.89-5.28 1.86-1.92 [59]

to O ratios were shown in Table 1. As displayed in the Tannic acid 2.44 1.15
Caffeic acid 7.15 1.15
Natural cellulose 5.47 1.53
L-Ascorbic acid 5.7 >1
Table 1. Comparisons of the C/O ratio of GO and D-graphene. Baker’s yeast 5.9 1.44
Delphinium 8.07 1.06 Present work
S.No. Sample C (Atomic %) O (Atomic %) C/O ratio root extract

1 GO 83.46 16.54 5.05 [a] Carbon to Oxygen ratio, [b] Intensity of D-band to Intensity of G-band
2 D-graphene 88.98 11.02 8.07 ratio

ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 2701 – 2709 2704 © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Papers

Figure 3. High-resolution C 1s XPS spectra of (a) GO and (b) D-graphene.

describe that the Delphinium root extract serves as an efficient

2.2 Solubility studies of D-graphene
green reductant for the bulk synthesis of D-graphene from GO
and the results are in consistence with FTIR-results. At the side of the water, the suspension nature of D-graphene
To analyze the thickness of D-graphene, AFM was carried in various non-aqueous solvents were studied. As indicated in
out. Figure 4 represents the AFM images and corresponding the Figure 5, the D-graphene powder has been dispersed
height profiles of D-graphene. Literature reports revealed that successfully in water and different non-aqueous solvents such
the thickness of the graphene sheet was decreased possibly as MeOH, THF, EtAC, n-hexane, DMSO, DMF, and EtOH by using
due to the elimination of oxygen functional groups from GO sonication. After one week, it was noticed that most of the
during reduction.[7] As exhibited in the Figure. 4, the average dispersions were highly stable in nature with an insignificant
thickness of D-graphene was observed to be around 3–5 nm. amount of D-graphene settled. But the D-graphene present in
From the literature reports the thickness of single-layer the n-hexane dispersion was completely precipitated out,
graphene was 0.335 nm,[63,64] which means two single graphene whereas the D-graphene present in the THF dispersion
layers can measure approximately 1 nm thick when accounting precipitated out to a large extent. Significantly, the high
for the dspacing. Therefore, D-graphene might be composed of 6– dispersibility of D-graphene in a variety of solvents with a low
10 graphene sheets. boiling point can create opportunities for the design and
manufacturing of new-class of devices and composites to a

Figure 4. AFM images and depth profiles of D-graphene.

ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 2701 – 2709 2705 © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Papers

Figure 5. As-prepared dispersions of D-graphene (1 mg/mL) in water and various non-aqueous solvents and their dispersion status after one week.

great extent. Altogether makes this Delphinium root extract- the GCD curves of the D-graphene supercapacitor electrode at
based green reduction as an eco-friendly, cost-effective, and three different current densities were similar in shape and
efficient method to avoid the use of dangerous chemical shown an outstanding capacitive behaviour. The ‘Cs’ and power
reagents such as hydrazine and NaBH4 for the abundant density (P) for the D-graphene supercapacitor electrode were
production of solution-dispersible graphene from GO. estimated from the below equations (1-3) at three different
current densities.[68]
2.3 Electrochemical characterization for supercapacitor
application Cs ¼ (1)
The electrochemical activities, electron transfer resistance, and
Cs of prepared D-graphene supercapacitor electrode were Cs � ðDVÞ2
E¼ (2)
tested by CV, EIS, and GCD. As displayed in Figure 6a, the CV 2
curves of the D-graphene supercapacitor electrode at different
scan rates were similar in shape and shown an extraordinary E
P¼ (3)
rate capability upon increase of scan rates. As exhibited in t
Figure 6b, the CV curve of the D-graphene supercapacitor
electrode has shown good conductivity compared to that of Where ‘I’ indicates current (A), ‘m’ represents mass of active
the GO supercapacitor electrode at 100 mV s 1 scan rate and material (g), ‘~t’ is the discharging time, and ‘~V’ is the
also shown well-broaden peaks with a rectangular shape, potential window. As shown in Figure 6f, the ‘Cs’ of D-graphene
significantly demonstrating that a capacitive behaviour of at 2, 3, and 5 A g 1 are 158, 125, and 92 F g 1, respectively. The
electrical double-layer capacitance (EDLC).[65] Figure 6c repre- D-graphene supercapacitor electrode offers high ‘Cs’ than that
sents the Nyquist plot for the D-graphene supercapacitor of some of the recently reported supercapacitors.[69–71] As
electrode, exhibits a semicircle in the high-frequency region exhibited in Figure 6g, the Ragone plot of the D-graphene
and a straight line in the low-frequency region gives the supercapacitor electrode at three different current densities
information about interfacial charge transfer resistance (Rct) and offered the highest ‘E’ of 22 Wh kg 1 and ‘P’ of 500 W kg 1.
resistance due to diffusion. D-graphene supercapacitor elec- Figure 6h illustrates long-term electrochemical stability over
trode was displayed fabulous electrical conductivity due to a 1000 cycles at 2 A g 1 of the D-graphene supercapacitor
small Rct value (3.7). The results obtained from the Bode plot of electrode. Altogether, it can be believed that the D-graphene
the D-graphene supercapacitor electrode as shown in Figure 6d supercapacitor electrode offers a significant combination of
are also well complimented with the results shown above. The high rate ability, high energy storage, and high long-term
maximum phase angle (nearly 90°) of the D-graphene super- stability makes this green approach as an ideal avenue to
capacitor electrode indicates the high capacitive behaviour realize high energy density supercapacitors.
with a huge storage capacity.[66,67] As represented in Figure 6e,

ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 2701 – 2709 2706 © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Papers

Figure 6. (a) CV curves of D-graphene supercapacitor electrode at different scan rates, (b) CV curves of synthesized GO and D-graphene supercapacitor
electrodes at 100 mV s 1 scan rate, (c) Nyquist and (d) Bode plots of D-graphene electrode, (e) GCD curves, (f) Specific capacitance, (g) Ragone plot of D-
graphene supercapacitor electrode at different current densities, and (h) Cyclic stability of D-graphene supercapacitor electrode at 2 A g 1 over 1000 cycles.

3. Conclusions
graphene produce stable suspensions in various solvents. Our
In conclusion, a novel green reductant possessing the potential approach can be considered as an excellent methodology,
to remove oxygen-functional groups from GO was discovered owing to its several distinguishing features over the formerly
in the form of Delphinium root extract and synthesized D- reported strategies, which makes it rather effective, highly

ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 2701 – 2709 2707 © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Papers
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