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Sr no Variable Name Coding instruction
1 investor 1 1=yes 2=no
1=Fixed deposits 2= Mutual funds 3
=direct equity 4= bonds and debentures
2 avenues 2
5= NPS and post office schemes 6=
Real estate/gold 7 =others
3 awareness_blck 3 1=yes 2= no
4 awareness_crypt 4 1=yes 2=no
5 invest_crypt 5 1=yes 2= no
6 prop_crypt 6 1= 0-5% 2=5-10% 3= 10-15% 4= 15%

1= fear of missing out 2=easy and quick

7 Y_Primary_inv 7 money 3= long term investment 4=
make international payments 5= none
8 8 1 = least 5= most
1= professional advisor 2= expert in
9 Y_Sources 9 block chain 3= family/ friends 4= work
colleagues 5= social media
1=Bitcoin 2= Ethereum 3= Matic 4=
10 Y_aware_types 10 Solana 5= dogecoin 6= shiba inu 7=
1=Bitcoin 2= Ethereum 3= Matic 4=
11 Y_inv_types 11 Solana 5= dogecoin 6= shiba inu 7=
1= Binance 2= Wazir X 3= Coin switch
12 Y_application 12 kuber 4= Coin dcx 5= Coinbase 6=
5 advantages asked to rate 1=least
13 Y_advantages 13
5 disadvantage asked to rate 1=least
14 Y_disadvantage 14

1= improved government legislation 2=

education 3= advertisements 4=stability
in prices 5= Banks accepting payments
15 Y_factors 15
6= e commerce accepting payments 7=
retail stores accepting payments 8 =
governments approval

1=very satisfied 2= satisfied 3= neutral
16 Y_budg 16
4= dissatisfied 5= very dissatisfied
17 Y_RBI 17 1=yes 2=no 3= neutral
18 Y_CBDC 18 1=yes 2= no 3 = maybe
19 Y_future 19 1=yes 2= no 3 = maybe
1= regulatory issue 2= high risk 3=
20 N_primary_ninv 20 cannot afford 4= cocerned about
fluctuating prices 5= none
21 N_knowledge(rating) 21 1 = least 5= most
1= professional advisor 2= expert in
22 N_sources 22 block chain 3= family/ friends 4= work
colleagues 5= social media
1=Bitcoin 2= Ethereum 3= Matic 4=
23 N_aware_types 23 Solana 5= dogecoin 6= shiba inu 7=
1=Bitcoin 2= Ethereum 3= Matic 4=
24 N_prf_inv 24 Solana 5= dogecoin 6= shiba inu 7=
1= Binance 2= Wazir X 3= Coin switch
25 N_application 25 kuber 4= Coin dcx 5= Coinbase 6=
5 advantages asked to rate 1=least
26 N_advantage 26
5 disadvantage asked to rate 1=least
27 N_disadvantage 27

1= improved government legislation 2=

education 3= advertisements 4=stability
in prices 5= Banks accepting payments
28 N_factors 28
6= e commerce accepting payments 7=
retail stores accepting payments 8 =
governments approval

1=very satisfied 2= satisfied 3= neutral

29 N_budg 29
4= dissatisfied 5= very dissatisfied
30 N_RBI 30 1=yes 2=no 3= neutral
31 N_CBDC 31 1=yes 2= no 3 = maybe
32 N_future 32 1=yes 2= no 3 = maybe
1=below 18 2= 18-25 3= 25-45
33 Age 33
4=above 45
34 Gender 34 1=male 2= female 3= prefer not to say


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